Seeing that the gasoline of more than a dozen motorcycles had been transferred to the fuel tank of the road rage, Meng Hailong opened his mouth and said to Zitong: "Zitong, you drive to find a place with a signal, and then call Liu Hai, tell her about the situation here, and ask her to arrange for someone to come over as soon as possible."

"Okay. Sent by Meng Hailong to make a call, although Zitong was a little reluctant in her heart, she quickly nodded and agreed, and drove off.

As soon as the purple pupil left, Meng Hailong, together with the Divine Arrow, took a steel needle and pricked the twenty or so young people respectively and anesthetized them.

In order not to arouse the suspicion of others, after anesthetizing these people, Meng Hailong and the others carried these people to the woods on the side of the road and hid them.

After finishing this matter, a few people walked towards the drug village on foot.

Originally, the drug village was not called a drug village, but Shuidong Village. Because it is far away from the downtown area, some people with evil intentions have taken a fancy to this village, knowing that if they make drugs here, it will not be easy to be discovered.

With such a geographical advantage, even if it is really discovered, it is not afraid.

As long as there is any movement on the police station, they will respond immediately, and when the police come here, they will have already hidden the tools for making drugs.

At the beginning, not every household in Shuidong Village participated in drug production, and even, some people couldn't see it and secretly called the police, but after the police came, they couldn't find any evidence, and as soon as the police left, the person who called the police was retaliated against by the drug criminals and was sunk to the bottom of the sea.

This kind of thing only happens once, and people don't dare to provoke these drug criminals.

Gradually, the drug criminals' business began to take shape, and they needed a lot of manpower, so they recruited some workers in the village with high salaries.

For that high salary, many people in the village began to take risks and participate in drug production.

Gradually, people discovered that drug production is indeed a very lucrative thing, often tens of millions.

People have witnessed the largest transaction, even reaching tens of millions, which is simply an overnight rich.

Driven by huge profits, people began to make drugs in their own homes after learning how to make drugs.

In the end, that part of the originally determined villagers, under the temptation of money, was still difficult to hold onto.

There are dozens of families in the entire village, and every family is making drugs, and Shuidong Village has finally become a drug village! On the

way, Meng Hailong suddenly asked: "Boss Sword Scar, how did you find out that people in this village are making drugs?"

Sword Scar smiled and said: "I said that I felt it with a man's sixth sense, will you believe it?" "Letter!" Meng Hailong punched Sword Scar's arm, and said angrily: "It's strange that I believe you


Sword Scar can find that this village is a drug village, naturally not with any sixth sense, as a killer, Sword Scar's observation is very good, he just approached this village, and was immediately targeted.

It stands to reason that in an ordinary village, there will be no one to keep watch. The moment he was targeted, Jian Jian realized that the situation in this village must be extraordinary, and because of this, he paid more attention.

It was precisely because he kept this eye and discovered the secrets of Shuidong Village that he was chased and killed by those young people on motorcycles.

When approaching Shuidong Village, Meng Hailong stopped, because he saw that on the way into the village, there were several young people wandering there, needless to say, these people were also secret sentinels.

Hiding in the shadows, Meng Hailong waved his hand, and a large number of wasps were released by him.

After the hornet came out, it flew towards the youths, and only when these youths were dealt with, Meng Hailong and the others could enter the village.

"I'm grass, hornet. A young man suddenly shouted, and then he ran first. The rest of the people reacted and saw a large number of hornets flying towards them, and they all hurried to save their lives.

As we all know, although the hornet is small, its power is very large, especially a large swarm of wasps, if it is attacked by this group of wasps, it will definitely die.

As soon as a few young men ran, the road into the village was unguarded.

Meng Hailong and the others walked quickly towards the village, but soon, Meng Hailong noticed that something was wrong, and when he looked up, he saw a camera pointed at them.

"Oops, we've been discovered!" Seeing the camera overhead, Meng Hailong said quickly, "Spread out and find cover." As

soon as he finished speaking, a gun rang out.

With a "bang", a bullet flew over and hit a big tree next to it, and everyone hurriedly dispersed and looked for cover.

Meng Hailong dodged and hid behind a big tree, and with a wave of his hand, another wasp was released by him.

This time, Meng Hailong not only released the hornet, but also some poisons such as poisonous snakes, scorpions, centipedes, and spiders were also thrown out by him.

What they have to deal with now is a gang of drug criminals, who are extremely vicious bandits, and Meng Hailong naturally will not hide them.

Anyway, there are many things like poisonous snakes and spiders in the spirit jade space, and when it should be used, it is still necessary to make good use of it, and this resource cannot be wasted.

"Bang bang..."

The gunshots rang out one after another, and the bullets hit the bunkers where everyone was hiding, but fortunately, the magic arrows and these people were all trained, and if they were ordinary people, they were afraid that they would have been scared to death a long time ago.


the arrow suddenly stood out, and shot an arrow with the crossbow in his hand in the direction where the bullet came, and the bronze arrow shot out, and soon a scream was heard, and then a man with a shotgun fell from the roof of a building.

Someone was killed, and the drug criminals seemed to be enraged, and the gunfire suddenly became tighter, so that Meng Hailong and they could only dodge, without any chance to fight back.

Faced with such a fierce attack, they were all a little nervous, after all, this was a fatal matter, but they found that Meng Hailong actually looked light.

"Village Chief, do you have any plans?" the Divine Arrow couldn't help but ask.

"No!" Meng Hailong shook his head and said, "Let's hide for now, when they finish shooting the bullets, it's our turn." Hearing

Meng Hailong say this, they were all very depressed. After waiting for the people's bullets to be fired, but if there are too many bullets in one person's house

to shoot at all, then what can be done? People are still a little far away from them, but will they not have the brains to shoot on the spot all the time?

This is obviously impossible!

Once those people get close and form an encirclement, then they will not be able to fly.

Just now because they were shot, the Divine Arrows and their attention were focused on finding cover, so they didn't see Meng Hailong release a bunch of poison at all, so naturally they wouldn't understand Meng Hailong's thoughts.

Meng Hailong's idea was just the opposite of the Divine Arrow, and they were worried that those people would come closer, but the result that Meng Hailong wanted was that those people could come closer.

As long as they get closer, then, his plan will be successful.

The gunfire gradually thinned out, and everyone hiding behind the bunker knew that the people who fired the shots were moving, believing that they would be here soon.

"Village Chief, should we take the opportunity to counterattack?" Shen Jian hurriedly asked, in his opinion, this time was the best time to counterattack, but Meng Hailong did not make a statement for a long time, and Shen Jian's heart couldn't help but get anxious.

Also anxious are Sword Marks and Red Beans, and the two of them also feel that this is the best time to launch a counterattack.

Part of the opponent's firepower is shifting, and they only have to deal with a part of the people, this is a great opportunity, and if you miss it, you won't come back.

It's a pity that what disappointed them was that after Meng Hailong listened to the words of the divine arrow, he actually shook his head lightly, indicating that he would not counterattack.

Seeing Meng Hailong shaking his head, they suddenly stared at each other, not knowing what the village chief wanted to do.

In less than two minutes, some of the gunmen had already walked out of the house and quickly outflanked the place where Meng Hailong and the others were hiding.

"Uh, venomous snakes!"

a fellow walked along the corner, and after a few steps, he felt a tingling pain in his calf, and when he looked down, he saw a venomous snake with a black body.

Finding out that he had been bitten by a poisonous snake, this guy was very angry, raised the gun in his hand, aimed it at the poisonous snake under his feet and pulled the trigger.

The muzzle of the gun spewed angry flames, and the bullets rained down on the snake, and in an instant, the viper was smashed into a pile of rotten flesh by the bullets, but the man who fired the shot also fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth.

After he fell, the man only twitched a few times, and he didn't move.

He was joined by two other people who had fallen with him, and these two men had not been bitten by poisonous snakes, but had been hit by stray bullets and unfortunately injured.


Poisonous snakes, scorpions, centipedes, poisonous spiders

, these highly poisonous things, no matter what kind they are, as long as they bite them, they are sure to be poisoned and fall.

Attacked by poisonous snakes and spiders, the drug criminals were too busy to take care of themselves, and Meng Hailong took the opportunity to run around the entire village.

They didn't know what Meng Hailong wanted to do, they only knew that Meng Hailong asked them to guard the road from the village, and no one could leave.

After running around the village, Meng Hailong quickly returned to the Shenjian and a few people, and said with a smile: "It's done, next, we just need to watch the show." "

In the blue sky, a small black dot suddenly appeared.

As the distance closes, the black dot gradually expands, and eventually, people find out that the black dot is actually a helicopter.

Moreover, this is an armed helicopter.

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