Meng Hailong didn't know exactly where this passage led now, but he was sure that someone in the village must have escaped through this passage.

Moreover, the one who can escape through this passage should still be a big fish.

Without thinking much about it, with his perspective eyes open, Meng Hailong ran quickly along this passage, the drug offender is the biggest hidden danger in the world, and if he sees one, he must capture one.

Seeing that Meng Hailong was gone, the sword marks and the others had a special identity in the past, and they left quietly while the police were still busy and had no time to take care of them.

Meng Hailong chased for a few kilometers, and a smug smile appeared on his face, because, under the perspective of the eyes, he had already seen the two people who escaped by using the passage.

To his surprise, one of the two people who escaped through the underground passage was the one he had seen.

After thinking about it carefully, Meng Hailong remembered that he had seen this man in the Xiong Tai Group.

I heard Yu Xin say before that Mrs. Xiong Group is a health care product company on the surface, but secretly it is doing drug trafficking, and now Meng Hailong finally believes it completely.

These bears themselves, their hearts can be punished! sighed

in his heart, Meng Hailong was not in a hurry, still with his see-through eyes open, walked on the passage, and tracked all the way forward.

Soon, Meng Hailong saw the two men in the passage stop, and he noticed a manhole cover under his feet.

It seems that these two people are ready to come out of here.

Sure enough, among the two people, the one Meng Hailong didn't know quickly squatted down, while the one from the Xiong Tai Group stepped on his shoulder and was carried by him.

It took a lot of effort for him to open the manhole cover.

As soon as his head was sticking out, before he could observe what was going on around him, a cold object was already lying across his neck.

"Don't move, if you move, your throat will be cut by this knife, and then you will die of blood loss. A faint voice sounded in his ears, and the one from Mrs. Xiong Group suddenly became very well-behaved, and he didn't dare to move.

When he was cleaning up those young people before, Meng Hailong saw that the mountain opening knives they used were good, so he took a few and threw them into the spirit jade space, and at this moment, these mountain opening knives had an effect.

The bright mountain opening knife was on the neck of the Xiong Tai Group, and Meng Hailong gave him another order to slowly come out of the passage.

The knife was on his neck, and the one from the Xiong Tai Group naturally didn't dare to resist, obediently obeyed Meng Hailong's command, and slowly crawled out of the passage.

The person from the Xiong Tai Group had just climbed out, and the person who was still in the passage ran back.

Meng Hailong didn't chase him either, since he squatted down to be a stepping stone for the Xiong Tai Group, then he was a secondary character.

With a wave of his hand, he took out some poisonous snakes and scorpions from the spirit jade space and threw them into the passage, and Meng Hailong stopped paying attention to him.

"Brother, are you on that road?" Although Gao Qiao had a mountain knife across his neck, he was not scared by this, although he did not dare to move rashly, his face was still very normal, which also made Meng Hailong admire him a little.

"Don't call me brother, I'm not your brother!" Meng Hailong grinned, "As for me on that path, it doesn't matter, the important thing is that I want your money."

"It's okay if you want money, I can write you a check right now." Takahashi said cheerfully, "If you just take the knife away, I can give you a million, and if you can tell me who betrayed me, then I can give you another two." "

Comrade Takahashi, is your life worth such a small amount of money?" Meng Hailong frowned and said, "Just a Xiong Tai Group, a year's income will not be less, plus drug production and drug trafficking, you are rich and rival the country, and you are still so stingy

?" "You know a lot of things." The smile on Takahashi's face quickly faded, replaced by an angry one.

Of course, the person he was angry with was not Meng Hailong, but someone he suspected.

Takahashi believes that Meng Hailong can understand his affairs so well, there must be someone behind him who is instructing him, and who this person is is what Takahashi cares about most.

After a slight pause, Takahashi spoke again: "You take the knife away and tell the person behind you, I'll give you 10 million

, how about it?" "Comrade Takahashi, I think we need to talk about how much your life can be worth first?" Meng Hailong did not agree to Takahashi, because Takahashi's conditions were far from his budget.

Without waiting for Gao Qiao to speak, Meng Hailong continued: "You have to recognize one thing, now you are going to spend money to buy back your life, not let me answer your question."

"How much do you want?" Takahashi finally stopped offering an offer, but opened his mouth to ask Meng Hailong's request.

"All the funds in your name must be given to me, otherwise, you can only say goodbye to this wonderful world today!"

"You have a saying in Huaxia called the lion's big mouth. Takahashi continued, "You want all the funds in my name, what's the difference between this and taking my life?"

"Of course there's a difference!" Meng Hailong said without thinking, "You can still make money if you don't have it, but if your life is gone, it's really gone."

Takahashi thought for a while, and finally said: "If you want all the funds in my name, this is definitely impossible, I can give you up to 100 million, if you agree, I will call someone to transfer money to you now."

Although Takahashi was unwilling to give all his funds to Meng Hailong, he felt that what Meng Hailong said was very reasonable.

If the money is gone, you can continue to earn, but if your life is gone, it is really gone, and you can't earn it back.

Hearing Takahashi's words, Meng Hailong thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes, just according to what you said, 100 million, but not RMB, it's US dollars."

Takahashi almost vomited blood, 100 million yuan and 100 million US dollars, he didn't know how big the gap was.

100 million US dollars, that is equivalent to more than 600 million yuan, although the funds in his name are more than this amount, if he gives so much money to Meng Hailong, he will not have much money left.

"I'm talking about the renminbi. Takahashi endured that he didn't vomit blood, and he continued, "If you want dollars, then you might as well kill me."

Takahashi believes that 100 million yuan is already a lot, and Meng Hailong will not be so stupid as not to choose to kill him without 100 million.

It was precisely because of such an idea in his heart that Takahashi's tone was so tough.

But what he didn't expect was that as soon as he finished speaking, Meng Hailong didn't even have to think about it before he said: "If you want to die, then I will fulfill you." As he

spoke, the hand holding the knife was gently pulled, and a red mark immediately appeared on Takahashi's neck, and it was obvious that his neck had been cut by the mountain knife.

Of course, Meng Hailong didn't really want to kill Takahashi, because that wasn't his purpose. Cutting Takahashi's neck was just trying to scare him.

His neck was cut, as if he felt that death was not far from him, and a cold sweat immediately broke out on Takahashi's forehead, and in order to save his life, he hurriedly said, "Wait, I promise to give you the money." "

Wouldn't you have to suffer if you decided early?" Meng Hailong said coldly, "Call and ask someone to transfer money to me." Remember, it's a billion dollars, it can be more, but it must not be less. One penny less, I'll chop you off a finger, and one less penny, it's a hand. If it's less than a hundred, I'll cut off your head. "

Takahashi is very depressed, he has never seen such an unreasonable person, and it costs a finger for a penny less, which is too much too.

Although he felt that Meng Hailong was excessive, he had to bow his head under the low eaves.

Although Gao Qiao is Xiong himself, he has lived in China for many years, and he also understands this truth, knowing that his life is now in the hands of Meng Hailong, he has to endure the humiliation and bear the burden, and save his life first.

The phone rang, and Takahashi was about to speak, but Meng Hailong warned him again, he must communicate with the person on the other end in Mandarin, if he dares to use Kumamoto, he will directly cut off one of his hands.

Gao Qiao didn't think that Meng Hailong was joking with him, so after the phone was connected, he obediently gave an order to the other party in Chinese, asking him to transfer the money to the account provided by Meng Hailong, and repeatedly told him that 100 million US dollars should not be missing.

After making the call, Takahashi said to Meng Hailong: "I have already asked people to transfer the money to the account in your name, now, you can take the knife away, right?"

"Not yet!" Meng Hailong shook his head and said, "You still have to answer me a few questions."

"Your words don't count. Takahashi was angry, but he was helpless. Because the mountain sword was on his neck, if he provoked Meng Hailong, he would definitely die.

"Idiot!" Meng Hailong opened his mouth to scold, and then continued, "Did I just say that if you give money, I will take the knife away?

"But you promised that as long as I gave you the money, you would let me go." Takahashi said indignantly, "Now that I've given you the money, why don't

you let me go?" "Comrade Takahashi, are you confused again?" Meng Hailong continued, "I have just said very clearly, your money is used to buy your life, I take your money, I promise not to kill you, but when you let you go, it depends on my mood."

Without waiting for Gao Qiao to speak, Meng Hailong continued: "If you can answer my questions honestly, my mood will improve, and when I am in a good mood, I will naturally let you go." "

Well, I don't want to waste too much time on you, now, I'm going to start questioning. Meng Hailong said quickly, "First question, how many places in Huaxia are there like the underground laboratory of the Xiong Tai Group?"

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