In the following days, Meng Hailong gave Huahua a spiritual spring every day, and of course, the bones were not less gnawed on it, hoping that one day Huahua could defeat Rhubarb and give him a breath of relief.

Since Meng Hailong got the Lingyu space, the situation at home has now been significantly improved, and he couldn't even afford pork before, but now he stews bone broth every day.

Of course, this bone broth was stewed for Meng Jianguo to drink, and as for Meng Hailong and his mother, they still prefer to eat Chinese cabbage.

Those bones in the stewed bone broth are naturally flowery.

This morning, Meng Hailong was washing his mother's eyes with the water boiled from the spiritual spring and mulberry leaves, and Miao Ruolan suddenly said excitedly: "Hailong, my eyes are better, I can see." "

Mom, you didn't lie to me, did you?" Meng Hailong still couldn't believe it.

"I didn't lie to you, Mom can really see it. Miao Ruolan said excitedly, "Look, Huahua is playing ball in the yard, oops, those chickens are eating cabbage, you go and get rid of them." Meng

Hailong didn't really chase those chickens, the cabbage was originally thrown by him to the chickens, he wanted to try whether the meat that grew after the chickens ate the cabbage would be better.

"Great, Mom, your eyes are finally healed. Confirming that his mother could really see it, Meng Hailong was also excited.

For him, nothing makes him happier than the health of his family.

These days, Meng Hailong has dreamed that his mother's eyes will get better.

Since he knew that the spiritual spring had many benefits, he tried to boil water with the spiritual spring and mulberry leaves every day to clean his mother's eyes, but he didn't expect to really cure his mother's eyes.

Miao Ruolan's eyes were better and she could see it, but after being happy for a while, she cried again because she saw Meng Hailong's father, Meng Jianguo.

Because of that accident, Meng Jianguo is still lying in bed and has not been able to wake up.

Thinking that he had worked hard all his life, but now he ended up like this, Miao Ruolan's heart was very uncomfortable.

Seeing his mother shed sad tears again, Meng Hailong hurriedly comforted: "Mom, don't be sad, I will definitely find a way to cure Dad's illness, Mom, you just cried your eyes because of crying, and you finally got better

, but you must not cry anymore!" Miao Ruolan also knew that this was the case, but she shed tears as soon as she was sad, thinking that she had caused a lot of trouble to her son because she was blind, Miao Ruolan didn't dare to cry anymore.

His mother's eyes improved, which made Meng Hailong see another business opportunity.

If you use mulberry leaves and spiritual spring to make eye drops, will it also be effective in treating eye diseases?

Thinking of this possibility, Meng Hailong planted a few mulberry trees in the spiritual jade space.

Whether it works or not, if you try it, you will know that if it succeeds, it is not only a way to make money, but also a good thing for the benefit of mankind.

That night, just after dinner, Meng Hailong was helping his father with a massage, and someone called him outside.

The person who came was Xu Weiguang, who was entrusted by the villagers and specially came to invite Meng Hailong, saying that there was something important to discuss with him.

Meng Hailong couldn't refuse the invitation of the villagers, he didn't want to be said to be a shelf with a few dollars.

Meng Hailong followed Xu Weiguang to the place where the villagers gathered, which was the ancestral hall of the village.

In Xiaolong Village, the ancestral hall is a relatively large place, and if there is a red or white matter in the village, it is here to solve it.

Walking into the ancestral hall, Meng Hailong's eyes swept and found that the people were very uniform, almost all the people in the village came, and they didn't know what they wanted to do?"

Xu Weiguang was the first to speak, "You are a person who has gone to college, you are educated, you know how to plant scientifically, we just want to learn from you, how can you grow your kind of cabbage?"

The reason why the cabbage he planted is so delicious is because of the watering of the spiritual spring, but this is Meng Hailong's secret, and he can't tell everyone.

But in this way, the villagers will inevitably see him as an enemy.

After thinking about it, Meng Hailong said: "Folks, scientific planting is not so easy to learn, since everyone wants to get rich, I have a way, but I don't know if everyone can accept it."

"What's the solution? Someone spoke.

"According to my approach, it can be divided into two options. Meng Hailong continued, "This first plan is that the villagers rent the land to me, and you can receive a fixed rent every year. The second plan, the villagers can use the land as shares, that is, to hand over the land to me, and I will unify the planting and management, and everyone will share the dividends after making money.

After a slight pause, Meng Hailong continued: "The first plan, for everyone, the risk is the smallest, because, whether I make money or lose money, everyone's rent is collected correctly, and the second plan is relatively speaking, the risk is more, in case the cabbage sales are not good, then, everyone will share less money."

"Of course, if the production and sales of cabbage are good, then everyone can earn more. "

What Meng Hailong lacks now is land, even if the villagers don't talk about it, he will have to discuss this matter with everyone in a few days.

Now that the villagers took the initiative to mention this matter, he also happened to come to push the boat down the river.

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