As soon as Meng Hailong returned to the car, the police car had already come to him, the car stopped, and a policeman stepped out of the car, knocked on Meng Hailong's window, and said: "Hello, routine inspection, please show your ID." "

Officer, this car belongs to my friend, and my documents are all in my own car, so I didn't bring it. Meng Hailong was full of bitter water, he didn't have a document on his body, and he would be regarded by the police as driving without a license, but he couldn't do anything about it!

The driving license, the driver's license, including his ID card, were all thrown on his road rage, and now he naturally can't get any documents.

"Don't bring your documents?" the policeman who stepped forward to interrogate him frowned, and continued, "If you don't have documents, then you get out of the car first and wait for processing." "

Okay!" Meng Hailong nodded in response, he had no other way but to get out of the car and be dealt with.

"According to the traffic law, driving on the road without a driver's license is treated as driving without a license. The policeman said, "Now I will impound your car in accordance with the law, and you can go to the traffic police brigade with valid documents to be processed." "

Officer, I can tell you my ID number, and you can also check through my ID number, I have a driver's license, but I forgot to bring it when I left in a hurry." Meng Hailong explained bitterly, hoping that the police could open up and give him convenience.

"If everyone provides us with our ID number, then we still need to do anything else?" said the policeman angrily, "I am now impounding your car in accordance with the law, and if you think my behavior is improper, you can report me."

Meng Hailong was very depressed, he said that the police just wanted to impound his car, and in desperation, Meng Hailong could only resort to a trick.

"Wow, hornets..."Meng Hailong suddenly exclaimed, and then, he quickly got into the car, the policeman turned his head to look, and really saw a dense patch of wasps, without saying a word, he also got into the car, but it was his police car that he got into.

After Meng Hailong got into the car, he hurriedly started the car and left immediately.

When the people in the police car found him running away and wanted to chase him, they found that both tires on the side of the police car were actually flat.

"Take a picture, take a picture of his license plate number. One of the policemen hurriedly spoke, but by the time the other policeman took out his digital camera, Meng Hailong's car had long since disappeared from their sight.

The car drove directly into the parking lot of the hotel, and when he returned to his room, Meng Hailong thought about it carefully, the place where he was interrogated by the police just now was in the suburbs, and under normal circumstances, even if it was a patrol, the police should not appear there.

Thinking about it like this, Meng Hailong felt strange, but he didn't dwell too much on this problem, anyway, the car was borrowed from Liu Hai, and if there was anything, he would only find Liu Hai in the end, and it was easy to solve things between the police and the police.

Even if he made a small mistake, it wouldn't make a difference.

After taking a shower and cleaning up, Meng Hailong came to the hotel's restaurant, hurriedly settled dinner, and returned to his room.

When the door closed, Meng Hailong took out his laptop from the Lingyu space and began to look up some information related to stones on the Internet.

The last time he went to Nanyun, Meng Hailong picked up a big stone on the mountain of his grandmother's house, the big stone was very strange, it was black, and he couldn't see through it with his perspective eye, which made Meng Hailong feel very curious.

It's not that he didn't try to throw the stone into the spiritual well, but after the stone was thrown into the spiritual well, nothing changed, as if the stone was just an ordinary stone.

But Meng Hailong has always believed that the stone that he can't even see through with the perspective eye is definitely not an ordinary stone.

After searching on the Internet for more than half an hour, Meng Hailong finally came to a conclusion that the miraculous stone was very likely to be a meteorite that fell from the sky.

After collecting the pictures uploaded by netizens all over the country, after detailed comparison and analysis, Meng Hailong is even more sure that the black stone has a 90% chance of being a meteorite from the sky.

"What is the role of meteorites?" Meng Hailong typed these words on Du Niang again, pressed the enter key, and various answers emerged.

Some people say that meteorites contain mysterious cosmic energy, which has the benefits of warding off evil spirits and transporting them, and some people say that meteorites have superior energy, which can strengthen the aura of the human body and enhance the vitality of the body.

It is even said that meteorites have the effect of treating men's sexual dysfunction and tonifying the kidneys.

But Meng Hailong felt that these statements were not very reliable, meteorites are also stones, but this stone fell from the sky, if the meteorite really has the effect of curing diseases and strengthening the body, then it will be against the sky?

Of course, saying that meteorites contain mysterious cosmic energy, Meng Hailong believes it.

Since it contains mysterious cosmic energy, using it to forge a sword may achieve unexpected results.

As for warding off evil spirits and curing diseases, and strengthening the body, Meng Hailong really doesn't believe it.

Turning off the computer, Meng Hailong entered the spirit jade space, appeared next to the stone, and with a move of his hand, a hammer automatically fell into his hand.

Meng Hailong planned to use this hammer to knock out a small piece from the stone at present, but when the hammer fell down, Meng Hailong was immediately depressed.

The stone didn't move, only a few sparks spewed, but the hammer broke in two.

Meng Hailong's hands were a little numb from the shock, and after such an experiment, he finally understood that hardness was the property of this stone.

The hammer failed to knock the stone open, and there was no better tool to be found in this spirit jade space for the time being, and things such as hoes and mountain knives would definitely not be used, and the idea of knocking off a piece from the stone could only be put aside for the time being.

Seeing that the medicinal herbs on the golden earth were growing very luxuriantly, Meng Hailong suddenly had an idea, took out the notebook he got in the "Hell", collected some medicinal materials according to the records on it, and followed the steps written on the notebook to operate, and soon concocted a poison.

Seeing that there were so many medicinal materials and that he had nothing to do, Meng Hailong continued to prepare some of each poison according to the records on the notebook.

These poisons prepared, at present, although Meng Hailong may not be able to use them, it is better to keep them, maybe one day, they will be able to solve the needs of the time.

stayed in the Lingyu space for two hours, and only then did Meng Hailong come out when he saw the mobile phone that was charged in the room ringing.

picked up the mobile phone and saw that the call was from Zitong, so he hurriedly connected it.

As soon as the phone was connected, there was a somewhat anxious voice from Zitong: "Village Chief, why haven't you come back yet?" "Zitong

, thank you for your concern!" Meng Hailong said with some emotion, "I haven't encountered trouble, it's just that I have something to deal with temporarily, and I can't go back for the time being." "

Oh, you're okay, then we'll rest assured!" Purple Hitomi said casually, but she didn't hang up the phone right away.

"Girl, it's not early, you should rest early!" Meng Hailong said softly, and then he hung up the phone.

When subduing the purple pupil, Meng Hailong took a fancy to her light skills and her flying knife skills.

But after the purple pupil stayed, Meng Hailong gradually felt that this girl was actually a disaster, especially her purple dress, which was simply as glamorous as a demon.

It stands to reason that Meng Hailong has Liu Jinrui, his fiancée, and he owes Miao Juanjuan, so he shouldn't think about it. However, these days, Meng Hailong always has a feeling that he has unconsciously become interested in Zitong.

This is a very fatal thing!

In particular, Meng Hailong also found that Zitong also seemed to be a little interested in him.

Many times, unconsciously, Meng Hailong would find the purple pupil silently watching him from a corner, and Meng Hailong could even feel that it was a loving gaze.

Because of this, Meng Hailong was a little entangled in his heart.

And just when he was struggling with emotional matters, there was a gentle knock at the door of the room.

His thoughts were interrupted by this knock on the door, Meng Hailong hurriedly opened his clairvoyant eyes, and when he looked out the door, he saw a young woman wearing a cheongsam.

This young woman is about twenty years old, very beautiful, with good facial features, fair skin, and quite a good figure.

This kind of young and beautiful girl took the initiative to send it to the door, and I believe that not many men will refuse.

Meng Hailong was no exception, he quickly opened the door, and made a gesture of please with a smile, and invited the cheongsam beauty outside the door into his room.

"Why don't you ask who I am?" After coming in, the cheongsam beauty asked curiously.

"Do you still want to ask?" Meng Hailong said with a smile, "I don't know you, it's the middle of the night, it's naturally impossible for you to come to talk to me, so, you must come to me to provide special services, how about it, I didn't guess wrong

, right?" "That's right, you guessed right!" The cheongsam beauty walked up to Meng Hailong lightly and continued, "Since you have guessed, then let's not waste time, I'll help you undress!"

As soon as the words fell, the cheongsam beauty reached out to help Meng Hailong undress, but her hand just stretched out, but was stopped by Meng Hailong.

"Beauty, don't worry, we have to negotiate the price before we can move on to the next step!" Meng Hailong pretended to be very serious and said, "I'm a poor man, if you can't pay what you do, you'll have to suffer." "

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