After returning to Xiaolong Village, Meng Hailong asked Liu Jinrui to help him prepare the materials, and he could go to the relevant departments to submit an application.

Only by completing all the formalities can Meng Hailong be completely relieved, otherwise, today's city management, and tomorrow I don't know what department will come, annoying people to death.

Here, Liu Jinrui was asked to help prepare the materials, and over there, Meng Hailong did not forget to make all kinds of preparations.

His guess was not wrong, the chengguan suffered a loss here, and sure enough, he didn't stop there, and the next morning, more chengguan cars drove into Xiaolong Village.

This time, there were two fire trucks that came with the chengguan.

To deal with the hornet, the people in the urban management department may not have enough experience, but the people in the fire department have, and because of this, in today's operation, the people from the urban management department will invite people from the fire department to come and help.

The car is still parked at the bottom of the mountain, and it is still the same as the chengguan who came yesterday.

It's just that the posture they walk today is much better than yesterday, and they are all very funny, so people can't help but want to laugh when they see them walking.

Even the firefighters who followed behind couldn't help but laugh when they saw these chengguan walking.

This time, after they went up the mountain, the first thing they did was not to walk towards the small two-storey western-style buildings that had just been built, but to search everywhere on the mountain, as if they were looking for something.

Meng Hailong didn't follow the mountain, because he felt that he was not suitable for this matter to continue to show his face.

Quietly entering the spirit jade space and hiding in the spirit jade space, Meng Hailong looked at these people outside coldly, seeing what tricks they still wanted to play.

Suddenly, Meng Hailong thought of a possibility.

They didn't immediately demolish the house, but searched the mountains, most likely trying to find the hornet's nest.

Looking at those firefighters again, Meng Hailong immediately understood that these guys were really cautious, and they all wanted to end the hornet's nest.

Thinking of such a possibility, Meng Hailong couldn't help but sneer. These people want to end the hornet's nest, and he naturally won't let them succeed.

Dozens of chengguan, accompanied by more than a dozen firefighters, bravely searched the mountain for a long time, and finally, one of them was the first to see the hornet's nest at the entrance of the cave.

"Found it, I found it. Seeing the hornet's nest, this person shouted loudly, "The hornet's nest is in the cave over there, what a big one!"

Seeing this one-person-tall hornet's nest, and then thinking of the scene of being chased by the hornets yesterday, everyone was a tingling scalp.

It's good that there are firefighters by their side, otherwise, I'm afraid that someone will already run away.

In fact, these dozen firefighters also showed surprises on their faces after seeing this huge hornet's nest.

As firefighters, they deal with similar things a lot, but they have never encountered a hornet's nest as big as the one in front of them.

Such a large hornet's nest, it must take many years of accumulation to reach the current level.

"Prepare gasoline and torches and attack with fire. The firefighters in charge observed for a while and decisively gave the order.

Soon, a large barrel of gasoline was delivered.

Before taking action, the firefighters all put on protective clothing and masks, and the whole person was like wrapping zongzi, which was airtight.

When everything was ready, the two firefighters carried gasoline and walked side by side towards the hornet's nest in the cave.

Seeing that the firefighters were about to take action, the dozens of chengguan immediately dispersed and found a hidden place to hide.

Having seen the power of the wasps, they didn't dare to expose themselves completely.


two firefighters carrying gasoline had just approached the cave and were about to pour gasoline on the hornet's nest, but at this moment, a whistling sound came and frightened the two of them.

With this roar, a large tiger soon came out of the cave.

After the big tiger came out, a pair of tiger eyes stared at the two firefighters tightly, making them tremble.

Nima, this is a tiger, a man-eating animal, and the firefighters are sure to eliminate the hornet, but they are not sure to destroy the big tiger.

Besides, the big tiger is a national first-class protected animal, even if they have the ability to eliminate the big tiger, they don't have the courage to eliminate it!

Looking at the tiger that suddenly appeared, his heart went to his throat.

If this tiger is powerful, the situation will not be good.

Standing in front of the tiger, the two firefighters glanced at each other, and they were both able to see each other's fear in each other's eyes.

"What to do?" one of the firefighters asked in a low voice.

"You ask me, who am I going to ask?" the other firefighter was also bitter.

Tigers are carnivores, and although they all wear protective clothing, these protective suits can only prevent the bite of the wasps, and they can't prevent the tiger's bite at all!"

"Okay, I'll count to three... Uh!" the man wanted to say that when he got to three, the two of them would run together, but before he could finish his sentence, the other fireman ran away.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the firefighter hurriedly threw down the gasoline and ran away.


them running, the tiger suddenly flickered its head and let out a tiger roar, and then it chased after the two fleeing firefighters.

At the same time, a large number of wasps also flew out of the honeycomb, and the sound of "buzzing" immediately scared those chengguan into urine.

Seeing that it was useless to hide, these people hurriedly threw their legs and ran down the hill again.

There were tigers chasing on the ground, and there were large wasps flying overhead, whether it was the firefighters or those city managers, they were all so frightened that their faces turned blue and they ran away from their armor.

I don't know if it was because I was tired or for some other reason, but after the tiger chased it for a while, it stopped chasing it, and the hornets flew back, and everyone was relieved.

Fortunately, although everyone was somewhat injured when they escaped, they did not kill anyone in the end, which can be regarded as a blessing in misfortune.

escaped from the tiger's mouth, but these chengguan and fire guards did not leave immediately.

Together, the leader of the city management said: "There are tigers on this mountain, it's too evil, so fortunately, we are all fine." "

There are tigers on the mountain, and we have to notify the people of the Garden Bureau to deal with it. The leader of the firefighters answered.

After finishing speaking, he took out his mobile phone, contacted the headquarters, and truthfully reported what happened here.

When they heard that there were tigers here, the people at the headquarters were surprised and attached great importance to it, and said on the spot that they would contact the people from the Garden Bureau and ask them to hurry over to deal with it.

Soon, a phone call reached the office of a certain leader of the Garden Bureau.

Knowing that a tiger had appeared on the mountain in Xiaolong Village, the leader of the Garden Bureau was even more surprised, and it can be said that he was very suspicious.

In this day and age, wildlife is becoming less and less due to the destruction of the ecological environment.

Tigers, in particular, are almost impossible to find in the wild across the country, and there are wild tigers on the mountain in Xiaolong Village, and the leader of the Garden Bureau said it was hard to believe.

After repeated questioning, it was confirmed that the fire department had made no mistake, and the leader of the Garden Bureau finally agreed to send someone to deal with it.

There were a total of five people sent out by the Garden Bureau, with two tranquilizer guns and a small truck, and they rushed towards Xiaolong Village in a hurry.

If there are really tigers on the mountains of Xiaolong Village, it will also be a challenge for the people of the Garden Bureau.

To be honest, they have worked in the Garden Bureau for so long, and they are really catching tigers, and this is the first time in their lives that such a thing has happened.

It was precisely because of the first time to catch a tiger that they were very excited and a little worried, after all, it was a ferocious animal like a tiger that they were going to catch, and if they were not careful, they might be killed.

The car drove very fast, but just when it was about to arrive at Xiaolong Village, the small truck with the sign of "Garden Bureau" suddenly burst a tire, because the speed was too fast, after the tire burst, the small truck rolled over and slid on the ground for more than ten meters before stopping.

Although the people in the car were still alive, they climbed out of the car and found that they were not lightly injured.

"Evil door, really evil door!" said one guy, "I have driven a car for more than ten years, and I have never had a flat tire.

"I don't know what luck it is, I just know that I have to call an ambulance immediately." Another person took over and said that his head was bleeding from the collision just now, and if he could not be treated in time, his life would be in danger.

The two men with relatively minor injuries took out their mobile phones, one called an ambulance, while the other called their leader.

As soon as the situation was said, he was scolded by the leader, and this person immediately felt very aggrieved, and even he began to regret the phone call he had just made.

After the leader of the Garden Bureau hung up the phone, he dispatched troops and sent three people out again, and the task of catching tigers in Xiaolong Village was handed over to the three of them.

After receiving the task, the three men made full preparations again, each with a tranquilizer gun, and when they were ready, they set off in a van.

Seeing that the van was about to drive into Xiaolong Village, but at this time, the accident happened again.

It was still a puncture, but this time it was more serious than the previous minivan, and both wheels on one side of the van burst at the same time.

Because the van lost control, it rushed straight off the road and plunged into the ditch on the side of the road.

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