Before Meng Hailong could speak, Liu Dahai continued: "I, Liu Dahai, am not blind, if I promise to let my daughter follow you, it will be to push her into the fire pit, so don't tell me anything sincere, in a word, stay away from my daughter, otherwise, I will break your legs sooner or later."

"Uncle, whether you agree or not, I will not give up. Meng Hailong gritted his teeth, at this moment, a heart that wanted to make a fortune had taken root in his heart.

Meng Hailong knows very well that the biggest reason why he can't be with Liu Jinrui is because he has no money, if he has a lot of money, the result will not be the way it is now.

"You don't shed tears when you don't see the coffin, Lao Tzu will fulfill you today. Liu Dahai got angry, threw the stick, picked up a stone from the ground, and was about to smash it at Meng Hailong in the water.

"Uncle, Rarity and I have already cooked raw rice, if you beat me to death, aren't you afraid that Rarity will be widowed?" Seeing Liu Dahai holding a stone to smash him, Meng Hailong's mind turned, and he hurriedly said such a sentence.

The thinking of the countrymen has always been relatively conservative, and Meng Hailong's words immediately caused Liu Dahai to think deeply.

"Uncle, I went to college anyway, and although I'm not in a good place right now, you have to believe me, in the future, I will definitely get ahead, and when I make a fortune, I will marry Rarity home with ten miles of red makeup, and let her sleep on Simmons covered with money.

"Can you also make a fortune?" and even make a fortune?"Still have Simmons?" Liu Dahai said with a sneer, "You still have to think about how to provide for your parents in old age!"

If Meng Hailong was still in college, then Liu Dahai might still be able to believe him.

It's a pity that an accident made Meng Hailong's parents his heaviest burden, and from then on, Meng Hailong could only stay in the village to farm.

It is naturally impossible to make a fortune.

Liu Dahai has lived for decades and witnessed all kinds of miracles, but he has never seen anyone who made a fortune by farming.

Meng Hailong was speechless when he was scolded by Liu Dahai, and he only secretly thought in his heart, I want to get rich, I must get rich.

Only when you get rich will you not be looked down upon.

Even, Meng Hailong thought that when he got rich, he would use the money to smash Liu Dahai's girl, and see if he would laugh at him.

"Dead girl, go, come home with me." After Liu Dahai threw down a few more cruel words, he pulled Liu Jinrui home.

The stone in his hand still didn't hit Meng Hailong after all.

As for what Meng Hailong just said about raw rice cooked rice, Liu Dahai plans to go home and interrogate his daughter.

Liu Jinrui was pulled by her father, turned back three times one step at a time, and walked home with great reluctance.

However, neither father nor daughter noticed that Meng Hailong's forehead was bleeding at the moment.

Due to the injury, Meng Hailong's mind was a little dizzy, and it took a lot of effort for him to climb up from the river and sit by the river panting.

Meng Hailong himself didn't notice that the blood flowing from his forehead was mixed with the river water and was quietly flowing down.

The blood flowed down Meng Hailong's cheeks, and when it flowed to his chest, he just touched the jade pendant hanging around his neck, and a magical scene suddenly happened.

When the jade pendant came into contact with the blood water, it suddenly shone with a burst of green light, and then disappeared.

Meng Hailong didn't even see it clearly, he felt a sharp pain in his head, and immediately after, he fainted.

I don't know how long it took for Meng Hailong to open his eyes and find himself lying on the edge of a pool, half of his face still soaked in the pool water.

After getting up, Meng Hailong found that he had come to a very strange place.

This place is very strange, the ground under your feet is black, the sky is blue, there are no white clouds, there is no sun, and what is even stranger is that the weather is very good, but the surroundings are shrouded in a white fog, and you can't see anything in the distance.

What you can see now, in addition to a piece of black land, is the pool next to you, and next to the pool, there is an unusually green piece of aloe vera.

This place was actually in the jade pendant, and a message came from his mind, which surprised Meng Hailong.

In addition, Meng Hailong also got a hint that the black land can be used to grow things, and the things planted on this black land will grow twice as fast as under normal circumstances.

In addition to this information, Meng Hailong also learned that the pool was not simple, it was actually a spiritual spring.

As for what the spiritual spring does, Meng Hailong didn't get any hints, but since it can be called a spiritual spring, it must not be simple.

"There is such a thing!" Meng Hailong was surprised by the information that appeared in his mind, and at the same time, his heart was more expectant.

Next, Meng Hailong hurriedly experimented again, and found that as long as he moved his thoughts, he could enter and exit this space at will.

Constant testing also made him understand that as long as things were in his hands, he could still carry them in and out of this space.

"This is going against the rhythm of the sky!" Meng Hailong was overjoyed in his heart, with such a baby, it would be difficult for him not to get rich.

This in and out of the non-stop toss, time passed quickly.

Before he knew it, it was already dawn, and Meng Hailong hurriedly came out of the space inside the jade pendant.

It's quiet everywhere at night, he can toss as much as he wants, no one sees it anyway, but during the day, if he appears out of thin air in front of others and disappears out of thin air, it won't scare people to death.

Coming out of the space of the jade pendant, Meng Hailong hurriedly returned home, had breakfast with his mother, and massaged his father for half an hour, and then rode a motorcycle and drove towards the city in a hurry.

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