Meng Hailong was naturally reluctant to use the spiritual spring to wake up these bears themselves, but there was no water source at the moment, so Meng Hailong could only think of a way to let the tigers and lions all come out to pee, and then use the urine pulled by these animals to wake up the bears who were captured by him.

Not surprisingly, after being splashed with urine, the twenty bears themselves woke up.

They opened their eyes, shook their heads, and found that they had been stripped naked and tied to a tree, and when they saw the person standing in front of them, they were all surprised.

Twenty people, not one of them knew how they were knocked unconscious, and how they were tied to a tree, which was what shocked them.

Although they don't have superpowers, they are the most elite warriors in the bear country.

They have carried out countless missions, and they have never failed, but tonight, they were all captured, and if this matter spreads, it will be a big shame for the bear country.

"Say, who asked you to come?" Meng Hailong didn't waste time, standing in front of someone, he opened his mouth to ask.

He wasn't worried that this person wouldn't understand him, since they were the most elite warriors in the Bear Country, they must be proficient in the languages of many countries.

As Meng Hailong expected, when this person heard his question, not only did he not answer, but he also raised his head arrogantly, not even looking at Meng Hailong.

But Meng Hailong was not angry because of this, all this had long been expected by him, and he had already made some relevant preparations.

Seeing this person raise his head arrogantly, Meng Hailong smiled and took out a hammer from his back and shook it in front of this person's eyes, and then he squatted down and smashed the hammer in his hand on one of this person's toes.


Poor guy just opened his mouth to let out a scream, and a pair of underpants was already stuffed into his mouth, so that he couldn't make a sound.

"I just smashed one of your toes, and there are nine that haven't been smashed, which means that you can experience something as cool as just now, nine more times. Of course, if you don't think nine times is enough, you still have ten fingers, and I promise you'll be satisfied. Meng Hailong said and shook the hammer in his hand again, and said, "Give you a reminder, if you have something to say to me, then hurry up, otherwise, I will have to continue."

After saying that, seeing that the guy was still stubborn, Meng Hailong didn't pity him, raised the hammer in his hand and smashed his toes again.

One, two, three.

The toes of one foot were all smashed flat, and Meng Hailong smashed his other foot, these bastards were so cruel in killing blood wolves, Meng Hailong naturally would not be soft on them.

When he smashed the man's seventh toe, he fainted from the intense pain.

Seeing this person faint to death, Meng Hailong did not let him go because of this, because he had already discovered that the person who killed the blood wolf just now was the guy at the moment.

The clue was found because of a little blood stain on this person's body.

Although there was only a trace of blood, Meng Hailong could still distinguish it, it was the bloodstain left by the blood wolf.

Meng Hailong wanted to avenge that blood wolf, and he didn't plan to let go of this guy at all.

I asked the hornet for some honey to apply to this guy, and then, Meng Hailong found an ant nest nearby, dug it out, and got all the ants out.

When the ants found the honey on the man's body, they all crawled on him, and after a while, the man's body was covered with ants, and he was soon awakened by the ants.

Dense ants crawled and bit on him, and the pain was known only to him.

Seeing that the cold sweat on this man's forehead was getting more and more, and his face was getting paler and paler, the people who came with him were frightened.

They thought that their methods were already the cruelest and most frightening in the world, but they knew that this person named Meng Hailong made them realize what real cruelty was.

"You don't want to say it, okay, but if you want to live, you have to contribute the wealth you have, this is your last chance, if you are willing to contribute your wealth, just nod. Meng Hailong said quickly: "Let me remind you again, this is your only chance, if you miss this opportunity, if there is anything, you can only go and tell Lord Yama." "

State secrets, you can't say that you are killed, this is the most basic principle of being a soldier, but personal property is different, even if it is contributed, it will not have much impact on the country.

Because of this, after hearing Meng Hailong's words, this person, who had suffered a lot, hurriedly nodded.

Seeing him nodding, Meng Hailong didn't show much joy, because all this had long been expected by him.

Take out the laptop and untie one of the man's hands so that he can operate on the laptop and turn his money into Meng Hailong's.

Seeing that he had transferred all the money in his bank account, Meng Hailong walked towards the next person with his laptop in his arms.

Walking in front of this person, Meng Hailong suddenly felt something and hurriedly avoided it.

After avoiding it, Meng Hailong found that he hadn't even started to clean him up, and this bastard was so scared that he peed out, but fortunately, his reaction speed was fast enough, so he didn't get hit.

With a wave of his hand, he released a hornet, and asked the hornet to sting the place where this guy put the water, and teach him a lesson that he was not allowed to defecate in the open here in Huaxia.

The hornet was very obedient, and according to Meng Hailong's instructions, he quickly completed the task.

And the guy in front of him, because it hurt very much after being stung by a wasp, he also opened his mouth and was about to scream, but the result was the same, his mouth opened, and a pair of pants were stuffed in, blocking his mouth so hard that he couldn't speak.

Seeing this situation, the remaining eighteen people began to pee one after another, they didn't want to wait for Meng Hailong to come to them, and they were scared to pee, it was not fun at all.

"Are you willing to contribute your wealth?" Holding the laptop in his hand, looking at the person in front of him, Meng Hailong asked lightly.

This person nodded hurriedly, money is just that, for him, it is more important to live.

Seeing him nodding, Meng Hailong naturally didn't grind, and directly untied one of his hands, so that he could operate the computer to transfer money to him.

Aside from almost being urinated on by this person, things went smoothly.

Of course, the next step was even smoother, seeing Meng Hailong's methods, the eighteen people behind them hadn't even waited for Meng Hailong to speak, they had already nodded.

It only took more than ten minutes for all the property of these twenty people to be looted by Meng Hailong, and Meng Hailong's personal account also increased by more than 100 million.

"The harvest is not small!" After counting the battle situation, Meng Hailong said with some disappointment, "It's a pity that there are too few people here, if there are dozens more, it will be developed." Hearing

his self-talking, the twenty people were all depressed to death. These twenty people, no matter where they appear in the world, can give people a headache, but they never thought that when they came to Xiaolong Village, they would be the ones who had a headache.

Not only did they have a headache, but they also had a pain all over their bodies!

Twenty people all transferred money to Meng Hailong, and logically speaking, he should also be released, but these twenty people waited for a long time, but Meng Hailong still had no intention of letting them go.

Realizing that something was wrong, one of them said, "We have already transferred the money to you, and now you should also fulfill your promise and let us go." "

Let you go?" Meng Hailong frowned and said, "When did I promise to let you go?" I just said that if you want to live, you have to give me the money, but I didn't say that I would let you go, as long as you don't die for a day, I won't break my promise." "


"You're very upset, aren't you?" Meng Hailong took out a hammer, shook it in front of this person, and said to him, "If you feel uncomfortable, I can help you, this hammer is knocked down, and it is guaranteed to make you cool enough to fly."

Threatened by Meng Hailong, this man was angry in his heart, but he didn't dare to say a word, because he knew that once he spoke back, he would be hit on his toes with a hammer.

"You Kumamoto use our Huaxia as an experimental base, and you plan to test the virus in our Huaxia, yes, this is a good idea. Meng Hailong said coldly, "As the saying goes, come and don't be rude, since you want to use our country as a test base, then I have no choice but to use you as the object of the test."

As soon as he said this, all twenty people were shocked.

The matter of testing the virus in Huaxia is their top secret, but Meng Hailong actually knows their secret, which makes them start to suspect that there may have been someone inside them who has defected.

But they can't care so much now, because it's hard to say whether they will survive or not, let alone worry about the country.

As soon as his hand flipped over, Meng Hailong took out a box from the spirit jade space. When I opened the box, I saw some small black worms inside.

For a period of time, Meng Hailong had been cultivating this kind of worm, because he thought that these things were actually quite fun, but because he didn't know much about Gu techniques, after cultivating these worms, he didn't know what they could do.

In this way, he needs to experiment, and at the moment, these twenty people are the best test subjects.

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