"Village Chief, what the hell is this soothing tea you are talking about?" someone in the audience asked, looking at his appearance, he seemed to be a little curious.

"Tranquility tea, as the name suggests, is a health drink that soothes the body and mind and helps sleep. Saying that, Meng Hailong took out a bottle of soothing tea casually as if he was playing a trick, and continued, "This bottle in my hand is our soothing tea, but because the price of soothing tea is expensive, what I want to send to you is not in this package."

Meng Hailong said on the stage, and off the stage, ten beautiful girls dressed as palace maids had already begun to distribute try-out soothing tea.

When the trial soothing tea was in hand, some people began to complain, "Village chief, you are too stingy, just send such a little, such a little, even if we drink it, we can't see any effect, right?"

"This eldest sister, don't worry, although the amount given to you is small, the effect is very significant." Meng Hailong continued, "Eldest sister, you go back at night and drink this little amount, I promise, you will definitely be able to sleep soundly tonight." "

Village chief, according to what you said, the effect of this tranquilizing tea is so good, is it added sleeping pills or something?"

"If sleeping pills are added, it will be terrible."

"You can rest assured, we are not the kind of black-hearted businessmen. Meng Hailong said confidently, "If you are not at ease, you can take these tranquilizing teas to the relevant departments for inspection, but I can tell you with certainty that there is absolutely no problem with our brand of tranquilizing tea." "

Village Chief, I just want to ask, are you helping this company advertise, or is this thing something you researched?" asked an old man in the crowd.

"Hello uncle, the product of soothing tea can be said to be researched by me, but because of my lack of production equipment and other reasons, I reached a cooperative relationship with this company, and they are responsible for helping me produce this soothing tea. "

Oh, that's the case, I'm relieved!" the old man continued, "My eye cataract was cured with the eye drops you researched by the village chief, and if you want to say who I admire the most in this world, it must be the village chief, so as long as it is something that you have researched the village chief, I will believe it." "

Thank you, uncle, for your trust!" Meng Hailong said with great emotion.

"Village chief, my wife has been suffering from insomnia recently, and I want to ask, in addition to this bottle of soothing tea you sold, if we still want to buy it in the future, where

can we buy this product?" "Uncle, because soothing tea is still a new product, we haven't even had time to do more publicity, so there is no fixed sales point at present, uncle, if you need it, you can also buy some back on our spot."

"But if you want to try the effect of soothing tea before you buy it, you can also, after a while, we will set up sales points nationwide, and when the time comes, everyone can buy this soothing tea at the sales point we announced."

"Oh, that's good, I'll buy two bottles first!" The old man thought for a while and asked, "Village Chief, a bottle of universal eye drops costs a thousand yuan, how much does a bottle of this soothing tea cost?" "

Uncle, don't worry, this is cheap, a bottle only costs a hundred yuan." "

Oh good, great, it's cheap. The old man breathed a sigh of relief, the all-purpose eye drops cost a thousand yuan, he thought that such a large bottle of tranquilizing tea would cost 10,000 yuan, but he knew that not only was it not expensive, but it was ten times cheaper.

As soon as the old man said this, people also felt that it was cheaper, which may be due to a herd mentality.

If the old man just now did not compare the all-purpose eye drops with the soothing tea, but compared a bottle of drink with the soothing tea, it would seem that the soothing tea is a sky-high price.

Under the guidance of a palace maid, the uncle bought Anshen tea, standing on the stage, Meng Hailong continued into the microphone: "Everyone see clearly, on the bottle of Anshen tea you got, there will be a QR code pattern, you just need to take out your mobile phone and scan it, pay attention to it, and forward the content that needs to be forwarded to your social platform, as long as the forwarded content collects 100 likes, at noon, you can enjoy a rich free lunch."

After Meng Hailong finished speaking, he encouraged everyone: "It's better to be heartbeat, hurry up and take out your mobile phones, and act quickly!" "

Village Chief, it's too difficult to collect a hundred likes, is it okay to do ten?" "Village Chief, I'm old, I don't know how to take pictures and don't know how to send to Moments, how can I break it?" "It's

a game that has the rules of the game, and if you say that you need a hundred likes,

then no one is missing." As for this friend who doesn't know how to take pictures and don't know how to post on Moments, you can't get a free lunch, but today's new food city is 50% off, and you can also pay out of your own pocket to try it. As

if he remembered something, Meng Hailong added, "It is said that there are many special dishes in the food city, and there are lobster supplies today, such a good opportunity, you have to learn to take pictures if you don't know how to take pictures, you can't send them to Moments, you have to learn to send them to Moments." "

Wow, there are lobsters, don't say it, I'm going to send it to Moments, I want a free lunch, I want to eat lobsters, I want to..."


of people used the network at the same time, and even the 4G network was useless, and it was directly paralyzed, which made everyone particularly nervous.

Knowing this situation, Meng Hailong first comforted everyone, and then called the telecommunications company.

He didn't know what kind of network these people were using, and it was impossible for him to ask one by one, so Meng Hailong called the three major telecom operators and asked them to send a communication ambulance to the scene to help.

However, it was okay that Meng Hailong didn't call, as soon as he called, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

The tone of the three major telecom operators is the same, how old are you, isn't it just a small village? And it's not a major national event, just a phone call, you want our company to send a communication ambulance? Okay, you wait, when you dream, the communication ambulance will drive to your Xiaolong Village.

"Paralyzed!" Meng Hailong couldn't help but burst into a foul mouth, these communication operators are too not things, looking down on them Xiaolong Village, okay, there are times when they regret it.

The phone call went to Yike, and as soon as the situation was said, Yike laughed over there.

Meng Hailong was half angry to death, and when he heard that Yi Ke was still laughing there, he said angrily: "You are still laughing, and if you laugh again, the village chief will not provide you with golden roses."

"Don't don't, village chief, you can't break these nine golden roses every day!" Yi Ke was anxious, he said quickly, "Recently, I have launched a fierce attack against a girl, if you break the golden roses for me, this girl may ignore me."

"Hey, I'll just say, why have you been uncharacteristically lately, you haven't reversed day and night, it turns out that you have a scene

with Yunqing?" "Village Chief, you are deliberately poking my wound!" Yi Ke said with a bitter face, "The girl I am chasing now is not Yunqing, but she was introduced to me by Yunqing." Yun Qing told me that it was impossible for her and me to have that kind of relationship.

"Well, that's what happened!" Meng Hailong looked like he suddenly realized, and realized that he had gone too far, and Meng Hailong hurriedly said: "What I said just now, do you have any way? I have thousands of people waiting to connect to the Internet." "

This question is a bit troublesome, I'll try it!" Yi Ke hung up the phone after speaking.

After waiting for a few minutes, Yike's phone called, and in the phone, Yike told Meng Hailong that he would open a temporary network for the area of Xiaolong Village, and the speed of this temporary network would be fast, but it would only last ten minutes.

E-Ke also told Meng Hailong that in ten minutes, there will be a good show, and at that time, the networks of the three major communication operators will be paralyzed nationwide.

Meng Hailong knew that Yi Ke was going to help him avenge him, so he didn't say much about his gratitude, but just kept it all in his heart.

When Yike did this, he already regarded Meng Hailong as a brother, and as long as he had the opportunity in the future, Meng Hailong would naturally not treat this brother badly.

Meng Hailong quickly conveyed the situation to everyone, and asked everyone to forward the content within ten minutes.

Although he knew that the nation's communication network would be paralyzed in ten minutes, Meng Hailong couldn't care about it so much, as long as the content was forwarded, it would stay in everyone's circle of friends, and when the network was restored, it would still be visible to people.

Besides, Yike also said just now that this time the network was cut off, he just punished the three major communication companies slightly, so that the society could give them some pressure, so that they would know how to lower their posture, and not just look like they just thought it was.

"Wow, this network speed is so fast!"

"Haha, I already have thirty likes, after everyone forwards the content, remember to go to the group to help Ai special people like it."

"Village Chief, if our friends retweet the content we posted, and then they can collect a hundred likes, can they also come to the food city for a free lunch?"

"Yes, but only today, it will not wait. Meng Hailong replied with a smile.

After calculating the time, ten minutes passed immediately, and suddenly, everyone in the audience was boiling, the signal was suddenly interrupted, and everyone's mobile phone seemed to enter airplane mode, which could only be used to watch the time.

"Evil sect, the village chief said that this network can only be used for ten minutes, and it really can only be used for ten minutes! Damn, when the time of these ten minutes comes, the network will really be disconnected. "

Village chief, you are not a human, you are a god. "

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