The clairvoyant eye opened, and Meng Hailong could clearly see what the person who glided past from above threw down, as he guessed, it was a bomb.

Finding that the man had dropped a bomb, Meng Hailong's brows furrowed tightly.

He was completely sure that he would be able to hide in the Lingyu space before the bomb landed, but he could hide in the Lingyu space, but once the bomb exploded on the mountain, the destructive power would definitely be not small, and if it wasn't good, all the newly built houses would have to be blown up.

However, Meng Hailong had no better way to deal with the bomb.

If he wanted to say that there was, he could only take the risk and try, but he was not sure at all, because the way to try it was to wait for the bomb to fall, catch it as fast as possible, and then transfer the bomb to another place through the spirit jade space.

The danger of doing so is enormous.

In particular, Meng Hailong didn't know anything about the bomb, and he didn't know if the bomb would explode when he reached for it.

Even if the bomb doesn't explode when he reaches for it, he still doesn't know how long it will take for it to explode after he catches it.

It's quite risky to do so without knowing that.

Because of this, Meng Hailong is now very entangled, very, very entangled, he doesn't know whether he wants to take this risk.

But he didn't have time to dwell on it, because the bomb had already fallen only a few meters above the ground.

Gritting his teeth, Meng Hailong decided to fight, open his see-through eyes, pay attention to the situation of the bomb at any time, and once he found that the bomb was about to explode, he could also take corresponding measures.

But just as he was concentrating on the bomb, Meng Hailong suddenly laughed.

Under the perspective eye, Meng Hailong found that the bomb was actually fake, although the shell of the bomb was also iron, but in the middle, there was no gunpowder at all, but empty.

Finding out that the bomb was fake, Meng Hailong didn't bother to pick it up, and as soon as his mind moved, he took out a bow and arrow from the spirit jade space.

The guy in the air startled him, he had to pay him back!

A bow was drawn into the shape of a full moon by him, and with a "whoosh" sound, an arrow was shot out by him, and the speed was very fast.

With the assistance of the clairvoyant eye, Meng Hailong's arrows were almost a hundred shots.

Meng Hailong didn't intend to kill that person, so the arrow he shot only cut through that person's wingsuit.

The wingsuit was cut by an arrow, and the man who was still gliding in the air lost his sense of balance and quickly fell from mid-air.

Fortunately, the place where he fell happened to be on the river, and if he fell to the ground, he was afraid that he would be seriously injured if he didn't die.

With a "plop", the man in the wingsuit fell into the water, and as soon as he surfaced, he saw several speedboats speeding towards him.

Knowing that he could not escape, the man did not take any action, just floated on the water, waiting for the speedboat to arrive.

After receiving a call from Meng Hailong, Mo Chen and Mo Yu led the water guards they had combined to rush over.

This water guard has now grown to as many as twenty people, all of whom are robbers on the river, who were defeated and incorporated by Mochen and them.

After some training, now, they worship Mo Chen and Mo Yu very much, Mo Chen asked them to go east, and they definitely didn't dare to go west.

When the water guards arrived, a fishing net was cast and the man who had fallen into the water was fished up.

However, Mo Chen didn't plan to release this person from the fishing net, because, when Meng Hailong called him before, he told him that this person was probably also an extreme thief.

Meng Hailong was a little suspicious that the Extreme Thieves might not be a person, but an organization.

Although Mo Chen had heard of the Extreme Thieves, he had never come into contact with these people, and he had not even seen a photo of the Extreme Thieves.

Therefore, Mo Chen didn't dare to be careless, he felt that it was better to be careful, and when this person was handed over to Meng Hailong, if there was any trouble, he would not need to deal with it.

Dragging this person, Mo Chen quickly went ashore, because this person may be more important to Meng Hailong, so Mo Chen and Mo Yu planned to personally escort this person up the mountain, and as for the people of the Water Guard, Mo Chen asked them to continue patrolling.

"Village Chief, someone brought it to you. "Dragged the guy to the cave, and the ink dust and ink rain were tired and sweaty.

Although their light skills are very good, with one person, plus it is broad daylight, they are not easy to perform.

"Thank you for your hard work!" Meng Hailong smiled, took out a jar of wine that had been prepared a long time ago, handed it to Mo Chen, and said to him: "This is your welfare, take it!"

Seeing the wine, Mo Chen's eyes lit up, this is a good thing, even better than Ganoderma lucidum fairy grass ginseng.

"Thank you village chief!" Mo Chen was not polite, thanked him, picked up the jar of wine and was about to leave, but before leaving, he remembered one more thing, stopped again, and said to Meng Hailong: "Village chief, the children of Baby-Friendly Island asked me to tell you that they miss you."

"You tell them for me, I miss them too. Meng Hailong smiled and said, "When I'm done with this while, I'll send them beautiful clothes."

"Then I'll thank you for the children first!" After saying this, Mo Chen and Mo Yu left, they all knew that Meng Hailong must have something to ask that guy next, but this is Meng Hailong's business, and it has nothing to do with them.

Mo Chen is a smart person, he knows very well, knowing too many things, for them, it may not be a good thing, let them know, even if they don't stay here, Meng Hailong will take the initiative to tell them.

As soon as Mochen and the others left, Meng Hailong released the guy from the fishing net.

This is a young man of twenty-seven or eighteen years old, one meter eight tall, and his physique also looks very strong, and he has a long scar on his face, which should have been seriously injured.

As soon as he was released from the fishing net, the young man suddenly pulled his legs and ran, and in the water, he certainly couldn't swim as fast as a speedboat, so he chose to tie his hands and catch it.

But now on land, he has a lot of confidence that as long as he runs, no one will be able to catch up with him.

Unfortunately, he had forgotten how he had fallen from the sky.

Seeing that the young man ran away, Meng Hailong didn't chase after him, but just took out his bow and arrow, aimed at the man's thigh, and shot an arrow.

The arrow pierced the man's thigh, and he lost his balance while running, and he instantly fell to the ground and rolled several times.

"Run, aren't you very good at running? Get up, run another one and show me. Meng Hailong walked up to the man and said to him with a sneer, "Don't say I didn't remind you, in my place, you still have to learn to be well-behaved, otherwise, you will have endless suffering."

Listening to Meng Hailong's words, the man snorted coldly and said, "If you have a seed, you will kill me, if you don't, you will let me go." "

Did I say I wouldn't let you go?" Meng Hailong said with a sneer, "You are so capable, you can leave at any time, I promise I won't stop you."

"Hmph, you don't stop me, but you put a cold arrow behind my back, what are you?"

"I'm not a thing. Meng Hailong continued, "You said that I put a cold arrow behind my back, what about you, how many things have you done?"

The young man was dumbfounded by Meng Hailong's words, not to mention, he didn't even do anything above board, because he was also one of the extreme thieves.

"Okay, I've given you the opportunity, you don't want to run yourself, and then, you have to answer my questions honestly. Meng Hailong continued, "Of course, you can choose to remain silent, but I want to tell you, then you will pay a more painful price." "

I don't believe you dare to kill me!" said the young man, gritting his teeth.

"It's not enough to kill you, but I'll probably use this on you. As he spoke, Meng Hailong reached out and took out a box from his pocket, and when he opened it, he could see a white insect lying inside.

"Are you from the Miao ethnic group?" the young man looked at Meng Hailong with surprised eyes.

"It doesn't matter what kind of race I am, because now it's you who answer my question, not yours. Meng Hailong continued, "Say, who are you, what is the purpose of coming to Xiaolong Village?"

Before the man could speak, Meng Hailong hurriedly added: "You'd better not lie, if you let me know that you're lying, I'll also use this for you." "

I'm one of the Extreme Thieves, and I'm here just to save someone. The young man said honestly, although he was not from the Miao tribe, he knew that the Gu poison was powerful.

The Gu Addict will spend his whole life in pain, and if it is serious, he will even die of decay all over his body, that kind of scene is so terrifying that he doesn't even dare to think about it.

It was precisely because of the fear of Gu poison that this person chose to cooperate, a very thorough kind of cooperation.

And through this person's answer, Meng Hailong finally knew that his guess was completely correct, the Extreme Thieves were indeed not a person, they were an organization.

The person in front of him is called Anta , the person who tried to steal the giant ginseng before, he is the leader of the Extreme Thieves, and his name is Su Mo.

There are five members of the Extreme Thieves, and they are all fans of extreme sports, such as rock climbing, racing, gliding, and surfing, all of which are their favorite sports.

They came together because they shared a common hobby.

When there was not much in this world that was worth challenging them, they thought of stealing, and because of this, the organization of Extreme Thieves appeared.

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