"Village Chief Han, don't be in a hurry to thank me. Meng Hailong continued, "Everything is a combination of benefits and risks, you grow grapes, it is not without risks, in case of natural disasters and man-made disasters, it is a risk."

When she heard Meng Hailong say the first sentence, Han Xuerou was still a little worried, but later, as soon as Meng Hailong explained, she was relieved.

Natural disasters such as typhoons and rains are bound to occur, and we don't know when they will come, and this is a real risk.

"Village Chief Meng, I think there is no way to avoid natural and man-made disasters, but as long as the grapes are planted and can be guaranteed to be marketable, this is already to minimize the risk. After

talking to Meng Hailong for a long time, blowing the air conditioner, Han Xuerou's sweat-soaked clothes were also dried, and seeing that the time was about to be noon, she quickly stood up and prepared to leave.

However, as soon as Han Xuerou stood up, she was pressed back by Meng Hailong.

Pressing Han Xuerou back into the chair, Meng Hailong smiled and said to her: "It's rare for Village Chief Han to come to my Xiaolong Village, how can you just come and leave, at least you have to have a meal at my place!"

"How can you be embarrassed to trouble Village Chief Meng?" Han Xuerou was indeed a little embarrassed, especially now, when she and Meng Hailong were still alone in the same room, she was a little nervous when she was pressed by Meng Hailong like this.

But to speak from the heart, Han Xuerou does not reject Meng Hailong, because in her eyes, Meng Hailong is a handsome and chic, young and promising good man, a good village head, and also her role model.

Han Xuerou even thought in her heart that it would be great if one day, she could develop Liantang Village like Xiaolong Village!"

Meng Hailong smiled, took out a laptop casually, and said to Han Xuerou, "You can play by yourself, kill the time, and I'll go down the mountain to get some food." "

Hey, Village Chief Meng, I'd better go with you!" Seeing that Meng Hailong was going out, Han Xuerou also stood up, "Take this opportunity, I can also follow Village Chief Meng and have a good visit to your Xiaolong Village."

"It's hot outside, and it's hard to climb the mountain, so I suggest that Village Chief Han better stay at home." Meng Hailong continued, "I have a gigabit high-speed network here, and I don't get stuck at all when I play games, watch videos, and watch live broadcasts."

"When I was in college, I was tired of playing these things, and I didn't have much interest. Han Xuerou said, "What I am most interested in now is to visit your Xiaolong Village, and I hope that one day, I, the village head, will be able to replicate the success of your Xiaolong Village."

"Well, I wish you success. Meng Hailong was a little helpless in his heart, originally he was just looking for an excuse to leave, and then he could take out some dishes from the spirit jade space, but now, Han Xuerou had to follow him, he obviously couldn't do this.

The road down the mountain was much easier, but even so, Han Xuerou still fell.

tripped over a rattan under her feet, Han Xuerou screamed and threw herself forward, fortunately, Meng Hailong turned around in time to catch her, otherwise, at that moment, Han Xuerou estimated that she would smash the indescribable place on her chest.

But although she didn't fall to the ground, the first kiss was gone!

There were many coincidences, but Han Xuerou never thought that when Meng Hailong caught her, her face was actually close to Meng Hailong's face.

This sudden situation made Han Xuerou blush, and when she reacted, she hurriedly took two steps back, her eyes flickered, and she looked around in a bit of a panic, fortunately, there was no one else around here, otherwise, she would have to die of shame.

"Chief Han, you... Are you okay?" Seeing Han Xuerou's blushing face, Meng Hailong asked with some embarrassment.

Of course, he can't be blamed for this matter, he didn't expect such an accident, and even if he did, he still had to do it.

Because, he couldn't watch Han Xuerou pounce on the ground, it would hurt a lot.

"Thank you, Village Chief Meng, I'm fine!" Han Xuerou said with a blushing face, "Let's keep walking!" "

On the next road, Han Xuerou walked very carefully, the first kiss was gone, and she didn't want any other accidents.

When the two walked down the mountain, Meng Hailong's mobile phone rang.

took out his mobile phone, Meng Hailong saw that this phone was actually called by Ye Lao, so he hurriedly connected it, and asked, "Ye Lao, do you have something to do with me

?" "It's a bit of a problem!" Ye Nantian said quickly on the other end of the phone: "Village chief, what is the relationship between that foreigner and you?"

"It doesn't matter!" Meng Hailong didn't hide it, and directly told Ye Nantian about the relationship between him and Qiao Silin.

After listening to Meng Hailong's words, Ye Nantian thought for a while and said, "Village Chief, since this person has nothing to do with you, I suggest that you let them leave as soon as possible." "

Old Ye, do you see what's going on?" Meng Hailong asked with a frown, he had just promised Qiao Celin that he would provide them with a place to stay, and now if he drove them away, it didn't seem very good

!" "There are some things that I don't want to say much, but if you don't want to cause trouble, village chief, just do what I say, and send people away quickly!"

Without waiting for Meng Hailong to make a decision, Ye Nantian opened his mouth and added: " If it's inconvenient for you to send people away, then change places for my old man. Hearing

Ye Nantian say this, Meng Hailong felt that things were not simple, hung up the phone, and after saying sorry to Han Xuerou, he hurriedly walked towards the village committee.

Originally, Meng Hailong asked Han Xuerou to go shopping by herself, but Han Xuerou still chose to follow Meng Hailong, because she also wanted to see what happened to the village committee of Xiaolong Village.

Before Meng Hailong walked to the village committee, he met Ye Nantian halfway.

After pulling Ye Nantian to ask for a while, Ye Nantian said: "Ginseng can indeed be used as a medicinal guide, and the effect is not bad. However, the person who was seriously ill was not suitable for him to take ginseng at all, and his life could not be saved by taking this dose.

"Damn, Ye Lao, according to what you said, then Qiao Celin, isn't he going to murder his grandfather?" Meng Hailong scratched his head and said, "But there is no reason for this, if he wants to murder his grandfather, there is no need to send people here." Could it be... That doctor?"

"It's hard to say!" Ye Nantian sighed and said, "People from abroad, I think it's better for us not to interfere, otherwise, if something goes wrong, it will not only cause trouble for yourself, but also bring disaster to the country."

"No, I bought the ginseng from me, and if the old man hung up after taking the ginseng, then Jocelyn would be the first to find me. Meng Hailong suddenly patted his head and said with great regret: "This bastard bought ginseng at a high price, this is to blame me for the murder!" Ye

Nantian also frowned when he heard this, originally he thought that as long as he didn't interfere, now, hearing Meng Hailong say this, it seems that they really can't stand by and watch.

"Hurry up, we need to stop them. After Ye Nantian finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the village committee, Meng Hailong naturally followed quickly, and quickly overtook Ye Nantian and came to Qiao Celin's side first.

When Meng Hailong came in, Qiao Celin happened to walk to his grandfather's bedside with the boiled ginseng soup, and was about to feed him to drink.

Seeing this situation, Meng Hailong didn't say much, rushed over in a few steps, and directly snatched the bowl of ginseng soup and drank it in one gulp.

This happened a little suddenly, and by the time everyone in the room reacted, the bowl of ginseng soup had already entered Meng Hailong's stomach.

Qiao Celin was immediately furious, he stood up and shouted at Meng Hailong, "Village Chief, what are you doing here? That bowl of ginseng soup is my grandfather's life-saving medicine, how can you drink it?" In addition to Qiao Celin's

anger, the expressions on the faces of several other people in the room were also different.

Meng Hailong soon found that after he drank the bowl of ginseng soup, a person who looked like a doctor was the most angry, although he didn't show it, but Meng Hailong could feel the monstrous anger in his heart.

"Mr. Jocelyn, I will only ask you one question, and I hope you will answer it truthfully. Meng Hailong was not angry because of Qiao Celin's roar, he said unhurriedly: "Do you really want to save your grandfather, or

do you want to murder him?" "What do you mean, village chief?" Although Qiao Celin was puzzled, he was not an impulsive person, thinking that Meng Hailong might have something to say to him, Qiao Celin opened his mouth and asked rhetorically.

"You don't care what I mean, you just have to answer my questions.

"Of course I want to save my grandfather!" said Jocelyn very seriously, "without my grandfather, there would be no me now, and now that my grandfather is sick, I will cure him no matter what." "

But do you know that your grandfather's condition is not suitable for taking ginseng soup at all?" Meng Hailong continued, "If he drinks the bowl of ginseng soup just now, he will definitely die within three days."

As soon as Meng Hailong said this, the doctor-like foreigner's face changed, and he seemed to be a little surprised, but more importantly, he should still be flustered.

After listening to Meng Hailong's words, Qiao Celin didn't ask much, because he also noticed that the doctor's face was a little abnormal, and directly turned his gaze to the doctor he brought, and Qiao Celin asked, "Doctor, what's going on?" Didn't you say that my grandfather's illness needs a hundred years of ginseng as a medicine primer?" "Prince, don't listen to him, the old king's illness does need a hundred years of ginseng as a medicine to

be cured." The doctor defended, "He just said that to make an excuse for him to steal the ginseng soup, prince, you must not fall for him." "

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