The tour guide who brought the group was not reconciled, and discussed with Meng Hailong for a long time, but unfortunately, his sincerity still failed to impress Meng Hailong.

No matter how much he says, Meng Hailong still says the same thing, the uniform price of tickets, two thousand per ticket, no matter who you are, in my place, everything is equal, not special.

As for your travel agency, you can raise the price as long as someone is willing to sign up for the tour, and it has nothing to do with me.

Seeing the tour guide negotiating with Meng Hailong for a long time, people were not happy, they rarely had a day off, and this world can't be wasted like this.

People put forward opinions one after another, and under pressure, the tour guide had to pay for the tickets and let the people go up the mountain to play first.

After getting the tickets, people found out that their tour guide had changed and became the beauty in the video, Xiao Yutong.

This is something that people never expected, the heroine in the video actually came to be a tour guide for everyone in person, which makes people feel flattered.

reacted, and people took out their mobile phones to take pictures and send them to Moments.

Seeing people taking out their mobile phones, Xiao Yutong kindly reminded: "There is free WiFi on the mountain, with a gigabit network speed, and everyone can connect at will." "

Wow, this network speed is really super fast, almost in seconds

!" "Not bad, it's so humane!"

"I've been to many tourist attractions, and I've never tried that place to have such a good Internet speed, I want to praise Xiaolong Village."

When people were swiping through the circle of friends, a young man in his twenties walked up to Xiao Yutong, and he said politely: "Beauty, can I take a photo with you?"

"Sorry, no!" Xiao Yutong refused with a smile, "My task, in addition to leading the way for everyone, is also to ensure everyone's safety." So, I hope you can cooperate and do what I say.

Xiao Yutong led people to the mountain and said: "Everyone came here after watching the video, so I will tell you that as long as it is the animal that appears in the video, after everyone goes up the mountain, they will basically meet it."

"So, I'm here to tell you that after you go up the mountain, no matter what animals you see, you can have intimate behavior with them, but you must not hurt them, otherwise, the consequences will be more serious." "

Beauty, I want to ask, is it true that you are riding a tiger?"

"This question, I can verify it for you later." Xiao Yutong had just finished saying this, and a tiger rushed out of the woods.


Although people had been mentally prepared for a long time, the roar of the tiger still startled everyone, but fortunately, in the next second, people saw that Xiao Yutong had already ridden on the tiger.

The answer has been revealed, the tiger can really become a mount for humans.

Then the question arises

, Xiao Yutong can ride a tiger, can everyone also ride a tiger? As soon as asked, people were completely disappointed, because Xiao Yutong told everyone that except for her, tigers would not be given to others to ride, unless you come every day and play well with tigers, then it is not necessarily.

Although people are not allowed to ride tigers, there is no problem in taking pictures with tigers. People can take pictures not only with tigers, but also with lions, cheetahs, and even blood wolves.

The first time they were so close to wild animals, people were both scared and excited, and when they uploaded a photo of themselves and the beast to their circle of friends, it immediately attracted many likes from relatives and friends, which made everyone feel very embarrassed.

Isn't it just to let more people pay attention to you? A photo, plus a short text description, can instantly realize your wishes.

There is Xiao Yutong on the mountain, and Meng Hailong is very relieved.

He wasn't worried that people would bully Xiao Yutong, that girl was very familiar with the animals on the mountain, if someone dared to bully her, then this person would definitely be very unlucky.

Tourists came to Xiaolong Village one after another, and Meng Hailong sat at the entrance of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain to collect money, two thousand per person, not a penny.

After some people come here, they hear that the tickets are so expensive, and they are reluctant to spend this money, so they can only leave with regrets. Of course, these people didn't go back empty-handed, and when they left, they inevitably had to buy something in Xiaolong Village to bring back.

"Beauty and the Beast" was a name Rowling gave to the trailer. Not to mention, the name is quite good, just one glance, people have the urge to click to watch.

After this promotional video was uploaded to major platforms, no matter which platform it was, the number of broadcasts has been rising in a straight line, and the platform that originally uploaded this promotional video has more than 100 million views in 24 hours, which makes Rowling feel a little surprised.

As the only heroine in the promotional film, the name "Xiao Yutong" also became popular overnight, and on a Weibo, the name "Xiao Yutong" also jumped to the first place on the hot search list in one fell swoop, and the number of searches was as high as more than 10 million times.

Even if she is a popular female singer at the moment, the number of fans of Zhang Ni on Weibo is only a few hundred thousand.

Seeing a person who is not as good as her, who is not as good as her, who is still an unknown nobody, but Xiao Yutong became popular overnight, Zhang Ni's heart was very unconvinced, she felt that she should be the one who became popular overnight.

She also felt that if she had filmed that promotional video, the effect would have been better.

Because of this, the day after seeing the promotional video, Zhang Ni came to Xiaolong Village accompanied by her mother Zhang Jingchu.

When she saw Meng Hailong, Zhang Ni was a little surprised, and Zhang Jingchu was even more surprised.

At the same time, the mother and daughter secretly thought in their hearts, isn't this the person who wanted to find Zhang Ni to shoot an advertisement with Yu Xin at the beginning

? "Village Chief, hello!" Zhang Ni hadn't reacted yet, but Zhang Jingchu had already realized something, and hurriedly stepped forward to greet Meng Hailong, "Village Chief, you should remember us, right? When we were in Haidong, we had dinner together." "

I'm sorry, I'm good at everything, but I'm forgetful. Meng Hailong said with a smile, "I really can't remember when I had dinner with you." Meng

Hailong wasn't really forgetful, he just got angry when he thought of Zhang Ni, the mother and daughter.

At the beginning, Yu Xin wanted to ask Zhang Ni to help shoot an advertisement for soothing tea, but was humiliated by this girl, Meng Hailong still clearly remembered Zhang Ni's face at the beginning, how annoying it was to hate it.

Because of this, Meng Hailong would say such things now.

Without waiting for Zhang Jingchu to speak, Meng Hailong continued: "Speaking of Haidong, I remember that there is such a person as

Sister Xin, but you are not Sister Xin!" "The Sister Xin you are talking about is Yu Xin, right?" Zhang Jingchu said with a smile, "Yu Xin and I are old classmates, our relationship has always been good, and ah, that time, you came with Yu Xin." "

Oh!" Meng Hailong replied casually, and then said: "You two came all the way from Haidong to play on the mountain, right? The ticket is two thousand per person, and the two of you are four thousand." "

That, village chief, in fact, we are not here to play!" Zhang Jingchu said with an embarrassed face, "We came here to discuss something with you, village chief." "

You are looking for me to discuss things?" Meng Hailong pretended to be surprised and said, "I'm just a broken village chief, what can you discuss with me?"

"Village chief, you are humble!" Zhang Jingchu hurriedly said, "Village chief, we have also seen the promotional video you made, I think that the heroine in it, if it is replaced by my daughter, the effect will be better." Therefore, we made a special trip here to discuss with you, the village chief, whether we can make another promotional video like that, and my daughter Zhang Ni will be the heroine. "

It turns out that you are here for this matter!" Meng Hailong said lightly, "I'm sorry, we will only make one film of "Beauty and the Beast" for the time being, and as for whether we will shoot the next one, it remains to be studied."

"The popularity is so good, how else do you need to study it?" Zhang Ni said at this time, "Strike while the iron is hot, since this promotional film has become a big hit, don't you think it's a pity if you don't shoot the second part at this time?"

"Miss Zhang Ni, you are right, I really have no reason to refuse you, because I never intended to cooperate with you. Meng Hailong said unhurriedly, "You have fame and status, and I am just a turtle village chief, whether it is identity or status, I am a big gap

with you, what qualifications do I have to cooperate with you?" "Village chief, you are talking angry!" Zhang Jingchu heard it, Meng Hailong was not forgetful, he was holding a grudge, what happened in Haidong last time was what they did wrong, and because of this, Zhang Jingchu hurriedly apologized to Meng Hailong.

"Village Chief, what happened last time was that we didn't do it right, you have a lot of them, and the prime minister can support the boat in his belly, so don't worry about us. Zhang Jingchu said sincerely: "This time we came, we did come with sincerity, and I also hope that the village chief can give Zhang Ni a chance regardless of his previous suspicions."

"The opportunity is usually in your own hands, it depends on whether you can seize it, if you seize it, it is yours, once you don't catch it, it is not so easy to get it back." Meng Hailong continued: "Say something you don't like to hear, don't say that I don't have the idea of making a promotional video now, even if I have, I will still use Xiao Yutong." Don't ask me why, and I won't tell you if I do. "

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