In the middle of the night, when people were sleeping soundly, the wild animals on the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain came down en masse.

The place they chose to descend the mountain was not in Xiaolong Village, but in Liujia Village, where the fence had just been torn down.

There are many animals coming down the mountain, tigers, lions, cheetahs, and even elephants, and of course, in addition to these large animals, there are also many smaller animals.

Even poisonous snakes, spiders and the like are running to join in the fun.

After these animals descended the mountain, they broke directly into Liujia Village, and several tigers walked in front, followed by lions, followed by cheetahs, and then packs of blood wolves.

It was followed by a few elephants, a group of mischievous monkeys, and then zebras, antelopes, giraffes, etc., as long as there were species on the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, almost all of them came.

It's no exaggeration to say that this is an animal legion, the most gorgeous animal legion in history.

A tiger roar suddenly remembered, waking up the sleeping people, and when everyone got up to see what was going on, they were all startled by the scene outside the door.

Outside, there is a large group of tigers and lions, which is good because they didn't open the door to go out, otherwise, they will definitely be eaten as a supper.

The mischievous monkey picked up a stone on the road and threw it at the window of a certain house, and with a "pop" sound, the glass window of the house was smashed.

The owner of the house watched the glass window being smashed, but he was helpless, let him come out to settle accounts with the monkey, he didn't have the guts.

Not to mention that there are jackals, tigers and leopards in this animal legion, even if there are no these fierce beasts, just that group of monkeys, this person will not dare to come out.

Monkeys are not beasts, but they should not be underestimated.

These little ones are very elfy, provoke them, beware of them ruining your home.

Although everyone got up, none of them dared to open the door and come out, not only did they not dare to open the door and come out, but they also moved something to block the door, for fear that the beasts would rush in.

When passing by a chicken nest, the elephant's trunk just touched lightly, and the chicken nest of a certain family was lifted upside down.

The owner of this family can only secretly complain in his heart, damn, I have never seen an animal bully people like this.

Other animals, although not like monkeys, pick up stones and smash people's glass windows, but they are not idle, everyone is like a prank, in front of people's doors to solve the problem of urinating, just more than ten minutes, every household in Liujia Village, almost has a great harvest.

"Village Chief Meng, this thing must have been done by Village Chief Meng. "Everyone thinks the same thing, what happened tonight is too weird, except for the village chief Meng of Xiaolong Village, I believe that no one can do such a thing.

Someone has already taken out his phone and called the police.

Unfortunately, by the time the police arrived, the animals had long since disappeared without a trace, leaving behind piles of hot, stinking droppings.

People blamed Meng Hailong and hoped that the police could arrest Meng Hailong, but when the police found Meng Hailong, they found that he had been in the hospital for most of the day.

"Comrade policeman, this matter really has nothing to do with me!" Meng Hailong showed an innocent look in the face of interrogation by several policemen, and he continued: "Since the afternoon, I have been here to accompany my father-in-law, if you don't believe it, you can find the doctors and nurses here to understand the situation."

Without waiting for the policeman to speak, Meng Hailong continued: "You also know how far this is from Xiaolong Village, even if I really have the ability to command animals, it is impossible to command those animals from such a long distance, right?"

Hearing Meng Hailong say this, several policemen couldn't help but look at each other.

Two of the policemen abruptly stopped a nurse and questioned her, confirming that Meng Hailong had indeed arrived in the evening, and that he had not left until now.

Meng Hailong has alibi evidence, that is, the animals cannot be under his command, so the question arises, are those animals under the command of some people, or are they their own actions

?" "Village Chief, although this matter seems to have nothing to do with you, the villagers of Liujia Village all said that all the animals on the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain were raised by you, right?"

"Wrong! Big mistake!" Meng Hailong continued, " They are all wild animals, how could it be that I raised them? I was just entrusted by Uncle Nan to ensure the safety of these wild animals.

After Meng Hailong finished speaking, he sighed again: "Alas, it's a

pity!" "What are you pity?" a policeman asked.

"Originally, I had fenced off the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, the purpose was to prevent these beasts from going down the mountain and hurting people, but those people in Liujia Village said that I occupied their place, and they had to let me tear down the fence, this fence has just been demolished, and there was a problem on the first day, don't you think it's a pity

?" "Is there such a thing?" The policemen all frowned, it seems that this matter is still the fault of those villagers in Liujia Village!

"Wait, village chief, who did you say you were entrusted with to ensure the safety of those wild animals on the mountain?" a policeman asked suddenly, as if he had thought of something.

"Uncle Nan!" Meng Hailong didn't hide it, and said honestly: "The mayor of Haiyang City, Ji Nan."

"When Uncle Nan came to inspect Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, he told me to ensure the safety of those wild animals on the mountain no matter what, because of Uncle Nan's words, I invested tens of millions of dollars to finally build the fence. When

everyone heard that the mayor had authorized the village chief to manage the animals on the mountain, a strange look appeared on their faces.

Seeing that Meng Hailong didn't seem to be lying, the interrogation of these policemen ended here.

Not to mention whether the mayor authorized the village chief to manage the wildlife in the mountains, or if he had alibi evidence, this matter cannot be done to him.

In order to prevent wild beasts from hurting people, people have built fences around the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, but if you have to let people tear down the fences, when you are harassed by wild beasts, you naturally can't go to the strange people's houses, and if you want to blame, you can only blame yourself.

The police reported the results of the investigation back to the villagers of Liujia Village, and when they learned of the results, the villagers of Liujia Village had nothing to do but be angry in their hearts.

"I advise you, let's hurry up and rebuild the fence that was torn down!" Before leaving, the policeman who led the team kindly reminded, "Those animals are just walking around the village this time, maybe they won't be like this next time they come back!" "Comrade policeman, don't you

have any other way?" asked a villager with a dissatisfied tone.

"We think the best way is to rebuild the fence, and if you have a better way, you are welcome to come up with it. "

Comrade policeman, do you know that this mountain is also a part of our Liujia Village?" A villager continued: "Their Xiaolong Village has fenced off the entire mountain and developed it into a tourist attraction, and a lot of money has flowed into their village, but we have not received a penny, do you think this is fair?"

"According to what you say, the nature of the matter is complicated!" The policeman at the head continued, "" If you feel that Xiaolong Village has violated your rights and interests, then I suggest that you can resolve it through litigation, because we have no way to deal with such disputes. "

The police have said so, and the villagers of Liujia Village naturally have nothing to say, so they can only discuss with each other, should they go to court to sue Xiaolong Village?"


that, the police left.

People gathered together and discussed for a while, and felt that the police were right, and the most important thing at the moment was to build the fence first and ensure everyone's safety.

So, people came to Xiaolong Village again, and they wanted Meng Hailong to find someone to rebuild the demolished fence, but when they arrived in Xiaolong Village, they found that Meng Hailong was not there at all.

Call him to turn off the phone, look for him, people don't know where to look, in desperation, people can only return to Liujia Village, planning to be self-reliant, to build a fence.

However, when people actually do it, they find that people who are not professionals can't do it at all.

In desperation, people could only send people to Datie Village to invite Zhang Changsheng over.

Zhang Changsheng is a very practical person, he doesn't do things without money, but as long as things are beneficial to them, he will definitely do them.

When he was invited to Liujia Village and learned that the villagers wanted him to build the fence, Zhang Changsheng immediately smiled.

Meng Hailong spent money to build these fences, and yesterday he spent money to tear down these fences, and only one night passed, and the people of Liujia Village asked him to build these fences again, Zhang Changsheng felt that he was so lucky, some fences made him earn a lot of money.

"Eight thousand yuan, I'll make it for you before dinner. Zhang Changsheng took a cursory look, and then quoted a price.

According to his calculations, because the fences are good, as long as they are erected directly, the material cost is negligible, but the labor cost has to be two hundred per person, which is the lowest standard.

When these fences were demolished yesterday, Zhang Changsheng dispatched a total of 40 people, and today he plans to use so many people, so there is a saying of 8,000 yuan.

"It doesn't matter how much it is, but this is a project in Xiaolong Village. A villager in Liujia Village said, "You have to ask the village chief of Xiaolong Village to collect this money." "

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