Being enlightened by Meng Hailong, Xiao Yutong didn't feel so aggrieved, hesitated a little, and then she spoke again: "Brother Village Chief, Zhang Ni, they said that they wanted to make a movie, but the animals on the mountain didn't cooperate, so they didn't shoot anything today."

"They can toss as much as they like, as long as they don't hurt the animals on the mountain and don't affect other tourists, they let them go." Meng Hailong said disapprenousively, "But if they dare to hurt the animals, don't be polite to them, and let Xiaohu teach them a lesson." After

a moment of silence, Meng Hailong suddenly asked, "Little Taro, how long do you have to go to school?" Hearing Meng Hailong ask, Xiao Yutong counted with his fingers, and then replied: "There is still nearly a month before the official start of school

!" "Oh, one month, it should be enough!" Meng Hailong smiled and said, "Little Taro, do you want to make

a movie?" "Make a movie?"

Xiao Yutong's eyes widened, and he asked with some curiosity: "Brother Village Chief, do you still want to make a movie, is it the kind you made last time?" "

Last time we made a promotional film, it was relatively short, and this time, I plan to make a big movie." Meng Hailong continued, "Anyway, if we don't shoot, others will definitely shoot, rather than letting others shoot, it is better for us to shoot ourselves." "

Brother village chief, you are wearing your own shoes and going your own way, so that others have no way out!" Xiao Yutong said jokingly.

"No way, this world is so cruel. Meng Hailong smiled and said, "Beauty and the Beast, such a good idea, we can't let others smash it, we must defend our rights and interests!"

Thinking of it, it was necessary to do it, and after making sure that Xiao Yutong was willing to make this movie, Meng Hailong hurriedly called Luo Lin.

As soon as she said that, Rowling burst out laughing on the other end of the phone.

Under questioning, Meng Hailong realized that Rowling had been thinking about this idea for a long time, and they even wrote the script.

The two hit it off, and after a brief discussion, Meng Hailong hung up the phone.

Since Rowling has long intended to make this movie, then Meng Hailong doesn't have to bother, he can rest assured that this kind of professional thing will be handled by professional people.

As soon as the phone hung up, Meng Hailong continued to tinker with his tea.

It took more than an hour, fried and kneaded, and sweated profusely, and the tea was finally processed.

Of course, Meng Hailong is not a professional processed tea, he just processes it casually and tries how the tea tastes.

If the tea leaves are processed according to a professional procedure, it will take several days.

Dinner was still settled in the food city, and when he came back from eating, Meng Hailong couldn't wait to boil a pot of boiling water and make a pot of tea with the tea leaves he had just processed.

As soon as the boiling water was poured into the teapot, a faint fragrance of tea wafted out, so that Liu Jinrui couldn't help but close his eyes and take a deep breath of the fragrance of the tea.

"Come, my dear, and taste the tea I made for you with my own hands. Meng Hailong brought the tea to Liu Jinrui and said to her with a smile, "After drinking, remember to give me a review!"

"Brother Hailong, I will give five stars to this tea." Just took a sip, Liu Jinrui's eyebrows instantly stretched, this cup of tea is definitely the best tea she has ever drunk in her life.

Hearing Liu Jinrui say this, Meng Hailong smiled, he knew that his experiment was successful again, and Xiaolong Village would have one more money-making product.

As soon as the door was closed, Meng Hailong hugged Liu Jinrui and lay on the bed to celebrate.

In the middle of the night, Liu Jinrui fell asleep in exhaustion, but Meng Hailong quietly entered the spirit jade space. After agreeing to Han Xuerou's matter, he couldn't delay it any longer, otherwise, most of the villagers in Liantang Village would misunderstand him and think that he was fooling them.

A lot of seeds of the best grapes have been prepared, but it is a pity that a lot of grapes have been wasted, but there are gains and losses, which is an inevitable thing, and Meng Hailong did not dwell too much.

The seeds were ready, and the next day, Meng Hailong drove the road fighter to Xiaolong Village.

The last time Han Xuerou went to Xiaolong Village, because she happened to encounter something with Qiao Celin, Meng Hailong finally forgot to send her a spiritual spring.

This time he sent the seeds over, and Meng Hailong made up for it. In addition to sending the seeds of the best grapes, he also prepared a box of spiritual springs for Han Xuerou.

Han Xuerou seemed to be even happier when she saw this box of spiritual springs than when she saw the seeds of the best grapes, no way, who made her like to drink this kind of water!

Meng Hailong wanted to let Liantang Village plant grapes, and after Han Xuerou came back last time, he passed the news on to everyone.

Now, when they learned that Meng Hailong had sent the seeds, the villagers of Liantang Village ran over one after another, and said politely that if they could take it away, Meng Hailong would probably have to dispatch several trucks to pull it.

"Village Chief Meng, you have to stay and eat at noon, and we will kill chickens and sheep. "

Li Changsheng, do you still have any rice wine brewed at home? If you have one, go and take it out, we have to greet Village Chief Meng well."

Meng Hailong couldn't refuse the enthusiasm of the villagers, and when he saw that everyone really killed chickens and sheep, he had to stay.

Everyone was busy preparing lunch, and Han Xuerou accompanied Meng Hailong to inspect Liantang Village.

In fact, the land in Liantang Village is not suitable for growing grapes, this is an inconsequential matter, with the seeds of the improvement of the Lingyu space, coupled with the irrigation of the Lingquan Space, Meng Hailong has a lot of confidence that he can grow the best grapes similar to the Lingyu space.

Although the quality of the grapes grown in the outside world will definitely be slightly worse, it will not be much worse.

Following Han Xuerou to inspect the land, Meng Hailong was just making a show, because he had to make everyone feel that he knew a lot about the land, and only in this way could people be more convinced of him.

Otherwise, if the villagers here are like the people of Liujia Village, it will be difficult to handle things in the future.


The cultivated land is now full of muddy water, and if Han Xuerou falls like this, the result must be embarrassing.

It's too late, it's too soon. Meng Hailong, who was following Han Xuerou, made a timely move, and before Han Xuerou fell into the cultivated land, he rushed over and hugged her.

Han Xuerou, who thought that she was going to fall into the cultivated land, had already closed her eyes and prepared for the worst, but she suddenly found that her body was still caught in mid-air, and she was overjoyed, so she hurriedly opened her eyes.

As she expected, as soon as her eyes opened, Han Xuerou saw Meng Hailong smiling at her, and her face was flushed with shame.

The last time I went to Xiaolong Village, because I was careless, I tripped over grass and vines under my feet, and as a result, I dedicated my first kiss to Meng Hailong. Han Xuerou never thought that it would be such a shame to accompany him to the field to investigate this time, and there would be such an accident.

She was also secretly thinking in her heart, such a coincidental thing, Meng Hailong didn't know if he would think that she did it on purpose, if he thought so, he would really be ashamed.

"Village Chief Han, are you okay?" After hugging Han Xuerou, seeing that she was still stunned and had no intention of leaving his arms, Meng Hailong asked with a smile.

Hearing Meng Hailong's words, Han Xuerou came back to her senses, and hurriedly shook her head and said, "Thank you, Village Chief Meng, I'm fine... Ah!"

While speaking, Han Xuerou hurriedly left Meng Hailong's arms, but before she finished her words, she screamed again, because she found that her ankle seemed to be sprained, and it hurt when she moved.

"What's wrong?" Meng Hailong hurriedly asked.

"My foot hurts, it may be a sprain!" Han Xuerou frowned and said, "It's miserable, how can I go

back!" "I'll carry you!" Meng Hailong thought for a while and said, "Don't worry too much, I know a little medical skills, after I go back, rub it for you, and then apply some medicine, and you will get better soon." "

Hmm!" Han Xuerou nodded a little shyly, when she was in Xiaolong Village, she learned that Meng Hailong knew how to heal, and his medical skills were very good, so Han Xuerou naturally didn't have any doubts about what he just said.

It's just that she was a little embarrassed when she thought that she was going to lie on Meng Hailong.

But there is no way to be embarrassed, she can't walk now, if she doesn't let Meng Hailong carry her, then she will have to crawl back, which is something she can't do.

Because of this, when Meng Hailong bent down to stand in front of her, Han Xuerou slowly leaned forward and lay on Meng Hailong's back, trying to keep some distance between her chest and Meng Hailong's back to avoid some embarrassing things.

Meng Hailong's strength is great and his physical strength is also very good, although Han Xuerou is only more than ninety pounds, but if it were someone else, he would definitely not be able to carry her back in one go, but Meng Hailong did it.

Carrying Han Xuerou on her back, she walked directly into the village committee of Liantang Village.

Han Xuerou is a university village official, so she is not from Liantang Village, and after coming here, she can only live in the village committee.

Fortunately, the village committee of Liantang Village is also quite large, there are several rooms, and it is no problem to clean up one room as her boudoir.

Han Xuerou's bedroom was simple, with a wooden bed, a table full of books, and a mirror on the wall, but nothing else.

The bedroom, though simple, has the same atmosphere of a boudoir.

As soon as people walked in, they smelled a faint fragrance, this faint virgin fragrance, which is the kind of breath unique to the boudoir, the kind of breath that can make countless men intoxicated.

Carrying Han Xuerou on his back and walking into her bedroom, Meng Hailong put her on the bed, squatted down, helped her take off her shoes with his own hands, and was about to open her perspective eyes to see Han Xuerou's injury, but at this time, he saw something that he shouldn't see.

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