Naturally, it was not only Liu Hai and another policeman who followed Meng Hailong to his house, but also the villagers.

Everyone wants to see if this surveillance has filmed the thief who stole the vegetables.

Seeing that everyone was enthusiastic and expressed their desire to watch the video, Meng Hailong deliberately moved the more than 20-inch monitor to the yard, so that everyone could see it.

The time was adjusted to ten o'clock last night, because before ten o'clock last night, someone could confirm that the cabbage had not been stolen, but after ten o'clock, everyone went to sleep.

"Hey, did it rain last night?" Looking

at the video played on the display screen, everyone felt very weird, because everyone saw that it was actually raining in the vegetable field, and the rain only stopped after a minute, which made people feel incomprehensible.

However, nature is sometimes so strange that although everyone thinks it is weird, they don't take it to heart.

Meng Hailong secretly breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, the surveillance did not film him, otherwise, he would not be able to speak clearly.

The vegetable thief is nowhere to be seen, and the video is fast-forwarded.

In the fast-forward state, the time quickly came to two o'clock in the middle of the night, and at this time, two figures appeared on the screen, but these two people also disappeared as soon as they appeared.

"Brother Long, your set of monitoring equipment is not comprehensive enough!" Liu Jing said while staring at the screen, "I suggest that you find a professional master and ask him to reinstall the monitoring, so that it can be more comprehensive, at least as soon as someone comes to steal vegetables, it can be captured by the surveillance."

"I want to too, but I don't have any money!" Meng Hailong began to cry poor again, and it would cost nearly 40,000 yuan to pay the villagers every day, if it weren't for Ji Yun sending him more than one million yuan two days ago, Meng Hailong would almost be unable to pay now.

In fact, Meng Hailong was also secretly glad that he didn't have a hot head at the beginning to install a comprehensive surveillance, otherwise, he would be the first to be exposed.

Meng Hailong didn't know what would happen to him after he was exposed, but he thought that he would definitely not end well, and if he didn't get it, he would be caught and sliced as an alien for research.

After this incident, Meng Hailong also secretly reminded himself that he must be more careful when doing things in the future.

Especially in Hai Duong, where there are surveillance devices everywhere, if he shows something special, he will definitely attract the attention of some people.

In the video, the two figures that had just appeared and then disappeared reappeared.

This time, the front of one of the people was finally exposed to the surveillance, and seeing the face of this person, the villagers were immediately furious.

"Okay, you Sun Wenqiang, it's been a long time, it turns out that he

is the vegetable thief!" "I'm grass, the village chief is also here, this can't be a movie, right? The village chief's father and son are actually vegetable thieves?"

"Look, the one in red over there seems to be the village chief's wife." "

That's right, it's her, these few who have been stabbed a thousand times, I'm sorry!"

"No, the whole family went out just to steal cabbage, as for it?" Liu Hai frowned, and secretly said in his heart that this village chief is like this, and he can be regarded as a fighter in the garbage.

In the surveillance video, the people who came to steal vegetables were naturally not only the village chief's family, but also many people, judging from the preliminary appearance of the video, there were at least twenty people.

And these twenty people seem to be under the command of the village chief.

"It's not good, the village chief may be running away again. Someone

suddenly remembered that when Meng Hailong led everyone here to watch the surveillance, the village chief and his son hurried home.

Obviously, they must have guessed that they might be exposed, so they were ready to run away.

"Everyone acts separately, we must not let these two scum run away. Xu Weiguang yelled, and then, everyone consciously separated, some went to the village entrance to intercept, and some rushed directly to the village chief's house.

Before everyone started to act, Liu Hai hurriedly told everyone that it was okay to arrest people, but don't beat people.

As a police officer, Liu Hai must ensure the personal safety of everyone, even criminals, but everyone is angry, and the words are listened to, and it is difficult to say whether they can remember it or not.

"Let's go to the village chief's house quickly!" Liu Hai asked Meng Hailong to lead the way, and several people walked quickly to the village chief's house, but they saw that the village chief's house was empty, and he had obviously run away.

"These two bastards are running pretty fast!" Meng Hailong muttered to himself, Sun Wenqiang, this bastard killed his father, and he didn't have time to take revenge yet.

I was feeling helpless in my heart, but the mobile phone rang at this time, and seeing that it was Xu Weiguang's call, Meng Hailong hurriedly answered, and before he could speak, Xu Weiguang's anxious voice came from there: "Brother Long, come quickly, the village chief's family is at the entrance of the village, and everyone will do it after blocking them, I can't stop it, you come over quickly, otherwise someone will die." After

hanging up the phone, Meng Hailong and Liu Hai hurriedly ran to the entrance of the village.

Although they had arrived quickly, the village chief's family was still beaten up by the villagers.

The village chief was lifted up by the villagers and thrown into the dung pit, and although Sun Wenqiang was not thrown into the dung pit, he was no better, he was beaten by everyone and his nose and face were swollen, and his body was bruised.

Compared with them, the village chief's wife has been treated very favorably.

The villagers didn't beat her, they just stripped her of all her clothes, and according to the big guys, the woman was so shameless, so the guys let her throw her face in.

Looking at this scene in front of him, Bangs was really depressed.

She was depressed not because everyone had made the village chief's family so miserable, but because everyone shouldn't throw the village chief into the dung pit and look at his excrement, how could they take him to the police station?

"Let's use a few sacks to trap him!" A villager made a suggestion, but this suggestion obviously did not work.

In the end, Liu Hai could only handcuff Sun Wenqiang and his mother first, and then escorted the village chief to let him go home to take a shower and change clothes, and then took them back to the police station for interrogation.

In the case of conclusive evidence, the village chief's family did not dare to deny it, and explained the purpose and process of stealing vegetables one after another.

During the interrogation of Sun Wenqiang, Liu Hai deliberately talked about Meng Jianguo's situation, Sun Wenqiang was shocked, thinking that the police had already mastered the evidence of his crime, for fear of being punished heavily, he actually took the initiative to confess.

In this way, theft and intentional injury will make Sun Wenqiang spend the first half of his life inside.

Through interrogation, Liu Hai finally figured out that after they stole the cabbage, they sold it to Zhang Fei of the Dinglong Hotel.

The news was conclusive, Liu Hai hurriedly led people to the Dinglong Hotel and chased the batch of Chinese cabbage back, and at the same time, the stolen money obtained by the village chief was also dug up by her.

A vegetable stealing storm was easily broken under Liu Hai's resolute ability to handle the case.

In order to thank Liu Hai for recovering his losses, Meng Hailong specially found someone to make a pennant, and selected several representatives from the village to personally send the pennant to the police station.

"Sea Dragon, I'm sorry, I was wrong. When the dust settled, Meng Xiangkai didn't care about his face, and admitted his mistake to Meng Hailong in front of everyone.

At the beginning, he listened to the rumors, misunderstood Meng Hailong, and regarded Meng Hailong as a thief who guarded and stole himself, now that he thinks about it, he is a villain's heart, and Meng Hailong didn't care about him, although he is Meng Hailong's elder, but if he does something wrong, he should have the courage to admit his mistake.

"Uncle Kai, it's okay, it's normal to have a little misunderstanding, isn't the truth revealed now?" Meng Hailong waved his hand, looking indifferent.

"Hailong, the village chief has entered, our Xiaolong Village can't do without the village chief, or you can be the village chief!" Xu Weiguang proposed, "Although the county may send a village chief to us, we don't know if the people sent by the county are reliable, I think that only you can lead us all out of poverty and become rich." "

Yes, Weiguang is right

, Hailong, you will be the village chief!" "That's it, everyone who agrees to let Hailong be the village chief will raise their hands."

As soon as Xu Weiguang's words came out, everyone present raised their hands high, and let Meng Hailong be the village head, and everyone was in favor of it.

The villagers are not stupid, just a batch of Chinese cabbage, Meng Hailong can sell more than one million, and he can grow two batches of Chinese cabbage a month, so he can make a lot of money in a year.

This is not counting the others, if you include melons and fruits and the like, the monthly income can reach tens of millions.

Seeing that everyone

is so enthusiastic, Meng Hailong feels very gratified, but he actually doesn't like to be the village head, and he is unofficial and light, and Meng Hailong believes this.

If he becomes the head of the village, then he will have more responsibilities on his shoulders.

Meng Hailong wanted to refuse everyone's kindness, but he thought about it, if the village chief who came to the next term was like Sun Laifu, wouldn't his future development be affected?

Sun Laifu is the village head, and Meng Hailong wants to develop the collective land in the village, which is absolutely not even a thought, but if Meng Hailong is the village head, he has the right to develop the collective land in the village.

This is a benefit.

If Sun Laifu's selfishness is reflected in the next village chief, then things will become very troublesome, Meng Hailong doesn't like trouble, so, after thinking about it again, he finally made a decision, the village chief of Xiaolong Village, he became.

Meng Hailong agreed with everyone's suggestion, but it wasn't that he could become the village chief if he agreed, and this matter had to be reported to the county.

As for whether the county will agree, that's another matter.

With Meng Hailong's consent, the villagers quickly spontaneously grouped up, selected several representatives, and went to the county with a letter of recommendation to jointly recommend Meng Hailong as the village head of Xiaolong Village.

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