"Village chief, I was wrong, don't call the police, okay?" The boy who was lying on the ground, injured in one eye, suddenly got up and said this.

"I'm sorry, Xiaoyan has called the police, I believe the police will come soon, if you have anything to say, you better stay and wait to tell the police. Meng Hailong replied lightly, he didn't want to just forget about this matter, otherwise, people would think he was a bully.

"Village chief, I beg you!" The boy suddenly fell to his knees, almost crying, he continued, "It's all my fault for this matter, it's my ghost for a while, I can clarify it to everyone in front of the media camera, I hope the village chief, you don't call the police."

"I'm still a student, and now I don't have an eye, if the village chief calls the police, I may go to jail, the village chief, for my sake, don't call the police, okay?"

The onlookers, as well as Lan Xinyan on the side, were all stunned. What kind of play is this boy singing

? Except for himself, I am afraid that only Meng Hailong knows.

People were very curious, the village chief didn't do anything to him, this boy suddenly admitted his mistake, and had to kneel down to the village chief, you know, just now he was still the identity of the victim!

Seeing the boy's tragic situation, Meng Hailong was also a little unbearable, and after thinking about it, he said: "It's okay if you don't call the police, but you have to explain the whole thing to everyone."

"Okay, okay, I explain. The boy nodded hurriedly, realizing his mistake and feeling the seriousness of the situation, the boy was frightened.

This fear, he told the truth.

It turns out that this boy has been a naughty man since he was a child and likes to mischievous.

Today, he accidentally saw a news on the Internet, saying that after eating potato chips, a child put the oxidant in it into a cup, and as a result, the oxidant exploded when it touched the water in the cup.

The boy thought it was funny, and it just so happened that he also had a bag of potato chips in his bedroom, and after eating the potato chips, he followed the example of the kid and put the oxidant in the cup.

After the oxidizer was put into the cup, he leaned his head over to see if there was any slight change, but at that moment, the cup suddenly exploded, and part of the water in the cup splashed into his eyes.

Soon, he felt the pain in his eyes as if they were on fire.

His eyes were burned, and he immediately remembered that the universal eye drops he had bought from Lan Xinyan had not been used up yet, so he hurriedly took them out and dripped them into his eyes, but unfortunately, no matter how magical the universal eye drops were, they still couldn't save his eyes.

Thinking that the all-purpose eye drops failed to save his eyes, the boy was angry in his heart, and when he was angry, he did the wrong thing.

Anyway, his eyes were broken, so the boy discussed with his mother and decided to sing a farce until Lan Xinyan lost money.

As soon as the situation was said, the onlookers suddenly sighed again, it seems that everyone has misunderstood the village chief, and the eye drops researched by others are indeed harmless!

"Hey, don't squeeze it, everyone!" The truth was revealed, Lan Xinyan suddenly burst into tears and laughed, seeing that everyone was rushing to buy universal eye drops, she hurriedly said: "All share, all share, please line up and buy in a civilized manner."

People were rushing to buy universal eye drops here, and over there, Meng Hailong said to the boy: "You guys go, I'm not an unreasonable person, but in the future, if I hear about it again, or see you slandering the universal eye drops, I won't be so kind now." "

Thank you, village chief!" The boy thanked Meng Hailong, and then walked towards the ambulance next to him, he had an idea before, he didn't let the doctor treat him, but now, the situation has been exposed, his eyes, still have to be treated.

Admitting his mistake, the boy did not regret it, because he knew that if he persisted, when the police came, in case the truth was found out, then his life would be over.

Now, he will only be scolded for a while at most, at least, there is still hope for his future.

As soon as the ambulance left, a police car drove slowly, and two policemen came over to inquire about it, and when they learned that the matter had been resolved, they complained a few words, and they also left.

In just a few minutes, Lan Xinyan sold out the all-purpose eye drops she moved out.

It wasn't until the people dispersed that she was able to rest. stretched his waist, revealing a lower abdomen without any fat, fair skin, and a small navel, Meng Hailong really wanted to run over and touch it after seeing it, but he was just thinking about it in his heart.

"Village chief, you really can do it!" Lan Xinyan stretched her waist, relaxed, and then gave Meng Hailong a thumbs up, Lan Xinyan admired him more and more as the village chief, and almost made a personal promise.

"I'm a man, I have to do it. Meng Hailong said this out of bounds, which immediately attracted a roll of Lan Xinyan's eyes.

"Village chief, you haven't eaten yet, have you, wait for me, let's eat together!" Lan Xinyan didn't wait for Meng Hailong to answer after speaking, she quickly ran upstairs, changed her clothes, and then took the initiative to grab Meng Hailong's arm and walked towards the outside of the school.

Because it was during the holidays, although the school's canteen was also open, there were relatively few things to eat, Lan Xinyan was worried that Meng Hailong would not be used to eating, so she planned to go to the restaurant outside with him to eat.

Holding Meng Hailong's arm, in fact, she didn't mean anything else, that is, she treated Meng Hailong as a big brother.

But Lan Xinyan sees it this way, but others don't think so.

When the two passed by a basketball court, suddenly, a basketball with the sound of "whirring" smashed towards Meng Hailong's head.

When Meng Hailong felt that there was danger, he had already opened his perspective eye, and found that it was a basketball flying towards him, and he did not panic, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a hint of evil smile, and then, as soon as he stretched out his hand, he caught the basketball that was thrown at him.

Grabbing this basketball, Meng Hailong threw it with his hand, and directly made a long-range shot, but he didn't expect that his long-range shot actually scored.

With a "swish", it was still a hollow ball.

"Wow, village chief, you're amazing. Lan Xinyan couldn't help but praise him when she saw Meng Hailong throw a hollow ball casually.

But it was her praise that caused the jealousy of someone on the court.

"Boy, shoot so accurately, you have a kind of fight with us. On the basketball court, a tall boy wearing a No. 9 jersey walked over to Meng Hailong and said this.

"I'm not interested, I don't have time, I still have to accompany the beautiful woman to dinner. Meng Hailong smiled, he could naturally see that this No. 9 player was jealous of him.

The boy wearing the No. 9 jersey, his name is Song Zhe, and he is a student in the same department as Lan Xinyan.

Song Zhe likes Lan Xinyan, this is something that many people know, but unfortunately, Lan Xinyan doesn't like him, and Song Zhe's confession was also directly rejected by Lan Xinyan.

Although the confession was rejected by Lan Xinyan, Song Zhe still has a strong affection for Lan Xinyan as before.

Now, seeing Lan Xinyan and Meng Hailong's intimacy, he naturally couldn't stand it.

If Meng Hailong is beaten up, it will definitely not work, in case people go to the school leaders to complain, he will be very troublesome.

Therefore, Song Zhe planned to use playing basketball as an excuse, as long as Meng Hailong agreed to play on the court, he could abuse him fiercely.

"Xinyan, how can you be with a man who has no seeds, you should choose me. Song Zhe continued, "A person of a bad race like him, if you encounter danger, he will definitely not stand up for you, but I am different, if you are in danger, I will definitely be the first to rush forward." "

Enough Song Zhe, can I still not know what your intentions are?" Lan Xinyan said angrily, "You get out of the way, we still have to go to dinner." "

Boy, let me ask you again, do you dare to fight me?" Song Zhe still didn't give up, his heart was like a fire burning, and he couldn't wait to do it now and beat Meng Hailong.

"Xiaoyan, you don't like this guy, do you?" Meng Hailong didn't answer Song Zhe's words, but looked at Lan Xinyan beside him.

"Hmm!" Lan Xinyan didn't say much, just nodded slightly, but this was also what she really thought in her heart, she really didn't like Song Zhe, especially his shameless and stalking.

"Then I know how to do it!" Meng Hailong smiled, looked at Song Zhe again, and said to him: "It's okay if you want me to play with you, but we have to make a bet, otherwise, it will be too boring."

"As long as you dare to play with me, you can bet as much as you want." Song Zhe sneered and said, in Haiyang University, Song Zhe, who is known as the prince of basketball, is naturally not afraid of Meng Hailong, not only that, but he also has a certain chance of being able to defeat Meng Hailong.

"It's not fun to gamble, let's have something special. Meng Hailong thought for a while and said, "If you lose, I have two conditions, first, from now on, don't pester our family Xiaoyan again." Second, you have to pee in front of everyone, do you dare to compare with me with such a bet

?" "Cut, what don't you dare?" Song Zhe sneered and said, "You have two conditions, then I also have two conditions, first, if you lose, you are not allowed to come to our family Xiaoyan again in the future." Second, Xiaoyan, you are not allowed to go to him.

"Shameless!" Lan Xinyan secretly scolded Song Zhe in her heart, when did she become their family?

, "I'm fine, Xiaoyan, what do you say?" Meng Hailong looked at Lan Xinyan and asked with a smile.

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