The helicopter that slowly landed in Xiaolong Village was actually sent by the General Administration of Sports of the People's Republic of China to meet Meng Hailong.

Seeing that people were flying planes to pick him up, Meng Hailong was also very satisfied, because this already showed their attitude.

As soon as the helicopter stopped, a beautiful young woman stepped out of the plane.

This is a young woman of twenty-seven or eighteen years old, plump and tall, her height, one meter seven, wearing a small black suit with open buttons, and a white shirt inside.

The plump posture tightened the buttons of the shirt, making people a little worried about whether the buttons would be pulled off?"

"Hello, village chief, it's nice to meet you!" The young woman who got off the plane twisted her waist and walked in front of Meng Hailong, stretched out her hand, shook hands with Meng Hailong, said hello, and then introduced herself: "My name is Guo Xiaoai, from the State General Administration of Sports."

"Ai Ai Beauty, hello!" Meng Hailong smiled and shook hands with Guo Xiaoai, but his title to Guo Xiaoai made Guo Xiaoai blush.

Guo Xiaoai secretly thought in her heart, what is not easy to call, why do you want to call her Ai Ai Beauty? Isn't this Nima deliberately embarrassing her!

"Village Chief, your title makes people blush and heartbeat, you still call me Xiao Ai!" Guo Xiaoai thought about it and said this.

Here in Xiaolong Village, there are not many people, Meng Hailong uses such a title to her, the relationship is not very big, but when they arrive at the State General Administration of Sports, there are a lot of people there, if Meng Hailong still calls her "love love", then she will probably have to find a hole directly to drill into.

"Hello little love beauty. Meng Hailong said with a smile.

Hearing this sentence in his ears, he felt much more comfortable, Guo Xiaoai grinned and

said, "Village Chief, before I came, I believe you have received a notice, right?" "Notice, what notice?" Meng Hailong pretended to be puzzled and said, "Xiao Ai Beauty, is it a notice that you are going to come to our Xiaolong Village to play?"

"Village Chief, you misunderstood!" Guo Xiaoai had a headache, she continued, " Village Chief, since you haven't been notified, I'll inform you now, I'm here to pick you up and take you to the State General Administration of Sports, you hurry up and pack up, time is pressing, we have to leave immediately. "

Time is pressing?" Meng Hailong frowned and said, "Xiao Ai Beauty, why are you in such a hurry?" "

We have to hurry up and go to the General Administration of Sports of China to meet with other athletes, and then go to Xiba to participate in the Olympic Games." "

Although there are still ten days before the start of the Olympic Games, the athletes must arrive early, and everyone has already been ready to go, but because of Meng Hailong, everyone adjusted the time and delayed it for three days.

"Since Xiao Aimei is in such a hurry, let's set off now!" Meng Hailong smiled and said with a smile, in fact, he had already arranged the things that should be arranged. He deliberately ridiculed Guo Xiaoai just now, but Meng Hailong still understood the severity of the matter.

"Village chief, you don't have to clean up?" Guo Xiao reminded kindly, "This trip to Xiba may take a bit long, I suggest that the village chief bring some personal belongings, just in case, after all, we are going to a foreign country, and some things may not be able to be bought when needed." "

Xiaoai beauty, is this thing you are talking about, is it a condom?" Meng Hailong's words choked Guo Xiaoai, she didn't speak directly, rolled her eyes and boarded the plane.

Meng Hailong smiled and followed on the plane.

The helicopter quickly took off and flew in the direction of the capital. In his life, Meng Hailong had never been to the capital, and sitting on the plane, he couldn't help but ask: "Little love beauty, is it fun over there in the capital?"

"It's not fun, the air quality is too bad, it's not as good as your Xiaolong Village." Guo Xiaoai replied truthfully, in her eyes, the capital is like that, there will be smog every year, not to mention the poor air quality, and there is a traffic jam, but fortunately, they have helicopters.

"If the air quality is not good, it will be very harmful to the body. Meng Hailong continued: "Xiao Ai Beauty, if you think that the air quality in our Xiaolong Village is good, I welcome you to come to Xiaolong Village at any time, and I will keep the place for you."

Without waiting for Guo Xiaoai to speak, Meng Hailong continued: "Let me tell you, our Xiaolong Village is very nurturing, not sick, and has good skin, you see the beauties in our village, all of them are like eighteen years old."

"According to what you said from the village chief, then I really have to apply to the higher-level leaders to move the State General Administration of Sports to your Xiaolong Village." Guo Xiaoai said this with a smile, and Meng Hailong suddenly became anxious.

"This can't be done!" Meng Hailong hurriedly shook his head and said, "The State General Administration of Sports, that area is definitely not small, if you really move here, then Xiaolong Village is estimated to disappear from the earth, this is absolutely unacceptable

!" "Uh!" Guo Xiaoai suddenly covered her chest, her face gradually turned pale, and a circle of fine beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.

"Xiaoai beauty, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Guo Xiaoai's appearance, Meng Hailong immediately thought that she might be sick, so he hurriedly asked.

At the same time as he opened his mouth to ask, Meng Hailong had already opened his perspective eyes and looked towards Guo Xiaoai's chest.

Under the perspective eye, Meng Hailong soon learned the cause of the disease, Guo Xiaoai's current symptom is actually tachycardia.

A normal person's heartbeat is about eighty times a minute, but Guo Xiaoai's current heartbeat has reached one hundred and sixty times a minute, which is a terrifying data.

Tachycardia can cause chest tightness, fatigue, dizziness, sweating, and in severe cases, syncope, shock, acute heart failure, and even sudden death due to ventricular fibrillation.

Guo Xiaoai's situation doesn't seem to be light, because she doesn't even have the strength to answer.

Although he knew Guo Xiaoai's condition, Meng Hailong couldn't say it directly, so he quickly grabbed Guo Xiaoai's hand, pretended to take the pulse, and then said to her: "Xiaoai beauty, you are tachycardia, quickly stimulate your throat with your fingers, as long as the symptoms of nausea and vomiting are triggered, the tachycardia will disappear automatically."

After listening to Meng Hailong's words, Guo Xiaoai hurriedly raised her hand and tried to do what Meng Hailong said, which stimulated her throat and caused vomiting.

"Village Chief, thank you so much!" All kinds of uncomfortable feelings disappeared, Guo Xiaoai felt a lot more relaxed, and thanked Meng Hailong with a smile, "I really didn't expect that you still know medical skills." "

I just know a little bit about the skin!" Meng Hailong said with rare modesty, "Xiao Ai Beauty, your heart has a little problem, the method just now can only solve the temporary discomfort, but if you want to restore the health of the heart, you need to go through treatment." "

Village Chief, since you can see my condition, you must know how to treat it, right?"

"I suggest you go to the hospital, because my treatment may make you feel embarrassed. Meng Hailong smiled and said, "To tell you the truth, I studied Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine pays attention to conditioning, if you are a male friend, I will recommend you to find me for treatment, because I use massage therapy, now you understand why I recommend you to go to the hospital for treatment, right

?" "Uh, understood!" Guo Xiaoai thought about it and asked curiously: "Can this heart area also be massaged and treated?"

"Yes!" Meng Hailong said with certainty: " Through massage, the function of the heart can be strengthened, and the heart function will become stronger, and the disease will naturally disappear.

Although Meng Hailong wanted to help Guo Xiaoai with massage treatment, he was worried that he would be misunderstood by Guo Xiaoai, so he would tell her the specific situation, and as for whether to treat it, it was left to Guo Xiaoai to decide.

Seeing that Guo Xiaoai's face was still a little pale, Meng Hailong quietly took out a bottle of water from his body, opened it, and handed it over.

This bottle of water is not ordinary mineral water, but the spiritual spring that Meng Hailong took out from the spirit jade space.

Guo Xiaoai didn't hesitate, took the water and drank two

sips directly, as soon as the water entered the mouth, Guo Xiaoai felt that it was wrong, she had never drunk such a delicious mineral water when she was so big! After drinking a few more sips, Guo Xiaoai wanted to see what brand this water was, and thought that when she ordered mineral water for athletes in the future, she would buy this brand.

However, when she took a look, she realized that the water did not have any brand, just a slippery plastic bottle, and there was nothing.

Seeing this situation clearly, Guo Xiaoai felt that the outer packaging of this bottle of water should have been torn off by Meng Hailong, so he hurriedly asked: "Village Chief, where did you buy this bottle of water? What brand is it?"

Meng Hailong said jokingly.

"Old village chief?" Guo Xiaoai's eyebrows furrowed slightly, she remembered that she seemed to have seen this brand there, and after thinking about it carefully, she remembered that she saw it in the supermarket, but it was not mineral water, but a kind of liquor.

Thinking of this, Guo Xiaoai opened his mouth and said: "Village chief, you lied to me, right? The old village chief is obviously a kind of liquor, how can

it be mineral water?" "The old village chief can be liquor, can't it be mineral water?" Meng Hailong said seriously, "People sell wine, I sell water, isn't this okay?" "

In case someone registers a trademark, you are infringing!" Guo Xiao reminded him kindly.

"Oh, then can I call this water the village chief?" Meng Hailong said with a smile, "It's just a name, it doesn't matter, it's like what I call you, in fact, the difference between Xiao Ai Beauty and Ai Ai Beauty is really not big, but I think that the latter sounds more intimate." "

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