Insecticide powder is poisonous, and if it is sprinkled from the air, people in prison will inevitably inhale the powder, which will lead to poisoning.

This irresponsible behavior angered Meng Hailong, and he quietly released the lightning bird again.

After the lightning bird was released, it rushed into the air with a "boom", and with a few flapping of its wings, the lightning fell from the sky one after another.

Before several helicopters could sprinkle powder on the ground, they were struck by lightning released by lightning birds and crashed directly.

This time, the Xiba side suffered very heavy losses, several helicopters, hundreds of millions!

But Meng Hailong did not sympathize with them, who let them be unreasonable? If they were reasonable, they would not be in the current situation.

After the helicopter crashed, Meng Hailong took the lightning bird back into the spirit jade space.

The poison on the ground, as well as the hornets in the air, were all taken back by him, because, Meng Hailong felt that this matter would definitely not pass like this, and Xiba would definitely take some measures.

It's okay to make a fuss, Meng Hailong doesn't want to pay too much price.

If the hornets and those poisonous snakes and spiders are really wiped out, it will be too late.

Upon learning of the helicopter crash, the leaders of the relevant parties were furious, but the matter still had to be resolved, and they sent another ground force, wearing thick protective clothing, into the area where the prison was located and began to spray powder.

But after being busy for a long time, they realized that they were busy for half a day, there was no poison in this area at all, and there were many mosquitoes and flies.

The day passed quickly, but fortunately, under Guo Xiaoai's constant urging, the test report on the drinking water provided by the Olympic Village finally came out.

But when she received this test report, Guo Xiaoai's whole person was not good.

According to the test results, there is no problem with the drinking water provided by the Olympic Village, and the substances contained in the water are not toxic to the human body.

After reading this test report, Guo Xiaoai almost fell to the ground, even though she had already prepared for the worst, she didn't expect that Meng Hailong would make such a major mistake.

The test report has come out, Guo Xiaoai also has to bear the corresponding responsibility, and all the costs of airlifting drinking water from China need to be borne by her, which is a nightmare for her.

Because, that would be a huge amount of money.

Meng Hailong's fate is even worse, because he will be severely punished for slandering the management of the Olympic Village, and he will be imprisoned for sure, and he will also be disqualified from participating in the competition.

Guo Xiaoai was very confused, she didn't know who else she could ask for help, but despite the fact that things had developed to such an extent, she never blamed Meng Hailong.

Now, what she thinks about the most is not how she will bear the huge expenses, but how to save Meng Hailong from Xiba's prison.

Guo Xiaoai first tried to negotiate with the management of the Olympic Village, hoping that they could withdraw the accusation against Meng Hailong, as long as they were willing to withdraw the accusation against Meng Hailong, then Meng Hailong would be fine.

It's a pity that Guo Xiaoai found their person in charge, and as soon as he told him what he meant, the other party shook his head directly, saying that their rights and interests must be protected, and no matter what, they would not withdraw the accusation against Meng Hailong.

In vain, Guo Xiaoai could only call back to China again, hoping that the domestic bigwigs could come up with an idea and rescue Meng Hailong first.

After the opening ceremony, the Olympic Games have officially begun.

Some competitions are underway, but Meng Hailong is still locked in that iron cage. At first, Meng Hailong still felt that it didn't matter, but after a long time, he realized that the feeling of being locked up here alone could make him crazy.

"This is the efficiency of a certain department!" Meng Hailong could only sigh in his heart.

Another day passed.

This morning, Meng Hailong looked forward to it, and finally looked forward to the person he wanted to see the most, the leader of the State General Administration of Sports, Guo Xiaoai.

Guo Xiaoai was accompanied by two policemen, and after they came to the iron cage where Meng Hailong was kept, they took out the key to open the iron door and released Meng Hailong from the iron cage.

was released, Meng Hailong first stretched his waist, and at the same time said: "Little Ai Beauty, you are really slow! I am almost smoked to death by the stench here." "

Hmph, it's a blessing that you can come out. Guo Xiaoaijiao snorted and briefly explained, after listening to her words, Meng Hailong knew the ins and outs of the matter.

It turned out that the domestic testing agency did not detect the toxic elements in the drinking water, but the empire did.

Speaking of which, Meng Hailong was able to leave the prison smoothly this time, and he had to thank the scientists of the empire.

If it weren't for the harmful substances they detected in the water, it would be difficult to say how long Meng Hailong would have squatted in prison.

"It is worthy of being the world's largest country, and in all aspects of scientific research and technology, people are stronger than us!" Meng Hailong couldn't help but sigh, with the same water, people can detect problems, but domestic scientific researchers have not even detected a fart, which is the technological gap.

Of course, it could also be a problem on the part of the researchers.

But whatever the problem, the matter has finally passed, and the management of the Olympic Village has been severely punished.

In order to prevent accidents, various countries have flown in drinking water from their own countries.

As the world's largest country, with its strong economy, the empire even has food airlifted from their country to better ensure the health of its athletes.

The empire confirmed that there was a problem with drinking water, which not only let Meng Hailong get out of trouble, but also helped Guo Xiaoai, and the domestic bigwigs called her after learning the progress of the situation, saying that she did not need to bear the cost of airlifting drinking water.

The heavy burden finally fell, and Guo Xiaoai couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

If she is really responsible for that expense personally, I am afraid that she will not be able to repay the huge amount of money if she works in the Sports Bureau all her life.

The drinking water scandal did not affect the course of the Games.

The games went on as scheduled, and on the schedule, this afternoon, the national men's basketball team will have a game, and Meng Hailong followed everyone to the game site.

But instead of going on the pitch, he played the role of a spectator next to the pitch.

In this game, the West Ba team is playing against the Huaxia team, if you look at the strength of the team, there is still a big gap between the Huaxia team and the Xiba team.

Basketball and football are the two weakest sports in China.

Maybe it was that there was no suspense in this game, or maybe there was not much interest in this game, and there were not many spectators in the stands, just half of the seats.

At the beginning of the game, the Huaxia team could still bite the score, but it lasted for about ten minutes, and the score was gradually pulled away by the Xiba team.

The West Pakistan team led by four points at 17-13 and also won a free throw. The free throw was hit, and the West Pakistan team led by 18 points.

Next, the Huaxia team missed again and again, and the score was pulled away again. After half an hour, the Xiba team was far ahead by a huge gap of 40 to 23 points.

In the stands, the fans of the Xiba team have begun to shout, saying that the Huaxia team is by no means their opponent, and some people have even said wildly that the Huaxia basketball team will go back to China to practice for a few more years and then participate in the Olympic Games.

Some people began to complain, what about the village chief, let the village chief play the game!

These fans of Huaxia came here to watch the game, in fact, many people came to Meng Hailong.

According to reliable sources in China, the village chief will participate in the Olympic Games, and anyone who has watched the video wants to see the village chief with their own eyes.

Even, some people came here from China to watch the village chief play.

But everyone watched it for more than half an hour, and they didn't see the village chief playing, and the Huaxia team was humiliated again, and everyone suddenly became anxious.

"Village Chief, Village Chief, Village Chief!" In the stands, the fans of the Huaxia team consciously stood up and shouted slogans in a neat voice, in order to remind the Huaxia team that it was time to let the village chief play.

In fact, Guo Xiaoai had long wanted to let Meng Hailong play, but Zhang Xiaoqiang was unwilling, saying that the first half was very important, and he didn't want to let someone who had not trained with them play to disrupt his plan.

Seeing that the score was so big and the demands of the masses were so enthusiastic, Guo Xiaoai didn't care about Zhang Xiaoqiang, and directly shouted for a replacement, and replaced Meng Hailong.

"The village chief... Come on! Come on!"

In the stands, the fans of the Huaxia team saw Meng Hailong on the field, and they all seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, and they were so excited that some people also induced heart disease, but fortunately, he brought medicine, which did not lead to too serious consequences.

The enthusiasm of the audience was quickly extinguished by a basin of cold water, because everyone saw that after the village chief came on the court, he did not even touch a basketball.

It's not that Meng Hailong doesn't want to touch basketball, it's just that Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn't give him the opportunity at all.

In this regard, Meng Hailong was also very unhappy in his heart, because he could see that the people of the Huaxia team didn't want to pass the ball to him at all, and in such a situation, he didn't need his brain, even with his toes, he could think of it, and Zhang Xiaoqiang was behind his back.

Because he was unhappy with Zhang Xiaoqiang in his heart, Meng Hailong simply stood still, he wanted to see what Zhang Xiaoqiang was capable of.

Meng Hailong stood still, but in the stands, the fans of the Xiba team laughed. One by one, they leaned forward and leaned back with a smile, and those who understood their words would know that they were laughing at the Huaxia team, and they actually got a piece of wood to participate in the competition.

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