Meng Hailong thought about it for a long time, and he finally felt that in order to avoid this kind of hacking situation from happening again, it could only be solved by improving the level of athletes.

As long as the level of the athlete is improved, in the face of absolute strength, I believe that no referee will dare

to blow the black whistle again, right? Just like in this game, if the Huaxia player hits the opponent all over the ground to find teeth, the referee will not have the opportunity to blow the black whistle.

After all, if he wants to blow the black whistle, he can't blow it too obviously, otherwise, if it causes public anger, it won't end.

In a short period of time, Meng Hailong does not have a good way to improve the level of athletes, but he can help athletes so that they can quickly recover their strength during the competition.

Just like helping Fu Yuanyuan win the first place in the competition, Meng Hailong believes that as long as he provides spiritual springs to the athletes in China, he believes that it will be the best help for them.

However, what made Meng Hailong difficult was how he should provide the spiritual spring to the Chinese athletes?

It would certainly not be possible to directly take out the spiritual spring and distribute it to everyone. Because once he does this, if someone asks him, where did your water come from, Meng Hailong will not be able to explain it.

Occasionally take out one or two bottles, absolutely no one will doubt it, but once he takes out a large amount of spiritual spring, it will inevitably cause a great impact.

Meng Hailong didn't want to cause trouble for himself, thinking about it, he felt that this matter could only be done in secret.

In the middle of the night, Meng Hailong took advantage of the particularity of the Lingyu space to quietly come to the Olympic Village and find a place to store drinking water.

The drinking water was flown in from China, and the Sports Bureau specially arranged a room to store it.

After coming here, Meng Hailong quietly changed all the drinking water.

It took him more than an hour to finish his work, and when he returned to the hotel, he found that Guo Xiaoai hadn't slept yet.

After asking, Meng Hailong knew that Guo Xiaoai's chest was tight, and she felt short of breath, as if there was something wrong with her heart.

Knowing this situation, Meng Hailong was not ambiguous, and directly opened the perspective eye to help her check it.

After this check, Meng Hailong found that Guo Xiaoai's heart did have some conditions, mainly because the power of the heart was not enough, and massage was needed to restore the heart to its due power, so as to alleviate the condition.

As soon as the situation was said, Guo Xiaoai blushed.

Originally, the massage was nothing, but this part of the heart was too special, how could she be embarrassed to let Meng Hailong help her massage

?" "Village chief, how do you press it, or you teach me, and then I press it myself, okay?" Guo Xiaoai thought about it and asked.

"No!" Meng Hailong shook his head very decisively, he gave Guo Xiaoai a massage, relying on the air flow in his body, if there was no air flow, the massage would not have much effect.

"Xiao Ai Beauty, it's not that I deliberately want to take advantage of you, but this massage is about techniques, and I can't teach you this thing. Meng Hailong explained, "If everyone could easily learn massage, there wouldn't be so many patients in the world."

After listening to Meng Hailong's words, Guo Xiaoai thought about it and felt right, and after thinking for a while, she made a decision that it would be better to let Meng Hailong help her massage treatment.

Guo Xiaoai also knew about Meng Hailong's massage for Fu Yuanyuan, and it was because of this that she chose to believe Meng Hailong.

Besides, after getting along for a while, Guo Xiaoai also felt that Meng Hailong was not the kind of person who deliberately found excuses to take advantage of her.

If she goes to the hospital for examination, she will also be asked by the doctor to take off her clothes, since this is the case, what else does she have to worry about?

The two walked into Guo Xiaoai's room one after the other.

The door was closed, and there was no need for Meng Hailong's instructions, Guo Xiaoai took the initiative to untie her clothes, lay on the bed, and was ready to let Meng Hailong help her massage.

Seeing Guo Xiaoai so cooperative, Meng Hailong didn't think much about it, moved a chair to sit on the edge of the bed, and began to help Guo Xiaoai massage treatment.

His technique is very special, sometimes forceful, sometimes caressing, but Guo Xiaoai can feel a clear stream flowing down her chest into her body, and suddenly, her heartbeat has become strong and powerful, and the previous shortness of breath is slowly disappearing.

However, with it comes another kind of discomfort.

The massage process lasted for more than 20 minutes, and during these more than 20 minutes, it was a great torture for Meng Hailong.

But he didn't know that this was not a kind of torture for Guo

Xiaoai? Just when Meng Hailong withdrew his hand, announced the end of the massage, and was about to go to the bathroom to solve his physical problems, Guo Xiaoai grabbed him.

"Don't go!" Guo Xiaoai's pretty face was already as red as blood, and after grabbing Meng Hailong, she said in a low voice.

"What?" Meng Hailong thought he had heard it wrong, and hurriedly asked.

"Stupid, why don't you hurry up?" Guo Xiaoaijiao sneered, and then she pulled the quilt to cover herself, she didn't expect that she would be so active, she was really ashamed.

Hearing Guo Xiaoai's words clearly, Meng Hailong was stunned at first, and then overjoyed, it only took less than ten seconds for him to strip himself naked and burrow into the quilt.

After a busy night, when he woke up the next day, Meng Hailong showed no signs of fatigue, on the contrary, he felt that the air flow in his body was more abundant.

After Meng Hailong's non-stop massage all night, Guo Xiaoai now feels that there is no problem with her heart at all.

But the heart is fine, and somewhere the problem is not small.

As the saying goes, there is no land that cannot be cultivated, only tired cows, but Guo Xiaoai feels that Meng Hailong is a fierce bull that can counterattack, because this guy has already cultivated her land in one night.

No, when she got up in the morning, she was about to go down to the ground, but she found that she couldn't come down at all, so she could only lie on the bed and wait for Meng Hailong to serve her.

Fortunately, she hasn't had anything to do in the past two days, otherwise, she would have been delayed by this matter.

Knowing that Guo Xiaoai couldn't get off the ground, Meng Hailong thoughtfully brought her a basin and water, and waited for her to brush her teeth and wash her face on the bed.

After finishing these things, Meng Hailong pretended to say that he went out to buy vegetables and came back to cook, but in fact, he found a place where no one was, and then took out a big lobster from the Lingyu space, in addition to the big lobster, Meng Hailong also took out some matsutake mushrooms.

These things are very beneficial to the body, especially if these things are taken out of the spirit jade space, the effect is even better.

In the presidential suite, there will be no shortage of kitchen utensils and tableware.

But there are no cooking seasonings, it's just that the things that are abundant in the Lingyu space are more delicious when cooked, so this has no effect.

When Meng Hailong brought a plate of steamed lobster to Guo Xiaoai, her face was full of happy expressions.

Meng Hailong took out the chopsticks, sandwiched a piece of lobster meat for her, and sent it to Guo Xiaoai's mouth, this girl just took a bite, and her eyes widened immediately.

It's not like she's never eaten lobster, but she's never eaten such a delicious lobster.

"Village Chief, this lobster... How did you make it?" After swallowing the lobster, Guo Xiaoai hurriedly said: "This taste is very different from the last time I ate it at the Huaxia Hotel!" "

If you think it's delicious, you can eat more, and if you want to eat it in the future, I can make it for you at any time." Meng Hailong said with a smile, and picked up another piece of lobster meat in his hand and sent it to Guo Xiaoai's mouth.

In addition to the lobster, the fried matsutake mushrooms also taste good, and there is a small plate of hand-papped cucumbers, although it looks simple, but the taste is really incomparable.

After serving Guo Xiaoai to eat this delicious meal, Meng Hailong did not continue to accompany her.

After a night of hard work last night, he was not tired, but Guo Xiaoai was tired, knowing that she needed a good rest, Meng Hailong left the hotel and came to the swimming pool.

The women's swimming competition will be held in the final this afternoon, and if there are no accidents, Fu Yuanyuan should be able to win the gold medal in this event.

Although he had a lot of confidence in Fu Yuanyuan, Meng Hailong still wanted to cheer her up at the scene and send her something by the way.

After coming to the swimming pool, Meng Hailong quickly found Fu Yuanyuan and greeted her, and the girl ran towards him.

In fact, when she got up in the morning, Fu Yuanyuan wanted to find Meng Hailong, but she found that he was not in the room, so she called him and prompted that the mobile phone had been turned off.

In desperation, Fu Yuanyuan had no choice but to train first.

Until she entered the field to prepare for the game, Fu Yuanyuan couldn't contact Meng Hailong, so she looked forward to it, looked for it, and hoped that she could find Meng Hailong in the swimming pool.

Huangtian lived up to her wishes, and when there were still ten minutes before the start of the game, she finally saw Meng Hailong.

After running over, Fu Yuanyuan said in a slightly complaining tone: "Village chief, you ran there early in the morning, why did you keep prompting that the phone was turned off when I called you?"

"Uh, my phone is out of battery and I forgot to charge it." Meng Hailong scratched his head and said a little embarrassed, only he knew that the mobile phone was turned off, because he didn't want to be harassed last night, so he turned off his mobile phone, and then he was busy cooking for Guo Xiaoai when he got up, and forgot to turn on the mobile phone.

If it weren't for Fu Yuanyuan's reminder now, Meng Hailong wouldn't have known that his mobile phone was still turned off.

Why Meng Hailong's mobile phone was turned off, Fu Yuanyuan didn't care much, if she could find Meng Hailong, she would have nothing to worry about.

Seeing that the game was about to start, Fu Yuanyuan hurriedly said: "Village Chief, the game is about to start, give me water quickly." "

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