With the perspective eye open, Meng Hailong carefully observed the situation around him, on his left and right, respectively, a teammate of the Huaxia team, and behind him, a player from the Imperial team was running towards him.

Seizing this opportunity, Meng Hailong's head was biased, and with a basketball with the strength of 10,000 catties, he flew over his head.

Seeing the basketball flying towards him, the player of the Imperial team subconsciously stretched out his hands to catch the ball, but because the basketball flew too fast, his hands were in the air, and at the same time, the basketball had hit his face, and people only heard a loud "bang", and the Imperial player fell on his back.

The basketball bounced back after hitting the imperial player's face, and Meng Hailong caught the basketball as soon as he turned around, threw it away, and scored three points for the Chinese team.

The Imperial player whose face was hit by a basketball stopped moving after he fell.

The paramedics immediately went on the field to check on the situation, and when they came to the player, they were stunned.

This player's nose has been smashed by the basketball, and his whole face is sunken, but fortunately, he still has breath, and if he is rescued in time, he should still be able to save his life.

The medic carried the player off the field, and the Empire had to make another substitution.

However, they want to change people, but no one wants to play, Nima, this time, either crippled or seriously injured, as long as it is a person with a normal brain, no one wants to do it.

"If you don't go up, you have to go!" The coach of the Imperial team grabbed a person and sent it to the field, if anyone is disobedient, don't want to mix in the team in the future.

There was no way, the player who was caught on the court by the coach could only grit his teeth and play, and at the same time, he also secretly thought in his heart that he didn't care if he won or lost, he wouldn't touch the basketball anyway.

The spectators in the stands, including those watching the live broadcast in front of the TV, became nervous one by one, and this basketball game, at this moment, seemed to be no longer a basketball game, but evolved into a war.

"Everybody be careful and dodge the basketball. Meng Hailong lowered his voice and said to Liu Dagen, "You just think that you are here to make up the numbers, don't think about being a hero, because heroes are not so easy to be, if you don't get it right, you will become a bear at any time." For

Meng Hailong's reminder, everyone agrees.

They are not stupid, they have seen what has just happened with their own eyes, and if they still want to go to the basketball with their own eyes, they will be stupid.

The basketball was thrown out of the hands of the Empire's supernatural man, and with the sound of "whirring", it smashed into Meng Hailong's head again.

This time, Meng Hailong didn't hide, he reached out to pick it up, and the audience was so nervous that they all stood up, and almost everyone held their breath and quietly waited for what might happen.

Just when people were speculating whether Meng Hailong's hands would be broken when he caught the basketball, the basketball had already fallen into Meng Hailong's hands, but it was still spinning rapidly.

People suddenly became even more nervous, because just now, the basketball was like this before it exploded, and it exploded as it turned.

"Village chief, the basketball will explode, you quickly throw the basketball away!" someone shouted loudly in the audience.

It seemed that this person's words reminded Meng Hailong, and suddenly, he threw the basketball that was still spinning, but instead of shooting, he threw the basketball back to the imperial man just now.

The corners of the Imperial man's mouth rose slightly, revealing a contemptuous smile, and he caught the basketball with one hand, shot it with his hand, hit, and won three points.

At the moment when the basketball hit the ground, the imperial man who shot just now only felt that his eyes were dark and his legs were weak, and he fell to the ground and was silent.

The medical team rushed to the scene again, and after some rescue, they still failed to save the person.

Sudden death, this is the conclusion reached by the medical team after examination, no one knows, he was killed because he inhaled some powder while catching the basketball.

In this game, the Imperial team suffered extremely heavy casualties, and when the coach reached out to grab someone, he found that the players had all run away, and there was no one left.

There was no way, he had to play in person.

The game continued, but the Imperial team had no idea of competing for the championship, especially the three abilities they found, and now there was only one person left, and they couldn't fight against Meng Hailong at all, but fortunately, in the next time, Meng Hailong did not kill them again.

The time for the second half of the game was fast approaching, and the Huaxia team won the championship with a 39-point lead, and people had not had time to congratulate them, but at this moment, the referee announced that Meng Hailong would be tested for blood, which means that they suspected Meng Hailong of doping.

It doesn't matter, the blood test is the blood test, and we are not afraid of the shadow, this is what Meng Hailong said to everyone.

When the blood test report came out, the referee publicly announced that Meng Hailong violated doping and was disqualified from this game, and at the same time, he will be banned for five years.

As soon as the results were announced, the audience was in an uproar, and no one expected that Meng Hailong actually used doping.

Feeling cheated, some people scolded angrily, and some people expressed doubts about the results of the blood test, but anyway, the results were already there and had become a fact.

For many people, this may be the final result, but for Meng Hailong, this is just the beginning, because he will never approve of the ruling made by the referee.

If the referee just blew the black whistle, Meng Hailong would not be so angry, but they actually slandered him for using doping, which completely angered him.

At the moment when the referee announced the result, Meng Hailong really wanted to find a basketball to kill him, but there was no basketball by his side, so he could only take off a shoe and throw it at the referee.

With a "bang", the shoe smashed on the referee's head, instantly smashing his head and bleeding and falling to the ground.

The other shoe was also quickly thrown out by Meng Hailong, and the target was still a referee.

Both shoes were thrown out, and when he saw that the remaining referee was about to run, Meng Hailong chased after him barefoot, these bastards were too much, they even framed him, and they didn't see who he was.

Catching up with the referee, Meng Hailong kicked him, and then rode on him, without saying much nonsense, and started to fight directly.

He opened his hands from side to side and slapped him hard.

Inside the restaurant, there was silence, only the sound of "snapping" slaps, and people all watched in disbelief with wide eyes.

Beating up referees is a dream for many people.

Especially when they saw the referee blowing the black whistle, people wanted to beat them to death, but everyone could only feel resentment in their hearts, but there was still no real beating of people.

After all, they are referees, and if you beat them, there will be a lot of trouble in the future.

People dare to be angry but dare not speak, but Meng Hailong just dares to fight, and he is not playing a referee, but the entire referee team.

Three referees were knocked to the ground in succession, and the security guards in the stadium reacted and found out about the situation here, and all the security guards ran towards this side.

But because the distance was a bit far, when they ran over, the three referees had been beaten into pigs' faces by Meng Hailong, and they all lay on the ground and didn't move.

"You kid is so bold, you dare to make trouble in the Olympic Games, it's really boring. The security guards rushed over, and the first person took out an electric baton and pointed at Meng Hailong, chirping and saying a few crooked words, and then waved his hand and asked people to go up and clean up Meng Hailong.

In the face of this group of security guards, Meng Hailong did not have the slightest fear, he just said coldly: "As a referee, not only did they not maintain a fair ruling, but also framed me, since they can be lawless, why can't I beat them?" "Don't

talk nonsense with me, our task is to maintain law and order in the venue, you make trouble in our territory, just to embarrass us, I warn you, you better not resist, otherwise, we will be unkind to you." "

The referee can be lawless, and these security guards must not be any better, so Meng Hailong has no intention of obeying them, anyway, the matter has already made trouble, so just make a big fuss.

A group of security guards rushed over, Meng Hailong grabbed a chair and smashed it into the head of a security guard without hesitation.

The security guard's head was smashed and he fell to the ground with a scream.

Meng Hailong didn't stop because of this, waving the chair in his hand and mingling with the group of security guards who rushed up.

Although the security guards have electric batons in their hands, there are many people, and they don't dare to generate electricity casually, otherwise they will hurt their own people.

They had some scruples, but Meng Hailong was not worried at all, grabbed an electric baton, and pressed the switch against the neck of a security guard.

The sound of electricity sounded, and the security guard who was electrocuted suddenly rolled his eyes and fell to the ground. Before he fell to the ground, Meng Hailong snatched the electric baton in his hand again.

Holding the two electric batons in his hands, Meng Hailong instantly became invincible, he casually released the high-voltage electricity in the electric baton, and the sound caused by the electric current alone had scared those security guards half to death.

Knowing that he couldn't beat Meng Hailong, the rest of the security guards turned around and ran, and if they didn't run, they would be stupid, and they would be beaten! They wanted to run, but Meng Hailong didn't

give them a chance, he caught up, and the electric baton in his hand poked at the ass of the slowest security guard, pressed the button, and the high-voltage electricity released by the electric baton made the security guard tremble, and then he fell to the ground with a "plop".

After swapping an electric baton with the fallen security guard, Meng Hailong continued to chase after the other security guards.

The arena suddenly turned into a battlefield, and everyone in the audience was stunned, everyone was thinking about the same thing in their hearts, Meng Hailong made such a big fuss, in the end, how will he end?

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