"Mr. Wang, I appreciate your kindness!" Meng Hailong did not pick up the red envelope handed over by Wang Dayong, but said with a smile, "I will read the plan you handed over, if your company's strength is good, I will do this project for you."

"Village Chief, if you think it's less, we can talk about it again. Wang Dayong continued, "Actually, the project is always to be done, and it is the same for anyone, so give me the opportunity to do it as the village chief." "

Mr. Wang, don't I understand enough?" Meng Hailong frowned and said: "Maybe you haven't understood clearly, the school project is actually my personal funding for the construction, so it's useless for you to send me money, the key depends on the strength."

didn't give Wang Dayong a chance to speak, Meng Hailong continued: "If Mr. Wang has nothing else to do, please do it, I still have a lot of things to do, so I won't entertain Mr. Wang."

"Okay then!" Wang Dayong smiled helplessly, Meng Hailong had said it to this point, and he didn't have the face to continue to entangle. took back the red envelope, said goodbye to Meng Hailong, and Wang Dayong left.

Not long after Wang Dayong left, another person from the engineering team came to look for Meng Hailong, but this time, the person who came was stopped by Zitong.

Meng Hailong specially explained to her, but none of them were from the engineering team. Knowing their intentions, Meng Hailong didn't want to waste time on them.

It took him more than two hours to read all the plans sent by Sun Xinxin.

These plans are well written, but Meng Hailong always feels that there is a feeling of being the same over and over again, just like writing an essay when he is studying, all of them are copied from each other, and after this essay is written, there is nothing new.

Fortunately, one of these plans is quite special.

This particular proposal is not printed out on a computer, but is completely handwritten, with beautiful fonts, prominent ideas, and detailed plans.

Moreover, the price of this proposal is lower than that of any other engineering team.

After carefully reading the plan again, Meng Hailong took out his mobile phone and dialed the phone according to the contact information left on the plan.

The phone was quickly connected, and an elegant voice came from the other end: "Hey, hello, this is Tiantian Construction Co., Ltd., I am Zhang Zetian, the general manager of the company, how can I help

you?" "Milk tea girl?" Hearing the other party's name, Meng Hailong was taken aback, her name is so familiar, you know who it is when you hear it, but when did the milk tea girl change her career to a construction company?

Although he was surprised, Meng Hailong still pretended to be calm and said, "Hello, I am the village chief of Xiaolong Village. "

Ahh Village...... Village Chief, you said you were the Village Chief?" the other party was obviously surprised.

"Yes, I am the village chief of Xiaolong Village, and my name is Meng Hailong. After introducing himself, Meng Hailong continued, "Regarding the school project, I have read the plan you submitted to me, and it is well written, so I plan to invite you to come to Xiaolong Village to talk, I don't know

if you have time?" "If you have time, if you have time, I will come immediately." After Zhang Zetian finished speaking, he hung up the phone, rushed out of the door, took a car, and hurried to Xiaolong Village.

Here in Xiaolong Village, Meng Hailong actually has some expectations.

He has seen a lot of photos of the milk tea girl on the Internet, to be honest, that figure, that appearance, is really good, the only pity is that she is already famous.

But it doesn't matter if the famous flower has a master, Meng Hailong didn't have the idea of beating her, he just wanted to see her true face, and he really didn't have any other ideas.

After waiting for more than half an hour at the village council, a taxi stopped at the door. Then, Meng Hailong saw a pair of snow-white long legs stretching out of the car. Immediately after, a beautiful woman in a short black dress appeared in his sight.

This is a young beauty in her twenties, about one meter six or seven tall, with a good figure and skin, convex and backward saddle waist, charming appearance, smiling, and long wavy hair, which makes her look more sexy overall.

Seeing the appearance of this beauty, Meng Hailong wondered, is there such a big difference between this milk tea girl and the photos on the Internet?"

"Hello village chief, I am the general manager of Tiantian Construction Co., Ltd., Zhang Zetian, you called me just now." Zhang Zetian walked up to

Meng Hailong and asked with a smile on his face: "Village chief, you asked me to come, do you want to hand over the school project to me to do?" "Well, let's sit down first!" Meng Hailong greeted Zhang Zetian and made her a cup of tea, but he didn't rush to talk about the project, but asked: "Mr. Zhang, you won't be the Internet celebrity milk tea girl, right?" "Uh, no!" Zhang Zetian

hurriedly replied, " My surname is Zhang, not Zhang, as for the name, it is just a name, if I have a milk tea girl who is half red, I can be woken up by laughter in my dreams.

After speaking, Zhang Zetian giggled.

After listening to Zhang Zetian's explanation, Meng Hailong finally understood that he had made a mistake, and he was not a milk tea girl at all, but an engineering girl.

After clearing his throat, Meng Hailong said:

"Mr. Zhang, I want to ask, did you write the plan for the school project?" "Hmm!" Zhang Zetian nodded quickly and said, "It took me two nights to write it, what do you think, village chief

?" "It's good!" Meng Hailong praised it, and then continued, "But there are a few questions about this plan, I want to ask Mr. Zhang to give me a detailed introduction, no problem, right?" "

There must be no problem!" Zhang Zetian said with a smile, "Village chief, you just ask, I must know everything."

Meng Hailong nodded, and then asked questions one by one according to the questions he circled when he read the plan before.

Every time he asked a question, Zhang Zetian could easily answer it, in addition to detailed answers and introductions, she could also give examples as proof, and Meng Hailong nodded again and again.

After this conversation with Zhang Zetian, Meng Hailong has already made a decision, the school project does not need to be tendered, just leave it to Zhang Zetian to do.

Knowing that Meng Hailong was going to hand over the project to her, Zhang Zetian jumped up happily.

It's okay if she doesn't jump, she made herself blushful this jump, maybe because the clothes are too tight, or maybe because the figure is too good, the button in front of her suddenly collapsed, and the infinite scenery ran out, and Meng Hailong was dry for a while.

"Ah..." Zhang Zetian didn't expect such an accident to happen, so he blushed at the moment, and hurriedly hugged his hands to his chest, embarrassed to death.

"I'll ask someone to find you a piece of clothing!" Meng Hailong swallowed his saliva and said this, and then he took out his mobile phone and called Liu Jinrui.

A few minutes later, Liu Jinrui sent a wide blouse over.

After handing over the clothes to Zhang Zetian, Liu Jinrui threw a questioning look at Meng Hailong, as if asking him, what are you all doing here? Seeing Liu

Jinrui's eyes, Meng Hailong hurriedly made an innocent look.

Of course, in front of Zhang Zetian, he didn't say much, people were embarrassed enough, he couldn't fall into the ground.

Putting on the clothes sent by Liu Jinrui, Zhang Zetian said gratefully: "Thank you village chief, thank you for this beautiful sister." "

Mr. Zhang, let me introduce you to it!" Meng Hailong pointed at Liu Jinrui and said to Zhang Zetian, "This is my fiancée, Liu Jinrui."

After introducing Liu Jinrui, Meng Hailong pointed to Zhang Zetian and said to Liu Jinrui: "Dear, this is the general manager of Tiantian Construction Co., Ltd., Zhang Zetian. I have decided that the school project will be entrusted to her. "

Milk tea girl?" After listening to Meng Hailong's introduction, Liu Jinrui asked with some suspicion.

"It's a pity that I'm not!" Zhang Zetian pouted and said, "My name is my hard injury, everyone treats me as a milk tea girl, but she is so popular, but I am still unknown."

"Sometimes, being famous is not necessarily a good thing, I think the most important thing is to live a real life. Liu Jinrui expressed her opinion, and it was quickly recognized by Meng Hailong.

The three chatted casually for a while, and Zhang Zetian realized that she couldn't go back.

When she came, she took a taxi, but there were no taxis in Xiaolong Village, let alone buses, and it suddenly became a problem for her to go back.

As soon as the situation was said, Meng Hailong said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, let's go to dinner first, and after eating, I will have someone drive you back."

Meng Hailong originally wanted to drive Zhang Zetian back by himself, but he was worried that Liu Jinrui would misunderstand him, so he planned to hand over the matter of sending Zhang Zetian to Zitong.

Meng Hailong invited, Zhang Zetian was not polite, called Zitong together, and the four of them walked towards the food city.

I didn't know if I didn't come, but when I came here, Meng Hailong found that there was actually a disturbance here, and it seemed that it was quite a big trouble.

Several young people were holding machetes in their hands, blocking the gate of the food city to prevent people from entering or leaving, and the first one kept shouting, saying something like killing people if they didn't return the money.

After asking Liu Jinrui a few words, Meng Hailong learned that it turned out that these people had fallen out with Ye Haiyan and them because of the lease issue.

The food city covers a large area, and Ye Haiyan's restaurant can't use such a big place, so they rented the rest of the vacant seats to some merchants who can make special dishes according to Meng Hailong's proposal.

Several shops were rented out quickly, and everyone should have been happy to be able to rent a shop here, but there was a person who regretted not wanting to rent after paying the deposit and rent, Ye Haiyan felt that this was a unilateral breach of the contract, so they were unwilling to return the money.

Because of this, this person has been making trouble, but I didn't expect to invite such a group of people today, it seems that if the matter is not resolved, there will definitely be a big incident.

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