Because they received a report that they saw Meng Hailong outside, these policemen were also very cautious, and after opening the iron gate, they came in to take a closer look, until they were sure that Meng Hailong was still being held here, and then they left with confidence.

However, when they left, they also deliberately added an extra lock to Meng Hailong's detention room.

Seeing these policemen leave, Meng Hailong breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately he came back in time, otherwise, I was afraid that he would cause big trouble to Liu Hai.

Although the police had already left, Meng Hailong did not go out immediately.

Taking out his mobile phone, he hurriedly called Yike, and as soon as the phone was connected, Yike's surprised voice came from the other end, "Village chief, you are really good, you can also use the phone in the detention center, amazing!"

"Don't make fun of me, hurry up and help find out who the person who called me just now, and his current location, the sooner you find out, the better." Facing the mobile phone, Meng Hailong said quickly.

"Don't worry, I can't help with other things, but in the end, the mobile phone number is on me, village chief, you wait, I'll call you as soon as there is news."

After saying this, Yi Ke hung up the phone, and he had to buy time to find that person in the shortest possible time.

Putting away the phone, Meng Hailong still didn't leave.

It's useless for him to go out now, the sea of people is vast, and it is too difficult to find someone without any clue.

Therefore, he can only wait here, as long as he waits for news from Yike, or news from the judge, he can go out and arrest people.

After waiting in the detention room for half an hour, Meng Hailong's mobile phone finally rang, and when he took out his mobile phone, he found that the call was actually from the judge, so Meng Hailong hurriedly answered it.

As soon as the phone was connected, the judge's voice came from the other end: "Village Chief, Smith has found it, my people have found that he is in the room of the Huahao Yue Garden Hotel, it is best if you can go over now, if you can't make it, I can also let my people do it." "

Don't, don't do it, just look at him, I'll go right over." After saying this, Meng Hailong hung up the phone.

And he had just hung up the phone, and before he had time to enter the Lingyu space, Yike's call also came.

As soon as the phone was connected, Yi Ke's voice came from the other end: "Village Chief, the person you asked me to find has been found, he is an Imperial man, his name is Smith, if the mobile phone location is okay, he should be in Huahao Yueyuan Hotel now."

"Can you find a picture of Smith?" Meng Hailong asked casually.

"Of course, I'll send it to you right away."

"Brother, thank you for your hard work!" Meng Hailong just said this, and then, he hung up the phone, and as soon as the phone hung up, he received an email from Yike.

When he opened this email, Meng Hailong saw several photos, all of which were photos of Smith, and after reading these photos, Meng Hailong was not afraid to recognize the wrong person.

Putting away his mobile phone, he quickly entered the Lingyu space and rushed to the Huahao Yueyuan Hotel as fast as he could.

After coming to the Huahao Yueyuan Hotel, Meng Hailong did not go to the front desk to inquire about Smith's information, because he knew that Smith would not use his real identity to open a room in the hotel.

Without going to the front desk to inquire, Meng Hailong could only rely on his clairvoyant eyes to search layer by layer.

When he came to the seventh floor of the hotel, Meng Hailong saw Smith, but he was not alone at the moment.

With Smith was a slightly chubby woman.

In terms of age, this woman is not young, she is at least twenty-seven or eighteen, which is the kind of woman who is relatively plump.

The woman was being pressed to the bed by Smith, and between them, a dirty deal was going on.

The woman's figure was not good, Meng Hailong naturally didn't have the heart to watch the battle, hiding in the spirit jade space, he quietly stabbed the woman with a steel needle.

Soon, the woman fell asleep, and suddenly stopped moving, which startled Smith, but after investigation he found that the woman was only asleep, not dead.

found that the woman suddenly fell asleep, Smith was very unhappy, and said that this girl was too unprofessional, and was trying to wake her up, suddenly, there was a sharp pain in his head, and before he understood what was happening, Smith felt that his eyes were dark, and he fell down.

After knocking Smith unconscious, Meng Hailong came out of the spirit jade space.

This person was too important to him, so, in order to make sure that nothing went wrong, he first knocked Smith unconscious, and then took out a small worm from the spirit jade space and put it in his nostrils.

As long as this little worm gets into Smith's head, Meng Hailong has full confidence that Smith will not commit suicide.

After the worm burrowed into Smith's head, Meng Hailong waited for another two or three minutes to make sure that the Gu poison had worked, and then he took out the silver needle and woke Smith up.

As soon as Smith woke up, Meng Hailong opened his mouth and asked, "Did you kill Xiao He?" Because

of being tricked by Meng Hailong, Smith's eyes became a little dull, he had been a killer for many years, although his spiritual power was very strong, no matter how strong he was, he was still no match for the small insects that Meng Hailong raised in the spirit jade space.

After listening to Meng Hailong's question, Smith opened his mouth and replied in a mechanical voice: "Yes, that person named Xiao He was indeed killed by me.

As soon as Smith admitted it, a smile immediately appeared on Meng Hailong's face, and as soon as Smith admitted it, this matter finally came to light.

After a slight pause, Meng Hailong continued to ask, "Smith, I don't seem to have any grudge against you, right?" Why did you frame me?

"Because I am an Empire, at the Olympics, you robbed us of the glory that belonged to our Empire, and also killed the elites of our Empire, as long as I have the opportunity, I will do my best for our Empire, so, I must get rid of you."

"It turns out that this is the reason why you framed me." Figuring out the reason for the matter, Meng Hailong continued: "So, tell me, how did you kill Xiao He that day?" Whatever

Meng Hailong asked, Smith replied, without half a lie. After asking about the matter clearly, Meng Hailong hurriedly took out his mobile phone and called Liu Hai, asking her to bring someone over as soon as possible.

Knowing that Meng Hailong had found the real murderer, although Liu Hai was a little surprised, she didn't delay and hurriedly brought someone over.

The woman who was anesthetized by the tranquilizer didn't wake up so quickly, and Smith had also been controlled by Gu poison, Meng Hailong had nothing to worry about, until he saw Liu Hai come to the door of the room with several policemen, he entered the Lingyu space, and quickly returned to the detention room.

After returning to the detention room, Meng Hailong called Liu Hai again and told her that he had returned to the detention room, so that she didn't have to worry about his affairs, just interrogate Smith properly.

After receiving Meng Hailong's call, Liu Hai's hanging heart finally let go completely.

She quietly let Meng Hailong out of the detention room, in fact, the risk she took was very large, and fortunately, she had confidence in Meng Hailong, otherwise, if she was given a few more dares, Liu Hai would never dare to do this.

Now that Meng Hailong has returned to the detention room, Liu Hai has nothing to worry about, and after taking Smith back to the police station, she will interrogate him directly.

Because he was tricked by Meng Hailong, Smith was also very cooperative during the trial, and relayed what he said to Meng Hailong before.

The motive for committing the crime, the process of committing the crime, and the tools used in the crime, Smith can accurately say it, and Liu Hai has no doubts about everything he says.

After Smith took the initiative to confess the crime, the police department held a press conference, in addition to announcing the case to the outside world, but also publicly apologized to Meng Hailong.

As soon as the media reported on the situation, it immediately aroused great repercussions, and some people said that the police had a bad sense of responsibility and mistook good people for criminals, which was a serious mistake.

There are also people who are skeptical of the police announcement, but more people are dissatisfied with the empire, isn't it just that it was hit at the Olympics? This can also be a reason for them to take revenge on the village chief, it's so shameless.

People talked about this matter, but Meng Hailong turned a deaf ear, and when he came out of the police station, he took a taxi to Zhang Zetian's company.

He was taken away by Bangs here before, and his road rage is still parked here.

As soon as he got out of the taxi, Meng Hailong saw Zhang Zetian standing at the door of her company, looking at him with a smile.

Seeing that Meng Hailong was fine on TV, Zhang Zetian knew that he would come here, so she kept standing at the door of the company and waiting.

Seeing Meng Hailong get down from the taxi, Zhang Zetian's face immediately showed a bright smile, and when Meng Hailong walked towards her, Zhang Zetian also hurried to greet her.

The two soon embraced each other, like an intimate little couple.

After a long time, they separated, and Zhang Zetian's pretty face was slightly red, like a budding little flower.

Seeing Zhang Zetian's intoxicating appearance, Meng Hailong couldn't help but feel a little moved, touched his nose, and said, "Mr. Zhang, you look so beautiful now."

"No matter how beautiful I am, I can't compare to your fiancée, right?" Zhang Zetian said a little shyly.

"It's not comparable." Meng Hailong continued, "It's not that you're not as good as Rarity, it's just that Rarity has her strengths, and you have yours, so how can you compare?"

"Rhetoric is what every man is best at, and you are no exception, village chief!" Zhang Zetian pouted and said, "Even if everyone's advantages are different, in your heart, there must be a standard to measure, who is more beautiful, you must know in your heart." "

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