Meng Hailong also knew that he had been targeted by the traffic police, but he didn't have time to explain, if those scammers ran abroad, it would be much more difficult to catch them, so no matter what, he had to leave them before they left.

Road rage rushed all the way to the airport, and fortunately there was no traffic jam on this way, so Meng Hailong only took thirteen minutes to come to the airport.

As soon as the car arrived at the airport, the police, who had been waiting for them here, immediately surrounded them.

Several police cars flanked from several directions and immediately stopped the road rage.

At this time, Meng Hailong couldn't let the police catch him, otherwise, everything he had just done would be in vain.

Road rage is surrounded by several police cars, and if you want to break out, you can only take the way of a strong collision, but if you do that, you will damage the police car, or even injure the police, this is an attack on the police, and it is also a crime, Meng Hailong doesn't want to do this.

After finding that he was surrounded, he turned his head to Zitong and said, "Girl, without doing anything, relying on your light skills, how sure are you that you can break through?"

Hearing Meng Hailong's question, Zitong's eyes quickly glanced out of the car, and then he replied, "I'm ninety percent sure!"

"What if you take me?" Meng Hailong asked.

"Fifty percent." Purple Pupil thought for a moment and said, "If they don't shoot, I'm fifty percent sure that I can break out with you, but if they shoot, I don't think I'm very sure."

After saying that, Zitong asked curiously: "Village Chief, you don't really want to break out, do you?" They're police, and we're going to get in big trouble if we do that.

"No matter how many it is, there are still five minutes, catch the liar first." After Meng Hailong finished speaking, he unbuckled his seat belt and opened the sunroof of the road rage.

As soon as the skylight opened, Zitong performed light skills and jumped out of the skylight with Meng Hailong, they first landed on a police car, and with a light touch on their toes on the police car, Zitong jumped up with Meng Hailong again.

Probably because of the first time they saw someone performing light skills, a group of policemen were all dumbfounded, and after a while, they reacted, and then someone shouted: "You two, don't move, if you move again, we will shoot." "

Bang bang bang..."

The gunshots rang out behind them, but the police did not shoot at Meng Hailong and them, but pointed at the sky and fired warning shots.

Zitong performed light skills and took Meng Hailong to break out of the police's encirclement, and then, the two fell to the ground, ran wildly, and soon disappeared from the sight of the police.


A policeman shouted, and then he led people to chase Meng Hailong in the direction where they had gone. And some of the remaining police began to search for Meng Hailong's road rage.

Meng Hailong and Zitong quickly found the plane that Yi Ke said, at this time, it was only two minutes before the plane took off, but before they could get on the plane, they still had to pass through layers of obstacles.

If it is an ordinary person, it is naturally impossible to pass through this layer of obstacles. However, Meng Hailong and Zitong are not ordinary people, and it is much easier to do this.

Zitong once again performed light skills, and took Meng Hailong through all the checkpoints easily, Meng Hailong quickly boarded the plane, and Zitong was on guard below.

Before boarding the plane, Meng Hailong had already opened his clairvoyance to see the situation on the plane clearly, and also locked up the scammers.

After boarding the plane, he easily found those people, and without saying a word, he poked them directly on them to make them lose their ability to move, and then he dragged them and threw them directly outside the plane.

Several liars were all thrown down by him, and Meng Hailong also walked down from the plane, but on the plane, those passengers had not yet recovered from the panic.

After a while, someone in the cabin spoke: "Do you think that person just now is very familiar?"

"I also felt like I had seen him somewhere."

"I think I've seen it on TV, yes, it's him, the village chief who showed his might in the Olympics and defeated the Imperial basketball team."

"Yes, yes, it's him, wow, we actually met the real person of the village chief, and he is even more handsome than what we see on TV."

"It's strange, why did the village chief come up to arrest people on our plane? Could it be that the people he captured just now were his enemies? "

God knows!"

"If you want to know that you can watch the news, the village chief will definitely make headlines if he uses such a brutal method to arrest people, don't believe you will wait and see."

"Wow, look, that's a lot of cops!" Someone suddenly pointed out the window and shouted, and people turned their heads to look over.

A large number of heavily armed policemen rushed in, and the muzzles of their guns were aimed at Meng Hailong and Zitong, and the first policeman also took out a megaphone and shouted loudly: "You have been surrounded, quickly raise your hands and surrender, if there is any more illegal behavior, we will shoot according to the law."

"Leaders, I'm really sorry to cause you trouble, we are doing this just to catch these scammers." Meng Hailong opened his mouth to explain, "They have been cheating for many years, I don't know how many people they have harmed, if they are allowed to flee abroad, and then they are caught and brought to justice, it will be difficult." "

Put your head in your hands and squat." The policeman with the megaphone shouted again, no matter what Meng Hailong said, he couldn't listen to it now, because he was a policeman, mainly dealing with emergencies, no matter what reason you had, first control the situation.

Only by controlling the situation can no accidents occur, and this is the purpose of the police in law enforcement.

Seeing that the police didn't listen to Meng Hailong's explanation, Zitong was very angry, and as soon as her palm turned over, a flying knife had already appeared in her palm.

However, before this flying knife could be thrown out by her, Meng Hailong hurriedly shook his head at her.

Before making the first move, Zitong would also consult Meng Hailong's opinion, and when she saw Meng Hailong shaking her head at her, Zitong hid the flying knife in her hand again.

It's not that she's afraid, it's just that she doesn't want to cause trouble for Meng Hailong.

After hiding the flying knife, Zitong followed Meng Hailong's example, put her hands on the back of her head, and then slowly squatted down.

Seeing the two of them squatting down cooperatively, several policemen rushed over quickly.

They first controlled Meng Hailong and Zitong, and then took out handcuffs and handcuffed the two of them, and as for those who were thrown off the plane by Meng Hailong, they were also taken away by the police.

Because when he got out of the car, Meng Hailong did not take away the key to the road rage, so the car was also driven to the police station by the police.

Inside the police station, Meng Hailong and Zitong were taken to an interrogation room for interrogation.

When he was interrogated, Meng Hailong did not hide it, explained the ins and outs of the matter in detail, and expressed the hope that the police could interrogate those liars as soon as possible.

Huang Haitao, the head of the police station and the head of the police station, also came to the monitoring room in person, and after watching the interrogation process, Huang Haitao gave an order to immediately interrogate the few people who were thrown off the plane by Meng Hailong.

After some interrogation, Huang Haitao finally believed Meng Hailong's words and knew that these people were indeed a group of liars, they not only deceived Ye Haiyan and them, but also deceived many people. Especially yesterday, they also defrauded a big boss of nearly 10 million in payment.

Later, the big boss found out that he had been deceived and knew that the 10 million could not be recovered, so he jumped to his death because he was too sad.

When someone died, these people panicked, worried that they would be caught by the police, so they prepared to go abroad to avoid the limelight, and they knew that they were eventually arrested by the police.

Of course, this is all due to Meng Hailong. If Meng Hailong hadn't wanted to arrest them, in a few minutes, the planes would fly together, and they would have gone abroad smoothly.

In the interrogation room, Huang Haitao personally met with Meng Hailong.

After saying hello, Huang Haitao said: "Village chief, you didn't handle this matter very well, you should tell us, let's arrest people, you see you make such a big move, how can we end it?" "

I'm sorry, Director Huang, I was abrupt!" Meng Hailong continued, "But, Director Huang, have you ever thought about what do you think are the chances of success if I inform you to do this?

Without waiting for Huang Haitao to speak, Meng Hailong continued: "The police must have procedures for handling cases, and when you finish the procedures, the plane will already take off and leave, if those swindlers flee abroad, it will be difficult to catch them."

"You have a point, but you shouldn't make such a big deal out of it!" Huang Haitao said helplessly, "In order to eliminate some of the negative effects caused by this, I must lock up one of you.

"If you have to lock up one person, then, please ask Director Huang to lock up Zitong!" Meng Hailong thought for a while and said.

When he said this, Huang Haitao was very surprised.

He also thought that Meng Hailong would say that he would lock himself up and let Zitong out, but he knew that Meng Hailong actually asked to lock up Zitong, which didn't seem to be the village chief's style of doing things!

"Village Chief, are you sure you want to lock up Purple Pupil?" Huang Haitao opened his mouth again, "If we lock her up, we will also explain to the outside world that it was Zitong who held you hostage, so that you can go out openly."

"The crime of holding this hostage is not light!" Meng Hailong frowned and said, "Director Huang, can you think of another charge and just detain him for a few days."

"I want to think about it!" Huang Haitao scratched his head, pretending to think hard, and after a while, he suddenly slapped his thigh and said happily: "Yes, village chief, I thought of a very good idea, but I don't know if you agree with it." "

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