"Village Chief Meng, don't worry, I will definitely make it clear to the villagers, and at the same time, I will also strictly control the quality and avoid such things as much as possible." Han Xuerou said very seriously.

She felt that Meng Hailong was right, in the face of huge interests, it was indeed difficult to guarantee that everyone would not do some irrational behavior.

"As long as you work diligently, it is only a matter of time before you get rich, and if you use your brain, you will definitely regret it for the rest of your life." Meng Hailong said unhurriedly.

"After I go back, I will definitely convey Village Chief Meng's words to everyone."

"Oops, I forgot something!" Meng Hailong suddenly patted his head and said, "Xiaorou, you, the village chief, have not participated in planting grapes, which means that you have been working in vain."

"I'm not working in vain, I'm also the village head, and I get paid." Han Xuerou smiled and said, "Whether I make money or not, for me, it is not particularly important, as long as the villagers can make a fortune, I will succeed."

"Your little salary, it's a problem to support yourself!" Meng Hailong thought for a while and said, "In this way, you help me do things, and I will give you another salary."

"I'll do things for you?" Han Xuerou asked curiously, "How do you want me to help you, village chief?"

"After the wine is made in Liantang Village, you are responsible for helping me buy it, and I will give you a commission, well, for every pound of wine purchased, I will give you a commission of one dollar." Meng Hailong continued, "Don't underestimate this dollar, the whole village, if you can make 100,000 catties of wine in a month, your monthly income can reach 100,000 yuan." "

Village Chief Meng, I'm embarrassed to take this money!" Han Xuerou said with a smile, "You have helped me so much, if I take your money back, it will be ungrateful."

"It's okay, you take it first, you really don't want to go, you can also choose to make a personal promise, well, I'm joking with you, don't take it seriously." Meng Hailong laughed after speaking, but Han Xuerou had a strange feeling in her heart.

The matter was settled, Han Xuerou had a meal in Xiaolong Village, and then she rode her bicycle back.

Before leaving, Meng Hailong asked her, "Xiaorou, do you know how to drive?"

"Yes, when I was in college, I took the time to get my driver's license, but I didn't own a car, and I was embarrassed to borrow it from others, so I had to ride a bicycle."

After getting Han Xuerou's answer, Meng Hailong just smiled, didn't say anything more, and sent her away, and Meng Hailong went to find Zitong.

came to Zitong, Meng Hailong naturally didn't want to do the unfinished thing with her, he just wanted to discuss with her about the martial arts crash course.

Seeing the scene when Liu Jinshui defeated Song Zhe with his own eyes at Haiyang University, Meng Hailong had already determined that this crash course in martial arts could be engaged.

When she found Purple Pupil, she was at the entrance of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain.

After seeing her, Meng Hailong said what he meant, Zitong thought about it carefully, and then said: "Village chief, if you really want to run this crash course in martial arts, you need a special venue for training.

Meng Hailong thought for a while and asked, "Girl, within the scope of Xiaolong Village, do you think that place is more suitable?" "

I don't think there's anything particularly good!" Purple Pupil frowned and said, "There is too little land in Xiaolong Village. "

I'll take you to a place." After Meng Hailong finished speaking, he took Zitong's hand and walked towards the river, and when they arrived at the river, the two boarded a speedboat, and then drove in the direction of Baby-Friendly Island.

Because it was already night, Meng Hailong didn't want to affect the children's rest, so after coming to the vicinity of Baby-Friendly Island, they did not land on the island, but just drove a speedboat along Baby-Friendly Island.

After this lap, Zitong hurriedly nodded and said, "This place is good, if we put the martial arts crash course here, the effect will definitely be better."

"Just what?" Seeing the embarrassed look on Zitong's face, Meng Hailong hurriedly asked.

"If the crash course in martial arts is placed here, wouldn't it be difficult for me to see you in the future?" Purple Hitomi said with a little blush.

"Silly girl, I haven't gone abroad, if you want to see me, you can go back to Xiaolong Village at any time, well, when the time comes, I will equip you with a special speedboat, you can go back whenever you want."

The place was determined, and Meng Hailong asked Zhang Zetian to find someone to build a house on the island, and the specific structure was arranged by Zitong.

Hearing that Meng Hailong was going to build a house on the island, Fang Ming frowned.

Meng Hailong hurriedly explained to him that after the school is built, the children will live in the school, rather than let this island be abandoned here, it is better to develop it and make the best use of it, besides, the house is built, the martial arts crash course is opened, and the children can also learn kung fu with it, maybe, a few martial arts superstars can be cultivated at that time!

After listening to Meng Hailong's explanation, Fang Ming thought about it and felt that it was right.

The current martial arts superstars are very profitable, and if one or two of these children he adopted can become martial arts superstars, he will also be very happy.

Zhang Zetian's construction team soon drove to the island and was preparing for construction, but at this time, a group of chengguan rushed to hear the news.

After the chengguan came, they asked the construction team to stop the construction immediately.

The people of the construction team had no choice but to call Zhang Zetian, and when he learned about the situation here, Zhang Zetian called Meng Hailong again.

After receiving Zhang Zetian's call and learning about the situation on the island, Meng Hailong's brows furrowed.

This is a rather troublesome problem, he has to go out in person, drive the speedboat, Meng Hailong soon came to the baby-friendly island.

When he saw those chengguan, Meng Hailong had a strange feeling in his heart, he didn't know why, he always felt that these people didn't look like chengguan, but more like ordinary bandits.

"You're the person in charge here?" As soon as Meng Hailong appeared, a city manager led by him walked towards him.

"That's right." Meng Hailong nodded and said.

"Well, we've been waiting for you for almost two hours, and you're finally here!" The chengguan continued: "You have broken the law by building on this island, do you know?

"May I ask the leader, which law did I violate?" Meng Hailong asked curiously.

"The specific violation is which one, you can check it on the Internet for yourself." The head of the chengguan continued, "Anyway, you are breaking the law, we will punish you now, according to the relevant regulations, the fine is 100,000, you hurry up and pay the money, otherwise, we can only call the police." "

Leader, can you let me see your ID first?" Meng Hailong said unhurriedly, "I will definitely accept the punishment if I deserve the punishment, but you also have to let me know that I violated that law, and what is the basis for the fine, right?"

"We have all the documents in the office, as for what law you have violated, it is the law of indiscriminate construction, in short, we have a well-founded fine for you, and you just pay the money."

"Leader, if I pay the money, can I continue the construction?" Meng Hailong asked again.

"Of course." The leader of the chengguan nodded quickly, "If you want to continue the construction, you should pay the fine as soon as possible, and we don't want to embarrass you." "

Okay, I'll make a phone call and someone will send the money right away." After Meng Hailong finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone, found a phone number, and dialed it.

The phone was quickly connected, and without waiting for the other party to speak, Meng Hailong hurriedly said: "Xiao Liu, send me 100,000 yuan immediately, hurry up, this is life-saving money, well, I'll send it to you right away."

After saying that, Meng Hailong hung up the phone directly, and then he sent the location to Liu Hai.

Those chengguan didn't see any flaws, and they really thought that Meng Hailong was asking people to send him money, and they all couldn't smile.

100,000 yuan, after dividing it, they can spend days drinking and drinking for several days.

A group of chengguan were very happy, all dreaming, until they heard the sound of the siren, and then they were frightened and fled in all directions.

Meng Hailong had already seen that these people were not chengguan, they were just a group of swindlers who pretended to be chengguan to cheat money.

It is precisely because he has long seen through the identities of these people that Meng Hailong will call Liu Hai and catch this group of liars, which is another great achievement for Liu Hai.

Seeing that those people pretending to be chengguan were about to run, Meng Hailong grabbed a wooden stick and chased after him.

These construction workers on the island saw Meng Hailong beating the city management with a wooden stick, and they were all clapping their hands.

Before Meng Hailong came, they were not less scolded, but now they saw that the chengguan who insulted them was beaten like a lost dog, everyone was naturally happy.

Someone even waved the shovel in his hand and wanted to rush up to help, but when he saw the police coming, he had to dispel the idea of rushing up to help.

It only took Meng Hailong less than a minute for more than a dozen fake chengguan to be beaten down by him. At this time, Liu Hai had also landed on the island with more than a dozen policemen and came to Meng Hailong's side.

"My village chief, what are you singing again?" Looking at the chengguan lying on the ground, Liu Hai only felt that her head hurt so much that she didn't want to speak.

This village chief, he is getting bolder and bolder, and even the city management has been beaten, this is the rhythm of going against the sky!

"Officer Liu, why are you looking at me like this?" Meng Hailong frowned and said, "Didn't Director Huang tell you that I am also half a policeman now?"

"Just because you're half a policeman, I have a headache!" Bangs continued, "Look at you, what have you done? You're trying to smear our policemen's faces!

"Eh, is this kind of thing to eliminate harm for the people to smear the police?" Meng Hailong frowned and said, "Officer Liu, why didn't you say it earlier?" If you had said it earlier, I would definitely not have caught these fake chengguans. "

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