Meng Hailong's words made Yun Qing's face flush, but she thought about it and felt that what Meng Hailong said was right, if he was just trying to deceive her by touching her place, it was really unnecessary.

After thinking about it for a while, Yun Qing made a decision, she felt that it was better to let Meng Hailong help her massage, because the game was about to start, and she didn't have so much time to continue waiting.

In order to win the championship of Miss World, Yunqing decided to fight.

Lying on the bed, covered with the quilt, Yun Qing unbuttoned her shirt at this time, and she hoped that Meng Hailong could put her hand into the quilt.

Meng Hailong naturally knew that Yun Qing was shy.

However, this is nothing for him, he has clairvoyant eyes, and he is just separated by a layer of quilts, which is not in the way. Because of this, Meng Hailong quickly nodded, and put his hand into the quilt and began to massage Yunqing.

When her palm touched Yun Qing's body, her reaction was like an electric shock, but it was just a reaction, and she quickly returned to normal.

When he started to help Yunqing massage, Meng Hailong was still a little worried about it, and even, he was a little expectant, expecting that Yunqing would take the initiative to keep him at the end of the massage like Guo Xiaoai.

Time was passing slowly, and Meng Hailong could clearly feel that Yun Qing's body was heating up, and her breathing was gradually becoming rapid.

Suddenly, Yun Qing's body trembled violently, and this situation lasted for two or three seconds, sensing this situation, Meng Hailong couldn't help frowning slightly.

The best! Yunqing is definitely a superb! In this way, she can actually climb to the peak, which is really a Taiji product.

Finding that Meng Hailong was looking at her with a very strange look, and thinking of the thing that made her shy just now, Yun Qing suddenly felt a sense of self-shame, and hurriedly covered her face with her hands, too ashamed.

Knowing that she was shy, Meng Hailong didn't look at her anymore, abandoned all the distractions in his heart, and concentrated on helping her massage.

After more than ten minutes, Meng Hailong stopped, the whole massage process was basically completed, and the airflow in his body was also consumed a lot, and it was pointless to continue pressing, so Meng Hailong also withdrew his hand.

At the end of the massage, Meng Hailong wanted to say a few words to Yun Qing, but at this time, Meng Hailong found out that Yun Qing was actually asleep, and she was still sleeping soundly.

Seeing that Yun Qing was asleep, Meng Hailong didn't call her, and after a short rest, he got up and left Yun Qing's room.

Coming out of the hotel, Meng Hailong walked directly towards the village committee.

Ye Lao said just now that he wanted him a pound of tea, Meng Hailong didn't think that Ye Lao was joking with him, if this old man was serious, it would be really difficult to serve.

Because there are still many places that need Ye Lao to come forward in the future, Meng Hailong can't offend this old man.

Although there are not many of that kind of tea leaves, no matter what, Ye Lao wants this catty, he will give it anyway.

Seeing Ye Lao, he didn't need to speak, so Meng Hailong hurriedly took out the high-quality tea leaves.

The tea was placed in front of

Ye Lao, and Meng Hailong said with a smile: "Ye Lao, this tea has no name yet, you are very knowledgeable, give it a name!" "This is simple!" Ye Lao just thought about it and said, "The tea is planted by you, your name is Meng Hailong, the dragon is a legendary holy relic, and it was used to describe the emperor in ancient times, which is the best and most noble meaning, I see, this tea is called dragon tea!" "

Dragon tea, well, it's good." Meng Hailong smiled and said, "This name is good, it's up to you, this tea, let's call it Dragon Tea." "

On the other side of the Iron Village, the tea factory was the fastest to complete several projects.

After the construction of the tea factory started, Liu Meng recruited a group of tea pickers according to Meng Hailong's intentions, and as soon as the tea factory project was completed, Liu Meng asked these workers to go to the tea garden in Xiaolong Village to start picking tea leaves.

After the tender green tea leaves are picked, they are transported by special car to the tea factory in Datie Village for processing.

The whole process is watched by professionals, and Meng Hailong is not worried about what problems will occur.

The quality of tea, although it is related to the later production, but more importantly, it is actually related to the tea tree itself, absorbing the tea tree of Lingquan, the tea that grows, the quality is very good, and the later processing, as long as there are no serious mistakes, there will be no problem with dragon tea.

When the first batch of dragon tea was produced, Meng Hailong was not in a hurry to let the dragon tea enter the market, this high-priced product is not something that everyone can afford, so Meng Hailong decided to sell it through special channels.

And this special channel still needs them to develop, and this kind of thing is naturally handed over to Liu Meng.

Meng Hailong believes that Liu Meng, who used to be the general manager of a large company, should not be difficult to open up this channel.

The matter was handed over to Liu Meng, and Liu Meng did not shirk it.

Although Xiaolong Group has not yet been formally established, she knows that in the future, when Xiaolong Group is officially established, the tea factory will be part of Xiaolong Group.

At present, as long as she does a good job in the tea project, she will be of great help to Xiaolong Group in the future.

In the seventies and eighties, business partners usually chose to talk about business at the wine table, but now, with the improvement of people's health awareness, everyone is no longer inclined to talk about business at the wine table, but has learned to drink tea and talk about it.

Alcoholism is just a poison used by people in the lower classes to anesthetize themselves, and people in high positions are concerned about health preservation.

In order to make dragon tea, Liu Meng worked tirelessly and personally sent a box of tea to each of the big bosses she knew.

When the tea was sent out, some people still looked down on her, and they had never seen a gift that only gave a small box of tea, which was too shabby!

If it weren't for Liu Meng's saying how good and good this tea was, some people would even want to directly give the tea she gave to others.

After a busy day, his leg almost broke off, and when he returned to the hotel, Liu Meng just took a shower and went to bed to sleep.

What she didn't expect was that the next day, early in the morning, the phone calls came one after another.

These calls to Liu Meng are all from the big boss who received those tea leaves from her yesterday, and when these people return to the company in the morning, the first thing they do is to make themselves a cup of tea, and as soon as this cup of tea is brewed, the problem will come out.

When they made tea, they had never smelled such a special tea fragrance, and because of this, after they made tea, they couldn't wait to taste it, and they were immediately stunned when they tasted it.

After drinking a sip of tea and closing their eyes, people can feel that they are like being in a green tea plantation, with a breeze blowing in their faces, with a faint fragrance of tea.

This feeling of being there, it's a pretty amazing feeling.

Only if you taste it in person, everyone will know that what Liu Meng sent them is a good tea, which is the only good tea in this world.

Such a good tea, a must have.

If you can use this tea to receive guests, you can not only improve your status and leave a good impression on your guests, but also help to promote friendship and even business cooperation.

Liu Meng was lying in the hotel room, and then called one by one, writing orders one by one, and said in his heart that the fatigue of yesterday's day was finally not in vain.

Although the price of tea is expensive, when Liu Meng gave away tea yesterday, it was a targeted gift, and the people who could get her gift were all people at the highest level in the business world, 10,000 yuan per pound of tea, which was just a drizzle for them.

On this day, the tea sold from Liu Meng was as high as fifty catties.

For a tea factory, although fifty catties of tea is only a small part, Liu Meng believes that it will not be long before the sales of tea will rise rapidly.

Liu Meng's guess is well-founded, after those big bosses buy dragon tea, they will definitely use dragon tea to entertain their VIPs, once the VIPs taste dragon tea, they will definitely ask about the origin of dragon tea, this point, Liu Meng, who has tasted dragon tea in person, is still very sure.

Sure enough, I didn't wait too long, but in the afternoon of this day, strange numbers came in one after another, needless to say, these people also came to Liu Meng to order dragon tea.

The order was there, but next, the delivery stumped Liu Meng.

As far as she knows, there is only Meng Hailong's road rage in Xiaolong Village now, and the key is that his road rage is not very idle, and he can't call a taxi here, so he can't let her walk to deliver goods, right?

As soon as he finished speaking, his mobile phone rang.

took out his mobile phone and saw that the call was from Liu Ping, Meng Hailong said with a smile: "Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao has arrived, you see, the person who sent the car is here." After

connecting the phone, Meng Hailong heard Liu Ping's voice: "Village chief, I have already sent you the twenty cars you want, we are now at the entrance of Xiaolong Village, there is a hotel here." "

Well, you wait a little longer, I'll come over right away." After saying this, Meng Hailong hung up the phone, and then, he took Liu Meng with him and walked towards the entrance of Xiaolong Village.

Seeing Liu Meng limping away, Meng Hailong frowned and asked, "Sister Meng, what's wrong with your foot?" "

It's okay, it's just a little skin trauma!" Liu Meng said a little embarrassed, she walked a little too much yesterday, and her foot was scratched a little bit by high heels, she didn't feel it before, but when she walked today, she realized that it hurt a lot.

"Do you need me to show you?" While speaking, Meng Hailong had actually opened his perspective eyes and looked towards Liu Meng's feet.

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