"Everyone has raised money, if it is not enough, we will go to the bank for a loan, anyway, if the money is left, sooner or later it will be eaten up, why not try to invest?" Someone opened his mouth to make a suggestion, and soon, his suggestion was approved by the people.

These people in Liujia Village are all gearing up, and they all look eager to try.

Liu Zifeng was sent to the hospital because of corruption, and if you want to help with things, you definitely need a leader, and the villagers decided on the candidate after some discussion.

As soon as the candidate was decided, people took out the money they had just gotten out again, prepared to build roads, and follow the example of Xiaolong Village to set up a zoo of their own.

The people of Liujia Village can toss as much as they want, and this matter has nothing to do with Meng Hailong.

Coming out of Liujia Village, Meng Hailong drove to Triangle Village. He remembered that a man named Zhao Tiezhu went to the kimchi factory to sell radishes, saying that no one wanted the radishes grown in their village.

At that time, out of kindness, Meng Hailong accepted their radishes, and according to the news from He Qiang, Meng Hailong also knew that the villagers of Triangle Village still insisted on planting radishes.

Although you can make a living by growing radishes, it is difficult to make a fortune.

Meng Hailong went to Triangle Village this time, in addition to finding a way for himself, he also wanted to give them a chance to make a fortune.

The land in Liujia Village, since Meng Hailong said that he would not rent it, then he would definitely not rent it again, and Annie's three hundred flower shops were still waiting for him to provide golden roses.

In a short period of time, Meng Hailong could take out some golden roses from the spirit jade space, but this was not a long-term solution after all.

So, he plans to get the villagers of Triangle Village to change careers and plant golden roses.

The car drove to Triangle Village, and before it stopped, this domineering road rage had already attracted the attention of many villagers.

Some of them were curious, and they had already walked quickly towards the road rage. Everyone wants to see if this road fighter will be a relative of that family.

Meng Hailong found a vacant lot in the village, and after the car came to a stop, he jumped out of the car.

A few villagers came up to watch, so Meng Hailong took out a few packs of cigarettes from his pocket, and gave a pack to each villager, and then he asked, "Uncles, do you know where Zhao Tiezhu is?"

"Relatives are not counted, they are just acquaintances. Meng Hailong replied with a smile, "I came to him because I wanted to talk to him about something, and if he wasn't there, I would talk to your village chief." "

You did it on purpose, right?" said a villager with a frown, "Lao Zhao is the head of our Triangle Village, you

don't know this, right?" "Well, I really don't know. Meng Hailong scratched his head, if he knew, then he didn't need to ask.

"Little brother, take a look, do you see the woman over there, she is Lao Zhao's youngest daughter, Lao Zhao is estimated to have gone out to run errands, when will he come back, you can ask his daughter." The villager carrying the hoe lit a cigarette, took a puff, and found that the cigarette was particularly good, so he kindly reminded Meng Hailong.

Looking in the direction pointed by the villager, Meng Hailong saw the back of a woman.

But just a back, Meng Hailong can see that this woman's figure must be very good, and judging from her walking posture, Meng Hailong can even see that she should be an untrained girl.

After listening to the villager's words, Meng Hailong thanked him, and then walked over to the woman he was pointing at.

Quickly catching up with the woman, Meng Hailong stretched out his hand to stop her, and then said: "Hey, hello, let me ask you, are you Zhao Tiezhu's daughter

?" "Who are you?" The woman was about to go home, when she was suddenly stopped, and when she looked up, she saw that it was a strange man who was talking to her, so she frowned and asked.

"I am the village chief of Xiaolong Village, and my name is Meng Hailong. Meng Hailong didn't hide it, he said honestly, "I came to your father because I wanted to talk to him about something, can you tell me, can I see him there?" "Meng Hailong

, the village chief of Xiaolong Village?" Zhao Yuting thought for a moment, and then, she jumped up, her face was full of surprise, and she asked in disbelief: "You, you, are you really the village chief of Xiaolong Village?"

"It must be true." Meng Hailong smiled.

"Wow, you're even more handsome than I thought you would. Zhao Yuting said with some excitement, "Village chief, do you know that you are my idol."

"Don't tell me I'm the one you're throwing up on. Meng Hailong said jokingly.

"I like to play basketball the most, I especially admire you when I see you leading our Chinese basketball team to win the Olympic Games, but unfortunately, on TV, there are not many pictures of you in front of you, so I couldn't recognize you just now, I'm really embarrassed!" "Actually, I don't like

to play!" Meng Hailong said with a smile, "This monotonous sport is too boring, my biggest interest is actually to plant some flowers and plants, raise some small animals, this is a great joy of life."

"Village Chief, your pursuit is very simple and can be achieved, but my goal is far away from me. Zhao Yuting continued, "Since I saw you win the gold medal in the Olympic Games, I have a dream, I hope that one day, I can also stand on the Olympic stage and win a gold medal for our Chinese women's basketball team." "

Then you're going to come on!" Meng Hailong said with a smile.

"Village Chief, can you teach me to play?" Zhao Yuting said quickly, "If you are willing to teach me to play, maybe my goal will be achieved."

"I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you!" Meng Hailong said apologetically, "I don't know how to teach you, I'm not a competent coach, if you want to achieve your goals, the first thing you need to do is to work hard, if you can be favored by the coach of the national team, then, your goals can be achieved." "

Village Chief..."

"Okay, I just want to know, where can I find your father?" Zhao Yuting wanted to say something more, but before she could say anything, she was interrupted by Meng Hailong.

In desperation, she had no choice but to pout: "My dad is out, and it is estimated that he will come back soon, or you can come to my house and sit down first!"

Meng Hailong nodded, since he came, then wait, and he had to run again in the future.

Following Zhao Yuting, Meng Hailong soon came to a courtyard, and according to Zhao Yuting's introduction, this was her home.

Although the courtyard is a little dilapidated, the things inside are neatly arranged, without a trace of dirty, and this may be the benefit of having a girl at home.

Zhao Yuting moved a chair for Meng Hailong and asked him to sit in the courtyard, because the courtyard was cooler.

Then, she poured Meng Hailong another cup of boiled water, and said a little embarrassedly: "Village chief, the tea at home is too cheap, I'm embarrassed to make tea for you, don't be surprised." "

No, no, no. Meng Hailong said with a smile, "Has everyone in your family gone out?"

"I'm with my dad at home!" Zhao Yuting continued, "My mother got sick a few years ago and left, my eldest sister married to Haibei, and my second sister married to Nanyun, I originally wanted to go out to find a job, but I didn't worry that my dad was alone at home, so I didn't go."

Hearing Zhao Yuting's words, Meng Hailong couldn't help but look at her again.

This is a girl in her twenties, tall, with a meter seven appearance, and she looks very good, but because she lives in the countryside and has been exposed to the sun for a long time, her skin is a little dark, which directly affects Zhao Yuting's appearance.

If her skin is a little whiter, she will definitely be a standard beauty at that station.

Meng Hailong re-examined Zhao Yuting, not to see if she was beautiful, he just felt that this girl had a lot of pressure to bear, and perhaps, he should really help her.

After pondering for a while, Meng Hailong suddenly stood up and said to Zhao Yuting, "Do you have anything like hammers and nails at home?"

"Yes, do you want the village chief?" Zhao Yuting asked with some uncertainty.

"Yes, go and get it. After saying this, Meng Hailong walked towards the pile of wood piled up in the yard.

Zhao Yuting didn't know what Meng Hailong wanted to do, but she still did what Meng Hailong said, and quickly took a small bag of nails and a hammer to Meng Hailong.

Using these things, as well as some wood from the yard, Meng Hailong quickly made something similar to a rebound.

Seeing this rebound, Zhao Yuting seemed to understand something, and she stood by and watched, and her heart suddenly became excited.

After half an hour of busyness, Meng Hailong finally erected the rebounds he had worked so hard to make in the courtyard of Zhao Yuting's house.

returned the hammer to Zhao Yuting, and said to her by the way: "You wait, I'll go to the car to get something."

After saying this, Meng Hailong went out directly, pretending to go back to the car to get something, but in fact, he took out a few basketballs from the Lingyu space.

These things were all brought from Kumamoto when he was sweeping the goods, and there are still many in the spirit jade space.

If you go out to buy it, a basketball will cost more than 100 yuan, Zhao Yuting wants to practice, she must need a lot of basketballs, anyway, these things are useless in the Lingyu space, Meng Hailong simply took some more, which can be regarded as a meeting gift for Zhao Yuting.

Take these basketballs back to Zhao Yuting's house, leave one basketball, and throw the rest to Zhao Yuting and let her put it away.

This made Zhao Yuting very happy, and when she took over those basketballs, she was so moved that she wanted to cry.

After Zhao Yuting put away the basketball, Meng Hailong said to her: "If you want to achieve your goal, you have to practice shooting well, you come here, now, I will teach you to shoot." "

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