"Officer Liu, how can you say that?" Meng Hailong's brows furrowed, and he continued, "What do you mean, it makes me look like I am behind the scenes.

"I don't mean that, I'm just trying to say that you're a broom star that will bring disaster to people wherever you go. Liu Hai pouted and said, "In the future, you should stay in Xiaolong Village more! "

Nonsense, as soon as I come out, it will be good for you!" Meng Hailong said very seriously, "Officer Liu, after you solve this case, you will be a great achievement, if you don't get it right, you will soon be able to ascend to the throne of the director."

"Besides, I'm risking my life to help you lure the criminals out, and when all these people are arrested by you, the security in Haiyang City will become better, and when the time comes, you have to come and thank me!"

"If you can cause less trouble, I will burn high incense." Bangs continued, "Don't get away from it, tell me what the hell is going on?" "

I don't really know what happened, but I suspect that these people are trying to kidnap Coco." Meng Hailong continued, "Their purpose should be to kidnap Coco, and then use her to blackmail Mr. Ma in exchange for a large amount of ransom."

"But whether this is the case or not, you have to investigate and collect evidence to know." As he spoke, Meng Hailong pointed to the flat-headed young man and the yellow-haired young man who had just been dragged out of the car by the police, and said to Liu Hai: "If I guess correctly, the two of them should be the masterminds, and after you go back, interrogate them well."

Probably the situation was clear, Liu Hai didn't continue to ask, after thinking about it, she said: "Your car was damaged, do you need me to send you back?"

"Of course." Meng Hailong nodded unceremoniously, and then he took Liu Jinrui and Ma Keke into Liu Hai's police car.

On the way, Liu Hai said that he wanted to take Coco to the police station to record a statement, but Meng Hailong refused.

Let's not say that she doesn't know anything, it's her situation, and Meng Hailong doesn't worry about letting her go to the police station. After Meng Hailong told Liu Hai about the specific reason, Liu Hai did not continue to embarrass them.

The police car drove directly to the gate of the city bureau, got out of the car, and said goodbye to Liu Hai, Meng Hailong took Liu Jinrui and Ma Keke to stop a taxi and accompany them back to Xiaolong Village.

When he arrived at Xiaolong Village, and saw that Coco looked like he wanted to speak and stopped, Meng Hailong opened his mouth and said to her, "Coco, do you have anything on your mind?"

"Village Chief, I... I want to go see my uncle. Marco continued, "Uncle is my only relative, I'm afraid..."

Meng Hailong stroked Ma Keke's head and said comfortingly, "Of course, if you want to go to see him, I'll ask him first about the hospital he was sent to, and then I'll take you to see him, okay?"

Marco grinned, "Thank you, village chief."

Meng Hailong quickly took out his mobile phone, made a call, and learned that Ma Lin was sent to Haiyang People's Hospital, so he took Ma Keke and drove here.

When they found Marin, Marin had just completed a series of tests, but if they wanted to know the results, they would have to wait for time.

In a ward of orthopedics, seeing Meng Hailong bring Ma Keke in, Ma Lin frowned, he looked at Meng Hailong with puzzled eyes, and said: "Village Chief, didn't I ask you to bring Coco back? Why did you bring her here?"

"Uncle, I asked the village chief to bring me here." Coco walked up to Marin and said with concern

, "Uncle, are you okay?" "It's okay, Uncle just suffered a little skin injury, what can happen?" Marin smiled and comforted, "Coco, you hurry up and go back with the village chief, be obedient, exercise hard, I hope that in a month, I can see a different you." "

Uncle, I'll work hard. Marco said sensibly, "However, you are hospitalized, and I want to stay here to take care of you." "

Coco is so good!" Ma Lin said movingly, "Uncle will have someone to take care of him, but you don't have to worry about your uncle, and besides, there is nothing wrong with your uncle's body, and when the results of the examination come out and you are sure that you are safe, your uncle will go back to the capital." "


Before Coco could say anything, Marin interrupted him, and after interrupting Coco's words, Marin continued, "Uncle wants you to grow up healthily, and if you can fulfill your uncle's wish, it will be the best reward for your uncle." "

Okay!" Coco nodded and said, "Don't worry, uncle, in a month, I will definitely let you see a different me." "

Knock knock!" suddenly there was a knock at the door of the ward.

"Please come in. Hearing the knock on the door, Marin said casually, when he went for an examination before, the doctor had instructed him, and when the results came out, he would come to talk to him about his situation, and at this time, the doctor should have come.

Sure enough, after Marin's response, the door to the ward was pushed open, and a doctor in a white lab coat quickly walked in.

This doctor is Ma Lin's attending doctor, and his name is Yu Zhengyuan.

After pushing the door and walking in, Yu Zhengyuan said: "Mr. Ma, I have read all the data of your various inspections, and the situation is a little strange. "

What's this strange method?" Marin asked casually.

"You said that you had an injury to your lumbar spine, and when you were injured, you couldn't even get up from the ground, and logically speaking, if this happens, then your lumbar spine should be very traumatized.

"However, according to the data of the examination, there is no problem with your lumbar spine, not only is it no problem, but it is also surprisingly good.

Yu Zhengyuan continued, "According to normal rules, at your age, the lumbar vertebrae will have some degeneration, but your lumbar vertebrae are very good, not much different from the lumbar vertebrae of people in their thirties, this is the strangest thing I have ever seen." "

So amazing?" Ma Lin was also surprised, he looked at Meng Hailong, and said: "After I was injured, the village chief helped me massage massage, won't it really be cured?" "

Massage massage can indeed cure lumbar spine problems, but to be able to completely heal your lumbar spine trauma in such a short period of time, this person's ability is amazing." After a slight pause, Yu Zhengyuan continued, "Mr. Ma, you shouldn't have met

an alien, right?" "Doctor, that alien is standing next to you, you can ask him personally." Ma Lin smiled and pointed at Meng Hailong and spoke.

Yu Zhengyuan was taken aback, hurriedly turned his head to look at

Meng Hailong, and asked, "You, you, you are the one who helped Mr. Ma massage and massage?" "It's me!" Meng Hailong said with a smile, "Doctor, you don't have to be too surprised, in fact, Mr. Ma's condition was not so serious at that time, it was just that the lumbar vertebrae were slightly displaced, I learned a little medical skills from Ye Lao, and I helped Mr. Ma massage a few times, and the displaced lumbar vertebrae were reduced, and this is the case." "

Oh, so that's the case!" Yu Zhengyuan nodded slightly, and he said, massage massage can have such a magical effect, this is mostly an exaggeration by Ma Lin.

Yu Zhengyuan thinks so, but Ma Lin doesn't think so.

The injured person was him, and he naturally knew the situation best at that time, if it was just Meng Hailong who said it so easily, it would be impossible for him to lie on the ground and not get up.

Of course, knowing that there was no problem with his body, Ma Lin didn't say anything more, but, in his heart, his impression of Meng Hailong deepened a little, in addition to thinking that he had the ability, he also felt that he was a very mysterious person.

After listening to the doctor's words, Coco finally relieved herself and knew that Marin was indeed fine, so she left with Meng Hailong with peace of mind.

Driving the road rage, Meng Hailong did not go back to Xiaolong Village immediately, but came to Triangle Village by the way.

Yesterday, he had already agreed with Zhao Tiezhu that he would send them golden rose seeds today, and if he wanted others to be honest, he must first not be untrustworthy.

Knowing that Meng Hailong was coming today, the villagers of Triangle Village were waiting.

Yesterday, as soon as Zhao Tiezhu told everyone about the situation, the villagers all agreed, especially when Zhao Tiezhu distributed the compensation of 20,000 yuan, everyone's enthusiasm was immediately mobilized.

This has not yet started to plant golden roses, there is already money to share, once the flowers are planted, everyone's income will definitely rise, like the villagers of Xiaolong Village, they are about to live a good life.

Because I came here yesterday, everyone also knows that Road Fighter is Meng Hailong's mount, and when Road Fighter appeared in Triangle Village, the villagers who were originally waiting impatiently were suddenly jubilant.

"Village Chief Meng is here, great, Village Chief Meng is finally here. The crowd cheered and surrounded the road rage, and as he sat in the car, Marco looked surprised.

She opened her mouth and asked curiously, "Village Chief, what do these people want to do

?" Pulling up the handbrake, Meng Hailong said with a smile: "I said that they were welcoming us, would you

believe it?" "Believe!" Ma Keke continued, "Look at their enthusiasm, I don't think I can believe it or not!"

As he spoke, both of them opened the car door and walked down from the road rage, and walked towards Zhao Tiezhu's house surrounded by the villagers.

Triangle Village is relatively backward, but unlike other villages, there is a village committee, where the village chief's office and reception of leaders are all in his own home.

Because of this, after Meng Hailong came, he walked directly towards Zhao Tiezhu's house.

As the village chief of Triangle Village, Zhao Tiezhu naturally accompanied Meng Hailong in person, walking beside him, Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile: "Village chief, why did you come? Everyone thought you would come in the morning, and they all prepared the wine and food, but they couldn't wait for you to come." "

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