"Do you still need to ask?" Sword Scar said angrily, "Such a big tourist attraction, there must be other people, if only a few of us come to play on the mountain, then the investor must not go bankrupt directly

?" "Uh, I mean, when you came down the mountain just now, did you meet other people on the mountain, especially pregnant women and children?"

"No!" Sword Scar shook his head and said, It's dark this day, and all the tourists go home for dinner, if they can't find their way down the mountain, the brothers would have come down a long time ago, so can they wait until now

?" "Are you sure there is really no one on the mountain?" The leader asked again.

"Of course!" "Of course," continued Sword Scar, "well, I'm sure I don't, but when it's dark, whether there will be something on the mountain that can't be seen or touched, it's hard to say."

As soon as the sword mark said this, almost everyone present had goosebumps, fortunately, there were many people, otherwise, everyone would probably not dare to go up the mountain.

Earlier, Shenjian made up a lie and told the leader that there were pregnant women and children on the mountain, and his purpose was to delay time. And now, Sword Scar told them that there was no one else on the mountain, and the purpose was to let them go up the mountain to hunt.

Anyway, this thing is going to happen, and since the village chief is ready, let all this happen quickly, and when it's over, everyone can go to bed early.

The entrance to the mountain was opened by Liu Jinrui, and as soon as the leader gave the order, two or three hundred soldiers lined up to go up the mountain to catch wild animals.

Once up the mountain, the team divided into more than a dozen teams and began to search for wild animals.

However, what they didn't expect was that the search operation lasted for more than half an hour, and they didn't even see small creatures like tigers, lions, and even snakes, insects, rats, and ants.

The entire Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain seemed to have become an empty mountain, and there was no animal in sight at all.

Each team reported the situation, and the leader, who listened to the people's reports, was also extremely surprised.

Such a big mountain, so many wild animals, all disappeared, this thing is very strange, everywhere is strange.

"Is there a ghost on this mountain?" the leader was frightened by one of his own thoughts, but soon, he calmed down, what a ghost, it was just a matter of legend.

He ruled out the possibility of haunting, and the animals disappeared en masse, and the leader thought that they should be hidden.

Because of this, the leader quickly issued another order to search carefully, especially some stone walls or caves, and even more closely searched.

Maybe that's where the beast hides.

After some searching, they really found something, but what was discovered by the warriors was not a beast, but a super large hornet's nest.

When the soldiers spotted the hornet's nest and tried to get closer, a swarm of hornets suddenly poured out of the nest, and the black oppressive piece flew towards the soldiers.

"Buzz..."In everyone's ears, only one monotonous sound could be heard, which was the beeping of a wasp.

The warriors were stunned by this sudden scene!

If it was a beast that suddenly appeared, they still had a way to deal with it, and they could subdue the beast by shooting it with a tranquilizer gun.

But what appeared was an overwhelming array of wasps, and they didn't even have the slightest solution.

Run, it's not the best way to go, because everyone knows that the more you run, the more they will chase you.

Because of this, the next moment the hornets poured out of the nest, the warriors all chose to lie on the ground and wrap their heads in clothes to prevent their heads from being stung.

This party, everyone lay down for one night.

As the night passed, the sun rose, but the hornets that had been hovering overhead did not leave, as if they would never get tired of flying.

Although the hornets did not take the initiative to attack everyone, the warriors all lay on the ground and did not dare to move.

They all knew that the hornets did not attack them, because they were lying on their stomachs, and if they made a move, they would definitely be attacked by the hornets.

Gradually, people found that there is a reason why hornets do not get tired of flying.

They are actually taking turns to rest, and when a group of hornets is tired, another group of hornets will come over the hornet's nest to replace them, and this group of hornets that are tired of flying will return to the hornet's nest to rest.

With such repetition, it's no wonder that they don't get tired of flying all the time.

People had wanted to wait for the hornets to get tired and leave, and then they would have a chance to descend the mountain, but now it seems that if this continues, it will be useless for them to wait any longer, and the hornets are going to fight them to the end.


right, just look for the fire department, the leader who was also lying on the ground suddenly thought of this method, so he hurriedly took out his mobile phone from his pocket and called the leader of the fire department.

The phone was connected, and at first, the leader of the fire department was still very enthusiastic, but as soon as the leader told him about the situation here, the leader of the fire station hurriedly said: "Hey, hey, can you hear me?" The signal on my side doesn't seem to be very good, if you don't have anything else, then I'll hang up first."

As soon as he finished speaking, the leader of the fire department hung up the phone.

Xiaolong Village, Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, this is their sore spot!

Come here to play, come to do something that is beneficial to Xiaolong Village, then it will naturally be warmly welcomed, but if you come here to do something unfavorable to Xiaolong Village, then it will definitely come to one, plant one, come two, plant a pair.

The phone was hung up, the leader naively thought that it was really a bad signal, and when he tried to call again for help, he found that the other party had actually turned off the phone, and then realized that most people didn't want to help him out of this siege.

There was no way, there was no way to ask for help, and it was not a way to wait like this all the time, so the leader had to give an order, crawl forward, and go down the mountain first.

As soon as this order was given, a spectacular scene ensued.

Two or three hundred soldiers moved slowly down the hill in a creeping motion, their movements very light and slow, for they were all afraid that if they moved too fast, they would be attacked by a swarm of hornets.

After lunch, Meng Hailong called the people from the wholesale department to bring him more than a dozen boxes of mineral water, as well as a few boxes of instant noodles, these things were placed at the entrance of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, and everyone was very curious when they saw it, and they didn't know what the village chief was going to do.

Meng Hailong didn't say much, moved a gas stove, set up a pot, and boiled water on it.

When a pot of water was boiling, the first soldier to climb down the hill appeared. Thankfully, the hornet swarm didn't continue to follow them.

Seeing this soldier, Meng Hailong hurriedly took out a bottle of water and greeted him, and said with concern: "Comrade, you have worked hard, seeing you like this, you haven't eaten or drunk for a long time, right? Come on, come on, drink a bottle of water to quench your thirst first, and I'll make you noodles when I get back." "

Meng Hailong is not wrong, from last night to the present, the soldiers have indeed not eaten or drunk, their mouths are dry, and they are still hungry.

Seeing that there was water to drink, the soldier didn't say a word, but opened it after catching it, and then drank it dry in one gulp.

There was no need for Meng Hailong to greet him, the soldier who was already hungry, after drinking the water, saw the instant noodles next to him, he hurriedly ran over, grabbed one, and opened it.

Seeing that the soldier had opened the instant noodles, Meng Hailong hurriedly beckoned: "Come on, comrade, there is boiling water here, I can make noodles for you for free."

Listening to Meng Hailong's words, the soldier was very happy, and felt that one instant noodle was not enough to eat, so he hurriedly took another one.

Meng Hailong didn't say much, and took the initiative to help scoop up boiling water to brew instant noodles for the soldiers.

The soldiers who followed down saw some eating and drinking, regardless of thirty, seven, twenty-one, they all followed the nonsense and drank.

After a while, the mineral water and instant noodles sent by the wholesale department were eaten and drunk by a group of soldiers.

When everyone was full of food and drink, the leader walked up to Meng Hailong with a full burp and said with a smile: "Village Chief, thank you for your hospitality, I want to thank you well for my soldiers, you are a model of a good citizen." "

Leader, you don't need to thank me, in fact, I have to thank you!" Meng Hailong also said with a smile, "If you don't come, how can I have business? Well, since you take care of me so much, then I can't be too stingy, I'll give you a ninety percent discount on what you ate and drank just now, the original price is 100,000, and the leader will give you 90,000. "

What?" The leader's face changed, and his voice became cold, "Village Chief, are you joking with me? We ate such a little thing

from you, and you asked me for 90,000?" "Are you kidding?" Leader, do you think I'm joking?" Meng Hailong said very seriously, "Don't underestimate these things, they are very expensive, and charging you 90,000 yuan is already discounted." "

Hmph, when we ate, you didn't tell us to ask for money, and now you come to ask for a price, you want to go to jail, right?"

"Leader, what you said is a bit ugly!" Meng Hailong continued, "My things are piled up here, is it just to give you free food? This must be impossible!" "Leader

, when I was eating instant noodles just now, he told me that it was free." The first soldier to descend stood up and spoke a sentence which, though he was a little dizzy with hunger, could not be misheard.

"Village chief, did you hear me, you said it was free, no wonder we we!" Hearing the soldier's words, the leader said triumphantly.

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