Meng Hailong said to the police, and then he opened the car door, first picked up the baby and handed it to the medical staff who arrived later, and then he helped the woman in the car down.

After his rescue, the woman had woken up, but her body was still a little weak.

Meng Hailong just got their mother and son out of danger, and didn't dare to use the air flow in his body too much to help them heal, because he still had to travel a long way and couldn't let his body be overwhelmed.

But even so, the woman still thanked him a thousand times, said a lot of words of gratitude, and asked Meng Hailong for a business card, saying that she wanted to repay him for saving his life in the future.

Meng Hailong waved his hand again and again, and said with a smile: "This eldest sister, don't be polite to me, when you encounter this kind of thing, if you change to someone else, you will also come forward." By the way, your body hasn't fully recovered, hurry up and go to the hospital, as for business cards, I'm sorry, I'm just an ordinary person, I don't have a business card or anything on me.

"If you don't have a business card, you always have a phone number, right? You leave me one, and I can find you when I look for you again!"

Seeing that the woman insisted on his contact information, Meng Hailong no longer shirked, and read his phone number again, the woman used her mobile phone to write it down, dialed and verified, and learned that the number was indeed Meng Hailong's, so she said goodbye to Meng Hailong and left.

The woman got into an ambulance and was taken to the hospital with her child for treatment, and at this time, the police also began to take pictures of the scene.

It didn't take long for several more police cars to drive up.

This time it was the traffic police who came, and they also brought a road wrecker to take pictures of the accident scene after archiving, several people from the wrecker began to clean the road, first vacating a lane for the car behind to pass, so as not to affect the traffic.

Over there, some workers are clearing road obstacles, and here, the police are not idle.

They each held a notebook and questioned the people at the scene one by one, and the bus driver and Meng Hailong were quickly put into focus, and the two were called to a police car to record confessions.

The driver of the bus still insisted on his own opinion, saying that Meng Hailong hit his car with a stone, which led to the accident.

What Meng Hailong said to the police is also what he said to everyone before, he found black smoke coming out of the bus, worried that the bus would catch fire, and in desperation, he would use stones to smash the car.

After listening to the words of both sides, the police did not immediately make a judgment, but carefully inspected the parts and components of the bus that was blown up.

The police did not accept the statement that the bus was stoned and caused the bus to catch fire, and they could only use facts to prove who said it was true.

Although the bus was blown apart, some parts can still be used to identify.

After careful inspection, the traffic police soon discovered that there was something wrong with the bus. Because, carefully they found that this was actually a scrapped modified car.

It is obviously a serious violation of the law to use such a car for business.

As soon as the traffic police told the results of the inspection, the driver of the bus was immediately frightened.

Originally, he thought that the passenger cars were blown up and it was impossible for the police to find out, so he knew that these traffic police were so powerful, just by virtue of some parts that had been burned by the fire, he could judge that his car was a scrapped modified car.

This kind of thing, since it has been investigated by the traffic police, the result he has to bear will be very serious, and the bus driver still knows this.

Thinking that he would be bankrupt and might be arrested and sent to jail, the driver of the bus bit his teeth and wanted to rush out of the crowd and escape into the mountains and forests on the side of the road.

However, he had only just made his move, and he was already controlled by two policemen in time.

The people who knew the truth were all very angry, and no one thought that the bus had a brand new appearance, but it would be a scrapped car, which was a joke on everyone's lives!"


Thanks to the little brother, if it weren't for him, we would not be standing here, but dying in the flames, Mr. Policeman, I propose that a good citizen award be given to that little brother.

"How can the Good Citizen Award be enough, I think, we have to give him another reward for righteousness and bravery, this is really it."

"Thank you for your valuable suggestions, and we will also record your suggestions, and as for the final decision, we will announce the results to the outside world when the time comes." A policeman said, "Now please line up and come with me, this is the highway, it's too dangerous, we've arranged for a vehicle to come over, and we will get you to a safe place first." "

That's... Comrade policeman, I don't have to go with you, right?" Meng Hailong hurriedly said, "This matter has been revealed, and I also have to rush to the capital, otherwise, I will leave you a phone number, if you have something that you need my cooperation, I will rush over again, okay?"

The first policeman nodded after a little thought, and then he took out a notebook, in addition to writing down Meng Hailong's phone number, he also registered his identity information.

Meng Hailong also has no opinion on this.

He didn't do anything bad, he wasn't afraid of shadows, he just left identity information, no big deal. This happens a lot when doing other things.

After registering the information, Meng Hailong returned to his road rage, started the car, and continued to drive in the direction of the capital.

Two hours later, the road rage drove into a service area, and in addition to the car needing to be refueled, Meng Hailong also wanted to buy something to fill his stomach.

There is a restaurant in the service area, and after ordering a few dishes casually, Meng Hailong found a place to sit down.

Although this restaurant is large, there are not many customers, because everyone knows that the price of eating in this kind of place is twice as usual, or even more expensive.

Many people are reluctant to spend this unjust money, so everyone either brings their own instant noodles or gets some cookies to satisfy their hunger.

Just after coming out of a full meal, Meng Hailong was about to go to the bathroom, but at this time, a woman's voice for help came from his ears.

"Help, someone snatched my child, help!" Hearing

this voice, Meng Hailong turned his head to look over, and he saw a woman in her thirties who was sacrificing her life to chase a guy dressed as a Taoist priest.

The fellow dressed as a Taoist priest, with a seven or eight-year-old child on his shoulder, was running briskly towards the woods next to the service area.

The child he was carrying was crying and struggling vigorously.

It's a pity that everything he did was to no avail, after all, he was too young, and no matter what, his actions couldn't pose much of a threat to an adult.

Although the Taoist priest was carrying a child on his shoulder, his speed of running was not slow at all, but in a blink of an eye, he had disappeared into the woods.

The woman who was chasing after her, although she was far behind, did not give up because of this, and rushed into the woods in order to save her child.

There were many people resting in this service area, and many people witnessed the scene when the Taoist priest snatched the child, but unfortunately no one stood up to help her.

If someone had stepped forward to help her in time, the woman's child would not have been snatched away.

Everyone was watching from the sidelines, Meng Hailong was very disappointed by this, of course, he didn't blame everyone, if you want to awaken the conscience of others, the best way is to lead by example.

Meng Hailong quickly chased in the direction where the Taoist priest had fled, and soon, he caught up with the woman whose child was robbed, comforted her, and Meng Hailong continued to chase forward.

Seeing that someone was helping to catch up, the woman was so moved that she didn't know what to say, so she just thanked Meng Hailong vigorously.

Meng Hailong chased forward for a while, and with his clairvoyant eyes open, he couldn't find any trace of the Taoist priest.

This situation made Meng Hailong realize that the Taoist priest might be like the purple pupils, and he would be able to do light work. If that's the case, it's not so easy to find him.

Unable to find any trace of the Taoist priest, Meng Hailong could only release Huahua.

Some time ago, Huahua got pregnant, and Meng Hailong temporarily sent the two of them into the Lingyu space, because the environment inside is better, and it is of great benefit to the babies in Diandian's belly, so that they can live in the Lingyu space, and in the future, the babies born will definitely be better.

That's when Flowey comes in handy.

Meng Hailong just brought Huahua out for a while, and the panting woman who ran followed, although she was out of breath, the woman still asked anxiously: "Brother... Brother, you... Have you seen my child?"

Meng Hailong shook his head slightly.

Seeing Meng Hailong shaking his head, the woman immediately sat down on the ground, roared and cried, she said while crying: "Can anyone tell me, what can I do to get my child back?"

If you want to, please be quiet, you cry so much, the person who snatched your child will only be scared away if he is still around.

As soon as Meng Hailong's words were spoken, the woman immediately quieted down.

Seeing that she was quiet, Meng Hailong hurriedly said: "Do you have any of your child's things on you, if so, take them out quickly, maybe Huahua can help us find your child."

Hearing Meng Hailong say this, the woman hurriedly took out a small toy from her pocket, this thing her child has been playing with, just now because she was going to the bathroom, she temporarily put it in her pocket, but she didn't expect it to come in handy at this time.

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