In the spirit jade space, Meng Hailong casually scattered a piece of scorpions and poisonous snakes, feeling that these things were not enough to threaten the Taoist priest, he hurriedly ran behind the Taoist priest, and with a wave of his hand, he scattered a large number of centipedes and spiders.

The reproduction speed of these things in the spirit jade space is quite fast, even if some are sacrificed, it is nothing to Meng Hailong.

In addition to sprinkling these poisons, Meng Hailong waved his hand and released another wasp.

There were poisonous snakes, spiders, centipedes and scorpions on the ground, and there were large wasps in the air, and Meng Hailong really didn't believe that he couldn't kill the Taoist priest.

The sudden appearance of these things surprised the Taoist priest very much.

Knowing that he couldn't dodge, the Taoist priest suddenly took out a bag of things from his body, opened it, and sprinkled the contents on himself.

For a time, not only the poisonous snakes and centipedes did not dare to approach, but even the hornets in the air hid far away and did not dare to fly over.

"It's sulfur!" Meng Hailong could see at a glance that there was nothing more frightening than sulfur for poisonous snakes and centipedes.

The Taoist priest sprinkled sulfur on his body, wanting the poisonous snake centipede to attack him, which was obviously impossible, and Meng Hailong summoned a large piece of poison back with one move.

Immediately, he released Lan Bing again.

This Taoist priest is not easy to deal with, Meng Hailong thought about it, and felt that only Lan Bing could clean him up.

As soon as Lan Bing appeared, the Taoist priest suddenly took a big meal, he never thought that this place where he had lived for a long time would have so many bizarre things today.

Although he felt that the matter was very bizarre, the Taoist priest didn't have time to think about it so much, because as soon as Lan Bing appeared, it had already launched an attack on him.

As soon as the tail as thick as a bucket was swept away, the Taoist priest was frightened and retreated.

With a loud "bang", the tail of the blue ice swept against the rock wall, and suddenly, the entire tomb shook, and the sand and stones above the head fell one after another, and there was a feeling that it was about to collapse.

A huge stone fell off and smashed heavily on the sarcophagus, and the surface of the sarcophagus was cracked by this stone, and the Taoist priest was very nervous when he saw this.

Dodging Lan Bing's attack again, the Taoist priest hurriedly rushed towards the sarcophagus.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Meng Hailong shot a few more arrows at him with a crossbow.

The Taoist priest may be in a hurry, or he may have consumed too much physical strength, and one of the crossbow arrows shot by Meng Hailong actually hit his thigh.

Seeing this scene, Meng Hailong was overjoyed, the crossbow arrow was soaked in the tranquilization grass, and the Taoist priest was shot by the crossbow arrow, and it wouldn't be long before he would be anesthetized.

If he were an ordinary person, the next second he was hit by an arrow, he would be anesthetized. But this Taoist priest is obviously not an ordinary person, after being hit by the arrow, not only was he not immediately anesthetized, but he also insisted on running to the sarcophagus.

Running to the sarcophagus, the Taoist priest wanted to open the sarcophagus, but at this time, he felt that his eyes were dark, and he fell to the ground.

Worried that the Taoist priest was pretending to be dizzy, Meng Hailong didn't dare to come out of the spirit jade space immediately.

He first found a stick, stretched it out, and poked it a few times on the Taoist priest's body, but found that the Taoist priest had no reaction, and Meng Hailong boldly walked out of the spirit jade space.

When he came out, Meng Hailong brought a rope by the way.

Using this rope to tie up the Taoist priest and throw it aside, Meng Hailong took out a small box from the spirit jade space, opened it, and put the white worm inside into the Taoist priest's nostrils.

After finishing this matter, Meng Hailong sent Lan Bing back to the spirit jade space.

This place is not so safe now, it may collapse at any time, Meng Hailong doesn't want to let Lan Bing stay here and take risks, in case this place really collapses, and he doesn't have time to take Lan Bing away, it's too late to regret it.

After sending Lan Bing back to the Spirit Jade Space, Meng Hailong took out some medicinal powder and poured it into the Daoist's mouth.

After a minute, the Taoist priest slowly woke up.

Because he was poisoned by Meng Hailong, even if he woke up, the Taoist priest's eyes were like dead ashes, without any life.

Seeing that he had woken up, Meng Hailong began to ask, and the first thing Meng Hailong asked was the name of this Taoist priest.

The Taoist priest replied in a mechanical voice: "My name is Ji Congliang."

"Ji Congliang, Ji Congliang, Meng Hailong thought his name was quite interesting, and after grinning, he continued to ask: "What is the purpose of you catching children here?" "

Children's hearts are useful, they can be used in medicine, and they can bring people back to life. Ji Congliang replied truthfully, "If I want to save my junior sister, I can only catch children everywhere."

"Using a child's heart as a medicine, you're really vicious. Meng Hailong gritted his teeth and scolded, "Bastard, even if I shoot you ten thousand times, it will not be enough to eliminate the resentment in my heart."

Ji Congliang didn't speak, after being poisoned by Meng Hailong, he was equivalent to a puppet, no matter how Meng Hailong scolded, he would not react.

"According to you, you've killed a lot of children, right?" Meng Hailong then asked, "Those bones in the Taoist temple above are all people you killed, right?"

Ji Congliang continued, "I want to save my junior sister, but if they don't agree, I can only kill them all." "

Then where is the junior sister you said?" Meng Hailong asked again.

"My sister, she's in the sarcophagus. Ji Congliang replied truthfully.

Hearing his words, Meng Hailong walked towards the sarcophagus, walked to the side of the sarcophagus, and opened the lid of the sarcophagus with both hands.

As soon as the lid of the sarcophagus was opened, Meng Hailong saw a corpse lying inside. The corpse was soaked in the water, which was clear and transparent, and there was a cold breath of ice.

The corpse was soaked in water, and there was no sign of decay, and those who didn't know thought that it was not a corpse, but a big living person who was bathing.

The corpse was a young girl who looked to be only twenty years old, without any clothes on her body, and in the clear water, her skin still had a faint sheen, it was hard to imagine that this could be a dead person.

Glancing at the corpse, Meng Hailong turned his head to look at Ji Congliang, and asked, "How did your junior sister die?" "

Senior sister was killed by me. Ji Congliang continued, "I like my junior sister, but my junior sister likes my senior brother, I killed my senior brother, I thought that my junior sister would like me, but junior sister she chose to commit suicide and martyrdom." I discovered this secret room, and I knew that a secret recipe could bring people back to life, so I brought my sister here, and I wanted to bring her back to life. "

The formula that Ji Congliang said was actually obtained in this secret room.

In the formula, in addition to some precious medicinal materials, there is actually a medicine called childlike heart, which Ji Congliang understands as a child's heart.

From that time on, Ji Congliang began to go around to catch children and come back, and take their hearts into medicine.

Later, his behavior was discovered by the senior brothers of the Taoist temple, and everyone wanted to stop him, Ji Congliang pretended to promise that he would reform on the surface, but behind the scenes, he had an evil plan.

In a banquet, Ji Congliang quietly drugged the meal, put down the entire Taoist temple, and after they were all fascinated by the drug, Ji Congliang killed them all, the means were extremely brutal, it was simply an act of extermination.

"You used this secret recipe to bring your junior sister back to life, so, did you succeed?" After listening to Ji Congliang's words, Meng Hailong asked in a cold voice.

"I'm going to succeed soon, my sister's face hasn't changed since she took that secret recipe, she's still so young, I'm sure it won't be long before she comes back to life.

"Bring the dead back to life, I think you're dreaming!" Meng Hailong continued, "You have killed so many people, you must die today, but don't worry, I will let you die blindly."

After saying this, Meng Hailong put his hand into the sarcophagus and fished out the female corpse soaked in water.

When the female corpse was fished out, Ji Congliang's face changed slightly, but this situation only lasted less than two seconds, and his eyes quickly became dull again, as if everything that happened in front of him had nothing to do with him.

After Meng Hailong fished out the female corpse, he put it on the ground next to him.

After doing this, he spoke again: "Your so-called secret recipe is simply fake, and there is nothing in this world that can bring a person back to life. Your sister has been dead for many years, and her face has not changed, and that is because of the effect of the water in this sarcophagus.

Meng Hailong didn't know why the water in the sarcophagus could have this effect, but he absolutely believed that no secret recipe could bring a person back to life.

The facts quickly confirmed his statement, after the female corpse was fished out by him and placed on the ground, in less than a minute, the skin on the female corpse had begun to show signs of aging.

When the water on the woman's body dried, she had already become a dried corpse.

After confirming this matter, Meng Hailong turned to look at Ji Congliang, and as soon as his mind moved, he had already taken out a crossbow from the spirit jade space.

Aiming at Ji Congliang with a crossbow, Meng Hailong said coldly: "Ji Congliang, you have killed countless people in your life, and your sins are unforgivable. Today, on behalf of God, I condemn you to death, so that you can finally atone for the wrongs you have committed.

After saying that, Meng Hailong pulled the trigger and shot two crossbow arrows in succession.

These two crossbow arrows were shot into Ji Congliang's heart respectively, ending his life, and Ji Congliang's evil life finally came to an end.

killed Ji Congliang, but Meng Hailong did not leave this place immediately.

The water in the sarcophagus has such a magical effect, Meng Hailong feels that there may be other treasures here, since he is here, he can't just leave empty-handed!

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