What Guo Xiaoai could think of, Meng Hailong naturally thought of, he didn't plan to live in Guo Xiaoai's house, but now, hearing her words, Meng Hailong said: "You all rest early, I'll go to the hotel by myself."

After saying this, Meng Hailong looked at Guo Bingliang and his wife again, and said with a smile: "Uncle and aunt, you rest early, and we will see you tomorrow." "

Brother-in-law, I'll see you tomorrow. Guo Bingliang and his wife ignored Meng Hailong, but Guo Xiaoqing responded very enthusiastically.

Seeing that Guo Xiaoqing was so enthusiastic about buying Meng Hailong, Shao Hua couldn't help but roll his eyes at her.

Bidding farewell to them, Meng Hailong quickly drove away and returned to the Zhuzhou Hotel again.

This time, he was still dressed like that, but the hotel security didn't dare to stop him again.

After the incident happened before, the manager of the security department had already sent Meng Hailong's photo to everyone in the security department.

Everyone knows that Meng Hailong can't be provoked, not only will he not stop him, but when he comes, everyone has to greet him warmly.

Guo Xiaoai's house, after Meng Hailong left, Shao Hua said: "Xiaoai, you tell your mother honestly, how far has your relationship with this village chief progressed?" "

Mom, the village chief is the most capable one among the men I have ever seen, and he is also a very good person, I think he is the one I rely on in my life." Guo Xiaoai thought for a while and said, "Mom, if you give him a little time, I believe you will see his benefits." "

I've seen it!" Shao Hua continued, "Isn't his benefit that he can eat and drink?"

"Mom, you're lonely!" Guo Xiaoqing said at this time, "Brother-in-law is not so incompetent as you imagined, do you know, he has grown the only golden roses in this world, and has also researched a scar cream called rejuvenation, which is said to be very good, well, this is it."

Guo Xiaoqing said and took out the two bottles of rejuvenation that Meng Hailong gave her just now, and continued: "In addition to researching the rejuvenation of my brother-in-law, I also have potpourri perfume and universal eye drops. "

Xiaoqing, what you said is true?" Shao Hua asked in surprise, she really couldn't accept this fact, because Meng Hailong's dress was too ordinary, and he didn't look like a very capable person at all.

"Mom, to be honest, I saw all these things from the Internet, and I don't know if it's true or not. Guo Xiaoqing continued, "However, since my brother-in-law has given me a rejuvenation, then I think we will soon know if he is really that powerful."

After saying these words, Guo Xiaoqing opened a bottle of rejuvenation, rolled up his sleeves, and applied the rejuvenating scar cream contained in the bottle to a scar on his arm.

This scar on Guo Xiaoqing's arm was left by boiling water when she was a child, because the scar is very ugly, so even on a hot day, she has to wear long-sleeved clothes, just don't want people to see her ugly side.

"Mom, don't you have a scar on your calf? After saying that, Guo Xiaoqing didn't care whether her mother wanted it or not, so she pulled up her pants and painted the scar on her calf.

The next morning, Guo Xiaoqing was the first to get up, and as soon as she got up, she was surprised to find that the scars on her hands had recovered more than half.

Witnessing this miracle in person, Guo Xiaoqing couldn't help but exclaim.

Her exclamation immediately woke up the family, everyone thought that something was wrong with her, and hurriedly ran over to learn the truth of the matter, and everyone was relieved.

"Mom, how about the scar on your leg, show us quickly. Guo Xiaoqing squatted down as she spoke, pulled up Shao Hua's pants and took a look, and found that the scar on her calf was gone.

The scar on Shao Hua's calf is not particularly serious, and after applying the rejuvenation, it is normal for it to disappear completely after a night of repair.

But this matter, in Shao Hua's eyes, seems particularly magical.

In just one night, this scar removal cream called rejuvenation can completely eliminate the scars on the body, what a magical potion this must be to do this!

" I said that my brother-in-law is not an ordinary person, Mom, now you believe my words, right?" Guo Xiaoqing said a little proudly, "When my brother-in-law comes, I still have to ask him for two bottles of all-purpose eye drops, my eyes are facing the computer every day, maybe there will be a problem that day!"

Speaking of this, Guo Xiaoqing hurriedly took out the computer that Meng Hailong gave her and opened her author's background.

This author's background can find out what the specific income of the previous day was every day, and Guo Xiaoqing now just wants to see how much her two books brought her yesterday.

When the backstage was opened, seeing a string of numbers displayed on the income line, Guo Xiaoqing only felt that her heartbeat was accelerating, and then, as soon as her eyes went dark, she fainted directly.

Fortunately, Guo Xiaoai hugged her in time, otherwise, Guo Xiaoqing would have fallen this time, but I am afraid that it will not be light.

"Xiaoqing, Xiaoqing, what's wrong with you?"

hugging Guo Xiaoqing, Guo Xiaoai hurriedly called a few times, and at the same time, she pinched Guo Xiaoqing's acupoint a few times, and finally woke her up.

"Xiaoqing, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Guo Xiaoqing wake up, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Shao Hua said with a worried face, "You're about to scare your mother to death." "

Mom, I'm fine!" Guo Xiaoqing hurriedly explained, "I was too excited to see the data in the background, and I didn't regulate my emotions well for a while, and my heart couldn't bear it, so I fainted."

After a slight pause, Guo Xiaoqing became excited again, and she said excitedly: "Dad, Mom, sister, guess how much income did my two books have yesterday? I guarantee you will not guess." "

Looking at your excited appearance, there won't be 10,000, right?" Shao Hua asked tentatively.

"Ten thousand?" Guo Xiaoqing said with a smile, "Mom, you underestimate me too much, right?

"Ten thousand followed by two zeros, isn't that one million?" Shao Hua said in surprise, "

Xiaoqing, you read it right, right? The two books you wrote really sold for one million yesterday?" Shao Hua was surprised, but Guo Bingliang and Guo Xiaoai were not surprised, they all knew that the books written by Guo Xiaoqing could only bring her more than 100 income a day, but yesterday there was an income of 1 million a day, so didn't it directly increase 10,000 times?

"Mom, how could I be wrong?" Guo Xiaoqing pointed to the computer screen, and then said, "If you don't believe it, you can see for yourself, the data displayed by yesterday's income is yesterday's data." "

“1314520。 Looking at the computer, Guo Xiaoai read out such a string of numbers, and after reading it, she said again, "Xiaoqing is not mistaken, her book did have an income of more than one million yesterday."

After saying these words, Guo Xiaoai looked at Guo Xiaoqing again and said happily: "Xiaoqing, congratulations, you have finally succeeded after so many years of hard work."

"I want to thank my brother-in-law well, if it weren't for my brother-in-law's help, I would have worked hard all my life, I'm afraid I wouldn't have such results!" Guo Xiaoqing is a sensible person, she knows very well that even if she writes well, if the website doesn't recommend her, she won't achieve anything.

"Xiaoqing, you say... The book you wrote can sell for so much money, is it that village chief who helped you?" asked Shao Hua curiously.

"Of course!" Guo Xiaoqing continued, "Although I don't know how my brother-in-law did it, he did help, and without his help, no matter how hard I worked, I wouldn't have such good results."

With Guo Xiaoqing's affirmative answer, Shao Hua's opinion of Meng Hailong has changed slightly, because she feels that if Guo Xiaoqing can earn one million a day, this village chief should still have some ability.

The most critical point is that Shao Hua knows that Guo Xiaoai is really in love with this village chief, and if they keep obstructing it, I am afraid that Guo Xiaoai will be unhappy.

After a night of thinking, Shao Hua now feels that if this village chief really has some ability, he doesn't need to be rich and expensive, and can let Guo Xiaoai live a happy life, then it is up to them.

Guo Xiaoqing has always been smiling, and she quickly said again: "Dad, Mom, sister, I want to tell you a good news, if such sales can be stabilized, I can buy you a villa when the press fee is issued next month." "

Xiaoqing, the responsibility of buying a villa for our parents will be handed over to you!" Guo Xiaoai said with a smile, "Our family has never lived in a villa yet, and when you get the manuscript fee, let us get rid of it." "

Cut, brother-in-law is so good, sister, are you still afraid that you don't have a villa to live in?" Guo Xiaoqing continued, "Although I don't know if my brother-in-law has money, I think that even if my brother-in-law doesn't do anything and only sells the product of rejuvenation, he can make a lot of money." What's more, he still has universal eye drops!"

As several people were talking, Guo Xiaoai's phone rang.

took out his mobile phone and saw that the call was from Meng Hailong, Guo Xiaoai hurriedly connected it, walked to the side, and talked to Meng Hailong.

After talking on the phone, Guo Xiaoai said to her family: "The village chief is on the way to the hotel, he said that he is coming to pick us up for morning tea, let's hurry up and get ready

!" "yes, go for morning tea!" Guo Xiaoqing said happily, after speaking, she was the first to run to wash, looking very positive.

"Dad, Mom, you guys should also prepare!" Guo Xiaoai continued, "The village chief just said that after drinking morning tea, he still has an important gift for you!"

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