"I'm sorry, I don't have much tea on me, if you want to buy this kind of tea, you can log on to the website of Xiaolong Group, after logging in to the website, you can contact the customer service staff of the website directly and ask them to buy it." Meng Hailong looked at the middle-aged man in front of him and spoke.

"That's it, that's okay!" the middle-aged man said helplessly, after saying that, he didn't leave immediately, but said to Meng Hailong cheekily, "Brother, otherwise, sell me a few cups of tea in your pot, okay

?" "Not good!" Meng Hailong shook his head without thinking about it and said, "This is our own tea, I'm sorry to sell it to you, come over your cup, I'll invite you to drink it."

"Thank you, thank you. When he heard Meng Hailong say something bad, the middle-aged man still despised him in his heart, but when Meng Hailong said the latter sentence, he knew that he had misunderstood others, and he hurriedly thanked him, and then he returned to his table and took a cup.

The cup was placed in front of Meng Hailong, and when Meng Hailong was making tea for him, the middle-aged man said: "Brother, you invite me to tea, I invite you to dinner, this meal in the evening is mine, you just have to eat." "

Then what's so embarrassing?" Meng Hailong said with a smile, "We appreciate your kindness, but I still want to thank you."

"If you want to thank you, I have to thank you!" The middle-aged man continued, "Let me tell you the truth, I am a person, I don't prostitute or gamble, I just like to drink tea and taste wine, if you don't invite me to drink this cup of tea today, I smell the fragrance of this tea, and I will definitely not be able to sleep tonight." "

Is it that serious?" Meng Hailong asked with some suspicion.

"Of course it's that serious. The middle-aged man continued, "You won't believe it when you say it, anyway, whether it's tea or wine, I see something I like, I have to taste it, otherwise, I really can't sleep."

"If you say so, I suggest that you buy a sword drink called Tranquility Tea, and as long as you keep drinking it for a while, I believe your situation will improve. "

Tranquilizing tea, where to buy it?" the middle-aged man asked curiously.

"Some of the websites of Xiaolong Group are bought, otherwise, they are sold in major supermarkets and pharmacies, you just need to look for the production of Yu Xin Group. Meng Hailong patiently explained, he knew that he was a person with status when he looked at the middle-aged man's dress.

This kind of person is a potential customer of Xiaolong Group, and it is one to dig one, so Meng Hailong is not too troublesome.

"Thank you brother for the recommendation, I'll go back and see. The middle-aged man said and took out another business card, handed it to Meng Hailong, and said, "Brother is a cheerful person, if you don't dislike it, we can make a friend, I work in the airline, brother, if you need to fly that day, just call me, and I will arrange it for you."

Meng Hailong took the business card and looked at it, the middle-aged man's name was Zeng Qingxiang, and he was an executive of an airline.

"Mr. Zeng said that he was a friend, if you don't dislike it, let's sit down and eat together, anyway, the food on our side hasn't come up yet." Meng Hailong put away his business card, and then said with a smile, he is quite happy to make friends with Zeng Qingxiang.

The song is sung, it is hard to find a friend, and it is easy to walk when there are more friends.

One more friend is one less enemy, and the most important thing is that one more friend is one more way, and this Zeng Zong's character is also quite good, belonging to the kind of person who can have deep friendships, which can be seen from his words and deeds.

Receiving Meng Hailong's invitation, Zeng Qingxiang was also very happy.

However, he quickly spoke up again: "Brother, I still have a few friends over there, why don't you do this, I'll invite you to dinner another day, okay?"

"Yes, Mr. Zeng, you can do whatever you want." Meng Hailong thought about it, then took out a small bag of tea from his pocket and handed it to Zeng Qingxiang, "Mr. Zeng, I really don't have much dragon tea on me, so let's take this as a meeting gift, don't dislike it." "

Thank you, brother!" Zeng Qingxiang took the small bag of tea and said gratefully, "I've been chatting for a long time, and I haven't asked my brother your honorable name!"

"My surname is Meng, and my name is Hailong."

"Okay, okay, I remember. Zeng Qingxiang took out his mobile phone and wrote down Meng Hailong's phone number, and then he insisted that he must treat this meal.

Seeing his sincere attitude, Meng Hailong didn't shirk too much, and let him pay the bill.

Everyone was eating the food on the table, and suddenly, the people in the restaurant were chattering about something as if they had exploded.

Seeing that people were all focused on the big screen playing news in the restaurant, Meng Hailong and the others also looked over.

The news was being broadcast on the screen, and it was when they saw the news that people began to talk about it as if it had exploded.

Through the news, people learned that the largest enterprise in Zhuzhou, Gaoming Shoe Factory, had just been seized.

Yan Jinmei, director of the Zhuzhou Industrial and Commercial Bureau, personally led people to Gaoming Shoe Factory, and after a rigorous investigation, it was found that this enterprise produced a large number of high-quality imitation goods, infringed on at least more than 10 brands, and seriously affected the development of the market economy.

Gao Ming, the owner of Gaoming Shoe Factory, was caught red-handed, and next, he will face a prison sentence.

From the CEO of a company, he suddenly became a prisoner, which is something Gao Ming never expected.

However, what he didn't expect was that not only he would become a prisoner, but even his family would be implicated because of this.

The more than a dozen infringing companies have come forward and all said that they will investigate the responsibility of Gaoming Shoe Factory.

In this way, even if Gao Ming sells his pants, he will definitely not be able to compensate for the losses of these companies.

After reading this news, people couldn't help but sigh and sigh, it is better to be a man, it is better to do some duty, opportunistically make a fortune, and in the end it will only fall from heaven to hell and fall into a situation from which there will be no return.

Only by being down-to-earth, working hard, and finally getting the glory and wealth, that is the real glory and wealth.

The Gaoming shoe factory was over, and Gao Fushuai, who was lying in the hospital, still didn't believe that all this was true, and when he saw the news, he was excited, and he smashed the TV in the ward.

But as soon as he finished smashing the TV, the hospital security rushed in, lifted him up, and threw him at the door of the hospital.

Before the accident in Gaoming Shoe Factory, let these security guards move Gao Fushuai, even if they were given one more guts, I believe they would not dare to do so.

But now, Gao Ming's shoe factory has gone bankrupt, even Gao Ming is going to prison, Gao Fushuai has become a dwarf and poor, he can't even afford to pay for medical expenses, who will be afraid

of him? Gao Fushuai was thrown at the entrance of the hospital by several security guards, and when he saw the strange glances of those people around him, he immediately became angry, he got up, picked up a brick and threw it at those security guards.

Several security guards didn't expect Gao Fushuai to attack them, and after throwing him down, they turned around and walked back to the hospital.

But at this moment, the security guard who walked at the back suddenly screamed.

Hearing the screams of the security guard, the other security guards hurriedly looked back and immediately saw one of their partners lying on the ground, and bright red blood quickly gushed out of the back of the head of the security guard.

"Go to the doctor. After a security guard reacted, he hurriedly shouted, and then he ran over, took off a piece of clothing, and helped the injured security guard hold the wound to stop the bleeding.

On the other side, seeing that the bricks he threw out smashed a security guard's head and broke blood, Gao Fushuai was also frightened, if someone died, he would also go to prison.

The thought of going to jail made him scared, and he didn't care about it so much, so he hurriedly ran away.

Seeing that Gao Fushuai was about to run, a security guard yelled, and then chased after him with several other people, and pressed Gao Fushuai to the ground in a few clicks, and then called the police.

The police took Gao Fushuai away for malicious destruction of hospital property and intentional wounding. These situations have also appeared on the TV screen and are well known to the people of Zhuzhou City.

"Fortunately, if our little love follows Gao Fushuai, we will have to hide in the room and cry secretly!" After reading the news, Shao Hua lowered his voice and said this to Guo Bingliang.

Her words attracted Guo Bingliang's eyes, and he didn't know who was praising the rich and handsome at the beginning.

After dinner, Meng Hailong drove Guo Xiaoai's family back. After sending them back, Meng Hailong was about to drive back to the Zhuzhou Hotel, but Shao Hua stopped him.

"Hailong, although the conditions at home are not too good, there is still a room, if you don't dislike it, don't go to the hotel, stay at home!"

"Auntie, since you say so, then I'm not welcome." Meng Hailong smiled and nodded, parked the car, and walked into the house with everyone.

Although the environment here is not as good as the hotel, this is nothing for Meng Hailong.

In fact, the environment in his home was not particularly good, and before he obtained the spirit jade space, everything in his family was not even as good as Guo Xiaoai's home!

When the few people returned home, the time was already more than nine o'clock in the evening. Accustomed to going to bed early, Guo Bingliang and his wife have yawned again and again.

Everyone took turns to take a bath, Meng Hailong consciously came last, and when he came out of the bath, everyone had already gone back to their rooms to rest.

Walking into the bedroom that belonged to him, it felt like a long night, and he would feel lonely and empty when he slept alone, Meng Hailong secretly thought in his heart, should he go into Guo Xiaoai's room and sleep with her?

After thinking for a while, Meng Hailong made a decision, quietly, he came to the door of the next room, under the perspective eye, Meng Hailong found that the door of the room was not locked, so he directly pushed the door and walked in.

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