"Xiaoqing's boyfriend, oh no, it should be said that Xiaoqing's ex-boyfriend, he came to the house to make trouble, saying that if Xiaoqing didn't marry him, he would make our family restless, I was worried that he would go to Xiaoqing's trouble, so I called and asked. On

the other end of the phone, Guo Xiaoai said a little anxiously.

As soon as Guo Xiaoai said this, Meng Hailong was also anxious, and he hurriedly asked: "Xiaoai, that idiot didn't hurt you, right?"

"That's not true, but he broke the door of our house!" Guo Xiaoai continued, "You and Xiaoqing should be careful, Zhou Zimo also has some forces on the Zhuzhou side, I'm afraid he will do something excessive." "

Don't worry, with me here, Xiaoqing will definitely be fine!"

Knowing that Zhou Zimo went to the house to make trouble, Meng Hailong and Guo Xiaoqing didn't have the heart to continue to stay here to keep warm, and the two quickly checked out and left.

If something happens to the family, but they are still here, they will definitely regret it in the future.

Whether it is Guo Xiaoqing or Meng Hailong, they all have the same idea in their hearts, that is, they can't let Guo Xiaoai and them be in danger.

Road Rage galloped all the way home, and as soon as the two got out of the car, more than a dozen people appeared from different places.

Seeing these people who suddenly appeared, Meng Hailong already understood in his heart that these people came to make trouble just now, but they didn't hurt anyone, the purpose was to lure him and Guo Xiaoqing back, which shows that Zhou Zimo is a bit of a scheming person.

The dozen or so people who suddenly appeared, each with a baseball bat in their hands.

They quickly surrounded Meng Hailong and Guo Xiaoqing, and at this time, Zhou Zimo also appeared.

Zhou Zimo had been hiding in a car not far away and watching, and when he saw that Meng Hailong and Guo Xiaoqing had been surrounded by the people he brought, and it was difficult to fly, he opened the car door and walked down.

After getting out of the car, Zhou Zimo took out a baseball bat from the car, unlike those who surrounded Meng Hailong, the baseball bat Zhou Zimo was holding in his hand was made of metal.

This should be something he found someone to make and use for fights.

Zhou Zimo walked to Meng Hailong unhurriedly, held a baseball bat in his right hand, lightly tapped his left hand, and circled around Meng Hailong and Guo Xiaoqing, and then said: "Boy, in the hotel, there are those security guards who protect you and let you take advantage, but now, do you think you can still take advantage?"

Without waiting for Meng Hailong to speak, Zhou Zimo continued: " Dare to rob me of a woman, you are still the first, I admire your courage, but sometimes, you don't have the courage to do great things, you also need to have strength, just like me, I have enough strength, I can kill whoever I want.

"If you don't want to be killed or maimed by me, do as I say. Having said this, Zhou Zimo's face suddenly sank, and he said in a cold voice: "You kneel down for me now, learn to bark a dog, if Lao Tzu is happy, maybe he can save you a dog's life." "

Zhou Zimo, don't go too far!" Surrounded by these people, although Guo Xiaoqing was a little scared in her heart, she was also angry when she heard Zhou Zimo ask Meng Hailong to kneel down for him and let him learn to bark, "If you do this nonsense again, I will call the police."

"Call the police, okay, if you like to call the police, then call the police, I didn't stop you from calling the police." Zhou Zimo said indifferently, "By the way, the chief of the police station is my uncle, if you want to call the police, I can tell you his phone number."

As soon as Zhou Zimo said this, Guo Xiaoqing was speechless.

It is no wonder that Zhou Zimo has been prosperous in Zhuzhou over the years, and Guo Xiaoqing now knows that it turns out that he still has such a backstage to support him.

Hearing the movement at the door, Guo Xiaoai and her parents also ran out, seeing the formation at the door, Guo Xiaoai also wanted to take out her mobile phone to call the police, but when she heard Zhou Zimo's words, she put her mobile phone down.

If Zhou Zimo is telling the truth, then if she calls the police, not only will it not have any effect, but it may also harm Meng Hailong.

If Meng Hailong was arrested and imprisoned, there would be nothing they could do.

Surrounded by these people, Meng Hailong didn't speak, but this didn't mean that he would be afraid, if he wanted to do it, he was confident to kill these people.

But Guo Xiaoqing was by his side, and Meng Hailong didn't want an accident to happen, so he decided to use his hole cards, and with a wave of his hand, a group of wasps appeared out of thin air.

The sudden appearance of the hornet's swarm startled everyone, including Guo Xiaoqing, who was also frightened.

So many hornets suddenly appear on the top of the head, if they are stung, it hurts, not to mention, they may be disfigured, of course, disfigurement is not the most important, more importantly, they may also lose their lives.

"I'm..." The next moment when the hornet swarm appeared, Zhou Zimo was the first to react, he was better than anyone else, and after reacting, he turned around and ran away, running towards his car.

Seeing Zhou Zimo running away, the dozen or so people who surrounded Meng Hailong and Guo Xiaoqing ran away.

To clean up Meng Hailong, there are many opportunities, there are so many hornets overhead, if you don't run now, if you are attacked by the hornets, you will regret it.

As soon as they ran, the hornets chased after them.

The huge hornets instantly dispersed and chased after those who had fled.

Guo Xiaoqing also wanted to run, she wanted to run home and hide, but before she could run, Meng Hailong took her hand and said to her softly: "Don't be afraid, stand still, the hornets won't attack us, if you run, it's hard to say."

Meng Hailong said this a little loudly, and Zhou Zimo and the others also heard it.

Before hearing Meng Hailong's words, they had all been attacked by wasps, and each of them had been stung several times in the face.

It's also strange to say that this wasp doesn't sting in other places, but it stings their faces, and Zhou Zimo, who thinks he is very handsome, has a few big bags on his face at the moment.

Hearing Meng Hailong's words, Zhou Zimo and the others couldn't help but glance back, and at this glance, they were immediately depressed.

They all saw that Meng Hailong and Guo Xiaoqing were standing in the same place, but they were not attacked by the hornet.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Zimo and the others also believed Meng Hailong's words, followed their example, and stood in place without running, thinking that in this way, the hornets would not attack them.

It's a pity that they didn't know that the wasp was released by Meng Hailong, and Meng Hailong would not be attacked by the hornet swarm when he was standing, but if they stood up, they would only be stung even worse.

Finding that if he stopped and didn't run, he would still be attacked by a wasp, Zhou Zimo was depressed to death, he hurriedly ran wildly and continued to run towards his car.

The distance is just more than ten meters, but at this moment he feels very far away, as if there are 108,000 miles, and he feels that he has been running for a long time before running to the side of the car.

When he reached out to get the key, Zhou Zimo wanted to die again, because he found that he didn't know when the car key was dropped, and he didn't know exactly where it fell.

The car couldn't get up, and it was even more impossible to look back for the key, hearing the "buzzing" buzz in his ears, Zhou Zimo didn't think much about it, and continued to run away.

When he was exhausted, Zhou Zimo suddenly saw a waterhole in front of him, and he couldn't help but speed up his pace and rushed towards that waterhole.

finally ran to the side of the pool, but Zhou Zimo found that there were a lot of dead fish floating on this pool, and a foul smell came to the nose, making people want to vomit when they smelled it.

There were swarms of wasps overhead, and there were foul-smelling dead fish in the pool, Zhou Zimo just gritted his teeth and thought for two seconds, and then plunged into the pool.

The stench of dead fish, while disgusting, is at least bearable. But if you are stung by a wasp a few more times, you can't even save your life.

Zhou Zimo is not a brainless person, he knows very well that at this time, it is still important to save his life.

jumped into the pool and held it in the foul-smelling water for dozens of seconds, and when he couldn't hold it anymore, Zhou Zimo came out.

But as soon as he came up, the hornets immediately wanted to attack him again, Zhou Zimo was helpless, changed his breath, and hurriedly dived into the water again.

After this cycle countless times, Zhou Zimo wanted to die, but fortunately, the hornet swarm dispersed at this time and did not continue to attack him.

Exhausting his last strength, Zhou Zimo crawled out of the pool and wanted to call someone to help him, but unfortunately, the mobile phone had been invalidated after soaking in water, and it couldn't be turned on at all.

Zhou Zimo wanted to get up from the ground, but he found that he only had the strength to breathe, and it was impossible to get up from the ground.

In the midst of all his thoughts, Zhou Zimo fell asleep deeply.

When he woke up again, he found himself lying in the hospital room, and he didn't know how he got to the hospital.

Zhou Zimo only knew that there was a hot pain on his face, and that pain was enough to make him crazy.

"Doctor, doctor, call me a doctor. Seeing a nurse walk in, Zhou Zimo yelled a little frantically.

His mad dog roared like a mad dog, and the nurse was so frightened that she hurriedly retreated.

A few minutes later, a doctor in a white lab coat pushed open the door to the hospital room and walked in. Seeing this doctor, Zhou Zimo hurriedly said: "Doctor, tell me quickly, what's wrong with my face?" "

After the wasp stung your face, the toxins left behind caused the muscles in your face to swell, I am now injecting you with anti-inflammatory potion, you can bear with it a little longer, and when the inflammation is gone, it will not be so painful." The doctor patiently explained, "During this time, you should rest more, and it is better to talk less, which will help you recover." "

Doctor, then tell me, will my face become ugly after it is better?" Zhou Zimo asked nervously, he will go out to pick up girls in the future, if this handsome face is ruined like this, will anyone like him in the future?

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