As soon as the phone was connected, a neighbor's familiar voice came from the other end, "Lao Guo, where did your family go, and you didn't know that something was wrong in your

family?" "What's going on in my family?" Guo Bingliang asked anxiously.

"Your house caught fire, and the neighbors were busy for more than an hour to put out the fire, but unfortunately, your house was still burned down. The neighbor continued, "I called you when I went in to look for you after the fire had been extinguished and found that none of your family was there. "

No, my house was really burned down?" Guo Bingliang asked in disbelief.

"Lao Guo, can I still joke about this?" the neighbor continued, "Although the house burned down, but your family is fine, that's a good thing, Lao Guo, don't be too sad."

Seeing Guo Bingliang hang up the phone, Shao Hua hurriedly asked, "Dead ghost, what's going on at home?" How did I hear you say that

the house was burned?" "The house was indeed burned!" Guo Bingliang said dejectedly, "Good manner, why was the house burned?"

"He must have done it." Guo Xiaoqing said angrily, "Zhou Zimo, this bastard, I really didn't expect that he could do this kind of thing, no, I have to go to him to settle accounts."

Guo Xiaoqing was about to go downstairs as she spoke, and Meng Hailong hurriedly grabbed her.

After holding Guo Xiaoqing, Meng Hailong opened his mouth and said: "Xiaoqing, don't be impulsive first, the house has been burned, and it's useless for you to go to Zhou Zimo now." Besides, even

if it was really him who set the fire, without evidence, do you think he would admit it?" "Brother-in-law, then you say, what are we going to do?" Guo Xiaoqing said angrily, "Do you just let him get away with it like this?" "

We can't conclude now that it was Zhou Zimo who set the fire, if we can conclude that it was a good thing he did, it would be a matter of minutes to clean him up." Meng Hailong continued, "It's okay if the house is burned, anyway, you all have to move here to live, just right, now you don't have to move things over, if you need anything, just buy it directly." "

Meng Hailong is telling the truth, if he wants to clean up Zhou Zimo, he can kill him yesterday.

When the hornet swarm attacked Zhou Zimo, if Meng Hailong hadn't given an order to let the hornets repair Zhou Zimo and not kill anyone, then Zhou Zimo would not be lying in the hospital now, but should be lying in the morgue.

"So far, that's all it can be. Guo Bingliang opened his mouth and said.

"Hailong, why don't you send us back to have a look!" Shao Hua said at this time, "Even if the house is really burned, we will go back and have a look."

"Okay, I'll send you back after eating early." Meng Hailong naturally had no opinion on this, everyone hurriedly finished breakfast, and then drove back to their original house.

The house was no longer a house for a long time, it had been burned by fire, leaving only a piece of wreckage, and black smoke was still emitting in some places.

Seeing this situation, Shao Hua couldn't help but shed two lines of tears.

Although they still have a villa, this is their real home after all, they have lived here for so many years, they have feelings, and they will be sad to see their home burned down by a fire.

"There's a surveillance over there that should be able to capture last night's situation. Meng Hailong's eyes swept away, and he immediately found

a camera, and said to Guo Xiaoqing, "Xiaoqing, do you know who manages this surveillance camera?" "This should be managed by the security team!" Guo Xiaoqing thought for a while and said, "Why don't we go to the security team and ask?"

"Okay, you lead the way." Meng Hailong nodded, led by Guo Xiaoqing, and several people soon came to the public security management office.

Explaining their intentions, a security officer in charge of receiving them shook his head again and again and said: "The surveillance camera is indeed managed by us, but we will not provide video footage to anyone except the police, no matter what reason you have, if you want to view the video, you can only call the police first, and after the police receive the police, we can only hand over the video to the police." "

This big brother, my house has been set on fire, we must find the arsonist, you can let us see!" Guo Xiaoqing pleaded.

"I'm sorry, I can't help you with this. The security officer continued, "If you think that someone has deliberately set fire to your house, then I suggest you call the police." "

Brother, I know you have a difficulty, this is a little meaning, don't be too little, take it and buy two packs of cigarettes to smoke!" Meng Hailong took out a few hundred yuan from his pocket and quietly stuffed it into the pocket of this security officer, the security officer was stunned at first, and then his attitude changed.

He looked left and right, and saw that no one noticed that Meng Hailong stuffed him with money, so he grinned and said: "I know that you are also in a hurry, so let's let you take a look, but I can't guarantee whether you can see the murderer of arson." "

It's okay, we just have to look at last night's footage, whether we can see the arsonist or not, it's none of your business." Meng Hailong smiled with satisfaction.

Several of them were quickly summoned by the vigilante to a monitoring room.

The security officer turned on the surveillance video and played back last night's video, Meng Hailong sat in front of the computer, pressed the fast-forward button a few times, and tuned the video to a few minutes before the house caught fire.

On the screen, several suspicious people soon appeared.

These people were all dressed in black, and each of them was carrying a bucket in their hands, and by guessing, Meng Hailong felt that the bucket should contain something like gasoline.

They first walked around the neighborhood, and when they saw that there was no one, they approached Guo Xiaoqing's house, and one of them put on gloves, and then took out a lock and locked the door.

Seeing this, Meng Hailong was very angry, this was not only intentional arson, but also murder.

After locking the door with a lock, they began to pour the gasoline from the barrel into the house through the window and set it on fire.

In an instant, the raging fire began to burn.

After the people set the fire, they drove away, and the surveillance happened to photograph the license plate number of their car, Meng Hailong secretly wrote down the license plate number, thanked the security officer, and left with Guo Xiaoai and them.

"It's so dangerous, if we hadn't happened to go to the villa last night, I'm afraid we would have all burned to death in the house by now. Guo Xiaoqing said with some fear, "These people are really ruthless, I hope the police can arrest them and eliminate harm for the people."

Several people were either embarrassed or indignant, but Meng Hailong didn't say anything, and when he walked out of the monitoring room of the security brigade, he took out his mobile phone and called Yike.

The license plate number seen in the video told Yike, and Meng Hailong asked him to help find the car.

This kind of thing is a piece of cake for Yike, and it didn't take long for Yike to call back.

"Village chief, the owner of this car is called Zhou Zimo, and he seems to be in the hospital now. After verification, E-Ke came to such a conclusion.

"Sure enough, it's him!" Meng Hailong nodded and said, "Dude, you have worked hard, I will invite you to drink wine and eat meat when I go back." After

a few polite sentences, Meng Hailong hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Meng Hailong said: "The car driven by those who set fire last night belonged to Zhou Zimo, so it can be seen that those who set fire should have been invited by him." "

Then let's call the police!" After listening to Meng Hailong's words, Guo Xiaoqing said, "With evidence in hand, even if the director of the police station is Zhou Zimo's uncle, he doesn't dare

to bend the law for personal gain, right?" "If the director dares to bend the law for personal gain, I will report him." Guo Bingliang said very seriously.

Meng Hailong didn't think of calling the police, he just wanted to quietly kill Zhou Zimo, that would be direct enough, anyway, this scumbag is still a scourge when he lives, and getting rid of him can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people.

However, since Guo Xiaoqing and the others chose to call the police, Meng Hailong had no choice but to change his mind and support them to call the police.

Supporting them to call the police, Meng Hailong has his own ideas.

If the director of the police station is really Zhou Zimo's uncle, it would be best for him to handle the case impartially, but if he wants to bend the law for personal gain, Meng Hailong doesn't mind getting rid of him by the way.

That is the real way to eliminate harm for the people.

The call to the police was made by Guo Xiaoqing, she carefully explained the situation, and made sure that the police had answered the police, so she hung up the phone with confidence.

After the phone hung up, everyone waited for half an hour before a police car drove up unhurriedly.

The two policemen who came over, one was a young man and the other was an old policeman in his forties, and the two walked down from the police car and saw Guo Xiaoqing waving to them, so they walked over.

Walking in front of Guo Xiaoqing, the young policeman said, "You called the police, right?"

Guo Xiaoqing replied truthfully.

"What's your name?" the young policeman asked, asking as he made a note on it.

After asking some basic information, the old policeman spoke, and he asked very seriously: "Miss Guo Xiaoqing, when you reported the case, you said that your house was deliberately set on fire, may I ask, do you have any evidence to provide to us?"

Guo Xiaoqing replied.

"Oh, then you can take us to the public security administration office!" the old policeman said casually, and then everyone came to the public security administration office again.

After extracting the surveillance video, the old policeman said: "We have accepted the case, please rest assured, we will definitely find out about this matter as soon as possible."

"Comrade policeman, the car that set fire to those people belonged to Zhou Zimo, he must be the mastermind, you go and arrest him." Seeing the arrogant attitude of these two policemen, Guo Xiaoqing couldn't help but say this.

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