The traffic police said that they wanted to tow the car away, and they really towed the car away, Guo Xiaoqing had no choice but to dial Bingli's phone number according to the mobile phone number provided to her by Meng Hailong.

After receiving a call from Guo Xiaoqing and knowing that she was Meng Hailong's woman, Bingli did not hesitate and soon drove to Guo Xiaoqing's side.

On the way to send Guo Xiaoqing home, Bingli learned the ins and outs of the matter by the way, and copied a recording from Guo Xiaoqing's mobile phone.

With this recording, it can be proved that Zhou Zimo kidnapped Guo Xiaoqing and intended to mistreat her, as long as these things are confirmed, then the mistakes made by Meng Hailong can be forgiven.

"Barrister Bing, you say, my brother-in-law will be fine, right?" After the matter was clarified, Guo Xiaoqing turned his head to look at Bingli and asked very seriously.

"The village chief is your brother-in-law?" Bingli was a little stunned, originally she thought that Guo Xiaoqing was Meng Hailong's girlfriend, but it turned out that it wasn't!

Bingli naturally wouldn't know that the relationship between Guo Xiaoqing and Meng Hailong is actually quite delicate, but their relationship can't be exposed.

"Hmm!" Guo Xiaoqing nodded hard, but he couldn't help but feel a little sad in his heart.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine." Bingli smiled slightly, "Give me a little time, I will send this man named Zhou Zimo to prison, and fish out your brother-in-law by the way."

"Then it's hard for you!" Guo Xiaoqing said gratefully.

"It's not hard, anyway, it's not the first time I've done something like this." Bingli said helplessly, "This brother-in-law of yours, he is so good at tossing, I don't know how many times he has been in."

"But I don't think my brother-in-law made a mistake!" Guo Xiaoqing pouted and said.

"It's not that he didn't make a mistake, but he made a low-level mistake, these mistakes could have been completely avoided, but he just wants to make such a mistake, and I don't understand if this guy wants to show himself."

"No, brother-in-law is not like that." Guo Xiaoqing continued, "Although my brother-in-law and I have not known each other for a long time, I can feel that my brother-in-law is a low-key person, and he makes mistakes when he is forced to do so.

"For example, he was racing a car, and that was also to save me! Just now, if it weren't for my brother-in-law who arrived in time, I was afraid that I would have been defiled by Zhou Zimo's bastard.

"Anyway, don't worry, he'll be fine." Bingli didn't want to say anything more, so after she sent Guo Xiaoqing back to the villa, she drove away.

Originally, Guo Xiaoqing still wanted her to live in the villa, but Bingli thought about it and still didn't agree, her luggage or something, all of them were in the hotel, and it was better to stay back in her hotel.

Besides, it will be more convenient to stay in a hotel alone.

Meng Hailong was taken back to the police station, briefly recorded a confession, and then his belongings were confiscated, saying that he was temporarily helping him keep them.

After changing his clothes and getting a set of toiletries, he was put in a detention cell.

It is not the first time that Meng Hailong has been imprisoned in such a place, in a more popular phrase, he is already an old driver.

When a newcomer comes in, he will definitely be bullied by others.

Knowing this well, after being put in the detention room, without waiting for those people to speak, Meng Hailong said to them with a smile: "In Xia Meng Hailong, I am new to the city, please take care of me, don't bully me, well, it's better not to provoke me, otherwise, you are good-looking." "

Damn, you kid can't speak?"

"Have you ever eaten garlic? The tone is so big, the brothers are going to bully you, what can you do? "

Let's stand in line, let this kid get under our crotch, give him some color first, and then try to clean him up later."

After saying that, the seven or eight people in the detention cell stood in a row, all of them stretched their legs out, and made a posture of Zama step.

Then, the person in charge pointed to his crotch and said to Meng Hailong: "Boy, if you want to go over, just drill under our crotch, hurry up."

Meng Hailong glanced at the person who spoke, then walked towards him, walked in front of him, and suddenly raised his foot and kicked at him.

The kick hit the man's chest, knocking him down behind him, knocking down the man standing behind him.

The man behind was knocked down, and then the man behind him was knocked down, and the seven or eight people standing in a row, as if playing dominoes, fell one after the other.

Seven or eight people fell to the ground, but Meng Hailong didn't stop, and walked over directly by stepping on their bodies.

Because Meng Hailong's speed was very fast, the person who was stepped on had already walked over before he even reacted.

So, these people didn't have time to fight back at all.

Stepping on these people, Meng Hailong set up the basin and other things, picked the best position, and he planned to lie down and rest.

But those people have suffered losses, how can they just give up.

After getting up from the ground, they rushed towards Meng Hailong, wanting to surround Meng Hailong, but at this moment, the door of the detention room was opened.

As soon as the door was opened, two policemen walked in, glanced at everyone, and one of them said coldly, "What are you doing?" Hurry up and go to bed, if anyone can't sleep, you can tell me now. "

Sir, I can't sleep." A guy stepped forward and spoke.

"Very well, now you do two hundred push-ups on the spot, I promise you'll be asleep when you're done." The policeman snapped, "Hurry up, do it now." "

Sir, I was joking with you just now." As soon as the person who stood up to speak heard that he was asked to do two hundred push-ups, he was immediately depressed, and quickly scratched his head and said something.

"You're joking with me, but I'm serious." The policeman yelled again, "Two hundred push-ups, you hurry up and do it for me, if you can't finish it, you won't want to sleep tonight." "


, give me a chance..." "I've already given you a chance, you can't sleep, I'll give you a chance to exercise, hurry up, or I'll put you in another detention cell."

Changing places, this is the thing that every detainee fears the most.

It's hard to get acquainted with your face in a detention room, and you no longer want to be bullied, but if you suddenly change places, you will become a new person.

When the newcomer goes in, he will definitely be bullied, and no one wants to change places, because of this, this guy, who was originally a little unconvinced, quickly followed what the police said, and obediently started push-ups.

It's a pity that this guy only did less than eighty push-ups, and he was already lying on the ground and couldn't get up.

After a few admonitions, everyone was not allowed to make any more trouble, and the two policemen opened the door and left.

After witnessing all this, Meng Hailong had a good impression of the prison guards here, because he felt that the two prison guards just now were the two most selfless people he, the old driver, had seen in the detention center.

If all the prison guards were like the two of them, then there would probably not be such a thing as cell bosses bullying newcomers in the detention center.

"Boy, if you're on duty tonight, you're lucky. However, don't be too happy, wait for tomorrow, and the brothers will definitely let you know why the flowers are so red. The

leader glared at Meng Hailong viciously, said two cruel words, and then he lay down on the kang to rest.

The policeman who came in just now was called a ghost by the people here, because he was selfless and extremely cold-blooded, and if anyone made a mistake and was caught by him, he would definitely change his way to punish everyone. Because of this, he has such a nickname.

was threatened, Meng Hailong wanted to ignore that guy directly, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that since the other party said so, I believe that he would definitely come to trouble him again.

Meng Hailong, who was too lazy to deal with the trouble, decided that he would strike first.

With a wave of his hand, there were more than a dozen scorpions on the floor of the detention room in an instant, and these scorpions quietly climbed onto the kang, got into the clothes of the person who took the lead in bullying Meng Hailong, and bit them directly.

Meng Hailong felt that if it weren't for this person's leadership, the other people in the detention room would not have come to bully him.

So, to teach a lesson, he picked this guy to attack.


Reaching out and touching a scorpion, he suddenly screamed in fright.

Ignoring the pain of being bitten, the man ran quickly to the iron door of the detention room, banged on the iron door desperately, and shouted loudly: "Come on, come on, help!" "

Scorpions are poisonous, that's something that a lot of people know.

Especially these scorpions on his body, they look very unusual, and I believe that the poison must be very strong, and after being bitten, if they can't get timely treatment, they will definitely die.

In the detention room, everyone had already fallen asleep, and was woken up by the screams and screams of that person, and when they heard that there were scorpions in it, everyone's faces suddenly changed.

Soon there was the sound of footsteps outside the door, and the policeman, known as the ghost of the sorrow, ran over with several people, and after asking about the situation, they took out the key, opened the iron door, and took the man to the hospital for treatment.

As for the scorpions on his body, they were still biting him, and the police didn't dare to touch them casually, so they could only wait to go to the hospital and hand them over to the doctor to deal with them.

People were sent away, but people were panicked in this detention room, and everyone couldn't understand, so decent, why did there suddenly be a scorpion here?

"It must be him!"

After thinking about it for a while, the gazes of several people looking at Meng Hailong became a little weird, because they all felt that the scorpion that suddenly appeared was mostly related to him.

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