"Jiajia, what's wrong?" Seeing that Hu Sijia's face was wrong, Anne hurriedly asked.

"The security guard called and said that a bomb had been planted at the hotel. Hu Sijia's face turned pale, and he was frightened by such a news.

"I'll take a look. Bangs hurriedly put down the wine glass and ran out without saying a word, as a police officer, this is her responsibility.

"Be careful. Hu Sijia wanted to stop Liu Hai, but she had already walked out of the guest room, and Hu Sijia could only shout behind her.

"I'll go with bangs to have a look. Meng Hailong said quickly, "Jiajia, you take them to leave from the safe passage as soon as possible!" "

No, I'm the boss here, I can't just leave." Hu Sijia said, and then looked at Annie again, "Annie, Xiaoyun, Xinxin, you go first!" "

If you want to go together, if you want to stay, then stay together." Ji Yun said, "We are good sisters, life and death are not separated." "

Thank you, thank you!" Hu Sijia looked grateful, "But, it's really dangerous here, if someone really puts a bomb, there may be a big explosion at any time, you better leave quickly

!" "Okay, don't grind, we're not afraid of death, let's go out and see what's going on!" Ji Yun said and walked out first.

Although Anne and Sun Xinxin didn't say anything, they didn't leave first.

Several women followed Meng Hailong, and soon came to the lobby of the hotel, found the security captain, and asked carefully to know what was going on.

It turned out that the front desk had just received a phone call from the caller, who claimed that he had planted explosives in the hotel and wanted to detonate the bomb at the right time to blow up the hotel.

When the security guards got the news, they immediately notified Hu Sijia, and at the same time, they also began to evacuate the guests of the hotel.

Although this will cause misunderstanding among many people and will also have a great impact on the hotel, there is no way, in case the hotel is really planted with explosives, they are doing the right thing.

"What's the caller number?" Liu Hai learned of this situation, and hurriedly called the bureau, ready to let people track down the caller number.

Although the front desk attendant was so frightened that she trembled and almost peed, she did not leave and still stuck to her post, which shows that Hu Sijia has an outstanding side in staff training.

The front desk clerk knew that Liu Hai was a police officer and quickly told her the caller number.

The intimidating number of the call was quickly transmitted to the bureau for tracking, and here, Liu Hai was not idle, and immediately organized the security guards of the hotel and began to search all corners.

"Found it!" with a shout from one of the security guards, everyone ran towards his location.

In sight, a suitcase lies quietly in the corner.

Seeing this suitcase, all kinds of conjectures came to everyone's minds, and the scenes of various explosions in the movie were replayed in everyone's minds.

"Spread out, spread out. Liu Hai rushed over, and when she saw everyone looking around the box, she shouted anxiously, "Don't you want to die? Go away and wait for the bomb disposal expert to come."

After Liu Hai's reminder, the people who ran over hurriedly retreated.

is not a professional, in the face of bombs, there is only one result of a hero, that is, he was blown to pieces, and there was nothing left of the scum.

Meng Hailong wanted to follow everyone out of the hotel, but he suddenly thought that he had a clairvoyant eye, and he could use the clairvoyant eye to see if the box was a bomb!

I don't know if I don't see it, I was shocked when I saw it, although it was not a bomb in that box, but the thing contained in it was also quite scary, it was actually a poisonous snake.

This poisonous snake looked very unusual, because Meng Hailong had never seen a poisonous snake with this appearance, and he guessed in his heart that someone else might have left the snake here.

The more Meng Hailong looked at the poisonous snake, the more interested he became, and after a little thought, he ran towards the box, picked it up with both hands, and then rushed out of the hotel.

"Village Chief, what are you doing?" Liu Hai saw Meng Hailong running out with the box, and hurriedly said, "You put it down quickly, it is likely to be a bomb, it is very dangerous."

"Since it could be a bomb, it's even more dangerous to stay here, bangs, don't worry, I'll get rid of it." If the bomb disposal specialist comes, don't let them come to me, you keep looking, and see if there are any other suspicious items in the hotel.

Meng Hailong didn't mean to stop at all, he replied in his mouth, but the speed under his feet increased again, and in just that moment, he had already run out of the hotel and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"The village chief is so brave, I want to be his wife. Anne was moved to tears, she believed that being Meng Hailong's wife was definitely the happiest in the world, because when she encountered danger, Meng Hailong would definitely protect her as soon as possible.

In addition to Anne, Hu Sijia and the others were also very moved.

But in addition to being moved, they were more worried that although the box was not necessarily a bomb, if it was really a bomb and it was detonated again, then, from now on, they would lose a real friend.

There are people who are moved, but there are also people who are indifferent.

In the crowd, someone whispered: "That person is stupid, can't you just wait for the bomb disposal expert to deal with such a dangerous thing?"

Meng Hailong ran a few streets with the box, and finally found a place where no one was around, opened the box, threw it away, and threw the poisonous snake into the spirit jade space.

After doing this, Meng Hailong took the empty box and walked back.

When they returned to the hotel, everyone saw that he had taken the box back, and all of them had incomprehensible expressions on their faces.

Some people saw the box in his hand and involuntarily stepped back.

"Don't be afraid, the box is empty. Meng Hailong smiled, and while explaining, he didn't forget to open the box in his hand for everyone to see.

"How do you know the box is empty, village chief?" asked Anne.

"I ran too fast, I didn't notice a watermelon slice under my feet, and I fell and broke the box open. Meng Hailong pretended to be embarrassed and said.

His words were immediately greeted with laughter.

"The bomb disposal experts are here. Someone spoke, and then everyone saw a police car coming up.

As soon as the police car stopped, two bomb disposal experts in blast suits stepped out of the car, equipped with some tools, put on helmets, and walked towards the hotel.

The bomb search work is still going on, because the bomb disposal experts arrived, and all the hotel security guards withdrew, so it is better to leave the dangerous things to the professionals.

Bangs also came out, she walked up to Meng Hailong, threw out a roll of her eyes, and said angrily: "Don't think it's great to be a village chief, even if you become a village chief, you don't have nine lives, don't be a hero and become a bear, then it's a shame."

Meng Hailong knew that Liu Hai cared about him, and he didn't say anything when he was counted, just smiled stupidly, silently feeling the happiness of being cared for.

The bomb disposal expert was searching in the hotel, but here, Liu Hai suddenly received a phone call, which was from the bureau.

As soon as the phone was connected, the person over there told Liu Hai an important news, the threatening call had been traced, and the caller had also been arrested.

Under questioning, Liu Hai learned that the person who made the threatening call was actually the person who escaped before, Zhang Fei.

Last time, Zhang Fei bribed a person and poisoned the kitchen of Huahao Yueyuan, and learned that Nahe had been arrested and had to testify against him, so Zhang Fei immediately absconded.

I didn't expect this guy to be wanted, so he did such a brainless thing again.

Zhang Fei also confessed after being arrested that he didn't plant a bomb at the Huahao Yueyuan Hotel at all, and made that phone call, just to scare and scare them.

Thinking that he had become a wanted criminal, Zhang Fei hated Hu Sijia to the core.

thought that he was so miserable, and he couldn't let Hu Sijia live too well, so Zhang Fei's brain was hot and he made such an irrational behavior.

This result made Liu Hai speechless, and of course, this may also be the best result.

After the matter was confirmed, Liu Hai immediately notified the people of the bomb disposal team and terminated the mission, and the hotel quickly returned to normal.

It's just that, after such a trouble, the hotel's business will be greatly affected.

"It's okay, just give myself a few days off!" Hu Sijia finally breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, "Let's go, go back to drinking." "

Although it was just a bomb intimidation, it also scared everyone half to death.

No one dared to imagine what would happen if there was a bomb

, but everyone was obviously in a mood that was affected a little, and they didn't dare to let go of it, and in the end, when the party was over, no one drank too much.

"I should go back!" Ji Yun was the first to ask to leave, "In a few days, the first rejuvenation store in Haiyang City will have a grand opening, village chief, you have to

be ready!" "Don't worry, I'm always ready!" Meng Hailong smiled, the aloe vera in the Lingyu space grew very fast, and he was afraid that he would not be able to sell it all, and he was not afraid that it would not be sold enough.

"Village Chief, are you really not going to make kimchi?" Hu Sijia suddenly said, "I don't know how to answer when guests ask me a lot lately. "

This problem of kimchi, it's a headache!" Meng Hailong rubbed his head and said, let's do it, you have to pay a fine of 200,000 yuan, don't do it, I'm sorry for the people who eat kimchi, it's embarrassing!"

"Xiao Yun and her uncle have a bit of status, if you want to fine that little thing, let Xiao Yun tell her uncle." Hu Sijia smiled and said, "Don't be embarrassed, last time Xiao Yun told me that her uncle mentioned that he wanted to meet you after eating the cabbage you planted!"

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