Uncle Zhong's body is in his own hands, this heart attack is not a joke, after listening to Meng Hailong's words, he obediently lay down and didn't dare to move.

The villagers brought a few umbrellas and opened them to shade him, and according to Meng Hailong's meaning, Uncle Zhong had to lie down until the ambulance arrived.

"Village chief, what's wrong with Uncle Zhong?" Some of the onlookers asked curiously, everyone usually saw that Uncle Zhong was very diligent in his work, not like a sick person at all, how could he say that he fell ill when he fell ill.

"Uncle Zhong has a heart problem, but the specific situation will not be known until a detailed examination in the hospital. Meng Hailong didn't dare to talk nonsense, although he pulled Uncle Zhong back from the Ghost Gate, but his medical skills still belonged to the level of half a bucket of water, in case he said the wrong thing and delayed other people's illness, it would be bad.

"Village Chief, did you study medicine when you were in college?"

"Actually, no. Meng Hailong said truthfully, "When I was in college, I just went to the medical building for a few classes, and the rest was basically self-taught.

"Self-taught, the village chief is really extraordinary!" Everyone

accompanied Uncle Zhong and chatted casually, until the sound of the ambulance sounded, and everyone saw that the ambulance had driven into the village.

Although the road to the city is still being repaired, it has been widened and filled, and although it has not yet been paved with cement, cars can already drive in.

When the ambulance stopped, a female doctor and two nurses got out of the car.

When the female doctor walked in front of Uncle Zhong, she was immediately stunned, she didn't expect that in this small village, there were still people who knew acupuncture and moxibustion techniques.

Moreover, looking at the silver needles pierced by Uncle Zhong's body, each needle was pierced just right, and the technique of applying the needles was simply divine in the eyes of their Western doctors.

"Excuse me, who can tell me who pierced these silver needles?"

"I pierced it. Meng Hailong stood up a little embarrassed, he couldn't admit it, he pierced these silver needles, and he had to pull them out later, this can't be covered.

Looking at Meng Hailong, Ye Mengying was a little surprised.

She originally thought that the person who gave Uncle Zhong the needle would be an old Chinese medicine doctor, but she thought that this person was so young, it was too unexpected.

After standing up, Meng Hailong said quickly: "The situation was critical just now, I was worried that Uncle Zhong would not be able to survive, so I boldly gave him an injection, fortunately, the doctor is here, I will pull out the silver needle first, and Uncle Zhong's illness will be handed over to you."

Ye Mengying didn't stop Meng Hailong, but stood aside and watched carefully.

Although Uncle Zhong is awake now, his condition really needs to go to the hospital for a check-up, she can't let the old man go to the hospital with a needle, right?

However, seeing Meng Hailong's method of pulling out the needle, Ye Mengying's brows furrowed slightly.

Although she studied Western medicine, her grandfather was an old Chinese medicine doctor, and her grandfather also knew acupuncture.

Ye Mengying clearly remembered that this was not what her grandfather looked like when he pulled out the needle.

Grandpa pulled out the silver needle from the person's body with a slight twist, but Meng Hailong pulled out the silver needle at once, which was not pulling the needle at all, but more like pulling weeds.

Seeing this scene, Ye Mengying couldn't help but be a little disappointed.

The technique of pricking the needle is good, but the needle is not able to be extracted, which has proved that the person who applied the needle is still not up to par.

When Meng Hailong pulled out all the silver needles on Uncle Zhong's body, Ye Mengying said, "Can you tell me, who did you learn

acupuncture from?" Because of her grandfather, in China, the famous old Chinese medicine doctor Ye Mengying basically knows everything, and she also knows that there are not many people who still understand acupuncture, but she wants to see that the old Chinese medicine doctor is so irresponsible, teaching his apprentice to prick needles but not teaching him to pull out needles.

To Ye Mengying's surprise, Meng Hailong actually told her that his acupuncture technique of half a bucket of water was self-taught.

Hearing such an answer, Ye Mengying's whole person was not good, she only felt that the sky was thundering, and she was directly scorched by the thunder.

It's easy to say that she is self-taught in other things, but how can this acupuncture technique be so easy

to learn? Even if she failed to learn the technique of acupuncture under the personal teaching of a grandfather who was an old Chinese medicine doctor, Meng Hailong's ability to be self-taught really surprised her.

"I'll come back to you another day. Ye Mengying gave Meng Hailong a "you cow" look, and then asked someone to help carry Uncle Zhong into the ambulance.

With the patient Uncle Zhong present, Ye Mengying naturally has to put the patient first, although she has some interest in Meng Hailong, she can't let a patient go.

Uncle Zhong's relative followed the ambulance, Meng Hailong waved his hand and asked the villagers to go back to work, and as for himself, he came to the garden of Xiaolong Village.

Since the golden roses in the Lingyu space have already produced seeds, then he will use these seeds to do an experiment to see if the seeds can directly grow golden roses in the outside world.

Meng Hailong personally carved out a piece of land, sprinkled the rose seeds he had collected before, and then he watered it with a spiritual spring.

After all this, Meng Hailong rode a motorcycle to the city.

Because just now, he received a call from Kang Xiaochen, saying that he wanted to take pictures, and he had to provide an address.

Meng Hailong went to the city this time, planning to find a factory to use as a kimchi factory. Only when the site of the factory is determined, can Kang Xiaochen handle the license plate or something for him.

It must take a lot of time to find the factory by yourself, Meng Hailong is not so stupid, the phone call was made to Hu Sijia, and then to Ji Yun, as soon as the situation was said, Ji Yun said: Village Chief, the factory is good, and people used to make kimchi, or you buy the factory!"

The boss was detained, and the factory naturally went out of business.

If you don't go out of business, you can't do it, their kimchi almost ate people to death, not only that, but the boss also bribed some people to commit perjury, and the crime is added to the first degree, and I am afraid that I will have to sit through the prison.

Meng Hailong thought about it and felt that Ji Yun's suggestion was good.

So, this matter was entrusted to Ji Yun and asked her to help implement it, after all, Ji Yun is also a big man in Haiyang City now, and it is still very easy to do this little thing.

Although the matter was entrusted to Ji Yun to handle, Meng Hailong did not go back immediately.

In the past two days, He Qiang has been calling him, saying that he wants to see him and ask him to give him two pointers, Meng Hailong feels that he can't keep shirking, since he is here, he simply goes to meet him for a while.

Although He Qiang is sometimes a little overbearing, he still has credit.

Since he was defeated by Meng Hailong that day, he has been guarding the Hailong Hotel to escort the Hailong Hotel, not only that, but he also took someone to warn the owner of the dumpling restaurant, telling him to stop playing any tricks.

When the owner of the dumpling restaurant saw He Qiang rebelling, he thought that the Hailong Hotel had given him much benefit, and took out tens of thousands of yuan and asked He Qiang to smash the Hailong Hotel.

As a result, He Qiang took the money, but smashed his shop.

The owner of the dumpling restaurant suffered a big dumb loss, but the knocked out teeth could only be swallowed in his stomach, because he knew that He Qiang was not easy to mess with.

To provoke him is to provoke the king of Yama.

Meng Hailong rode a motorcycle and just came to the door of the Sea Dragon Hotel, He Qiang rushed up with an arrow step, pulled Meng Hailong, and couldn't wait to run to the back alley.

In the past few days, He Qiang has repeatedly researched and felt that the flaws discovered by Meng Hailong have been plugged, so he is waiting for Meng Hailong to help him verify it.

Meng Hailong naturally knew He Qiang's thoughts, and he didn't shirk it, and after following him to the back alley, his perspective eyes opened, ready to give He Qiang a dismount at any time.

A particularly competitive person like He Qiang, you can only act stronger than him, and he will be obedient.

Knowing this, Meng Hailong naturally did not have any reservations, under the perspective eyes, He Qiang's every movement became extremely slow, and his whole body was almost full of flaws.

Meng Hailong didn't hesitate, and saw the right time to punch out, and He Qiang was knocked over by him.

Lying on the ground, He Qiang was particularly surprised.

Last time, when he faced Meng Hailong, he punched Meng Hailong at least twice, but this time, he didn't even touch Meng Hailong's clothes.

He Qiang naturally didn't know that the reason why he was able to hit Meng Hailong last time was because Meng Hailong hadn't realized that he could use the clairvoyant eye.

But now, Meng Hailong is very proficient in the use of clairvoyant eyes, and in this case, if He Qiang wants to hit him, it can only be when he is dreaming.

"Brother Long, the speed of your progress is too terrifying, isn't it?" He Qiang got up and looked at Meng Hailong with adoring eyes.

"Generally average, third in the country. Meng Hailong bragged a few words, and then walked towards the hotel.

"Brother Long, is there any secret to your kung fu making progress so fast?" He Qiang followed, and couldn't help but ask.

"Yes. Meng Hailong was also refreshed, took out a book directly from his body, handed it to He Qiang, and said to him: "Recently, I have been practicing according to this book, if you are interested, you can take it and take a look." "

Thank you, Brother Long. He Qiang was holding the book in his hand, as if he had gotten a treasure, he was very excited, if he wasn't afraid of being beaten, he would have wanted to rush over and hug Meng Hailong and kiss him.

"You've been boxing all your life, do you want to continue fighting?" Meng Hailong suddenly said, "How many decades can a person have in this life, and you are not young anymore, so you have to find a suitable path for your future life."

"Brother Long, don't you know, when I was a child, I came out to boxing because my family was poor, and I fought boxing for most of my life, and now, I can't do anything except boxing. He Qiang said with some sadness, "It's because I'm old and no one wants to fight boxing, that I'll be reduced to being a bastard." "

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