"Boy, you are really bold, in front of so many of our police, you dare to kill, or grab a gun and kill people, I think you are a terrorist!" The man who pointed a gun at Meng Hailong was a male policeman in his forties.

This person's name is Li Jiuping, he has been a policeman for more than ten years, and his temper is a little tough. Just now Meng Hailong was having a barbecue at the police station, and Li Jiuping couldn't see it, and now, Meng Hailong grabbed a gun and killed someone, and he couldn't stand it anymore.

Although the director of the bureau, Huang Haitao, did not give any orders, Li Jiuping felt that he should still do it.

Being pointed at Li Jiuping's gun, Meng Hailong didn't feel worried at all, turned his head, he looked at Li Jiuping, and said unhurriedly: "This police officer, please put away the gun, I shot just now, just to prevent something more serious from happening."

"Only Officer Liu would believe your." Li Jiuping said angrily, "I think you are a cobra person, you say, what do you want to do when you sneak into the police station?" "

Fuck your sister!" Meng Hailong was angry, don't look at him without a temper, but he was wronged like this, he definitely couldn't stand it, scolded Li Jiuping, and kicked out a kick by the way, this kick hit Li Jiuping, and directly kicked him upside down and flew out.

After kicking Li Jiuping away, Meng Hailong was about to continue walking, but at this moment, a gunshot rang out.

"Bang... Bang bang. "

The person who shot was not Li Jiuping, and the bullet was not Meng Hailong, but the terrorists who were anesthetized outside.

Hearing the gunshots, Meng Hailong knew that the situation was not good, he hurriedly ran away, the few anesthetized guys outside were very important to him, if they died, not only could not find out what was going on, but he might really be regarded as a murderer.

With his see-through eyes open, Meng Hailong had just run out of the gate of the police station when he saw a motorcycle speeding away.

At this time, if he had a gun in his hand, he could easily leave this person behind, but unfortunately he didn't.

Meng Hailong wanted to drive to chase him, but after thinking about it, he is now regarded as a suspect, at this time, if he chases that person, it is naturally best to catch him alive, but in case that guy also dies, then he can't even wash it by jumping into the Yellow River.

Director Huang Haitao, as well as Liu Hai, and a group of them also ran out quickly.

After running out, everyone saw that not far away, the few people who had just been anesthetized by Meng Hailong's shot had become dead at this moment.

Because, the gunfire just now, someone was shooting at a few of them.

"Chase!" Huang Haitao gave the order decisively, and immediately, a group of policemen rushed to the police cars parked in front of the police station, but before they could get into the car, they heard the sound of helicopters in mid-air.

Seeing this helicopter, Meng Hailong hurriedly took out his mobile phone and called Wang Jianfeng.

He guessed correctly, this helicopter was driven by Wang Jianfeng and them. Hearing this, Meng Hailong hurriedly told him the specific appearance of the bandit just now, and asked Wang Jianfeng to hurry up and drive the plane to chase after him.

Knowing that the stakes were high, Wang Jianfeng didn't say much to Meng Hailong, and as soon as he gave the order, the helicopter turned around and chased in the direction Meng Hailong said.

Whether Wang Jianfeng and his people can catch up with the bandit just now, Meng Hailong doesn't care too much, now, what he cares about most is, is there still a cobra person hiding around here?

He had checked it very carefully before, but unfortunately he couldn't find the bandit who escaped, which showed that their hiding skills were very good.

Because of this worry, Meng Hailong planned to walk around to see if he could find anything.

However, he wanted to leave, but someone wouldn't let him go.

Li Jiuping, who had just been kicked by Meng Hailong just now, ran to Meng Hailong angrily and pointed his gun at Meng Hailong's head again.

He wanted to scold, but unfortunately, before he could say the words, Li Jiuping felt a sudden feeling of sleepiness, and as soon as it was dark in front of him, he fell to the ground.

Seeing Li Jiuping faint suddenly, a group of policemen hurriedly stepped forward to help him up, pinched him again, and pressed his heart, really worried that something was wrong with this guy.

Seeing that everyone was so anxious, Meng Hailong said unhurriedly: "Don't worry, everyone, he is just in a coma in a fit of rage, let him rest and it will be fine."

"Village chief, what's going on with that helicopter just now?" Huang Haitao walked over at this time, he didn't know that Meng Hailong had already notified the people of Qianlong, so he was also very curious.

"Director, you'll find out later, for now, let's quickly let everyone check the surroundings to see if there are any suspicious people!" Meng Hailong said very seriously, "I have a suggestion, we should not only check for suspicious people, but also pay close attention to see if the surrounding people have planted bombs by cobra people."

As soon as the word "bomb" was spoken, the expressions on everyone's faces became a little ugly, Meng Hailong didn't say it, everyone didn't think it, but as soon as he said this, people's nerves were all tense.

Cobra people are all terrorists, and it is entirely possible that they planted bombs around the police station.

It is precisely because everyone is aware of this that after Meng Hailong made a suggestion, Director Huang Haitao immediately arranged it.

The two policemen carried Li Jiuping, who was quietly anesthetized by Meng Hailong, into the police station, while the others quickly formed several teams and began to conduct a strict investigation around the police station.

A small detachment was left to be stationed at the police station, and the rest were almost all dispatched.

Meng Hailong didn't stay at the police station for long, the director didn't speak, except for Li Jiuping, who had been anesthetized, no one dared to come out to stop Meng Hailong.

Easily, he left the police station, and of course, he didn't go far, just patrolling the vicinity of the police station.

Liu Hai has always followed Meng Hailong, not that she doubted him, but that she always had a feeling that the key to getting rid of all the cobra people was to look at Meng Hailong.

This guy has a very mysterious ability, when he shot before, he almost didn't need to aim to accurately hit the target, although he didn't have a gun license, but, it's not an exaggeration to say that he is a gun god.

Even the bangs who have always felt that her marksmanship are good, in front of Meng Hailong, she has to sigh to herself.

The two walked around the police station, and Liu Hai was about to say something, but at this moment, she suddenly noticed that the expression on Meng Hailong's face had become a little solemn.

Noticing this change in his expression, Liu Hai hurriedly asked, "Village Chief, what's wrong, did you find anything?" "

Hmm!" Meng Hailong nodded, and said with a solemn expression, "It's a bomb, and besides, this bomb is very unusual, at least I can't understand it, and I don't know what method to use to defuse it." "

Where's the bomb?" After listening to Meng Hailong's words, Liu Hai frowned and asked, she stood beside Meng Hailong, but Meng Hailong saw the bomb, but she didn't see anything.

"There it is!" Meng Hailong pointed to a place next to him, opened his mouth to say these words, and then he took the lead in walking towards that place.

After getting closer, Liu Hai realized that the bomb Meng Hailong said was actually a very inconspicuous package, and from the outside, it was absolutely impossible to see that it was a bomb.

Liu Hai didn't know why Meng Hailong could see that this thing was a bomb, but since he said so, it should be eight or nine and ten.

The two walked to the side of the suspected bomb, and Liu Hai squatted down, intending to open the package, but when she stretched out her hand, Meng Hailong hurriedly stopped her.

"Don't move, I said, this bomb is special!" After stopping the bangs, Meng Hailong explained, "If I'm not mistaken, there should be a wire connected to the ground below, and another wire connected to the cover on the surface, whether you open the lid or move this thing, this bomb will be detonated."

"These terrorists are really special!" Liu Hai didn't investigate how Meng Hailong learned about this situation, because now is not the time to pursue these things.

The most important thing now is how to defuse the bomb.

If it's just an ordinary bomb, then it's easy to do, just send the bomb to a place where no one is going to detonate it, and the matter will be solved.

But this bomb has a mechanism on the top and bottom, so to speak, as long as you touch it, it will explode, just like a hedgehog, full of thorns, and you can't do anything to kill it.

After thinking about it, Liu Hai took out his mobile phone and called Director Huang Haitao.

After the phone was connected, Liu Hai reported the situation here to him, and asked the director to find a bomb disposal expert, and at the same time, he also asked the director to tell the other teams about the situation here as soon as possible, so that everyone should not move around when they encounter something suspicious.

After receiving Liu Hai's call, Director Huang Haitao also attached great importance to it, and at the first time, he first notified all the police officers, telling everyone to be more careful, and then notified the bomb disposal experts and asked them to hurry up to support Liu Hai and them.

Because of the stakes, bomb disposal experts came quickly.

As soon as the police car stopped, two bomb disposal experts who were already fully armed stepped out of the car, wearing bulky protective suits and helmets, and walked towards Meng Hailong and them step by step with difficult steps.

After approaching, one of the bomb disposal experts hurriedly opened his helmet and said to Meng Hailong and Liu Hai: "You two hurry up and leave, retreat to a hundred meters away, it is very dangerous here, if the bomb explodes, it will blow you up into the sky." "

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