In Hai Duong's Armed Police Hospital, several wards have been turned into temporary interrogation rooms for police officers.

Those injured people who were brought over by Liu Hai were basically awake after treatment, and Liu Hai is organizing people to record confessions for these people.

After encountering that accident and wandering on the edge of life and death, these people actually became well-behaved, and they answered whatever the police asked, and they did not dare to hide anything at all.

Dozens of people gave the same answer, all of whom said that they had seen a huge snake before the accident, and that snake had swept their car into the ditch with its tail.

If only some people say this, then, bangs will also suspect that they are lying, after all, such a big snake will only appear on TV, or in legends, as for appearing in reality, it is incredible, but since these people all say this, bangs have to think deeply.

It stands to reason that there is no reason for them to collude in advance, because no one could have expected such an accident on the road, so this matter is really full of weirdness.

The phone called Meng Hailong, Liu Hai asked carefully, but unfortunately, he couldn't ask anything from Meng Hailong, Meng Hailong still insisted that he rushed to the scene when he heard the noise, and didn't see anything, he saw those vans fall into the ditch on the side of the road, so he hurriedly called the police.

Although he was a little skeptical of Meng Hailong's words, however, there was no evidence, and Liu Hai couldn't say anything, and the idea of getting some news from Meng Hailong's mouth could only be dispelled temporarily.

The interrogation continued, and when the police asked them why they had gone to Xiaolong Village with shotguns and controlled knives, they did not hide that someone had hired them to be thugs at a high price.

Asked who hired them, these people are the same voice, Jiang Zhiyun.

That's right, everyone admits that the person who bought them is called Jiang Zhiyun, the owner of a large company.

Jiang Zhiyun asked them to go to Xiaolong Village to smash, as long as they didn't die, they just smashed hard, and the harder they smashed, the more money he gave.

If all the houses in Xiaolong Village can be demolished, each person can get 50,000 yuan from Jiang Zhiyun.

As the saying goes, there must be brave men under heavy rewards, these people are such minds, anyway, as long as they don't cause death, this money is easy to make.

But they never imagined that such an accident would happen on the way.

The policemen learned that no one had seen the serpent except them, and they were all frightened, thinking that they had done something bad and that the gods were going to punish them.

Because the confessions are all directed at Jiang Zhiyun, he naturally can't get out of this matter.

Soon, Jiang Zhiyun was "invited" to the police station, because those people who went to Xiaolong Village to smash realized their mistakes, for fear of retribution, and stood up to testify against him, and one person also provided a video, the content of the video is the evidence that Jiang Zhiyun bought them.

With all the human and physical evidence, it was useless for Jiang Zhiyun to quibble, so after changing a set of clothes, he went in.

Of course, before going in, Jiang Zhiyun didn't give up, and called his secretary and asked the secretary to hire the best lawyer for him as soon as possible.

Regardless of whether the lawyer hired by Jiang Zhiyun can help him win the lawsuit in the end, at least, during this time, Xiaolong Village is quiet.

Meng Hailong doesn't need to guard against Jiang Zhiyun anymore.

After cleaning up, Meng Hailong was going to leave for Nanyun, the problem of Lingquan was very serious, he had to think of a way to solve it as soon as possible, otherwise, it was likely to have some bad chain reactions.

When that time comes, even if he can think of a way, it will be too late.

"Hailong, do you have to go to Nanyun?" Miao Ruolan heard that Meng Hailong was going to Nanyun, and a worried look appeared on her face.

"Mom, I'll just be there for a few days, and I'll be back soon. Meng Hailong said with a smile, he didn't know why his mother asked this, but thinking about it, he should be reluctant to let him go away.

"Your grandmother's house is in Nanyun, since you must go, then, when you get there, if there is a problem that can't be solved, you can go to her!" Miao Ruolan knew that Meng Hailong had to go to Nanyun, and after hesitating for a long time, she finally said it.

"Mom, for so many years, you have been reluctant to mention your grandmother and them, why do you suddenly ask me to go to them?" Meng Hailong felt very puzzled, since he was sensible, his mother has been reluctant to mention his grandmother's affairs, what happened this time?

Meng Hailong still remembers very clearly that when he was a child, because other friends had seen some things about their grandmother, after returning home, Meng Hailong asked his mother where his grandmother was.

At that time, his mother did not answer his questions and told him not to ask about his grandmother in the future.

Meng Hailong was curious, but his mother didn't want to mention it, and for so many years, he never asked about it again, but he didn't expect his mother to take the initiative to mention it this time.

"Nagumo is a complicated place. Miao Ruolan continued, "Mom is worried that you will encounter danger when you go there, although we have not contacted your grandmother over the years, but you are always her grandson, if something really happens, grandma will still help you."

After Miao Ruolan finished speaking, she looked for it in the cabinet again, found a yellowed note with a phone number written on it, handed the note to Meng Hailong, and said to him: "This is your grandmother's phone number, when you get to Nanyun, you can call her!"

"Okay." Meng Hailong didn't say much, took out his mobile phone, wrote down his grandmother's phone number, and returned the note to his mother.

"Be careful on the road and remember to come back early. Liu Jinrui sent Meng Hailong to the entrance of the village, and said reluctantly, "I will miss you."

"Don't worry, Rarity, I'll be right back when I'm done. Meng Hailong kissed Liu Jinrui on the face, and then left.

No matter how much reluctance there is, after all, we still have to separate.

"When you go out, my wife explains, don't pick wildflowers on the side of the road, don't pick them..." Meng Hailong's voice gradually became smaller, but Liu Jinrui's heart was sweet.

On this trip to Nanyun, Meng Hailong did not plan to take the train, but chose to take a plane.

Now he is not short of money, although he is not a wasteful person, but time is more precious than money.

As soon as he left like this, there would be no irrigation of the spiritual spring for the vegetables and fruits in the field.

In addition, on the side of the kimchi factory, the spiritual spring he stored in the well was only enough for three days at most, that is to say, including the time on the road, Meng Hailong's departure this time could only be three days at most.

The ticket had already been booked online, and after arriving at the airport, Meng Hailong quickly boarded the plane.

found a seat, not long after he sat down, there was also a person in the position next to him, Meng Hailong didn't expect that his good fortune was not shallow, and the one sitting next to him was actually a little beauty.

The little beauty is seventeen or eighteen years old, very beautiful.

She has a great figure, very white skin, and delicate facial features, and in general, she gives people the feeling that she is reluctant to look away at a glance.

Meng Hailong didn't think he was a lustful man, but when he saw this little beauty, he couldn't help but take a few more looks.

"Hey, is it okay to change positions with you?" The little beauty looked at Meng Hailong and said a little rudely, "I'm airsick, so I have to sit by the window."

Meng Hailong was unhappy when he heard this, although this little beauty was good-looking, but she didn't know how to be polite at all.

If you want to change places with him, you can, but if you use a "hey" to greet people, isn't it too disrespectful?

That's what Meng Hailong thought in his heart

, I'm so handsome, will you die if you call a handsome guy? Even if you don't call a handsome guy, at least

call Mr. General, right?" "I'm sorry, I'm also airsick!" Meng Hailong said almost without thinking about it, "I'm so dizzy, don't talk to me, I've already fainted."

After saying this, Meng Hailong leaned back on the seat and closed his eyes, looking too lazy to pay attention to you.

The little beauty is angry, motion sickness is just an excuse for her, she has tried this trick repeatedly in the past, every time people are willing to exchange seats with her, I thought this time would be no exception, but I knew it failed, this guy in front of me didn't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade.

Sitting in her seat indignantly, the little beauty secretly thought in her heart that she had to find something to teach Meng Hailong a lesson.

It's a pity that this is on the plane, and the methods she can think of can't be implemented here, so it seems that she can only wait for Nanyun to teach this guy who doesn't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade a good lesson.

Meng Hailong didn't know that he had offended someone, and people had already thought of a way to rectify him, leaned back on the chair, and unknowingly really slew.

"Someone, something happened. A scream woke up the sleeping Meng Hailong, and when he opened his eyes, he found that there was a person in the cabin who was vomiting blood.

It was a teenager, a teenager of fifteen or sixteen.

And the one who just screamed was the boy's mother, a beautiful woman who was nearly forty years old.

Hearing the screams of the beautiful woman, the two flight attendants quickly walked over, but when they saw the young man's situation, the two flight attendants were also helpless and didn't know what to do.

"Doctor, is there anyone who is a doctor? Please come and help. The flight attendant had a spin on her head and hurriedly shouted a few words on the radio.

However, no one in the cabin came forward.

Obviously, none of the passengers on this flight were doctors.

Meng Hailong didn't stand up, because he was waiting, if there were other doctors on this plane, then he wouldn't be involved, after all, his medical skills of half a bucket of water were still self-taught, and it was easy to have accidents if he didn't get it right.

But now it seems that he can't stand up anymore, he didn't get treatment in time, the boy kept vomiting blood like this, and before the plane reached Nangumo, the boy had to die.

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