Liu Jinrui's measurement is indeed very large, but only she knows best that her measurement is large, because she knows very well that she alone cannot meet Meng Hailong's needs.

Many times, when she was with Meng Hailong, she no longer had the ability to fight, but Meng Hailong was still high-spirited.

Every time, when the battle ended, Liu Jinrui felt very guilty, so she always wanted to find one more helper for herself, so that she could be more relaxed.

"That, village chief, we also drank a little too much, dizzy, so I won't bother you!" Liu Meng reacted quickly, and after dropping such a sentence, she pulled Zhao Qingqing and left in a hurry.

"Sister Meng, Qingqing, if you can't walk, stay too!" Meng Hailong joked and said, "Anyway, the bed at home is big, so I can sleep." "

Come on, I'd better go to Qingqing's place to sleep." After saying that, Liu Meng and Zhao Qingqing had already walked out of the door.

Meng Hailong didn't bother to clean up the things on the table.

Zhang Ni was still tightly wrapped around him, making him feel very helpless, Meng Hailong looked at Liu Jinrui and wanted to explain something, but before his words could be spoken, Liu Jinrui laughed "poof".

Seeing that Liu Jinrui was not angry but laughing, Meng Hailong hurriedly said, "My dear, what are you laughing at?" Someone is robbing your husband from you, shouldn't you be angry?

"Brother Hailong, I said a long time ago, you were born with a peach blossom life, there will definitely be no fewer women around you, I was the only one before, I was tired to death every time I was with you, with Zhang Ni to help me tonight, it would be easier, of course I have to laugh."

"Are you sure you want to do that?" Meng Hailong frowned and asked very seriously.

"Well, I'm sure!" Liu Jinrui also replied seriously, she had already thought about such a thing in her heart, and naturally she didn't need to think too much at this moment.

Seeing that Liu Jinrui didn't seem to be joking, Meng Hailong didn't say anything more, and hugged Zhang Ni to the bed, and then, as soon as the door closed, he and Liu Jinrui also lay down.

The next morning, Liu Meng woke up early.

Because she told Meng Hailong last night that she was going to find her stepfather today, Liu Meng did not go to work in the group after she got up, but exercised at the door.

Life lies in movement, and Liu Meng has always believed that this sentence is true.

After more than half an hour of exercise, Liu Meng finally saw that the door of Meng Hailong's house was opened. The first one to come out was none other than Meng Hailong.

After opening the door and walking out, Meng Hailong first stretched his waist, and then walked towards Liu Meng.

When he walked in front of Liu Meng, he said, "Sister Meng, you got up really early!"

"No way, get used to it!" Liu Meng smiled slightly, "Village Chief, you are not bad, you were busy all night last night, and you can actually get up so early, it's really rare."

"Sister Meng, how do you know that I was busy all night last night?" Meng Hailong frowned and said, "Sister Meng, have you been eavesdropping?"

"I don't have that hobby!" Liu Meng rolled her eyes and said, "At that time, I might as well go to the YY channel to listen to the master's lecture." "

What channel?" Meng Hailong asked with some curiosity.

"YY!" Liu Meng replied, "Village chief, don't tell me, you don't know about YY, right?"

"Sister Meng, I really don't know if you don't say it." Meng Hailong scratched his head and said a little embarrassedly, "I knew there was a live broadcast room, but I didn't know there was this YY."

"YY voice, I really didn't expect it, village chief, you don't even know this." Liu Meng said a little depressed, "This is actually similar to the live broadcast room, except that the live broadcast room is a live broadcast, and the voice can only be heard." "

Oh." Meng Hailong nodded and responded casually, he was actually not too interested in some things on the Internet.

"Sister Meng, you continue, I'll go make something to eat first, and we'll set off when we're full." After saying that, Meng Hailong turned around and went back to his home, quietly took out some good things from the spirit jade space, and began to prepare a delicious breakfast.

With so many beauties here, Meng Hailong felt that he had to show his skills, so he boiled a pot of fish soup and made some scallion pancakes.

The thick fragrance wafted out, and the people who were still asleep immediately woke up, Liu Jinrui, Zhao Qingqing, and Zhang Ni, they all rushed out.

Liu Meng was a little curious, because when she saw Zhang Ni running out, she deliberately observed it, and found that she didn't look abnormal at all.

It is said that women will not be able to get down after the first time, could it be that last night, Meng Hailong didn't give her anything? Or rather, they have already been in a relationship.

This is the only way to explain it.

Of course, she won't say this thing that Liu Meng is entangled in her heart, after all, this is people's privacy, and it's not good to say it.

Meng Hailong moved the table out of the room and placed it at the door, a large pot of scallion pancakes was placed on the table, and the fish soup was multiplied, and several beauties didn't even bother to wash, so they directly started a war with the food on the table.

After eating and drinking, the time was already half past ten in the morning, Liu Jinrui and Zhao Qingqing hurriedly went to work, and Zhang Ni was also busy with her affairs.

As for Meng Hailong, he was with Liu Meng, and the two drove a BMW car directly towards Xijiang City.

Liu Meng's stepfather lives in Xijiang City, and her hometown is also in a rural area in Xijiang.

On the way, Meng Hailong and Liu Meng talked about a lot of things, all about some things when she was a child, and when they talked about the sad place, Liu Meng couldn't help but shed tears.

Seeing Liu Meng's tears, Meng Hailong hurriedly said: "Sister Meng, you can't cry, you're still driving, tears blur your eyes when you cry, this is a very dangerous thing."

After being reminded by Meng Hailong, Liu Meng also knew that this was very dangerous, so she hurriedly wiped away her tears and concentrated on driving her car.

Liu Meng drove very steadily, but the speed was also slow, and when they came to Xijiang City, the time was already twelve o'clock at noon.

At this time, it is natural to find a place to solve the problem of food and clothing first.

As soon as he said this, Liu Meng nodded and said, "There is a good restaurant nearby, let's go to that restaurant for lunch." Driving

a BMW car and being familiar with the road, Liu Meng took Meng Hailong to the door of a restaurant called Jiajiale.

After parking the car, the two walked directly into the restaurant.

Liu Meng is no stranger to this place, and she knows very well what special dishes the restaurant has, so after sitting down, she took the initiative to order.

Because she was with Meng Hailong, Liu Meng deliberately ordered a few more dishes, because she knew that Meng Hailong's appetite was not small.

Accustomed to eating the food of Xiaolong Village, for the food outside, to be honest, Meng Hailong is not very interested, but when he goes out, he still has to eat, and it will be over.

When the two came out of the restaurant, Liu Meng found that a box was placed in the back of the BMW car.

If the car wants to drive out, it must be reversed, and the box must be reversed, and the box must be moved, not knowing where the owner of the box is, Liu Meng had to shout a few times, and found that no one came to claim the box, so she stepped forward, lifted the box, and put it in a position next to her that would not block her from reversing.

As soon as Liu Meng's box was put down, a man who was on the phone not far away hurriedly ran over to this side, and while running, the man shouted: "Don't move my box, don't touch my box, the contents are very precious, you can't afford to pay for it."

Hearing this person's shout, Meng Hailong opened his perspective eye, he wanted to see what treasure was in this box.

As soon as the perspective eyes opened, Meng Hailong's brows furrowed tightly.

Because under the perspective of the eyes, he saw that the box contained not anything valuable, but a pile of broken porcelain pieces.

Seeing these broken porcelain pieces, a thought quickly flashed through Meng Hailong's mind, touching porcelain, this is another porcelain toucher!

Meng Hailong guessed correctly, this person did touch porcelain.

He deliberately put a box of tatters on the back of the BMW, then walked away, stood aside and pretended to be on the phone, and when the owner came, he had to move his box when he wanted to reverse and leave.

Once the owner moves his boxes, then his plan is half the battle.

trotted in front of Liu Meng, the man reached out to grab Liu Meng's hand, but he didn't succeed, because, just when he stretched out his hand, Meng Hailong had already taken the lead and pulled Liu Meng behind him.

Although he saw through that the other party was a porcelain toucher, Meng Hailong did not expose him immediately, because he also wanted Liu Meng to see how this person's tricks were played.

Only by letting her see all this clearly, she will not suffer if she encounters similar things in the future.

The man wanted to catch Liu Meng, but when he found that he didn't succeed, he glared at Meng Hailong angrily, and said angrily, "Who told you to move my box?" Do you know that the contents of my box are so precious that you can't afford to break them? "

Sir, your box is in the back of our car, blocking me from reversing, I'm just moving it away." Liu Meng didn't know that this person was touching porcelain, so he explained in a good voice, "Don't worry, my movements are very light, and I won't break your things."

"Whether the thing has been broken by you, it's not just what you say, don't go, I have to open the box to inspect the goods, if the thing is broken, you have to double the compensation." The man said as he unzipped the box.

After the zipper of the box was unzipped, Liu Meng was surprised to find that the box contained a pile of broken porcelain pieces, which looked like antiques or something.

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