"Judge, it seems that you know a lot of things!" Meng Hailong thought for a while and then spoke again, "Tell me, what kind of information do

you have?" "Actually, it's nothing!" The judge continued on the other end of the phone, "Village Chief, I don't know much about it, I know that you have a golden key in your hand, and then, this golden key is somehow involved with an ancient martial arts sect, and now, the people of this sect already know that the golden key is in your hands, and they will come to you soon." "

If you are willing to give them this golden key, I am sure that they will not embarrass you!" the judge continued, "but, from what I know about you, I am even more convinced that you will never hand over the golden key so easily, village chief.

"It seems that you still know me quite well!" Meng Hailong smiled and said, "Anyway, thank you for being able to call me at this time to remind me, at least, you already regard me as a friend." "

That's... Village Chief, in fact, I don't regard you as a friend, I just don't want to lose an opponent, well, I'm not afraid to tell you, I've been practicing diligently lately, and one day, I'm going to defeat you. The judge swore on the other end of the phone, but Meng Hailong didn't take his words seriously.

When he hung up the phone and put away his mobile phone, Meng Hailong happened to walk to the door of Xiaolong Group, and at this time, Xiaolong Group also happened to be off work.

went up to pick up Liu Jinrui, and Meng Hailong walked with her to the food city.

Dinner still has to be solved in the food city, because the children from the baby-friendly island are also here, and Meng Hailong can't leave them alone.

After everyone finished eating, Meng Hailong and Zhang Ni sent the children to the hotel to rest.

After arranging the children's affairs, Meng Hailong turned his head to look at Liu Jinrui beside him, and said to her, "My dear, I'll take you to a place." "

What place?" asked Liu Jinrui with a curious expression.

"Don't ask, you'll know when you get there!" Meng Hailong smiled mysteriously, and then he took Liu Jinrui towards the river.

Seeing Meng Hailong walking towards the river with her, Liu Jinrui smiled and said, "Brother Hailong, aren't you just going to the river for a walk? It's so mysterious

, I'm going to take me there!" "My dear, in fact, I don't want to take you to the river, but there!" Meng Hailong pointed his hand at the entrance of the glass tunnel.

Although it has been some days since the glass tunnel was completed, because it is not ready, the tunnel has always been in a closed state, and no one else can enter it except Meng Hailong and Su Feifei.

Liu Jinrui is the same, although she is also full of expectations for the glass tunnel, but she has not yet entered it.

And before, Meng Hailong had not brought her over, because he had not arranged important things yet.

It wasn't until last night that he took out some of the fish in the Spirit Lake and put them in the river, adding a bit of beauty to the glass tunnel.

Tomorrow, the glass tunnel will be officially opened, and before that, Meng Hailong feels that he should share this beautiful thing with his future wife first.

It was precisely because of this that he brought Liu Jinrui here.

The two walked to the entrance of the glass tunnel, Meng Hailong reached out and took out two cards from his pocket, handed one to Liu Jinrui, and then he took the lead in swiping the card into the glass tunnel.

Following Meng Hailong's example, Liu Jinrui quickly swiped his card and walked into the glass tunnel.

After walking in, Liu Jinrui was stunned by the scene in front of him. Through a piece of glass, she could clearly see that there were many lanternfish swimming around outside the glass tunnel.

The tail of the lanternfish is like a light bulb that glows brightly from time to time. In the dark night, these bright lights emitted by the lanternfish are like stars in the sky, and they can almost illuminate the glass tunnel.

In addition to lanternfish, there are many species of fish around the glass tunnel.

Among them, there is no shortage of fish that Liu Jinrui knows, of course, there are many more fish that she has never seen or eaten.

"It's so beautiful, it's so spectacular!" Looking at the scene in front of him, Liu Jinrui couldn't help but say, "Brother Hailong, how did you do it?" "

My dear, you should think that the glass tunnel attracted these fish!" Meng Hailong didn't want to explain too much, because some things were not easy to explain.

As soon as he said this, Liu Jinrui did not continue to ask, because she had a deep understanding of Meng Hailong and knew what he wanted to say, and he would say it without her asking more.

But since he didn't say it, if he wants to continue to ask, it will be embarrassing for him.

accompanied Liu Jinrui through the glass tunnel, but they did not board Qianguo Island, but hugged each other in the glass tunnel.

In this particular environment, they quickly fused together, and by the way, they tested the solidity of the glass tunnel in their own way.

The process lasted more than two hours, and it was not until half past ten in the evening that they received a call from Rowling, and they reluctantly left.

Rowling's call was naturally to report the good news to Meng Hailong.

At nine o'clock, the movie Beauty and the Beast was released on time all over the country, and the box office reached 100 million at once, which was a great joy for Rowling.

Since opening Miller Media, Rowling never imagined that one day, she would be able to make an earth-shattering film.

But now, she's done it, she's really done it.

Rowling also knows very well in her heart that she can make such a good movie, which is inseparable from Meng Hailong's support for her, if it weren't for Meng Hailong, Rowling believes that she is still struggling and trying to attract business.

"Sister Lin, this movie can be popular, this is something we expected a long time ago, you don't have to be so excited!" After listening to Rowling's words, Meng Hailong said, "I can hear your heartbeat over the phone, Sister Lin, pay attention, don't induce heart disease because of excitement." "

you!" Rowling said angrily on the other end of the phone, "It's a good thing in the first place, but if you say it from the village chief, it becomes a bad thing." Well, that's it, I won't tell you, I asked a few friends to celebrate, and the village chief can come over if you have time. "

I'm not coming, I still have to be busy with my daughter-in-law to give birth to a child at night!" Meng Hailong had just finished speaking, and on the other end, Rowling had already hung up the phone.

Putting away the mobile phone, Meng Hailong put his arm around Liu Jinrui's waist, and the two were about to go home, but at this moment, Meng Hailong faintly felt a trace of danger enveloping him.

Feeling this hint of danger, Meng Hailong hurriedly opened the clairvoyant eye, and as soon as the clairvoyant eye opened, he soon found that there was a person hiding behind a big tree not far away.

It was a man in his thirties, and it seemed that he was no different from a normal person, if there was, the muscles on this person's body were stronger than the average person.

Under the perspective eye, all this could not be hidden from Meng Hailong's eyes.

Of course, although he found this man, he didn't expose it, but he was more careful to guard against it, he wanted to see what kind of idea this guy was hiding here.

With a "boom", a flying knife suddenly shot out from behind the big tree, hitting Meng Hailong's heart.

Because he had been on guard for a long time, coupled with the observation of the clairvoyant eye, Meng Hailong had already seen through everything, and when the flying knife shot out from behind the big tree, he only moved slightly under his feet, and successfully dodged the shot of this flying knife.

"Yes, with some skills, no wonder you can get the golden key. The man who was hiding behind the big tree quickly walked out, because he knew that since the sneak attack just now was unsuccessful, then there was no need for him to continue hiding.

The first assassination failed to succeed, Meng Hailong had already woken up, and it would be even more difficult to assassinate him again, since this was the case, naturally there was no need to continue to dodge.

"Who are you?" Looking at the man who came out from behind the big tree, Meng Hailong asked unhurriedly, and at the same time, he also hugged Liu Jinrui tighter, so that if any emergencies happened, he could ensure Liu Jinrui's safety.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that I want the golden key in your hand. The man continued, "The golden key is very important to us, but it is worthless in your hands, and if you give it to me, I can give you some compensation." "

Then let me ask, what kind of compensation do you want to give me?" Meng Hailong asked.

"I can give you a thousand yuan, plus an aphrodisiac pill, this pill is carefully refined by us, it will be of great help to you, do you think this

is good?" "Not good!" Meng Hailong said without thinking about it, "A thousand yuan is too little, I don't need an aphrodisiac pill, it's not that I don't believe in your technology, it's just because I can't use it at all." Well, if you don't believe me, you can call your sister here. "

Boy, don't talk wildly!," the man continued, "I'll only give you one chance, and it's up to you whether you want to cherish this opportunity or not." But I want to remind you that we are bound to get the golden key, and if you are not willing to hand it over, we will rob it, and when the time comes, if something happens, it will be too late to regret it.

"Thank you for the reminder, but I can't find the word regret in my dictionary, you'd better leave now, otherwise, I'll make you regret coming to our Xiaolong Village." Before he finished speaking, Meng Hailong already had an extra flying knife in his hand.

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