Just past nine o'clock in the morning, the number of tourists coming to Xiaolong Village gradually increased, although there were preparations in advance, but there were too many people, and the parking space was still as before, very tight.

In this regard, Meng Hailong did not have any way.

The underground parking lot of Hu Sijia's hotel was already full, and even if he had the ability to go to the sky, he couldn't make room for people to park.

If he could, Meng Hailong would like to move the car to the Lingyu space, anyway, there are many places inside.

However, this is not something to do.

Those who came early were secretly rejoicing, and those who came late were resentful, but they had no choice, even if they were resentful, they couldn't move out of their place to park for you.

Eventually, the people who came from behind had to park their cars on the main road leading to Hai Duong City and walk to Xiaolong Village.

After arriving at Xiaolong Village, people either ran to the food city or rushed into Hu Sijia's hotel, first had a full meal, and then began to play.

The mountain of ten thousand beasts on the mountain, and the one who goes to Qianguo Island goes to Qianguo Island.

Those who chose to go to the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain were very smart, they first bought some tomatoes and cucumbers from the villagers of Xiaolong Village, and when they arrived at the mountain, they could quench their thirst and fill their stomachs, so that they did not have to go down the mountain to eat at noon, and they could save a lot of time playing on the mountain.

As for the tourists who go to Qianguo Island, they have a lot of peace of mind, and they don't have to carry anything at all, because, according to the propaganda advertisement of Xiaolong Village, everyone has long known that as long as they get to Qianguo Island, fruits can be eaten at will.

The premise is, you can't waste it.

In this regard, Xiaolong Village has made a lot of reminders, and on the way to Qianguo Island, there are also continuous broadcasts to publicize, so that after everyone arrives on Qianguo Island, they can't damage the fruit trees on the island at will, let alone cause waste casually, don't think that you can waste it casually without money.

If you do that, you will be punished.

As for what kind of punishment there will be, Xiaolong Village didn't say much about this, after all, the village chief hopes that everyone can follow the rules accurately, and it's best not to mess around.

At the entrance of the glass tunnel, there is also a radio that has been reminding visitors not to stop in the tunnel after entering the glass tunnel.

You can take photos and watch the fish, but you can't stay too long, and once you do, then unfortunately your ticket will be automatically invalidated, and at that point, you will either stay in the glass tunnel to watch the fish, or go back to Xiaolong Village.

If you don't get to Qianguo Island within the stipulated time, I'm sorry, you want to get on Qianguo Island, then you can only buy a new ticket.

It's not that Meng Hailong wants to trick everyone.

He is also out of concern for everyone's safety, if everyone is crowded in the glass tunnel and does not leave, it will cause a lot of pressure on the glass tunnel.

If the pressure is too much, I am afraid that there will be danger.

Although Meng Hailong is still very confident in Sophie, there are some things that it is better to prevent them before they happen, and if there is an accident, it will be too late to remedy it.

Most tourists understand such constraints, but when the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds, some people feel that their rights and interests have been violated.

These people believe that if they buy a ticket, they have the right to choose when they will land on the island, and Xiaolong Village cannot make restrictions on this.

Regarding the complaints of this part of the people, Meng Hailong just said lightly: "The state has national laws, the family has family rules, and our Xiaolong Village also has the rules of our Xiaolong Village, if you think our rules are not legal, you can complain to the relevant departments, or you can choose to go to other places to play." Hearing

Meng Hailong's words, some people were unhappy, clamoring to reason with Meng Hailong, but Meng Hailong didn't say anything about this, and made a phone call directly to the police station.

In the end, these people who were clamoring to reason with Meng Hailong could only go to the police station to reason with the police.

The excesses of this small group of people did not affect the mood of other tourists.

On the contrary, the people followed the rules set by Xiaolong Village more, and everyone passed through the glass tunnel within the specified time and successfully boarded Qianguo Island.

The moment they set foot on Qianguo Island, people's mood suddenly had a sense of enlightenment.

The island is surrounded by greenery, beautiful surroundings, birds singing and flowers, and the occasional monkey or two can be seen swinging on top of the fruit trees.

Looking up, most of the fruit trees on the island are fruitful, and the colors of the fruits are very bright, and they look particularly fresh.

There are also some wash basins installed under the fruit trees for people to wash fruits.

The radio rang out at the right time, and the broadcast was still a warm reminder, telling everyone that after stepping on Qianguo Island, you can eat as many fruits on the island as you want, as long as you can eat them.

Seeing the fresh fruits on the island, some tourists couldn't help it, so they hurriedly reached out and picked some fruits, washed them with clean water and ate them.

People have fresh fruit in their hands, eat as they go, walk and walk, and some people see another fruit they like and throw away the fruit they are holding.

They felt that there was no one to guard the island anyway, and even if it was wasted, it would definitely not be discovered.

Unfortunately, these people soon learned that they were wrong. Because, when they throw away the fruit in their hands, the monkey that was swinging around on the fruit tree will jump down from the tree and stop the tourist who threw the fruit.

After stopping the tourists, the monkeys will point to the fruit thrown on the ground by the tourists and chirp.

The monkey's call soon attracted other monkeys in the vicinity, and a dozen or so monkeys surrounded a tourist, and although they did not attack him, their chirping was already very disturbing.

"Friend, they should be telling you that you can't cause waste!" Seeing that the tourist who threw away the fruit was surrounded by a group of monkeys, a nearby tourist kindly reminded, "You just threw the fruit, hurry up and pick it up, if you anger these monkeys, the consequences will be unimaginable."

After listening to this person's reminder, the tourist who threw away the fruit just now reacted, and he hurriedly walked to the side of the fruit he threw away and picked up the fruit that he threw away.

Despite this, the group of monkeys surrounding him still had no intention of dispersing.

Seeing a group of monkeys dancing and eating, the tourist next to him reminded again: "Friend, looking at their appearance, it seems that they want you to eat the fruit in front of them, so you should do it." The

tourist who threw away the fruit was helpless, and he had nothing to do in the face of such a group of monkeys.

I've seen the news before, there is a place where a monkey bites people, and the person who was bitten is extremely seriously injured.

Worried that he would also be bitten by this group of monkeys, the man hurriedly followed the instructions of the tourist next to him and ate all the fruits he picked up.

Seeing that he had already picked up the discarded fruit and eaten it, the group of monkeys dispersed and returned to the fruit tree, continuing to spy on the other tourists.

"God! God!" The people who saw this scene sighed in their hearts, these days, monkeys are even smarter than people.

This incident that happened here quickly spread on Qianguo Island, one to ten, ten to hundred, one hundred to thousand, and soon to Xiaolong Village.

The tourists who were on the island and the people who were still queuing up in Xiaolong Village to land on the island also applauded after learning about it.

Only now did people know that the village chief did not send people to maintain order on the island, it turned out that his dependence was on these monkeys, who were really gods.

That's right, people regard Meng Hailong as a god. Only a man of God can domesticate monkeys so obediently, they are no longer as simple as being obedient, ropes, they can help the village chief to maintain law and order on the island.

After learning about this, people no longer have the heart of luck.

Although there are no security guards on Qianguo Island, everyone is very well-behaved and does not mess around, and when picking fruits, everyone is cautious, for fear that they will be punished by monkeys if they damage the branches and leaves of the fruit trees.

At the same time, everyone doesn't dare to be too greedy, and when they see the fruits they like to eat, everyone eats as much as they want, and they don't dare to waste them at will.

Of course, there are some more naughty people.

These people did not see what happened before, so they did not believe it very much, and deliberately picked the fruit in front of the monkey and threw it on the ground.

As a result, the men soon regretted it, because, noticing that they had deliberately thrown away the fruit, the monkeys picked up the stones on the ground and began to attack them.

Now people can completely believe the words that have been circulated before, and no one dares to provoke these monkeys on the island again.

The order of Qianguo Island, Meng Hailong doesn't have to worry about it at all. It was close to noon when he appeared on a small stage improvised in Xiaolong Village.

A large number of tourists have climbed the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, and many people have also gone to Qianguo Island, but Xiaolong Village is actually very lively.

Some people came to Xiaolong Village, and although they longed for places like Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain and Qianguo Island, they had no money in their pockets, so they could only take a stroll around Xiaolong Village.

But even so, people are satisfied.

Because, in Xiaolong Village, you can eat the most delicious tomatoes and cucumbers in the world, and you can also see the most peculiar scenery.

This strange scenery is not only the golden roses, but also the white and tender pigs in the pig farm.

On this day, Xiaolong Village was unprecedentedly lively, Meng Hailong took the microphone, stood on the improvised stage, and said loudly when he tore his throat: "Friends, hello everyone, I believe everyone is no stranger to me, right? That's right, I am Meng Hailong, the head of Xiaolong Village." "

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