The taxi driver was very familiar with Nanyun's gambling stone market, and it only took twenty minutes to send Meng Hailong to his destination, and before Meng Hailong got out of the car, the taxi driver did not forget to kindly tell Meng Hailong a few words, so that he must keep a clear head after entering.

For this, Meng Hailong can only express his gratitude again.

After getting out of the car, he walked directly towards the gambling stone market.

Since it is a gambling stone market, there are naturally stones everywhere, and after entering, Meng Hailong couldn't wait to open the perspective eye and kept searching.

It's a pity that after walking three streets in a row, he didn't see a good stone.

Under the perspective eye, Meng Hailong saw that the stones here were basically all real stones, and they had nothing to do with jade and jade.

If you compare these stones with those stones under the spiritual spring, there is a world of difference.

Of course, if the rough with jadeite is so easy to find, there will be no such thing as a knife cutter.

After strolling around for a while, Meng Hailong saw a lot of people surrounded by a pile of stones not far away, it seemed that there should be something good, and Meng Hailong also hurriedly walked over.

When he got closer, he found that what was surrounded by people was actually a pile of stones, but looking at the appearance of these stones, it seemed that they had just come out of the mine, because the surface of the stones was still damp in some places.

Just now, Meng Hailong could see very clearly that the stones that were originally placed here were all very dry, which was very different from the stones now.

The clairlight eye hurriedly opened, and Meng Hailong quickly scanned the pile of stones in front of him, and this time, he was finally a little excited.

In a pile of stones, although most of them are still real stones, there are two stones mixed with this green, although those greens are still very different from the jade and jade under the spiritual spring, but at least, these two stones are not pure stones, they still have some value.

Although it was obvious that the two stones were valuable, Meng Hailong did not immediately offer to buy them.

The first time I participated in this kind of thing, he didn't know a lot of small things, but he only learned some basic information through the Internet.

Gambling stones have the rules of gambling stones, and before the boss explains the rules, he still learns more from others and waits to see what happens.

Probably seeing enough people gathered, a slightly chubby middle-aged man spoke: "Everyone, this batch of stones has just been pulled from the mine, just follow the way of full betting, fancy that stone, everyone just bids."

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, two people immediately asked for two stones each, Meng Hailong was secretly glad that fortunately, these two people did not pick the two stones he liked.

But the volume of the stones selected by these two people was similar to the two stones that Meng Hailong had a fancy for.

One of them bid 50,000 yuan, and the other person offered 55,000 yuan, referring to this price, Meng Hailong also knew how he should bid.

After the two people finished speaking, Meng Hailong hurriedly stood up, pointed to the two stones he was optimistic about and another stone, and said to the middle-aged man: "Ninety thousand, I want these three stones."

Meng Hailong felt that if he only bought those two stones with jade, if someone saw through them, others would doubt his ability.

In order to better disguise himself, he deliberately picked an ordinary stone.

In this way, even if an expert can see something, he will not doubt that he has any special abilities.

"Little brother, you have good eyesight, the material of these stones is good, the price of 90,000 yuan is a bit low, you see that the two of them only buy one stone for 50,000 yuan, and you have to give at least 100,000 yuan for these three stones." The middle-aged man spoke.

"It's only 90,000 yuan, if it doesn't work, there's no way. Meng Hailong didn't budge, he could feel that at the price he offered, the boss would definitely sell it to him.

After a little hesitation, the middle-aged man was about to nod his head in agreement, but at this time, a man next to him suddenly said: "Wait, I want that stone, and I will give 50,000 yuan." The

man was pointing to one of the three stones Meng Hailong had chosen.

And seeing the piece that this man pointed to, Meng Hailong couldn't help but laugh secretly in his heart, this person is really two hundred and five, two of the three stones are with jade, but he just picked an ordinary stone, I don't know if he should be said to be unlucky.

"Little brother, the price offered by that boss is higher than yours!" the middle-aged man continued, "The stone is your first favorite, and logically speaking, I should sell the stone to you first, so if you can pay a higher price than him, the stone will still be yours." "

Forget it, if he wants that stone, he will give it to him, I will want these two stones!" Meng Hailong pretended to hesitate for a moment before he spoke, "One stone is missing, you have to give me less price, just sixty thousand!" "

Okay, sixty-eight, deal." The middle-aged man said with a smile.

The price that Meng Hailong opened just now was 90,000 stones, and now these three stones are sold for 118,000 yuan together, making an extra 28,000 yuan, and this middle-aged man is also content.

"Boss, you're mistaken, I just said 60,000, not 60,000!" Meng Hailong's face was black, and he scolded secretly in his heart, can this boss be a little darker?"

"Little brother, you have to be trustworthy when you come out to mix, you just said clearly, two stones are sixty-eight thousand, everyone hears it, you can't play tricks!" The middle-aged man said seriously, "Don't look at me as an honest person, but I'm not easy to bully."

Meng Hailong was very depressed, just because of a homophone, he had to pay 8,000 yuan, but fortunately, it was only 8,000.

Thinking that those few spent 50,000 yuan to buy an ordinary stone, he was content in his heart.

Before coming to Nanyun, his mother told him that Nanyun's place was chaotic, and Meng Hailong didn't want to cause trouble when he first arrived.

Anyway, the stone was bought.

It's better to find a place as soon as possible, first try whether this stone has any effect on the spiritual spring, as for being slaughtered by this middle-aged man this time, if you have the opportunity to find him again in the future, you will want to come back.

The two stones that Meng Hailong bought were not too big, each one was twenty or thirty catties, and after swiping the card to pay, he didn't plan to stay here, so he hugged one by one and left.

Out of the gambling stone market, Meng Hailong stopped a taxi and went directly to the hotel.

Holding the stone into the room, as soon as the door closed, he directly entered the spirit jade space.

After entering the spirit jade space, Meng Hailong threw the two stones into the pool, and only heard a "poof" sound, and the stones disappeared.

The clairlight eye quickly opened, paying close attention to the changes in the two stones.

After the stones were thrown into the pool, they quickly sank, and under the perspective eye, Meng Hailong soon found that when the two stones touched the bottom of the pool, they magically disappeared.

It's as if you've been eaten by the bottom of a pool.

The stones worth sixty-eight thousand were gone, and Meng Hailong was distressed, but he was depressed to find that the speed at which the pool seeped out of the spiritual spring had not changed.

"Is it because the amount of jadeite is too small?" Meng

Hailong scratched his head and thought, since the two stones he bought were eaten, then it also proved that the rough stones with jadeite were indeed effective.

This possibility is very high, so Meng Hailong decided that since he came to Nanyun, he couldn't come in vain, even if he went bankrupt, he had to try.

Coming out of the Lingyu space, Meng Hailong asked the manager of the hotel to call him and asked him if there were any other places where Nanyun had stones to sell besides the gambling stone market.

The hotel manager is a middle-aged man, and he has been here for some years, so he can be said to be very familiar with Nagumo.

After thinking for a while, he opened his mouth and said to Meng Hailong: "The gambling stone market you went to today has actually declined, and now, gambling stones are popular in the original mining field, and there is a raw mining field more than 20 kilometers away from here, if you are interested, you can go and have a look."

After thanking him, Meng Hailong took a taxi according to the place the manager told him.

As the hotel manager said, in this raw mine, it is much more lively than the gambling stone market.

It is said to be a raw mine, but it is actually a large iron shed.

Large and small, thousands and hundreds of stones almost filled this iron boron, here and there, some of them had just been dug out of the mine, and some of them were scraps left over after countless people had selected them.

The mine is different from the gambling stone market, and you need to register and verify your identity to enter.

It's easy to say that the registration is just to fill in the name and phone number, but Meng Hailong is a little impressed by the verification of identity, and he actually wants to verify his bank card.

If the account balance is less than 100,000, then you are not eligible to enter.

Meng Hailong's account will naturally not be less than 100,000, so he went in smoothly, and when he entered the mine, Meng Hailong hurriedly opened his perspective eye and searched carefully.

This mine is quite different from the gambling stone market, and Meng Hailong just swept it at random, and he had already found a good stone.

However, he did not rush to make a move, but continued to search the mine, hoping to find more useful stones.

"Come on, come and see, baby!" a worker at the mine said, pointing to a rough stone in front of him with a cut corner, and said loudly, "Anyone who likes can come and have a look, this stone will be sold for half a gamble." The

people who were choosing the stones were attracted one after another, and Meng Hailong also walked over.

After approaching, everyone saw that in front of the mine staff was a piece of rough stone weighing hundreds of kilograms, and a small piece of turquoise was exposed in the cut place, which turned out to be a very good quality jadeite.

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