"Grandma, you guessed it!" Meng Hailong didn't hide anything, after all, if he wanted to solve this matter as soon as possible, he still needed the help of Old Lady Miao.

Since he needed the help of Mrs. Miao, it was naturally impossible for Meng Hailong to hide something.

Only by telling her the actual situation can she help him find a way, which is what Meng Hailong thinks in his heart.

After listening to Meng Hailong's story, Mrs. Miao on the other end of the phone smiled and said, "Hailong, I have encountered something big when you are here, it turns out that it is this little thing!"

"Grandma, your future granddaughter-in-law is in danger now, how can you still laugh?" Meng Hailong frowned and said, "Grandma, you should tell me quickly, how can I unravel Rarity's witchcraft?"

"Sea Dragon, although witchcraft is different from Gu magic, there are still some places where they are similar. Old Lady Miao continued, "You don't have to worry too much, as long as you kill the witchcraftman, the witchcraft on my future granddaughter-in-law will be automatically unraveled." "

Is it so simple?" Meng Hailong said with some disbelief, "Grandma, if you think about it carefully, this matter is not a joke.

"Although my grandmother is lying on the hospital bed now, my grandmother's brain is still normal. Old Lady Miao continued, "Sea Dragon, if you don't believe me, you can put some Gu on that witchcrafter, and after he tells you how to unravel the witchcraft, you will believe what I say."

"Alright, Grandma, I'll go and get busy first, and I'll call you later." After Meng Hailong finished saying this, he hung up the phone.

Putting away his phone, he took out a box from the Lingyu space.

Taking out this box, needless to say, he can also know that he is going to play tricks on that old man, Meng Hailong decided to believe his grandmother once, because, apart from believing in his grandmother's words, he can't think of a better way.

The white worm burrowed into the old man's nose, and Meng Hailong did not immediately take out the potion to wake him up, but took another worm out of the spirit jade space.

This old man is an ancient martial arts master, both in terms of physique and his mental power, he is much stronger than ordinary people.

When Meng Hailong was dealing with him just now, this old guy was obviously injured, but he still held on for a long time, which was enough to attract Meng Hailong's attention.

Two small white worms burrowed into the old man's nostrils, and after waiting for about five minutes, Meng Hailong took out a bottle of potion.

The bottle opened, and Meng Hailong poured the potion inside the bottle into the old man's mouth.

Within ten seconds, the old man woke up, and at this time, Meng Hailong already had two more pistols in his hand, and the muzzles of the two pistols were aimed at the old man's two legs, once he found that there was something wrong with him, Meng Hailong would shoot.

Fortunately, after the old man woke up, there was nothing unusual about his performance, just like Meng Hailong had done to others in the past, the old man's eyes gradually became dull, and the expression on his face became more dull.

Seeing this scene with his own eyes, Meng Hailong breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, he also secretly thought in his heart, what kind of bullshit Longmen, the strength is nothing more than that.

If it weren't for the threat, worried about Liu Jinrui's comfort, to kill this old man, Meng Hailong could do it effortlessly.

Seeing that it was about the same, Meng Hailong began to ask, first asking the old man's name and the sect he belonged to, and learned that he was just an elder-level figure in the Dragon Sect.

Of course, whether this old man is an elder or something, Meng Hailong is not interested.

After briefly understanding the identity of this old man, Meng Hailong asked: "You have cast witchcraft on others, how can you get rid

of it?" "There are two ways, one is that I take the initiative to lift it, and the other is that I die. The old man replied truthfully, "Once I die, all witchcraft will be automatically removed." "

Very good!" Meng Hailong was very happy after listening to the old man's words, because he had already confirmed Old Lady Miao's words, as soon as the person who performed the witchcraft died, the witchcraft would be automatically lifted.

After confirming this matter, Meng Hailong naturally did not want this old man to take the initiative to remove the witchcraft on Liu Jinrui, because he did not plan to let this old man go.

Wait a minute, as long as he kills this old man, the witchcraft on Liu Jinrui's body will be automatically unraveled, and Meng Hailong naturally doesn't want to waste time on this old man.

Soon, he asked the old man some words, and from his mouth he understood the situation of Longmen more clearly.

As the saying goes, the first strike is stronger, and the second strike suffers. Since the people from Longmen have already come to the door and done such a despicable thing, then Meng Hailong can't let them go on like this.

This time, Liu Jinrui was cast a witchcraft by the old man in front of him, but fortunately, there was no danger, Meng Hailong would never let something like this happen again, so he planned to destroy the dragon gate and eliminate this hidden danger.

I didn't know the specific strength of those people in Longmen before, and I didn't know where their nest was, but now, asking a lot of things from this old man's mouth, Meng Hailong didn't have to worry about not being able to find a base in Longmen.

After understanding the general matter, Meng Hailong took out a bottle of potion from his body again, of course, this time the bottle of potion he took out was not an antidote to the tranquilizing herb, but a poison, a super powerful poison.

This poison was the poison that Meng Hailong had spent a night researching before, and was going to be specially used against those people in Longmen.

The poison was quite poisonous, and after it was poured into the old man's mouth, in less than two minutes, the old man in Longmen was bleeding from all his orifices, and his whole body was black, and soon, he seemed to be unable to die anymore.

As soon as the old man died, Meng Hailong took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhao Qingqing's phone.

The phone was quickly connected, and Zhao Qingqing's voice came from the other end: "Village chief, where did you go?" Jin Rui She has been talking nonsense, and just now she said that she saw black and white impermanence, you should come back and see her."

"How can this be?" After listening to Zhao Qingqing's words, Meng Hailong's brows furrowed tightly, it stands to reason that the old man who performed the witchcraft is dead, and the witchcraft on Liu Jinrui's body should have been lifted.

"Village Chief, why don't you come back and have a look!" Zhao Qingqing said anxiously, "I don't think Rarity's condition is so good, I'm a little worried now."

"Okay, I'll be right back. Meng Hailong didn't talk nonsense, hung up the phone, put away the phone, and as soon as his mind moved, he entered the Lingyu space.

Through the Lingyu space, in just a blink of an eye, Meng Hailong had already returned to the vicinity of Xiaolong Village.

After finding a place where no one was around, he quietly came out of the spirit jade space and ran quickly towards the top of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain.

With a nervous mood, when Meng Hailong walked into the house, he unexpectedly found that Liu Jinrui's situation was not as bad as Zhao Qingqing said.

Seeing Meng Hailong running in in a hurry, Zhao Qingqing hurriedly explained, "Village Chief, I didn't mean to lie to you, just now, Rarity's situation was really not very good."

Without waiting for Meng Hailong to speak, Zhao Qingqing continued: "Rarity, she has also just gotten better, if you don't believe her, village chief, you can ask her yourself." "

Qingqing, what are you doing here?" Meng Hailong said with a frown, "I don't mean to blame you, on the contrary, I thank you for helping me take care of Rarity."

"Brother Hailong, I just had a very strange dream, I dreamed that black and white impermanence took me away, I followed them, and they were about to walk to the Nai He Bridge, but fortunately, there was a force that suddenly pulled me back, otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to see you again."

When she said this, Liu Jinrui still had a look of fear on her face, and it seemed that she was not less frightened in her dream just now.

Fortunately, Liu Jinrui now looks like everything is normal.

In fact, Meng Hailong was also a little afraid, just now, if he had done it one step later, I was afraid that Liu Jinrui would have been more than lucky.

Thinking that Liu Jinrui almost couldn't wake up, Meng Hailong's heart was very angry, which also strengthened his determination to destroy Longmen.

After opening the perspective eye and checking Liu Jinrui's whole body again, after making sure that she was fine, Meng Hailong said again: "My dear, your body has begun to improve, as long as you rest and rest, there should be no problem."

After saying that, Meng Hailong turned his head to look at Zhao Qingqing again, and said to her, "Qingqing, there is something I need to do right away, Rarity will trouble you, can you stay with her for a while?"

Zhao Qingqing thought for a moment and nodded in agreement, "Don't worry, village chief, I will definitely help you take care of Rarity." Well, when you come back, remember to give me a little reward.

"No problem. Meng Hailong smiled and nodded, and then he left the house and walked down the mountain quickly.

After descending the mountain, Meng Hailong quickly walked to a place where no one was, and as soon as his mind moved, he entered the Lingyu space again, and came to the location where the dragon gate was located through the Lingyu space.

The place where the Dragon Gate is located is on a large hill on the outskirts of Hai Duong Duong.

The altitude of this mountain is very high, although it is not as good as Mount Everest, but Meng Hailong also has to admit that if it weren't for the fact that his physique has been changing since he had the Lingyu space, then he would definitely not be able to climb the mountain in front of him.

Appearing at the foot of this big mountain, he only stayed for a few seconds before Meng Hailong returned to the spirit jade space.

Although these people in Longmen have very average skills, if they don't use any magic weapons, Meng Hailong is not sure that he will completely eliminate them.

It was precisely because of this that Meng Hailong planned to stay in the Spirit Jade Space, and he wanted to use his magic weapons to kill these people in the Dragon Gate.

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