The car was filled with gas, and after queuing up to pay, Meng Hailong drove the minibus he snatched and quietly followed the guy with a gun in his pocket.

That guy was driving a black Mercedes-Benz, the speed was very fast, Meng Hailong wanted to keep up with him, but he had no other way, he couldn't leave this car!

While stepping on the accelerator to death, he took out his mobile phone, Meng Hailong quickly dialed Liu Hai's phone, he planned to hand over the car to them, and then he went to chase the guy.

The phone rang a few times before it was connected, but what made Meng Hailong feel very depressed was that the phone had just been connected, but it was immediately disconnected.

When I dialed it again, there was a prompt sound that could not be connected, and when this situation occurred, either there was no signal, or Liu Hai's mobile phone was out of battery.

The possibility of no signal is a little smaller, because, Meng Hailong easily dialed her phone just now, so Liu Hai's mobile phone should be out of battery.

Thinking that Liu Hai's mobile phone was out of battery, Meng Hailong found Wang Jianfeng's phone again and dialed it out, but unfortunately, the result was the same, Wang Jianfeng's phone also prompted that it had been turned off.

Unable to contact them, Meng Hailong could only change his plan.

continued to drive to chase the Mercedes-Benz, but unfortunately, the speed of the bus and the Mercedes-Benz was not of the same grade at all, and he was about to be thrown off by the Mercedes-Benz car, so Meng Hailong had to stop the car, and then, he entered the Lingyu space.

The minibus couldn't catch up with the Mercedes-Benz, but through the Lingyu space, it was easy for him to catch up with the car.

After entering the Lingyu space, Meng Hailong just moved his thoughts, and he had already appeared behind the Mercedes-Benz car.

Moved out of a recliner and lay down on the recliner, no matter how fast the Mercedes-Benz was, Meng Hailong didn't need to worry, crossed Erlang's legs, and moved his thoughts, he kept following the butt of the Mercedes-Benz car, and occasionally only needed to come out of the Lingyu space and go back again.

Now, Meng Hailong's speed in and out of the spirit jade space is already very fast, even if it is in a crowded place, he will not be discovered when he goes out of the spirit jade space and then comes back immediately.

But whether this process will be captured by surveillance footage, he has not yet tried.

After following the Mercedes-Benz for about twenty minutes, Meng Hailong saw a village appear not far away.

Looking at the direction of the Mercedes-Benz, this person should be going to the village in front. Because, beyond that, there is a high mountain, and there is no road to walk.

Guessing this situation, Meng Hailong left the recliner, and as soon as his mind moved, he came to the village in advance.

Before he came over, Meng Hailong didn't think there was anything in this village, but when he appeared near this village, he was dumbfounded.

When he opened the perspective eye, Meng Hailong clearly saw that this village was not an ordinary village, and every family had some weapons hidden at home.

Moreover, many families are male-only, with few females, and there are no young and old people.

Discovering this situation, Meng Hailong had a general idea in his heart, he felt that the current village was probably the base of the terrorist organization Cobra.

The black Mercedes soon drove into the village, and as soon as the car stopped, the man in the car shouted a few words.

Meng Hailong didn't understand what he said, but, guessing from the look on his face, Meng Hailong felt that he should be thinking that everyone should be announcing something that made him feel extremely angry.

When the man shouted, all the people of the village gathered together, and when they were almost all together, the man continued to speak.

This guy said a lot, but unfortunately Meng Hailong couldn't understand it, and he didn't know what he was talking about.

When he finished speaking, Meng Hailong saw that all the people here became excited, and soon, everyone dispersed, returned to their homes, and armed themselves with guns and bombs.

Although Meng Hailong didn't know what they wanted to do, seeing the situation in front of him, he had probably guessed that these guys were Cobra's reserve army, and the guy who drove the Mercedes-Benz just now should be telling everyone that all their comrades who went out to complete the task were killed.

At this time, they should want to go to Liu Hai to take revenge on them.

Bangs They are not in a good situation now, if they are found by these people, then, they will probably not be able to run away.

But since this matter was encountered by Meng Hailong, he would not let the situation continue to deteriorate.

Glancing at the village, Meng Hailong soon discovered a place where ammunition was stored, and this place was actually under the village.

These people dug a lot of basements in the ground of the place where they lived, and they hid ammunition and all that so on.

After discovering this basement, the corners of Meng Hailong's mouth showed a meaningful evil smile.

As soon as his mind moved, he had already appeared in the basement where the munitions were stacked, standing next to a box of munitions, Meng Hailong picked up a bomb, threw it in his hand, and then, with a hard pull, he pulled out the pin of the bomb.

After pulling out the pin of the bomb, Meng Hailong threw the bomb out.

Seeing with his own eyes that the bomb he pulled out of the pin fell into the ammunition pile, Meng Hailong hurriedly hid in the spirit jade space.

There is a lot of ammunition for the other party here, and when there will be an explosion, the power formed must be not small, although Meng Hailong is hiding in the spirit jade space, he is still a little worried.

Of course, it was not himself who he was not worried about, but his spiritual jade space.

Such a serious explosion, who knows if it will have an impact on the Lingyu space, because of this, after hiding in the Lingyu space, Meng Hailong hurriedly moved his thoughts, before the bomb exploded, he had already hid far away.

"Boom..." A loud bang came, and Meng Hailong could clearly feel the vibration coming from the ground after several kilometers, and the power of the vibration was almost comparable to a big earthquake.

Meng Hailong also didn't expect that when the arms piled up in that village exploded, there would be such serious consequences.

The group of people who were still passionate before and wanted to kill Liu Hai and them have all become cannon fodder at this moment.

A big explosion took the lives of everyone in this entire village, and directly destroyed an entire village, seeing this village disappear from the face of the earth with his own eyes, Meng Hailong didn't even have the slightest sympathy.

It's not because he's too cold-blooded, it's that the people who live in that village aren't good people in the first place.

Now, Meng Hailong felt that the previous villagers of this village must have been killed by the cobra people, and after killing all the people in this village, the cobra took away their village and turned this village into their cobra base.

This must be the way things are!

After clarifying his thoughts, Meng Hailong naturally did not sympathize with those birdmen, and when he saw that they all died in the explosion, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Only when the situation of the explosion stabilized did Meng Hailong return to the vicinity of the explosion site.

When he returned, he opened his clairvoyance and scanned the entire village to make sure that no one was found, and then he left.

When he came, Meng Hailong came through the Lingyu space, and when he went back, he also went back through the Lingyu space.

When he returned to the minibus, his mobile phone rang at this time.

took out his mobile phone and saw that the call was from Liu Hai, Meng Hailong hurriedly connected it, and said, "Officer Liu, where are you there? I have come to this neighborhood." "

Village Chief, did you just arrive?" Liu Hai asked with some curiosity on the other end of the phone.

"Uh, no!" Meng Hailong continued, "I've been here for a while, I just called you, but unfortunately the phone just couldn't get through, and I also called Brother Wang a few times, but his phone was also turned off, Officer Liu, are you all okay?"

"It's okay, the phone can't get through because our mobile phones are out of battery!" Liu Hai explained, "I just found a family and borrowed their charger, so I charged the phone."

"Who would live in such a place where birds don't!" Looking at the surrounding environment, Meng Hailong couldn't help but let out a sigh of emotion.

"Although there is no one living in such a place?" Liu Hai pouted and said on the other end of the phone, "Although the environment in this place is a little worse, it is still inhabited, and besides, there are not just one or two families, there is a

whole village!" "A whole village?" When he heard these words, Meng Hailong's heart beat violently, and he didn't know why, he always felt that something was wrong.

"Yes, this village is not small, it seems that there should be fifty or sixty families living there!" After thinking about it, Liu Hai continued, "By the way, the village chief, we have escaped from danger and the task has been completed, if you haven't come yet, you don't need to come."

"But I'm already here!" Scratching his head, Meng Hailong thought carefully for a while, and then he said very seriously: "Officer Liu, let me ask you two words, have you found anything unusual in this village where you are staying now?"

"It's very good here!" Liu Hai continued, "I see that the villagers here are quite happy, and they don't have anything to do, either they are playing cards or sleeping, and their lives are even better than ours." "

Officer Liu, don't speak, just listen to me. Thinking of a certain possibility, Meng Hailong hurriedly spoke, "You are likely to fall into the trap set for you by the Cobra organization again, that village is very suspicious, maybe it is a base of the Cobra organization." "

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