Although Meng Hailong asked Yike to help him find out the location of that person after he was busy, not long after he hung up the phone, his mobile phone received a positioning message from Yike.

With this location information, it is easy to find the driver of the ride-hailing service.

Meng Hailong turned on the navigation system with his mobile phone and found that the distance between him and the ride-hailing driver was actually not far, only a few kilometers away.

According to the guidance of the navigation, Meng Hailong quickly ran towards his location.

This bastard is too much, Meng Hailong feels that if he doesn't teach him a lesson, he doesn't know how many people will be harmed in the future.

He is rich, so it naturally doesn't matter if he is cheated by others, but if he is so cheated by someone else, he is likely to drink white porridge one day.

According to the location information, Meng Hailong quickly found the online car-hailing car.

It was a small gray car, the car was parked on the side of the road, the window was open, a big foot wearing socks was just hanging on the window of the car, and occasionally a puff of smoke drifted out of the car, indicating that someone was smoking in the car.

Looking at the license plate number of this car, and then looking at the license plate number displayed in the mobile phone, Meng Hailong quickly determined that the car parked on the side of the road was the online car-hailing.

Sure that this car was the online car-hailing car, Meng Hailong didn't bother to talk nonsense with him.

The car owner cheated him for his money, and Meng Hailong wanted to make him lose money in turn, and the easiest way to make him lose money was to smash his car.

Meng Hailong picked up a brick from the side of the road and threw it at the rear windshield of the car.

The bricks smashed on the rear windshield of the car, making a "pop" sound, and the glass was smashed.

The owner, who was smoking a cigarette in the car, was startled by the sudden change, and when he found out that his car had been smashed, he hurriedly opened the door and scared the car.

As soon as he got out of the car, he saw Meng Hailong pick up another brick and throw it at his car.

Seeing the bricks flying over, worried about being hit, the owner hurriedly dodged to dodge, and soon, there was a "pop" sound in his ears, his car, a side window was also smashed, glass slag fell to the ground, and the car

was smashed for no reason, the owner was very angry, he raised his hand and pointed at Meng Hailong, and roared angrily: "What are you doing? The

owner soon found that it was okay for him not to speak, his opening seemed to anger Meng Hailong, and he picked up another brick, but this time, he was not smashing the car, but smashing people.

Seeing a brick smashed towards him, the owner was so frightened that his legs were weak, and he didn't dodge it at the first time, but he sadly found that his head was hit by the brick.

It's still a "snap", but this time the sound is not as loud as when the car window was smashed just now.

After the owner's head was smashed, he only felt a heart-piercing pain in his head, and when he reached out and touched it, he felt a hot feeling in his palm.

Meng Hailong smashed someone with a brick, but he didn't worry about killing anyone at all, because he had already calculated carefully when he threw the brick, and this smash would only make that guy suffer a little.

Knowing that the owner's life would not be in danger, Meng Hailong didn't care about him anymore, picked up two more bricks from the ground, and walked quickly towards the car.

After approaching, Meng Hailong directly threw out the two bricks in his hand, and with two "pop" sounds, the front windshield of the car and a glass window on the other side were not smashed.

After smashing the glass of the car, Meng Hailong was still not relieved, he jumped onto the roof of the car again, and stepped on it a few times, and the roof of the whole car was seriously dented.

The owner of the car who covered his head saw this scene with his own eyes, not only was his head bleeding, but his heart was also dripping blood.

In order to join the online car-hailing industry, he deliberately borrowed more than 100,000 yuan from the bank to buy this car, but in a blink of an eye, a new car was ruined, the key is that the person who destroyed his car is in front of him, but he didn't dare to stop it, this is the sad place.

After stepping on the roof of the car in a few strokes, Meng Hailong jumped down from it, and after thinking about it, he raised his foot and kicked the body of the car again.

With a "bang", the place he kicked immediately sank.

Meng Hailong's current strength is not covered, if he exerts all his strength, maybe this kick can directly kick the car to the heel.

Seeing that a brand-new car was destroyed like this, the owner of the car almost cried, after a distance, after thinking about

it, he still said: "I have nothing to do with you, why do you want to smash my car and beat me?" "What have you done you know better than I do!" After Meng Hailong kicked the car a few more times, he turned around and walked towards the owner of the car, and as he walked, he opened his mouth and said: " I'm the one who called the car just now, now, without me saying, you should already know, why did I smash your car, why did I hit you?"

After listening to Meng Hailong's words, the owner of the car showed a suddenly realized expression, and it took a long time before he spoke: "You... You're so here

?" "I'm surprised, aren't you?" Meng Hailong said coldly, "You took my order, you said you didn't want to go to Xiaolong Village, that's okay, I'll just call a new one, but you not only started the trip, but also made me unable to call a car again, do you say you owe a beating?"

"Brother, you are wrong to blame a good person!" The owner said with a sad face, " I didn't mean to start the trip just now, I'll be honest with you, I'm a novice, and it's only been a few days since I did online car-hailing, just now I shook my hand and accidentally pressed the button to start the trip, I really didn't mean to.

"Are you a three-year-old child?" Meng Hailong said angrily, "If you accidentally press the button to start the trip, you should end the trip as soon as possible, but did you do this?"

Without waiting for the owner to speak, Meng Hailong continued: "You are obviously deliberately swiping orders and deliberately deducting our money, and an immoral person like you should be punished." "

Wronged, brother, I really don't think like that, you misunderstood me!" The owner of the car was very panicked when he saw Meng Hailong walking towards him.

Just now, when Meng Hailong was kicking his car, he saw it with his own eyes, and every foot of Meng Hailong could kick the car deep into a depression, which is enough to prove that this guy's strength is not small.

Now, his head was injured again, and he had no strength at all, and if Meng Hailong wanted to hit him, he would definitely not be able to fight back.

It was precisely because of such worries that the owner of the car did not dare to go to him to settle accounts when he knew that Meng Hailong had smashed his car.

However, he didn't settle accounts with Meng Hailong, but Meng Hailong wanted to settle accounts with him.

I took out a mobile phone in my hand, this mobile phone was just taken from the car, and now, the screen of the mobile phone shows the interface of a trip.

Although there is no activity, the billing function on the phone is still running.

Every minute, the price will go up a bit, from just getting this phone to now, it has only been two minutes, but the billing on the phone has risen by a dollar.

That is to say, after this guy receives the order, he will start the trip directly without receiving the passenger, and then, the time billing will always be automatically billed, even if his car has been parked in place, the money will be automatically credited to his account.

With this mobile phone, Meng Hailong first ended the trip, and then he could check the driver's order record through this mobile phone.

I don't know if I don't check, and Meng Hailong was also taken aback when I checked it.

This guy just said that he had just joined the online car-hailing industry, but in his account, it was shown that he had received more than 2,000 orders in the past.

These orders are enough to prove that what this bastard just said is false.

Thinking of the more than 2,000 orders, I don't know how many people were cheated like him just now, Meng Hailong's heart was very annoyed.

Pointing the mobile phone screen towards the man, Meng Hailong asked sharply: "You said that you are a novice, you can see for yourself, there are more than 2,000 orders, can you be regarded as a novice like this?"

Brother, you don't know, my account is not mine, I bought it from someone else, and there are already more than 2,000 orders in my hands, you have to believe me, I really didn't mean it. "

Fuck you!" Meng Hailong is really angry, this bastard makes mistakes, even if he makes mistakes, he doesn't change his mistakes, and he keeps denying them with a dead face, this kind of person he is most unaccustomed to.

While scolding angrily, Meng Hailong also slammed the mobile phone in his hand on this guy's face, and the mobile phone smashed half of this guy's face red and swollen, but he didn't even dare to complain.

After cleaning up this guy, it feels almost over, Meng Hailong left directly, it's not worth wasting too much time on this kind of person, things have already been done, he thinks it's better to go home and accompany his fiancée as soon as possible.

Although this place is quite far away from the warehouse, Meng Hailong still can't see the shadow of the taxi, he pondered in his heart, if he wants to stop the taxi, he is afraid that he will have to go to the door of Hu Sijia's hotel.

"It's really inconvenient to be able to drive on a day when you can't drive, it feels like a woman coming to the eldest aunt!" muttered to himself, and then, Meng Hailong walked quickly towards Hu Sijia's hotel.

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