Because she was going to the hotel for dinner before, Liu Hai had already changed into a set of civilian clothes and was not wearing a police uniform, and when they walked into this small alley, no one knew that she was a policeman.

As soon as the two of them walked into this small alley, several men followed them.

These people followed behind Meng Hailong and Liu Hai, and when they saw Liu Hai's good figure, they talked about it unscrupulously.

"This girl in front of me is on time, look at her buttocks, how sexy she is, look at it, I want to go up and slap it."

"Brothers, have you noticed that this girl's legs are clamped tightly, and in my experience, she should still be a place."

"Cut, there is still a place for women here, have you drunk too much?"

"That's hard to say, maybe people only went to the sea today!"

"That's it, I think he's right, take a closer look, that girl really doesn't look like she's done it, that leg is really tight!"

"Why don't we snatch this girl over and have fun, brothers, what do you say?"

"I'm for it."

"I'm for it."

"I'm in favor of it too."

"Okay, everyone wants to do this, then do it, brothers, go and grab the girl."

Several men quickly made a decision, and then, they quickened their pace and chased after Meng Hailong and them.

Meng Hailong and Liu Hai heard their conversation just now, but they came here to see how dirty this red light district was, so they didn't want to make a big deal about it.

But now, people are going to come up and grab people, even if they want to keep a low profile.

Knowing that he couldn't continue to keep a low profile, Meng Hailong turned to look at the few people who were catching up with them, and said, "Are you guys ready to be beaten?"

"I'm grass, this kid has such a big tone, I originally wanted to spend some money to buy that girl from him, but now it seems that there is no need for this." The first man scolded angrily, and then he took the lead in waving his fist and hitting Meng Hailong.

At the same time as he threw this punch, he also said loudly: "Brothers, whoever knocks this girl down first, whoever waits for that girl will go first... Belch!

The man's words hadn't finished yet, but he couldn't go on, because one of Meng Hailong's hands had already grabbed his throat.

Meng Hailong's movements were very fast, to the point of being outrageous.

That man, even Bangs, they didn't see how Meng Hailong made a move, they only saw that Meng Hailong moved, and then, his left hand had already grabbed the man's throat.

After choking the man's throat, Meng Hailong's right hand quickly slapped him in the face, and with a "snap", the slap made the man's face swollen.

The backhand was another slap, and it also made a crisp sound.

When Meng Hailong attacked, he didn't show any mercy, he had a lot of strength, so even if he only slapped this man twice, he had already beaten him to the point that he couldn't see what was going on in front of him.

After slapping the man twice, Meng Hailong lifted the man up and threw him out horizontally, smashing it into the few people who rushed up behind him.

Those few people were too slow to react, and when they saw Meng Hailong throwing people at them, it was too late to dodge.

Knowing that they couldn't dodge, they could only reach out to catch their accomplice, but they soon found that with their ability, they couldn't catch people.

The person who was thrown out by Meng Hailong, he was like a cannonball, directly knocking down the people behind him.

After these men were knocked down, they didn't have time to get up from the ground, and in a flash, they saw someone rushing towards them, and then each of them was kicked in the chest, and the pain was so painful that they almost vomited blood.

Treating these people, Meng Hailong did not show any softness.

Before the guys could get up, he rushed up and gave each of them a kick, and when he stepped on it, none of them could get up.

Everyone felt a tightness in their chests, as if they were going to die, especially when they couldn't scream when they wanted to.

The bangs on the side, seeing this scene with his own eyes, admired Meng Hailong even more in his heart.

In the past, she only knew that Meng Hailong was very powerful, but his real ability had not been shown much, and today, seeing him show his skills, Liu Hai felt that she was finally eye-opening.

thought that after Meng Hailong injured someone, the matter would pass, but what happened next was something that Liu Hai never expected.

After teaching those people a lesson, Meng Hailong squatted down and said to a guy beside him: "Dear, do you have any money on you?" The

guy who was asked thought that Meng Hailong was going to rob him, so he shook his head decisively, and wanted to speak, but he couldn't say it for a long time.

Seeing this person shaking his head, Meng Hailong continued: "Since you don't have any money on you, then, presumably your money is stored in the bank, right?"

After listening to Meng Hailong's words, the guy nodded, because he thought that if the money was stored in the bank, Meng Hailong would not be able to snatch it.

It's a pity that he was wrong!

Seeing that he admitted that the money was stored in the bank, Meng Hailong reached out and took out his mobile phone from him, opened the bank's website with a browser, and said to the guy: "Come on, come on, enter your bank account number and password here, and then, you can go." "

You... You are robbing..."Knowing Meng Hailong's intentions, the guy lying on the ground held back for a long time before he could hold back these words.

"If you want to do it, you will do it, so much nonsense." As he spoke, Meng Hailong slapped his hand, and hit the man's face with a "snap", which immediately swollen half of his face.

After this slap, Meng Hailong simply threw the mobile phone at him, and then reached out and took out a switchblade from his pocket.

After the tip of the switchblade popped out, Meng Hailong put the tip of the knife against the guy's chest, and said to him: "Originally, I didn't want to rob you, but since you think I'm robbing, then I'll just come and rob, hurry up, enter your bank account number and password, otherwise, the knife in my hand will stab you in the heart."

"Well, don't think I'm scaring you, I've always been a resolute person, since I said it, I will definitely do it, if you don't believe it, just try it." As soon as he finished speaking, Meng Hailong used a little force in his hand, and the tip of the switchblade had pierced the man's clothes in an instant.

The cold tip of the knife touched the skin of the man's chest, and his body suddenly froze, and he almost peed his pants in fright.

Worried that Meng Hailong would really stab him in the heart with that switchblade, this guy hurriedly picked up his mobile phone, entered his bank account number and password tremblingly, and logged in to his online banking.

After he completed the login process of online banking, Meng Hailong snatched the phone from his hand, first checked the balance of this guy's account, and then transferred the money to his own account.

Although this guy doesn't have a lot of money, it's better than nothing.

Besides, the money is on these people, and they will only use it to do bad things, but when it comes to Meng Hailong, the result is different.

The school is already under construction, and Meng Hailong's next goal is to build another hospital near Xiaolong Village.

There are schools and hospitals, and this supporting package is relatively complete.

However, to build a hospital, it is not a simple matter, it requires a lot of money, although Meng Hailong is very rich now, but he does not dare to spend it casually if he has money.

After all, the expansion of the Spirit Lake requires a lot of fish to be purchased, and a large amount of money is needed to operate there, and after the Spirit Lake, what kind of changes will occur in the Spirit Jade Space, and when the time comes, what will be needed to change this change, Meng Hailong is still uncertain.

On the other hand, Xiaolong Group has too many businesses, and it naturally needs a lot of funds for operation, and if the money is not enough, it will affect the overall situation.

Because of this, as long as there is an opportunity, Meng Hailong will make money and make a lot of money, no matter what method is used.

Bangs on the side, seeing Meng Hailong's behavior, her brows furrowed tightly.

At the moment, although she also hates these people, but Meng Hailong uses such a method to deal with them, but it is his fault.

In the eyes of Liu Hai, everything Meng Hailong is doing now is no different from a robber.

In the past, when she saw Meng Hailong doing this, Liu Hai rushed directly to handcuff him, but today she didn't do it, but stood aside and watched silently.

Although Liu Hai felt that Meng Hailong's approach was wrong, she also knew that if she identified herself at this time and let others know that she was a policeman, then not only would she have no steps to go down, but Meng Hailong would also be implicated because of this.

Of course, although Liu Hai did not stand up to stop Meng Hailong's behavior, she had already made a decision in her heart, and after leaving here, she must teach Meng Hailong a good lesson.

This guy had promised her on the way here that he would think twice before doing things in the future, but only a few minutes had passed, and he had forgotten what he had just said, which was a bit excessive.

Meng Hailong didn't know that Liu Hai was thinking about teaching him a lesson, and after transferring all the bank deposits of the person in front of him to his name, he stood up and turned around and walked to another person.

came to this person, and in the same way, Meng Hailong emptied this person's bank account again.

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