Meng Hailong hid in the Lingyu space, and saw that Long Xiaoxiao was gradually returning to normal, and he didn't stay in it for long, so he hurriedly returned to the bathroom, pretending that he had just finished conveniently, opened the door and walked out.

When Meng Hailong came out of the bathroom, the people on the training ground had already returned.

Long Xiaoxiao, the instructor, is gone, they naturally won't continue to run stupidly, and when they saw Meng Hailong coming out of the bathroom, one of the guys said: "Hey, boy, it was very cool just now, Instructor Long was taken advantage of by you, tell me quickly, what was it like when you held Instructor Long?"

"I want to know, if you try it, you'll find out." Meng Hailong said with a smile, "I promise, you will definitely return to the taste after you try it, haha." "

Damn, you kid is cheap and good!" A certain guy looked at Meng Hailong upset, he continued, "You kid is really, Instructor Long said to run a hundred laps, you really ran a hundred laps, yes, I admit that you have a lot of physical strength, stronger than any of us, but the army pays attention to the spirit of unity, do you know what unity means?" It's not like you can be in the limelight, you know? "

Get out of the way, I'm going to rest!" Meng Hailong didn't want to have a conflict with this person, but it didn't mean that he would use him as a punching bag, after saying such a sentence coldly, he pushed away the man in front of him and walked towards his bed.

"Damn, it's quite arrogant!" The man who was talking to Meng Hailong just now saw that Meng Hailong didn't bird him, he immediately became angry, and said something very unhappy in his mouth, and then he pounced on Meng Hailong.

I had already guessed that this person would be unconvinced, and when he opened his perspective eyes, he found that this person was rushing towards him, and Meng Hailong avoided it sideways without hurrying.

After avoiding the man's attack, Meng Hailong made another lightning shot and pushed the man behind the back.

Although that guy's skills are good, but the person he has to deal with now is Meng Hailong, no matter how good his skills are, it is useless, he has no special skills, and it is almost impossible to defeat Meng Hailong.

The man was originally a sneak attack, and at such a close distance, Meng Hailong hadn't taken action yet, he thought that his sneak attack would definitely succeed, but he thought that he was too happy too early.

This pounce, he failed to pounce on Meng Hailong, due to inertia, coupled with being pushed by Meng Hailong in the back, the man couldn't stop his steps, and immediately crashed into the wall in front of him.

If it was just due to inertia, even if he hit the wall, with his body, there would not be any damage.

However, being pushed behind his back by Meng Hailong, the result was very different.

With a "bang", the man slammed into the wall, making a muffled sound, and he couldn't help but let out a scream.

When he turned around, everyone realized that this guy's face had turned into a big pie.

His nose was flattened, and his front teeth were all broken, and everyone who saw it couldn't help but feel a sense of pity.

Although this man suffered a great loss, he didn't dare to have the idea of going to Meng Hailong to earn a breath of relief, because, just now, he could already clearly feel that he was not Meng Hailong's opponent at all.

Knowing that he is not someone's opponent, he still has to play forward desperately, which is a stupid hat.

Seeing that this person was hit badly, Meng Hailong didn't bother with him anymore, walked to the bed that belonged to him, and lay down on the bed, he was going to sleep.

However, just because he wants to sleep doesn't mean that others want to sleep too.

A group of people chatted in the dormitory, and most of the content of their chats was related to Long Xiaoxiao.

When everyone first arrived, they didn't expect that their instructor would be a beautiful woman, so these people made fun of Long Xiaoxiao when they were fine.

These people love to brag if they don't have the ability, and they can talk well, but if they really want to let them go to Long Xiaoxiao, I'm afraid that few people will have such courage.

Meng Hailong listened to these people bragging, his ears were calloused, and he couldn't listen to it anymore, so he turned over and got up from the bed and walked out towards the door of the bedroom.

Staying with these people, Meng Hailong felt that his IQ would become low, so he decided that it would be better for him to take a walk around and breathe.

Soon after he came out of the bedroom, Meng Hailong met Long Xiaoxiao.

Seeing that her current appearance had returned to normal, seeing her, Meng Hailong walked towards her with a smile, and asked with concern, "Instructor Long, are you in good health?" "

Well, it's a lot better." Long Xiaoxiao's tone seems to have changed a lot compared to before, when she talked to Meng Hailong before, she was cold and without the slightest emotion, but now, her tone has become much better.

At the very least, people won't feel very uncomfortable after listening to it.

"Instructor Long, your body is just right, you should rest more, right are you going there?" Idle, Meng Hailong gossiped and asked, he was also secretly thinking in his heart that if he could make Long Xiaoxiao happy, maybe he would be able to learn to fly a plane in a shorter time.

Meng Hailong's time is precious, it is really an inch of time, and he doesn't want to waste too much time on this matter, so he has already made a decision.

Next, he is going to use all his skills to coax Long Xiaoxiao to be happy, as long as she is happy, things will be much easier.

"I didn't plan to go there, just walk around and move, it will be better for the recovery of the body." Long Xiaoxiao replied casually, she didn't stop at her feet, and still walked forward.

Meng Hailong followed her, and as he walked, he asked, "Instructor Long, I have a question I want to ask, when can we officially learn to fly an airplane?" "

Why are you in a hurry?" Long Xiaoxiao said unhurriedly, "Everything has to have a step-by-step process, you have just come, even if I teach you to fly a plane now, you can't learn it."

"Not necessarily." Meng Hailong said with a smile, "Instructor Long, look at it, with my intelligence, it shouldn't be too difficult to learn to fly an airplane."

"Don't be too arrogant!" Long Xiaoxiao glared at Meng Hailong, and continued, "Flying a plane is not driving a car, it is not something that can be learned casually, and the danger of flying a plane is still very great, once there is an accident, not only will it be difficult to save your life, but it will also cause huge losses."

Without waiting for Meng Hailong to speak, Long Xiaoxiao continued: "Because of this, before letting you officially learn to fly an airplane, I will first conduct a series of training for you, and then, you also need to conduct a flight simulation before you can officially fly the aircraft."

After listening to Long Xiaoxiao's words, Meng Hailong scratched his head vigorously and said, "My God, Instructor Long, according to what you said, if you want to learn to fly a plane, wouldn't it be a long process?"

"Of course!" Long Xiaoxiao continued, "I have just said, flying a plane is not a trivial matter, it is a major matter, I am responsible for your lives, and I am also responsible for the country's property, since you are here, I believe there will be no hurry."

"To be honest, I'm actually quite anxious!" Meng Hailong said with a smile, "Instructor Long, can you open a back door for me and make it convenient for me, well, I'll give you some small gifts."

"Are you trying to pay a bribe?" As soon as Long Xiaoxiao's words came out, she saw what Meng Hailong took out of his hand, which was a bottle of rejuvenating scar cream.

Seeing this bottle of rejuvenating scar cream, Long Xiaoxiao was a little moved.

People like them are either training or fighting, and they will have more or less scars on their bodies, Long Xiaoxiao has a lot of scars on his body, although these scars are not easy to be seen, but whenever he takes a bath, takes off his clothes and sees the scars on his body, Long Xiaoxiao will frown.

She had also heard of the rejuvenating scar cream, but every time she bought it online, it was either that the network was not good, the server was busy, and she couldn't place an order, or she ran into a situation where there was no inventory and she couldn't buy it.

Now, seeing the bottle of rejuvenating scar removal cream in Meng Hailong's hand, Long Xiaoxiao's eyes shone with essence.

After a long silence, she spoke, "Are you going to bribe me with this?"

"No, no, no, I don't know your mother well, so I won't bribe your mother, I just want to bribe you." Meng Hailong said with a smile, "Instructor Long, you open a back door for me, so that I can learn to fly an airplane earlier, I will give you this bottle of rejuvenation, and in addition, I will give you a few bottles of delicious red wine."

"I never drink." Long Xiaoxiao was still staring at the bottle of rejuvenation in Meng Hailong's hand, as for the red wine, the temptation to her was almost zero.

She has never been a drinker, so naturally she will not be bought by Meng Hailong's few bottles of red wine.

"Instructor Long, this red wine I want to give you is not an ordinary red wine, this red wine, as long as you drink it once, I dare to guarantee that you will want to drink it every day in the future." Meng Hailong said confidently, "Don't believe it, Brother Zhao is a good example." When

Meng Hailong first met Zhao Tianming, Zhao Tianming only liked and spirits, and he scoffed at the red wine that Meng Hailong took out, but later, after tasting a sip, Zhao Tianming stopped drinking spirits.

For Forget Worries wine, Meng Hailong has great confidence. He firmly believes that as long as Long Xiaoxiao tastes this kind of wine, she will definitely be addicted.

"Who's speaking ill of me behind my back?" As soon as Meng Hailong's words were finished, a familiar voice came from behind him, and there was no need to turn his head to look, hearing this voice, the two of them knew that this was Zhao Tianming coming.

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