If Long Xiaoxiao personally supervised them and they protested collectively, Long Xiaoxiao might not have anything to do with them.

However, when the responsibility of overseeing them was given to Meng Hailong, they were afraid.

Meng Hailong's skills, they all know, because everyone has seen with their own eyes that the second generation of Lu Bu is not this guy's opponent, even if so many of them join forces, they may not be able to beat him.

It is precisely because of this that after Long Xiaoxiao handed over the task of supervising them to Meng Hailong, these people all automatically and consciously ran.

Just when they thought they would be fine as long as they ran, Meng Hailong didn't know where he got a slingshot.

Everyone played this slingshot when they were young, and the elasticity is good, and hitting people is not just as simple as pain, hitting the bird flying in the sky can also directly kill the bird.

Meng Hailong took out a slingshot, and Long Xiaoxiao was also very surprised.

She had been standing beside Meng Hailong, but she didn't see where the slingshot in his hand came from, and when she saw Meng Hailong bending down to pick up a stone the size of a chopstick's head from the ground, ready to use the slingshot to catapult others, Long Xiaoxiao asked curiously: "Village chief, where did you get this thing?"

Meng Hailong said with a smile, "Go up the mountain and have a lot of materials, if you like it, I'll make you a handful another day, if these guys are disobedient, you will use this old catapult to shoot them." Well, like now.

As he spoke, Meng Hailong had already pulled out the slingshot and casually ejected the small stone he had just picked up.

Although Meng Hailong didn't pull the slingshot particularly tightly, he couldn't help but let out a miserable scream after the person who was soaked in the back was hit like this.

Feeling that his buttocks were shot by something, the man grinned in pain, turned his head and saw Meng Hailong really holding a slingshot at him, and he knew that this guy was putting him with a cold arrow behind his back.

Knowing that it was Meng Hailong who put him cold arrows behind his back, although the man was very angry in his heart, he didn't dare to say more than half a word, let alone half a sentence, or even a word.

Knowing that he was shot by Meng Hailong with a slingshot because he was the slowest runner, this man hurriedly sped up his pace and rushed forward, no matter what, he couldn't continue to suffer.

Standing next to the basic training ground, Long Xiaoxiao not only did not complain about Meng Hailong's actions, but on the contrary, she also felt that Meng Hailong's method was quite good.

The guy he shot with a slingshot felt like a cow with a string of firecrackers hanging from its tail, and the moment it was shot in the ass with a slingshot, it was like a firecracker that ignited the tail of a cow, and the cow jumped out in an instant.

"I really didn't expect you, you really have a lot of ideas. Long Xiaoxiao cast an appreciative look at Meng Hailong, and she continued, "A talent like you is just a small village head, which is really a bit condescending."

"Unyielding, unyielding, I think I'm quite suitable to be the village chief." Meng Hailong said very seriously, "If I were given the position of instructor and a village chief to choose, I would still choose to be my village head." "

Is it really good for you to have the ability but are unwilling

to contribute to the country?" "Who said that I am not willing to contribute to the country?" Meng Hailong said very seriously, "I am contributing to the prosperity and development of our country every day, Instructor Long, don't underestimate me."

"Tell me, what have you done to the country?"

"I just fertilized and watered the flowers and plants on the mountain in the morning, and this is my contribution to our earth today. Meng Hailong said jokingly, "Instructor Long, tell me, what have you contributed to

our country?" "I'm ashamed of our country!" Long Xiaoxiao continued, "As a soldier, it stands to reason that we should defend the security of our national territory, but unfortunately, there is one thing that we have not done well." "

Instructor Long, are you talking about Crocodile Island?" Meng Hailong was so smart, as soon as Long Xiaoxiao said it, he had already guessed the reason.

In the peaceful and prosperous world, the words that Long Xiaoxiao said were obvious, and the place she pointed to was naturally Crocodile Island.

The matter of Crocodile Island has also been heard by Meng Hailong before.

This place originally belonged to the territory of Huaxia, but the domineering and rampant Xiong himself wanted to take this island for himself.

Today's China is no longer the China of a few decades ago, and today's China is already rich and strong and self-reliant, and it is not that others want to oppress and infringe, so they can bully and infringe.

However, the country is rich and self-reliant, and when provoked by others, as soldiers, they cannot stand up, because they also have to obey the instructions of their superiors.

This made Long Xiaoxiao and them very powerless to arrive.

Of course, they also disobeyed the orders of their superiors, because everyone knew that the two countries were at war and had a huge impact, especially the side that made the first move, and it was bound to suffer a big loss.

Feeling that he had already pulled the topic away, Long Xiaoxiao's words changed, and he quickly spoke again: "I discussed the matter with Lao Zhao in the morning, we suspect that the base has been targeted by spies, and that small flying object has self-destructed here, and they will definitely get information, so we think that in the next few days, there may be something going to happen in the base." "

Isn't that good?" Meng Hailong said disappreciatively, "It's not good to get used to a peaceful life, and if you have some excitement once in a while, this life will be meaningful."

As soon as Meng Hailong said this, Long Xiaoxiao actually agreed.

That's right, this quiet life will make people gradually become lazy, and occasionally have some stimulation to exercise everyone's reflexes.

The people who were running on the training ground, after fifty laps, their physical strength was almost exhausted, and a few of the fatter guys couldn't even run.

But it doesn't matter, they can't run, Meng Hailong has a way to stimulate their potential.

As soon as the slingshot in his hand flicked, a fat man was hit, and he immediately jumped up, as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, and ran to the front of the team in the blink of an eye.

"You treat them like this, aren't you afraid that you will be hacked by them when you sleep at night?" Long Xiaoxiao, who was standing next to him, suddenly asked.

"I'm afraid, not only scared, but I'm also scared to death!" Meng Hailong said very seriously, "Instructor Long, you don't know, I didn't dare to go back to the dormitory to sleep last night, just because I was afraid that I would be beaten by them when I fell asleep." "

You didn't go back to the dormitory to sleep last night, so where did you sleep?" Long Xiaoxiao asked curiously, in the vicinity of this base, within a radius of dozens of miles, there is not even a house, let alone a place like a hotel.

Meng Hailong didn't sleep in the bedroom, and Long Xiaoxiao really didn't expect him to run there to sleep.

Long Xiaoxiao really couldn't think of it, because Meng Hailong spent last night in the Lingyu space, she didn't know that Meng Hailong had such a top-secret space, how could she know.

Of course, Meng Hailong would not tell Long Xiaoxiao the truth, grinning, he opened his mouth and said: "If I tell you that I slept on the mountain last night, will you believe it?"

Long Xiaoxiao nodded directly without even thinking about it, because she felt that in Meng Hailong, no matter what happened, it was a matter of course.

In particular, everything this guy showed on the mountain made Long Xiaoxiao feel that he was more suitable for living in the jungle.

It was precisely because of this that when Meng Hailong said that he slept on the mountain last night, she nodded directly to express her belief.

"Instructor Long, since you believe me, then, shouldn't you also take pity on me and take me in?" Meng Hailong continued, "I see that you sleep in a room alone, it's quite a waste, otherwise, I'll move to live with you, and if something really happens, I can protect you."

"You can protect yourself first, and as for me, I won't bother you to worry about it." Long Xiaoxiao continued, "If you really don't want to sleep in the dormitory, you can also go to Lao Zhao to discuss and ask him to change the bedroom for you, or, give you a separate bedroom, with your relationship with him, I believe it is still possible."

"If I speak, Brother Zhao will definitely agree, but I have already embarrassed him once, so I can't embarrass him a second time, so I decided that even if I was eaten by a tiger, I would not go to Brother Zhao to talk about this matter."

"Yes, that's what a man is. Long Xiaoxiao gave Meng Hailong a thumbs up again.

The training didn't end until 12 o'clock at noon, and when the training camp was over, everyone should be hungry and want to go to the cafeteria to eat.

However, these people were too tired and their physical strength was seriously overdrawn, and although their stomachs were growling with hunger, they just didn't have the strength to walk to the cafeteria, and all of them lay on the ground of the training ground to rest.

After announcing the disbandment, Long Xiaoxiao turned around and walked towards the cafeteria.

Meng Hailong originally wanted to go with her, but after he only followed two steps, Long Xiaoxiao turned his head and said to him: "Don't follow me, if you follow me, I will turn against you."

"If you turn your face, you just turn your face, not just turn your heels." Meng Hailong said this with a smile, but he still didn't do it.

Long Xiaoxiao is his instructor after all, and he still wants to learn to fly a plane with her, which offends her, but it is not beneficial at all!

couldn't follow Long Xiaoxiao, Meng Hailong had no place to go for the time being, so he simply sat down under a big tree.

But this time he sat in trouble.

I didn't notice just now, there was an ant nest hidden at the root of this big tree, and when Meng Hailong sat down, his butt happened to be sitting on top of the ant nest of other people's ants.

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