"Someone fainted!" As soon as Meng Hailong's words were finished, someone in the crowd shouted loudly, and soon, everyone saw that a soldier fell into the arms of the person beside him.

If this person hadn't reacted quickly enough to catch the fainting soldier in time, I'm afraid he would have fallen directly to the ground.

Seeing that someone fainted, Meng Hailong didn't hesitate, and hurriedly walked over.

At the same time as he walked over, Meng Hailong had already opened the clairvoyant eye, and under the clairvoyant eye, he quickly saw that the fainted soldier had fainted because of excessive blood loss from the wounds on his body.

Walking to the soldier's side, Meng Hailong first pretended to check his pulse, and then he quickly took out a silver needle from his body, tore the soldier's clothes, and used the silver needle to quickly prick around his wound.

When the soldier's clothes were torn open, everyone could clearly see that his wound was bleeding profusely, and blood was constantly flowing out of the wound.

However, after Meng Hailong's needle, the bleeding was quickly stopped.

The people who saw this scene with their own eyes were full of disbelief, this situation was so weird, it was amazing that a needle could actually stop the bleeding.

When Meng Hailong said that he could cure the disease just now, everyone still didn't believe it.

In particular, he also said that don't look for him for minor skin injuries, this is a little uncomfortable in other people's ears, and I feel that Meng Hailong is a little arrogant.

People who used to think so have changed their minds.

Seeing that Meng Hailong could help stop the bleeding of the wound just by pricking the needle, people began to believe that his medical skills were really good.

The silver needle pierced the wound of the fainted soldier for a while, and after stopping the bleeding, Meng Hailong took out a pair of tweezers from his pocket, and put the tweezers into the soldier's wound, and gently clamped it, and actually easily pinched out the bullet in the soldier's wound.

Seeing Meng Hailong clip the bullet out of the wound, Long Xiaoxiao hurriedly took out a bag and stepped forward.

This bullet came from the enemy's side, and it can be studied and it may be possible to analyze from the bullet which country the people who attacked the base tonight are from.

After taking out the bullet, Meng Hailong asked for some gauze or something, and after bandaging the soldier's wound, he reached out and patted the soldier's face gently, and shouted: "Hey, get up, your wound has been taken care of, hurry up." Seeing

Meng Hailong's behavior, everyone felt a little inexplicable, people were in a coma, and they weren't asleep, he shouted like this, can he wake them up?

Just when everyone was skeptical, a miracle happened.

After being shouted by Meng Hailong, the unconscious soldier really woke up, and when he opened his eyes, he said in surprise: "I won't be dead, right?" "

You're not dead, you're still alive." Meng Hailong said to him with a smile, "As the saying goes, if you don't die in a great disaster, you will be blessed, and you will be blessed in the future."

"Dude, I'm also injured, the bullet is still in my shoulder, you can help me too!" Seeing that the fainted soldier had become in very good condition after Meng Hailong's treatment, next to him, a soldier who had been shot in the shoulder hurriedly spoke.

Glancing at the man with clairvoyant eyes, and finding that he had indeed been shot and wounded, Meng Hailong beckoned to him and asked him to come over, and then, in the same way, he tore open the man's clothes and pierced his wound with a silver needle.

In fact, in addition to the effect of stopping bleeding, Meng Hailong also used anesthetics on him.

Of course, this anesthetic is not the kind of anesthetic used in the hospital, but the tranquilizing herb planted in the Lingyu space.

Although the anesthetic effect of tranquilizer is particularly powerful, it can still be used as a simple anesthetic when used in small amounts.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to make soothing tea.

The bleeding was stopped, and the effect of anesthesia had taken effect, so Meng Hailong took out the tweezers again, took out the bullet from the wound, and handed the bullet to Long Xiaoxiao.

The bullet came out, and Meng Hailong didn't stitch up the man's wound, just like just now, he just bandaged him with a piece of gauze, and then let him go back to rest.

The soldier had been in a coma when he was being treated, so he didn't know that his wound had not been stitched up, so he didn't ask any questions.

But now the soldier who is being treated is different, from beginning to end, he is awake, before that, he was actually injured, but when he was injured before, it was the doctor in the infirmary who treated him.

He clearly remembers that at that time, after the doctor helped him remove the bullet, he also helped him stitch up the wound.

It was really because of this that when he saw that Meng Hailong didn't help him stitch up his wound, he asked curiously: "Brother, don't I need to stitch up this wound?" "

No!" Meng Hailong didn't think about it before he spoke, "You pay attention, just don't let the wound touch the water, hmm, it's best not to move too intensely, go back to sleep, there will be a surprise when you wake up tomorrow."

"What's the surprise? Could it be that when we get up tomorrow, this wound will be healed? The soldier muttered to himself, and then he took his leave.

Meng Hailong said so, but the soldier was still a little uneasy, and he really wanted to go to the infirmary and ask the doctor to stitch up his wound.

However, after thinking about it, there were many injured people tonight, but there was only one doctor in the infirmary, and it was estimated that he would have to wait a long time if he only went to stitch up the wound.

Anyway, it was only one night, and the soldier thought that he would wait until tomorrow to find a doctor in the infirmary, so as not to wait there all night.

After treating the wounds of one soldier, another soldier immediately came over.

Everyone saw that Meng Hailong treated the wound so quickly, and it seemed that when he treated the wound, there was no pain, so as long as the injury was slightly more serious, he didn't want to go to the infirmary.

Of course, some of the relatively minor injuries, such as those who were only scratched by bullets, or some skin injuries, did not dare to come forward to him for treatment.

Seeing that there were more and more people waiting in line for Meng Hailong to deal with his injuries, Long Xiaoxiao took the initiative to take on the task of helping others bandage their wounds.

Next to him, Long Qianchou had been watching quietly, and he was also surprised by everything Meng Hailong had shown.

Although he didn't experience it personally, he could feel that Meng Hailong's medical skills were indeed extraordinary.

Time passed quickly, and Meng Hailong's speed of treating people was also very fast, and after about half an hour, all the wounded in the base, as long as the injuries were slightly more serious, had been dealt with by him.

"Thank you!" Everyone left, but when Long Xiaoxiao and Meng Hailong were left, she said this to Meng Hailong while cleaning up the remaining gauze.

"It's not hard, we're serving the people, well, no, we're serving the soldiers." When the words came out, the two looked at each other and smiled, and then, Meng Hailong spoke again, "Dinner is all consumed, Instructor Long, are you interested in going on a picnic?"

"It's too late, let's forget it!" Although he had some thoughts in his heart, Long Xiaoxiao still opened his mouth to refuse.

As an instructor, Long Xiaoxiao felt that she should establish a good image, at this time, she couldn't just take care of herself, she also had to be responsible for the base.

"Instructor Long, if you don't want to go, then I'll go by myself." After saying that, Meng Hailong looked at it and walked towards the gate of the base.

Although the relationship with those people in the dormitory has improved, Meng Hailong still has no intention of going back to the dormitory to sleep, he is still used to sleeping with women, as for the big men in the dormitory, forget it.

Looking at Meng Hailong's back as he gradually moved away, Long Xiaoxiao wanted to keep up, but the responsibility was on her part, and she couldn't leave her post without permission, and because of this, she finally restrained the impulse in her heart.

It was at this moment that the belief she had always held on to was shaken.

In the barracks, she has to stick to her post at all times, there is not much freedom, and if she wants to be free, she must leave.

Long Xiaoxiao finally remembered the proposal that Meng Hailong had given her before.

In the past, all her time was handed over to the country and the army, and before she met Meng Hailong, she felt that all this was taken for granted, because it was the country that raised her.

Since it was the country that raised her, it is a matter of course to serve the country.

However, after meeting Meng Hailong, her life was completely disrupted, especially after a trip to Xiaolong Village, Long Xiaoxiao found that her life had no color.

Now she is also beginning to yearn for her own life, but unfortunately, this is an unattainable wish.

Walking out of the base, Meng Hailong soon came to the mountain, and in a place where no one was around, he entered the spirit jade space.

The information that should be read has been read and all the information is memorized in his mind, so after coming in, Meng Hailong did not take out those materials to see, but appeared directly next to Linghu.

During this time, because no new fish were added to the lake, the lake did not continue to expand, and it was still so big.

At the other end of the Spirit Lake, it was also covered by a misty white mist, and it was impossible to see what was going on next to it.

Meng Hailong now especially hoped that the Spirit Lake could expand rapidly, because only when it expanded to the limit would new areas appear.

Only when the spiritual jade space continues to expand, will he be able to reach farther in an instant, Meng Hailong's hope is that one day, he can appear anywhere in the world with his thoughts, and this is also his ultimate wish.

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