Lu Zeran has his thoughts, and Meng Hailong also has his thoughts, but everyone hasn't said it.

Before calling Ma Lin, Guo Zeyu was really scared, but after he finished the phone call with Ma Lin, he learned that Meng Hailong was the village chief of Xiaolong Village, so he was not so scared.

Rumor has it that the village chief of Xiaolong Village has a lot of hornets around him, and when the village chief is in danger, these hornets will come out to help him.

In the past, Guo Zeyu was still a little skeptical of this rumor, but now, when he saw Meng Hailong so calm, all his doubts disappeared.

Now, Guo Zeyu is not only not afraid, but on the contrary, he has a little more expectation in his heart. After hearing so many rumors, he finally had the opportunity to see with his own eyes the power of this famous village chief.

There was a loud "bang", and the door of Lu Zeran's office was suddenly slammed open, and more than a dozen men armed with sticks rushed in.

"Lu Shao, Lu Shao, where are you?" After more than a dozen people broke in, the leader swept his eyes, and he didn't see Lu Zeran, so he shouted loudly.

"I'm here, come and save me." Finding that the rescuers had arrived, Lu Zeran didn't know where the strength came from, he was lying on the ground motionless just now, but now he suddenly got up.

Unfortunately, as soon as he got up from the ground, a glass-made ashtray flew towards his head.

The ashtray smashed accurately on Lu Zeran's head, making a "bang" sound, and then, Lu Zeran felt that it was dark in front of him, and as soon as his legs were weak, he fell to the ground.

"Grass, Lu Shao, you dare to fight, you are tired of being crooked, aren't you?" Among the dozen or so people who broke in, the leader scolded, and then he took the lead and rushed towards Meng Hailong.

Seeing this formation, Guo Zeyu hurriedly hid behind Meng Hailong, he was not good at such things as fighting, not to mention that there were many people on the other side, even if he fought alone, he would definitely not be able to.

was about to start fighting, but Guo Zeyu hid behind, and if it was someone else, he would definitely think that he was unrighteous, but Meng Hailong didn't mean to blame him at all.

When the dozen or so people rushed in front of him, Meng Hailong suddenly stood up, grabbed the boss chair he was sitting on with both hands, used it as a weapon, lifted it and shook it vigorously, and smashed the heads of the few people who rushed to the front to the point of bleeding, which was miserable.

The quality of the boss chair that Lu Zeran bought really doesn't have to be said, it was used as a weapon by Meng Hailong and smashed several people, but this chair didn't have anything to do with it.

If it were someone else, it would be difficult to lift this chair, but Meng Hailong was able to lift this chair and use it as a weapon, seeing this scene with his own eyes, Guo Zeyu finally knew why Ma Lin was so optimistic about the village chief, this guy's own strength is very good, if you add his mysterious hornets, it will be even more invincible.

In one shot, Meng Hailong knocked over several people, and with a wave of his hand, the boss's chair smashed towards the remaining people.

The rest of the people all saw their partner smashed to the ground by this boss chair just now, and now they saw Meng Hailong smashing this boss chair at them again, they wanted to dodge, but it was too late.

When they saw the people in front of them being smashed by the boss's chair, the people behind didn't know how they would feel, but now, they finally knew it.

The first-hand experience made them feel that when they were hit by the boss's chair, it was as if a lightning bolt flashed in front of them, and then they found themselves flying.

Then, everyone ended up with the same fate, that is, they were hit by the boss's chair and flew up, until they hit the wall, and they didn't stop.

But in this way, they will completely lose their combat effectiveness.

Solve these people, the boss chair is still intact, which is enough to prove that the manufacturer who made this boss chair is a very powerful manufacturer.

Meng Hailong put down the boss's chair again and was about to sit down and rest for a while, but at this moment, he heard neat footsteps outside.

This kind of footsteps was all too familiar to him. Because, when the wolf warrior troops were learning to fly an airplane, they could hear this neat footsteps every day.

Judging from the sound of footsteps, Meng Hailong already knew that this was the army coming.

Meng Hailong's judgment was very accurate, outside Lu Zeran's office, there was indeed an army, and there were about a hundred people in this army, all of them loaded with guns and ammunition, fully armed.

After they came here, they raised the guns in their hands in unison, and the muzzles of the guns were aimed at Lu Zeran's office.

After the formation was set, the officer who led the team shouted loudly: "Listen to the people inside, you have been surrounded by our army, it is best to raise your hands and surrender immediately, if you resist, you will be killed."

"It's a good killing, I just want to ask, who gave you such a right?" Meng Hailong was still sitting on the boss's chair, even if he was pointed at hundreds of guns, he didn't feel nervous at all.

Of course, there is a reason why he is not nervous.

With the spirit jade space, let alone hundreds of guns, even if it is hundreds of tanks, even if it locks him with missiles, Meng Hailong will not be afraid.

Because he was completely sure that he would enter the Spirit Jade Space before he was killed by these things.

After countless tests, Meng Hailong could already determine that as long as he entered the Spirit Jade Space, even if he was in the center of the explosion, there would be no danger.

The spirit jade space is completely another space.

"We don't need anyone to give us rights, as long as you do something that endangers the people and the country, we have the right to punish or even kill you." The officer who led the team said in a cold voice, "Now, you'd better let Lu Shao out, otherwise, we will shoot."

"The idiot you're looking for is lazy and sleeping, I didn't tie him up, I didn't threaten him, and if he wants to go out on his own, I won't stop him."

"All ready, I'm going to go in now to see what Lu Shao's situation is, if that kid makes any moves, he can shoot him directly." After giving this order, the officer leading the team walked into Lu Zeran's office.

However, when he reached the door of the office, he suddenly stopped, not daring to take another step forward.

This officer did not dare to move forward, and the reason was actually very simple.

At the door of Lu Zeran's office, I don't know when it started, a swarm of wasps had already appeared, and this group of wasps was flying and hovering over the door of the office, as if if he took another step, the hornets would attack him.

If someone was in the way, the officer could have shot and killed the person who was in the way, but in front of him was a swarm of wasps, and these little things were not easy to deal with, and shooting them not only failed to kill them, but might also provoke them.

Angering a group of hornets is no joke, especially since there seem to be more and more hornets in front of him, looking at them, the officer's brows furrowed tightly.

There was no hornet's nest found in the vicinity, and after observing for a long time, he didn't know where the hornets came from, and he was afraid of being attacked, so out of an instinctive reaction, he took two steps back.

Inside the office, Guo Zeyu, who was standing behind Meng Hailong, had a look of surprise on his face after hearing the buzzing sound coming from the door.

He had long heard that the village chief was followed by a group of wasps, and now, he had finally seen it with his own eyes, and finally believed that this was a fact, not a legend.

The officer was retreating, and Meng Hailong was cocking Erlang's legs and whistling in his mouth.

As soon as he whistled, the hornets that were still flying above the office door suddenly flew towards the soldiers.

The black pressure hornet swarm flew in their direction, hundreds of people, although everyone had guns in their hands, but in the face of these hornets that could not be finished with guns, let alone guns, even if there were rocket launchers in hand, they would not be useful.

"Bang bang bang..."

several people shot at the hornet's swarm, and then, the hornet's swarm was completely enraged, and all the hornets formed a huge arrow and flew towards the army at great speed.

"Run," someone shouted, and then, a group of soldiers turned around one after another, and the usual training finally came in handy at this moment.

After all, they are soldiers, and they are trained every day in the army, and the speed of running is not comparable to ordinary people, but no matter how fast they are and how good their physical strength is, they can't compare to the hornets flying in the sky.

It didn't take long for the hornets to catch up.

Seeing that he couldn't run away, someone shouted again: "Lie down, everyone lie down, the hornets will only attack moving things, let's lie still and we won't be attacked." Hearing

this man say this, everyone hurriedly fell on the spot, but as soon as they fell to the ground, their necks, the back of their heads, as long as there was no clothing to cover them, they were all attacked by wasps.

Hundreds of people, including the officer who led the team, could grit their teeth and endure when they began to be stung by wasps, but after being stung more than a dozen times in succession, no matter how good their endurance was, they could no longer endure it.

Someone couldn't bear it anymore, so he got up from the ground and continued to run. Originally, he was lying on the ground, that is, he was hit by the neck and the back of his head, but as soon as he got up like this, there were more parts that could be attacked by wasps.

On the face and hands, it has become the main target of the hornet's attack.

Hundreds of soldiers, if they were on the battlefield, they must be a big force, but here, they were cleaned up by a group of hornets like lost dogs, and they had no dignity at all.

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